
The Greater Evil: (A Forbidden Romance)

(Slightly mature content) A wingless angel and a winged demon, destined to be soulmates become the saviours of the universe. Lilith is the princess and next Queen of Celestial but she was born without wings. Ramon is the ruthless, cold hearted ruler of the Haze (Hell) who dislikes angels. They are fated soulmates who together, will conquer a looming evil: Satan's release from the orb of doom.

Treasure_Love · Fantasie
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16 Chs

7. Reawakening My Ability II

Lilith's POV

Tydus and I walked silently beside each other. I kept my eyes pinned forward while anxiously waiting for him to say something. When he refused to utter a word, I stopped in my tracks.

"Why?" I asked with my hands crossed over my chest.

Why did it have to be me?

He slowly came to a stop, his hands fisted behind like a teacher about to advice their student.

"She wants you to do it. It is your first responsibility to the realm as the next Queen..."

"And I am also in support of it." He added.

His words surprised me, "So she asked your opinion?"

Tydus chuckled and gave me a silly look, "I am her mate." He pointed out.

"Keep walking with me...we are going to the Crown's ring." Then he began moving forward with long strides.

"What? We are starting now?" I asked while picking up my pace so I could meet up with him.

"Yes, we are starting now."

When we got to the Crown's ring, Tydus glided using his wings, to the center of the ring - the motion was so graceful that I could not help but roll my eyes as I followed him behind.

"Show off!" I uttered loudly so he could hear me.

He chuckled, "You will be able to do it soon enough."

I ignored his attempt at motivation, "Why are you suddenly being charming with me?" I asked the question that had been bothering me.

"I am everything but charming, princess...we do not have to form any relationship whatsoever if you are not comfortable with it. I am only here to reawaken your ability which should not take so long to do since you are not learning it afresh." He said.

I chuckled in disbelief at his dismissiveness, "Are you serious? You do realize I am your daughter, do you not?"

"I do."

"And you still do not care..."

"I do."

"Then why do you stay away from me like a plague? Are you not proud of me?"

"I am nothing but proud of you, Lilith."

"I am eighteen now, and I do not know anything about the man who mated my mother. Mother also refuses to tell me anything exclusive about you except that you love me...she says it is what you want."

"It is."



I could see my questions made him uncomfortable, but I did not care. He had to give me an explanation for being absent from my life for eighteen years.

"You owe me that, Tydus..." I said his name like a disappointment and I knew it got to him because the smile wiped off his face.

"I am still held on to the past!" He exclaimed.

"What past?"

"I never asked to be your mother's mate. She chose me much to my own surprise."

I looked at him in confusion, "But you love her...or don't you?"

"I care for her but your mother's obsession with me took me away from the love of my life."

I was intrigued - it was not everyday you got to hear that your high placed, stubborn-headed mother was and is still obsessed with a male.

"Tell me about it...make me understand." I pleaded.

Tydus hesitated before speaking, "Before your mother became queen, I used to work in the palace as the Crown's mage. I was teaching your uncle, the art of conjuring. Your mother would come watch us from time to time after her training at the other part of the ring...and that is where she started being in love with me."

"I liked her too but just as a friend. I obliged her attention and fantasies but then I had to leave the palace to go to my people. My father fell ill and as the first child, I needed to be with him...your mother was sad to see me go and cried her eyes out but I still had to go."

I watched Tydus's frown turn into a sad smile, "I never knew she cared so deeply for me till then. I got home and my mother had brought a girl for me to court. I did not like her at first but as I got know her, I fell in love with her...the mistake I made was not to mark her quickly. She begged me to but I told her we had all the time in the world and we did not need to rush." He gulped sadly.

"Then your mother was coronated as queen and suddenly, I am taken away from my love into the palace as the queen's legal mate...when you were given birth to, I could not bring myself to be involved in your life. I decided to stay away from you for as long as I could but I have watched you grow every step of the way."

I did not know what to say so I just nodded. I did not know if to feel sorry for him or not but what I did know was, he should not have abandoned me regardless of my mother's mistake - me being his blood was all that should have mattered to him.

"I know it is not enough excuse but you have done well without my influence so far." He tried to joke.

"Oh, you think?" The words were bland and lack emotion.

"Lilith..." He began but I was done listening to him.

"Let us train." I ordered.

Tydus looked at me deeply for a while before letting it go, his wings shimmered with mixed emotions. He exhaled and closed his eyes.

"Feeling energy is easy...you just have to listen to your environment."

I followed his movements and tried to listen to my environment just as he said but all I heard was...nothing.

"I do not hear anything..."


"To what?" I asked exasperatedly.

"To the sounds." He insisted.

I closed my eyes again, this time I listened a little bit more patiently. Nothing happened and I was about to give up when I heard a hum.

The hum was low and then with time, it became a wordless song. I gasped as I felt a buildup of energy, then my eyes flew open to see different shades of aura around me.

"It is amazing..." I whispered in amazement. I turned to Tydus who was covered in a warm aura and I could not help but giggle at my success in reawakening my ability.

"You did it!" Tydus exclaimed excitedly. He nodded at me in approval and I nodded back at him.

"Thank you." I said.

He nodded again.

"Now, you will learn how to differentiate energies."

Thank you for reading!

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