
chapter 1

Do you ever wonder what it's like being a supernatural being? or what it's like to have some sort of power or shifting skills unknown to the human species? well for one thing...I don't have to wonder. why you ask? because i am the last descendent of the first great werewolves. and this is how I found out what I was


" come on Eric...it's not that bad!" my friend joshua exclaims as he points to an abandoned building. i furrowed my eyebrows in disbelief." not bad?! dude this is not only trespassing BUT also breaking and entering...so tell me how the fuck that isn't bad?!!" I slightly yell , clearly getting frustrated.

he sighed and snarled at me before stomping off. I swear he is a bitch sometimes. if he doesn't get what he wants he stomps off and pouts, he is low key worse then the females in my family..and god are they assholes, especially THAT time of month. " seriously? why do you two argue all the time? what's the soul purpose of this petty fucking arguing about something a little civil conversation can take care of???" jasmine said rolling her eyes and continuing to play on her phone.

I rolled my eyes in disgust , knowing she does have a point. I mean why not have a civil human conversation to sort things out with instead of being a pussy pink princess all the time? " jas , do you know the word civil doesn't really exist in his mind?" she looked at me confused and tilted her head a little bit ." and by that you mean what?" she said furrowing her brows." what I'm saying is...he is self observed and doesn't care about no one but his self."

With a blink of an eye , a sting pain has found it's way to my face. before I even began to process what the hell just happened I snapped and I black out .


With an aggravated grunt , I sat down on the tail gate of the truck , hurt yet possibly the only one to blame for all this misfortune to happen. I mean if it wasn't for be trying to pressure Eric into doing something so reckless , that stupid argument wouldn't have came up." what I'm saying is...he is self observed and doesn't care about no one but his self." I heard Eric say. unhappy tears flooded my eyes , spilling over onto my cheeks.

I cover my cheeks and wipe away the wetness from my face . I then hurt a loud pop , I hurried and quickly got to him to see what happened , only to see jasmine hovering over him , smacking his face nonstop." jasmine what the actual fuck?!" I say jogging to her pushing her off of him." what the fuck were you thinking jas!!" she scoffed." I was protecting your ass!" she said spitting venomous words as she walked away.


I held the sore part of my face and look at joshua , seeing his outstretched hand just waiting to be held. I grab his hand with my free as he helps me get up without a problem." Thanks bro" I say hugging him. he nods in response and takes my hugs as a final agreement.