
The Great Turnaround

One World, Four Tribes....Supernatural beings, Cultivators, Awakeneds and Mystics. A shift in the equilibrium of the world, a quest for power, an unknown destiny... What happens, when your past is shrouded in deep mysteries, buried under doubt and fear, shattered into a puzzle of a million pieces. The rise of abominations, the realization of power, fate defying actions and decisions, the actualization of dreams, and the fulfilment of destiny. A young boy, unique destiny, great responsibility, promising talents, heroic predecessors, do all this really count, when facing the real enemy... All hopes high, all fingers crossed, all teeth gritted, all weapons drawn, all awaiting The Great Turnaround.

D_Marvel_2943 · Fantasie
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23 Chs

Battle Of Revival Wind



Orange sparks and fire....

Pungent smell of blood....

All red painted my world....

Havoc spreed like an uncaged beast....

How many of our loved ones did we lose?....

Multitudes, reduced to orphans....

This must surely be the end....

Or so we thought....


David!... David!!.... David!!!

"Uh-huh", a groan let out.

"David, are you alright?" Jasmine, a beautiful young female knight asked.

"I don't think so....my head hurts." David, a young finely shaped knight answered.

"Well, since you're awake, I think it's time to end this war." Brad, a sturdy muscular knight wielding an axe interrupted, half smiling.

David struggled to get up.

"Ugh!!", he almost fell, as Brad reached out and grabbed him.

"I look pathetic right now", he said grinning sadly.

Brad let out a chuckle..

"You've always been pathetic", he said with a mischievous grin.

"Oh really??!!", David said, as his eyes white out, various waves of fluctuations could be seen all over his body. The fluctuations got brighter, till it engulfed the surroundings.

Finally, an image of a white phoenix was formed.

"Well, that's more like it." Brad said through a smile.

The phoenix awakens.



Jade! Jade!!

A thin knight wearing a black armour rushed into a room panting.

"Where is Jade?" asked Quinstra.

"I'm here" answered another knight clad in black armour, wielding a berserker sword twice his height.

Beside him, is a beautiful, voluptuous lady in a black battle gown.

"Jade!!" Quinstra said hopelessly,

"they seem to be a problem." he added with a sigh.

"Really?" Jade asked with chuckle

"What's the situatio—

He sniffed..

"Daviiiiidd!!", he screamed, as his pupils turned purple.

He rushed out of the room, instantly transforming to a large darkly coloured purple dragon.


"Brad, are you sure we are going to win?" James a frail looking knight with a pike asked with a worried look.

Simultaneously, the others also casted worried looks at Brad.

Brad looked at James with a serious gaze and said "victory or defeat, this battle is worth fighting for."

"With David gone, I'm in charge and I have faith that victory belongs to us." Brad added.

"Heavy cavaliers to the front, archers provide support, knights.... you're with me." Brad dished out his last orders.

"Long live the throne and with help of the gods we'll survive." With that the latter lifted up his great axe and into battle.

Alongside him was Jasmine with her twin swords, James with pike and shield and Mike with a battle maze.


"Lady Vera, the Pryterrians have charged into battle. What are your orders your grace?" a knight named Kiva with the regular sword and shield asked.

"My orders??!", she asked with a murderous look.

"Kill them all" Vera snarled.


The sound of clashing swords, squishing flesh, horse hooves, battle cries, reverberated the Battlefield.


"Brad!! On your left." Jasmine shouted amidst battle while impaling a knight in the chest.

"Thanks." Brad said as swung his great axe beheading a knight.

"Moreover, where is James?" He added.

"Stop worrying about James, remember he's an awakened." Jasmine said while vanished using vampire speed.

"Damn hybrid." Brad cursed silently.

"Looks like I'm alone.."

Strange fluctuations seeped out of his body unto his axe as he slashed at five knights, leaving a trail of ocean blue.


"What's happening?" Vera asked with a shocked expression.

"Looks like all Pryterrian elites have spirit beasts." Kiva answered expressionlessly.

"Looks like Jade might have problem." He added.



"Sir, Pryterra is currently battling Merk, what are your orders Sir", the personal guard of Ardvock King, asked.

"Reinforce Merk and exterminate the Pryterra", King Adork answered with a dark expression.

"Ready my horse, we'll leave at dawn", He added.

"Yes Sir."


A knight arrived at Merk camp.

"Lady Vera, our reinforcements has arrived."

"Looks like the gods are on our side ", She said with a smile.


"Lady Vera, I'm so pleased to meet you on this special occasion", Adork said.

"Yes, and I am grateful for sending your soldiers to help us."

"Well, you're welcome", Adork replied

"Enough talk...soldiers engage", Adork ordered.


"Brad, Ardvock is reinforcing Merk. What are we going to do?" Jasmine screamed amidst battle.

"It's within my expectation, looks like we just have give it our best" Brad replied with a sad look, while choking a knight with the power of the sea serpent twist.

"Everyone withdraw"


"Air support", Brad shouted.

"HOWL OF DEATH", Mike screamed.


A powerful gust of wind swallowing oxygen, swept across the battlefield, leaving a trail of death.


"Vera, looks like we have to join the battle", Quinstra said.

"They've got a damned mystic master", he added.

"You're right, since our reinforcement is here, it's better we join the battle now."


"Your majesty, they've got a mystic master."

"We're losing soldiers."

"Press on, we can't afford to lose", King Adork replied.

"Yes Sir."

"What are your orders Commander", King Adork asked.

"I think it's time we unleash our full strength Sir.. Dragging this battle won't be beneficial for us." Commander Esak answered.

"Are you saying you want me to enter battle?" The King asked.

"If that will provide us victory, then I think that will be a wise decision Sir."

"Hmm", Ardock seemed to be in deep thought.

"Who's my target?"

"Griffin Bradson, the cultivator."

The King clenched his fist, fire engulfed him as he let out a roar.

A tiger with a very large height as tall as a mountain, the upper and lower canines extending for the mouth, the manes covered with fire and claws sharp enough to divide a mountain in half, out of it's nostrils puff out steam and edge of it's tail is ignited with a strong orange flame.




The Royal Flaming Tiger charge through the Pryterrian offense.


"Commander Bradson, there's a spirit beast breaking our offense Sir." A Pryterrian knight reported.

"Leave it to me." Brad answered.

"All troops follow the orders of lady Jasmine", He ordered.

Icy blue energy seeped from him as his body distorted and transformed into his ultimate spirit form.

A icy feel was added to the battlefield.

His spirit beast, ghost white in colour and of the same height with the Royal Flaming Tiger, the edge of it manes are transformed into sharp icicles, it's has the sharpest claws of all spirit beasts and it's claws are also glassy and transparent, cold chill seeps out of it's nostrils, the canines extends out of it's mouth just like the Royal Flaming Tiger and the edge is shaped into an ice cone.



"Quinstra take out James, Kiva yours is Mike and I'll take care of Jasmine", Vera supplicated.

"On it", Quinstra replied.

"Aye, my Lady", Shouted Kiva.


"I thought Jacob should have arrive", Jasmine asked worriedly.

"Yeah, he should be here any moment."



"David is taking heavy fire", Jasmine said with a worried expression.

"Don't worry he will be alright."

A voice spoke out of the blues.