

The whole place is trembling with all the fighting that is happening in the HA building but even with all that I focus myself on absorbing all the mana ores that is surrounding me. I screamed all the pain that is bursting out of my body, because I am pushing my body and mana core to its limit just to reach tier 7 and defeat Daya. I can feel Kaya's mana surrounding my mana core, keeping it intact and for it not to get destroyed.

Bit by bit all the mana ores were absorbed and I can feel my power increasing but at the same time I can feel that I will pass out because I pushed my mana core and body too much, but I need to keep myself compose and push it more to its limit because I need to fight. I needed to. I want to save my friend, her sol and transfer it to her new body. I just hope soul was not affected of the corruption and I hope this body doesn't get push too much that I die, because everything will be over.

Boss, you have reach tier 7 but I need to warn you, because your mana core is so damaged your use of it will has its limit, every casting that you will do will have its limit and any time now you will body will collapse- Kaya

Yes Kaya I know, that's why I need to this fast and quick before I pass out.

Don't worry boss, I will do my best to help you.-Kaya

Thank you Kaya.

I remove the barrier around me and levitate myself to where the fight is happening. I saw everyone doing their best to suppress Daya and Kalesi but I can see that all of them are also at their limit already and some of the hunters are already injured and cannot fight anymore. The moment Daya saw me, she released a huge wave of multiple holy light to my direction.


After casting Deviation, the attack that Daya casted towards to me were return to her and its power were two times stronger. Because of that attack Daya fall to the ground and the other S-Class hunter take that opportunity to attack her again while the others focus on Kalesi. The pain I am feeling in my mana core intensifies because of the casting I made.


I am okay Kaya, just a little bit more.

I can see that Daya and Kalesi will try to teleport that's why I casted Dimensional Lock to prevent any teleportation movement. I release a huge pain wave to Daya and Kalesi and their screams of pain echoed in the whole room. Everyone is watching the two huge sirens screaming and dying because of the pain wave.

Kaya, can I cast time stop even for a few minutes to end this?-Demetri

Yes, boss but your body and mana core will begin to give up after that, I advise for you to make it quick to not damage your mana core too much and can be repair-Kaya

Okay Kaya.

While everyone is busy, I casted time stop and stops everyone around me, including Daya and Kalesi but I can see that because my mana core is damaged its not that powerful because Daya is trying to break-out from the time stop but before she could ever do that I stealth myself to her direction and stab her on the heart, same to Kalesi.

Before, I canceled the time stop, I use the soul summoning to Daya and Kalesi, I appraise their soul and it looks like that the darkness fragment cannot affect the soul because it is okay. I input Daya's soul in a soul orb so I can transfer it to her new body, while I let Kalesi be part of my new soul army, I never imagined that Kalesi will be the first one. I put Daya's soul in my subspace to keep it safe.

I cancelled the time stop and everyone now is looking at me standing in between Daya and Kalesi's lifeless body. I levitate myself down on the ground. The pain of my mana core and body intensifies that I cannot keep my body up and I fall on my knees. I hold on to my heart because the pain is too much and before I black out, I saw Jack, Joel and the others running towards my direction.

The moment I wake up is the when I learned that I am out for about a week, according to Kaya who was observing me and while I was out Kaya help me to fix my mana core but it was not fully back to its original state because it will take a lot of time for me to be able to fix it, that's why I needed to limit myself in casting spells and magic and depend on my assassin skills for the mean time.

"Demetri you're awake! We thought you will not wake up, you were out for about more than a week now"-Joel

Joel called out for my name the moment he entered the room where I was staying. I help myself to sit up and watch as Joel walks towards me. I also saw that Diana is with me in my room, attached to a new life support machine.

"What happened while I was out? Is everything okay?"-Demetri

"Yes and no, it was okay here because you are here, you save us but for the rest of the HA's in other countries, its not, it looks like that the other HA were also ambush by monsters like we faced but not the same, many died and kidnapped, I will give you reports about it later for now you still need to rest, your mana is still unstable, I'll come back later and expect some visitors"-Joel.

Just like what Joel said, visitors came. The first one to arrive is Chairman David to check how I am and to discuss that the HA's around the world will have another huge meeting because of the ambush and kidnapping that happened in the HA's around the world. The other visitors are Jack and the S-Class Hunters to personally thank me for saving them and also to discuss that I was Mr. Light all along.

When Joel comes back, he ask for all the visitors to give me some time to rest and that we can discuss everything next time. Before Joel leave the room he gave me the report and upon checking it, I saw that the ones who infiltrated the other HA's were also the other Monarchs. It looks like the darkness fragment is making its move fast, we need to catch up with it because if not, everything will fail again.