

Everyone now is so focused, waiting for my next action, to hear the next information I will be speaking. I intentionally did not told them how to operate the orb for the Hunter's Association benefits and to let them handle it so this conference will not take long and just proceed on opening the dungeon.

"Since the guilds are here, I know they can take care of what will happen, as you can see these orbs are keys to manually open dungeons and portals"-Demetri.

After saying those words, I break the orb on the floor and a dungeon appeared right in front of me and shock everybody. I let Vincent's guild to take care of the dungeon because I used his mana and while they were doing it, it serves as a break for everybody, because not that are inside the room are awakened and needed to be evacuated. I am exhausted.

"That's a great show Demetri"-Joel.

"Well, that's because I have a gift for showmanship"-Demetri.

I was about to remove my mask when I feel the leaders of the other guilds and are approaching us with Chairman. Looks like they are here to evaluate or criticize me.

"Why are you all here?"-Joel.

Joel must be in good terms with the guild masters to have this kind of tone and attitude.

"We just want to meet in person the man behind these discoveries and personally introduce ourselves, nice to meet you Mr. Light, Raphael, master of Air-Flame Guild"-Raphael.

"Gabriel, master of Mighty Guild"-Gabriel.

"Ashtrid, master of Artemis Guild"-Ashtrid.

"Fiona, master of Blades Guild"-Fiona.

"Matthew, master of Mandirigma Guild"-Matthew.

"Nice to meet you all"-Demetri.

"Why hide behind the mask Mr. Light, with everything you just showed, you will obtain popularity and every country will go crazy on having you on their side"-Raphael

"Let's just say Mr. Raphael that I am not here for popularity, I am here to help, I hide behind the mask because I want to remain anonymous as much as possible"-Demetri.

I hate being popular, and people ganging up on me. That's why I leave home in the other world to explore the world and be alone.

"I see"-Raphael.

He smiled and walked away with the other guild masters after they say what they want to say to me, to return to their seat because it looks like that Vincent and his members were done taking care of the dungeon. When they are gone, Chairman and the two persons who are always with him, the twins approach me, I guess its okay to take off the mask now.

"How are you doing Demetri?"-Chairman.

"Everything's alright Chairman"-Demetri.

"Thank you for doing this, and sorry for disturbing you, it's just that this kind of discovery needs to be announce all over the world and the one who discover it must be the one who tell"-Chairman

"It's okay Chairman, it's my pleasure to do all this"-Demetri.

"You can take your time resting and come out anytime you want"-Chairman.

"Thank you Chairman"-Demetri.

Chairman walks away but before the twins follow him, they gave me the look that they know something. I really feel those two really knows something.

"Boss, looks like those twins who were the one's receive my blessing"-Kaya

Oh yeah, I remember, I ask you to share your blessing too, now I know why Chairman was like that in the beginning. We met again another interesting fellows.

After a few more minutes we resumed the press meeting, and it is time now to introduce the star of the night and the main course.

"This potion in front of you fits its name considering what it can do, this is the miracle potion"-Demetri.

I signaled Jack and his team to bring in the volunteers I ask for them to find and they bring in three people in total. Two of them are in a wheel chair, looks like they are affected by a curse or poison, and the other one has a prosthetic leg and arm.

"A healer can only do to the extent of healing wounds and prevent the poison and curses to spread throughout the body but the poison and curse is still there and needs to be heal from time to time but with the miracle poison…"-Demetri

I hand the three volunteers each vials containing the miracle potion and ask them to drink it, even with hesitation, they drink the miracle potion and one by one, they glowed bright blue, a sign that the miracle potion take effect.

"it can heal the one who drink it to this extent"-Demetri.

People in the audience are now in uproar in what they are seeing right now. The two hunter's in the wheel chair stand up and the black and veins that serves as a sign that a person was cursed or poison disappear but what's really shocking for them, is the restoration of the limbs of that one hunter who has prosthetics.

This is why I save the miracle potion for last, because it will surely get this people hype. I looked at Joel his expression was priceless. The three persons who were cured by the potion approach me and with teary eyes thank me for curing them.

Joel and his team assist the cured hunters to the back while I went back to my seat. After a few test they announced that three hunters were completely cured, and traces of curse and poison was completely gone from their body. After recovering from the shock of what just happened, they began questioning me about the things I just presented.

"How do you know about these things?"-Reporter 2.

"I can't say how, and will be remain a secret until the right time"-Demetri.

"Why can't you say it now?"-Reporter 2.

"It's not the right time for people to know the truth, I want the people who were the minds behind this to be with me by the time we tell everybody the truth"-Demetri.

"So you are telling us basically that there are people behind this other than you?"-Reporter 3.


"So you are acting as a representative to your group?"-Reporter 4.

"Yes, because for now, I am the only one who is here"-Demetri.

"Can the miracle potion awake someone from the eternal sleep?"-Reporter 5.

"Unfortunately, no, it has already been tried to someone who is under the eternal sleep, but shows no result but let's hope for the future that this miracle potion will reach the point of curing the eternal sleep after researching it more"-Demetri.

More questions were asked until the end of the press meeting. I got home very exhausted because of everything that just happened. I rested myself first for a whole before I went down to the basement to continue working on the space improvement, transforming the walls and the floors into smooth white marble, like the one I have before.

As I lay in my bed, I remembered that I forgot that I was now a both assassin type and mage, I must not just make me strong as a mage but also as an assassin too, because it will be a great help in the future too.