

A war had erupted between all the powerful races that ever existed in the age of magic, vampires, dragons, werewolves and humans.On their quest to conquer each other,many have been affected negatively that a new government was started on planet Mars.This government brought in people from all races that are tired of the war. Krad,had been raised by Druid Sage on a different far away planet,but brought to Mars by Druid.One day Druid disappeared mysteriously and Krad blamed the war of it.Nothing of Druid was left behind, except a magical hurt and round glasses,then a mysterious old looking book.On touching the book,Krad suddenly received a magus system that would help him to grow powerful fast. He sets a journey,a journey to stop the war and to end the ones that caused it.

CHImanga · Fantasie
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48 Chs


One thing was stubbing him in his heart,the fact that Wendy was turned against her will.She was now a vampire,or according to the system,she was now both human and vampire.Holding her hand,it felt colder than usual.

"How do you feel Wendy?"Krad asked worryingly.

"I feel like everything in me is advanced.But there is this feeling,I feel like...am seriously thirsty."Wendy answered. Krad stood up and scooped some water with a glass from a type of rock basin that was at the corner of the room.He handed the cup of water to Wendy.

Sipping it,she suddenly spat all of the water out of her mouth."What's wrong."Hellen asked.Of course,she was also a vampire and she could smell the vampire scent coming off from Wendy.

"I don't like it."Wendy replied back."Ii don't know what has happened to me."She looked like she was about to break up in tears.Krad didn't know how he was supposed to handle this one.That was until Hellen made up her mind.

"Leave this one to me."Hellen said in a calm manner tapping Krad on the shoulder."Wendy,you are now a vampire."

Krad had almost regretted letting Hellen be the one to speak.She was a very direct person and she expressed her words in a mannar that showed that she did not quite care.

"What do you mean?"Caleb was the one asking this.He was quiet the whole time trying to focus on what had happened that day.He clearly remembered Hellen was the one who saved him,by somehow giving him blood.When they got back to Mars,he had been donated with real werewolf blood.

When one was to come to Mars and become a citizen,the person had to state the race they were in order to receive the perfect and special treatment that their type needs.For example,the situation Caleb was in.If it was unknown what he was,it would have been hard to treat him.This is because his body would refuse to cooperate with the totally different blood.But for some reason, Helen's blood from her powers had kept him alive for a while before getting a werewolf blood.

"How do you know?"Wendy also asked,but in a croaky voice.

Hellen decided to explain."You see,the vampire you fought against back at the beast planet,she turned you into what we call vampire pets."

"We?"Wendy was very keen at what Hellen had to say.

"Yes.We, vampires.Am also a vampire.But when compared to you,am an original while you are a pet."Wendy and Caleb were shocked that Helen's a vampire and she never said about it."Original vampires are the ones born as vampires since childhood.But a vampire pet is a person from a different race that is turned by an original vampire and becomes a vampire too.

"There are different types of vampire pets.There are those that would turn to normal vampires,and others may turn to something slightly different from a normal vampire.We have the vampire ghouls,these are vampire pets that loose their nerves meaning they can't feel pain,and also lack any type of emotions.They have an aggressive nature and would eat nothing but raw meat.The good thing about vampire ghouls is that they are a hundred percent loyal to their turner and are pretty strong when it comes to raw strength.

"There is the wendigo.These vampires have an evil nature and prefer to stay in dark places.In fact,they are very disloyal that they could even attack their turner.Their weakness is the sun.These kind of vampire pets are very common to get,so most vampires wouldn't want to create a vampire pet because of this.

"There are the succubus.These are commonly female vampire pets turned by an original male vampire.They have the best control of blood power,but their main task is to multiply the vampire community,making long terms short,they are commonly made for sex.

"Last,there are the half vamps.Like you Wendy,you have both the vampire smell and human smell at the same time.These vampire pets can do what a human or whichever original race it was,and also do what an original vampire can do.They have no connection with their turner like the other vampire pets so they are free to do whatever they want to do.These ones are kinda rare to get.So you are a rare cause.

"Of course,there can be other types of vampire pets out there,but these five are the most common."

This was too much for the three to take in.Krad knew that both Wendy and Hellen are vampires,but had no idea about vampire pets.He had many questions in his mind,that he couldn't hold in for long.

"And how do vampires turn other races to vampire pets?"

"There are actually three known ways."Hellen began.The others listened in carefully not wanting to miss anything."The first and most used method is by blood transfusion.This is connecting the original vampire's blood to that of the subject by direct contact.The second way is by a vampire bite.Though this proves to be easy, it's addictive to the subject.The sensations push the subject to search for another vampire bite.This is why it is not preferred by many.The vampires don't like being nagged around.

"The last one is by donning vampire aura to the subject.This is only possible for the strong vampires.So there's no need for me to explain how it's done since I can't even do it myself even if I were to try."Hellen looked a bit disappointed.

Looking at Wendy,they all noticed that she wasn't that happy at at all.She instead looked angry and regretful.

"What's wrong Wendy?"Caleb asked.

"Nothing..."Wendy paused as she had to wipe a tear from her eye with a finger."I just...Am just..."

"Maybe it's not a must that you tell us right now.You can tell us what's wrong when you feel like you want to."Krad spoke.They talked more until it was time for both Hellen and Krad to leave the two alone in the medic room and head to the dining hall.They walked outside and followed the long hall way till they were outside the middle building.

They were currently walking along an alley way that was between the northern building and the eastern one.Krad suddenly stopped in the middle of his tracks.Hellen was a bit confused why he suddenly stopped,so she also stopped and turned to face Krad.

"You must tell me what you know about that vampire attack."He almost warned.

"Why should I?"She was suddenly held tightly on both shoulders and her back was softly banged on the wall of the northern building.Hellen was stunned by this move, looking at the young man's eyes,the situation looked very romantic to her that she did not mind the intense look Krad was giving her.He had his hands on her shoulders,blocked her path between a wall and his body,and on both sides,he blocked by his hands by holding her,his right leg was foward and between her legs.She did not even try to fend off the movement.She enjoyed it.

Though he was shorter compared to her,she would prefer such a bold human even if she was a vampire,and it was rare for different races to produce offsprings.'And they say that vampires are the romantic ones."She thought to herself.

"Why should I tell you?"She asked again bringing her mind back at the sudden situation."You are a vampire,and at that time I noticed that no vampire student was attacked or hurt."Krad replied.

"Even if I told you,what are you going to do about it?"Hellen asked.This question made Krad to loosen his grip slightly,but then he made it even tighter."Am going to make them pay."He said.

"The vampires are a very hard target to just stop when you are only one person.Let us go and have our meal and I'll give you the answers to your questions."Hellen tried to negotiate out with him.Though inclined to listen,he let go of her and they walked together to the dining hall.They found a perfect spot on one of the long tables where they went to sit.They got served by the magical spoons and plates.

Sitting opposite each other, Hellen gave Krad a stare and then sighed."Am only doing this because I joined you in that journey you talked about.And of course,am also telling you this because you'll need a vampire by your side as a guide when it comes to these kinds of things.And also this means endangering our lives.What no one knows is that Frank Bloodvessel works for the vampire empire who are planning to destroy the whole of Mars then Earth."

"Wait what?!"Krad was shocked

"Yes,Frank the principal.If they want to get to Earth,then they need to destroy all of Earth's connections,that includes Mars."Hellen said as she ate her food.

"I kind of like this boy."She thought as she gave Krad a sly look.


SPECIAL THANKS TO Austin_Prince_8402