

A war had erupted between all the powerful races that ever existed in the age of magic, vampires, dragons, werewolves and humans.On their quest to conquer each other,many have been affected negatively that a new government was started on planet Mars.This government brought in people from all races that are tired of the war. Krad,had been raised by Druid Sage on a different far away planet,but brought to Mars by Druid.One day Druid disappeared mysteriously and Krad blamed the war of it.Nothing of Druid was left behind, except a magical hurt and round glasses,then a mysterious old looking book.On touching the book,Krad suddenly received a magus system that would help him to grow powerful fast. He sets a journey,a journey to stop the war and to end the ones that caused it.

CHImanga · Fantasie
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48 Chs


Wendy anxiously waited to see the staff that was inside.There is a big difference between a staff and a wand.Wands are small and very agile to use,while staffs are long, powerful than wands but proved to be hard to be used when it came to agile movements.

That's why wizards,the strongest mages to be ever known preferred to use their magic as long range ones and they would just stand on one spot far from their target.Wizards preferred staffs more than wands because of their capabilities.

Opening the box,a long stylish staff that had the yellow colour on it could be seen.It was sharp and pointy at the base,and thick at the head.The head then divided into three points that looked like spikes and at the centre of the three spikes,was a inward curved depression.

Krad then decided to use his inspect skill on it for more information.



[MAGIC ATTRIBUTE(S):This staff has the fire attribute in it.Staff magic attributes do not require any use of mana as it is used continuously]

Krad was surprised.There was indeed a big difference between a staff and a wand.The wands that Eugene had made for the students had the wind attribute,but it required mana for it to be used.As the system states,the staff does not require any use of mana and Krad could only guess of one thing.The higher the crystal grade,the better the item.That made him ask himself,what if a wand was made out of a high grade crystal?

He explained everything to Wendy and then handed it to Wendy.She gently held on it then hugged it tightly."Thank you Krad."She exclaimed as she dashed in and hugged Krad too.The atmosphere around her was of joy and warmth.

"Guys,I think we should start cultivating beast crystals tomorrow.We need to get stronger as quick as we can."Hellen said.Krad and Wendy agreed to it as they all continued to have a chat till they were tired and needed to rest.They all went to their respective rooms.

Inside one of the rooms, Hellen was finding it hard to sleep as she could remember the vampire girl's words of warning clearly.'Am going to report you!'The masked person had shouted at Hellen.'I don't care!And I'll no longer work for the vampires!"Hellen had yelled back,then when she remembered the last words that she was given,a shiver ran down her spine.'If that's what you want,then so be it!'The masked female said back that time.

Hellen got off from her bed and walked towards the window and stayed there standing while looking outside.The storm had calmed a bit and she could see some beast roaming around.It was completely dark,but with her being a vampire,her eye sight was better and she could clearly see the outside almost as if it was day time.

Her mind cooled down as she was listening to the impacts between the rain drops and the roof.It served well as a mental healing element for her, concentrating on only one noise and omitting the other noises as if they were not even there.

On the other room,Wendy was asleep holding her staff tightly on her chest.She was at a calm state that she was sleeping like a baby who knew nothing of the world.On the other room Krad was yet to sleep,he was venturing in his system.

[HP 10]



[MANA 30/100]








He thought for long and he had come up with the choice.


After that he had slept.

An early morning,Wendy woke up and walked towards the kitchen area and was surprised to see that there were already cooked vegetables on the kitchen table."It might have been Hellen."She thought to herself as she served herself and went to the sitting room and was slowly eating her food.Some minutes later, Hellen was walking down the starecase in a sleepy mood.

"It couldn't have been her.She looks like she had just woken up."Wendy thought.Then only one person would have been the one that cooked the food,Krad."Looks like you already cooked, that's a good thing because am hungry."Hellen said as she also served herself a plate of food and went where Wendy was and joined her.

"Actually,I also found the food just like you did."Wendy said.Hellen looked at her in a confused manner."Do you mean Krad must have been the one who cooked?"Hellen asked.

"Yes."Wendy replied,and at that moment Krad walked inside the house.He was carrying raw vegetables in a bag."How's the food?"He asked."It's great."Wendy replied as she placed her food on the table and went to help Krad to carry the veggies to the kitchen.

"You are indeed a good cook."Hellen praised him as she continued eating."Aren't you going to eat?"She asked.

"No.I already ate even before you two woke up."Krad replied.But then Wendy came with another plate and gave it to Krad.He wanted to refuse it but Wendy gave him a stare that he began eating remembering the powerful slaps."I thought you said you had already eaten."Hellen giggled.

After their breakfast,they prepared for their crystal hunt.They bagan to venture the thick forest searching for the beasts."Do you really leave here all alone?"Hellen asked."Well yes,Druid used to own this planet.And don't ask me how because I also don't know."Krad replied. Suddenly,as if the god of luck was watching them,a large bird-like beast landed on the ground from a tree just infront of them.

It was large in size almost like a full grown human.Its skin was covered in brown feathers,its beak was composing of sharp fangs.Krad quickly used his inspect skill and knew that he wasn't supposed to worry because the beast was just at the intermediate tier level."Leave this one to me."Wendy said as she pointed her scorpion staff at it.

From the three tips on the staff's head,a continuous flow of flames erupted and were going straight for the beast.The flames completely covered the beast's body as it screamed in pain.Wendy was struggling as sweat run down her face and she was slowly being pushed back by the force.Both Krad and Hellen went to help as they held on her on her back preventing her from being pushed any further.

"Cancel the power!"Krad shouted. Canceling the flames,they were all shocked at what they could see.There wasn't even a feather of the bird that was left,just a crystal that lay on the ground.Krad approached the crystal and picked it up.He suddenly let go of it due to it being extremely hot.There was clearly a large gap of power between an alpha tier and an intermediate tier.

Wendy approached and performed a water skill cooling down the crystal till it was safe to hold on it."This staff is so powerful."Wendy said in excitement."And we didn't get to see what feathers could do."Hellen said from the back.Wendy felt bad because she felt like she was too hasty in her actions."No need to worry,we only need crystals to absorb."Krad replied.

They continued on hunting beasts as they practiced their movements when they are up against a beast.Wendy had decided to only use her magic powers and avoided using the staffs attribute.They did this the whole day taking few breaks and then get another beast.

It was already in the evening and they had decided to fight their today's last beast.They were going up against a furry monkey type beast that was the size of a gorilla.This one was so agile that they were finding it hard to land an attack on it.It kept on jumping from tree to tree.This made Hellen think of an only way of immobilizing the beast."Set the trees on fire!"She shouted at Wendy."What!Are you out of your mind!?"Wendy yelled.Soon,Krad came to understand what Hellen was up to."Just do it!"Krad shouted.

With no other choice, Wendy activated the staff's attribute and set the trees all around on fire.The beast jumped down on the ground to avoid being burnt,and made it open to their attacks because it had broke one of its legs due to the fall.They made their attacks killing it."Use your water powers!"Hellen said and Wendy got to action as she was now using her last mana to put off the fire.Krad's current water skills were based on attack forms,so they wouldn't help.

Luckily,she had only set a total of eleven trees on fire and had not spread so her mana was enough to cool everything down.They picked up the crystal and placed in a bag that was already full of crystals."It's time to level up."Krad said to them as he carried the huge bag on his back and were now leaving the area they were on to their home.