
The Great Journey

The first book of my own original ideas I wanted to create a novel with. The age of "Moonless Nights" was a part of history lost to time itself. Death's Bell tolled for The poor and The rich, for the Legends and those forgotten. The age was indiscriminate in punishment and was forgotten to spare the minds of all races present. Commoners and Aristocrats died all the same, especially after 'he' arrived.

TheHMSBismarck · Fantasie
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A Brief Foreword

This book was written due to my admiration of the tales of knights and dragons, Of the evil and the light, Of my love of tales of yore. I was inspired by two authors: John Flanagan and J.R.R Tolkien.

I dedicate this book to a few people in particular.

To Kasey, whom I give the greatest respect and love of her artwork.

To Bryden, whom I thank for his great comradery and respect.

And finally, To Max, The one who inspired me to keep writing and to pursue this dream.

I would also like to thank my family and everyone else who supports me and helps me through tough times.

-Luke Young