
Ch. 15 Bully

For the remaining days prior to the selection, the two decided to have a close door cultivation on their own separate pocket dimension. Ling Xi breakthrough to a level one alchemist a week before the selection. Now he can produce a high-grade level one medicinal pill.

The reason he is always failing to produce one is because he is not yet a proper alchemist at that time. Even his soul force became bigger, like the size of a gold coin, the color slightly became brighter, still white but not transparent.

Looking at the melted medicinal plants in his cauldron, he sees some whitish substance floating, as an experiment, he decided to use his soul force to get it out on his cauldron and the resulting pill is much better in quality than the one he previously made, the color became more lustre while the fragrance became lighter. The white one must be the impurities that would affect the user.

Ling Xi decided to do it again, this time straining all the white substance he can find, the process is tiring, even his soul force is strains to its limit but the result is good.

"That one smells good." Cleng Li talks beside him, clearly inviting himself inside his dimension.

"You want it?" Ling Xi ask, thinking about it, he did promise that he would give him some medicinal pills so he is honoring it now.

"Not bad." Cheng Li praises Ling Xi before plucking the pill on Ling Xi's finger directly popping it into his mouth.

"It's good." Cheng Li commented before going to the pear tree, plucking some of its fruit, wiping it on his clothes before eating it.

"Don't you have to meditate or something?" Ling Xi inquire.

"No, the pill is of no use for me." his answer making him again speechless in anger. If it is of no use for you, then did you have to take it from me and eat it?

Although he is really angry that Cheng Li eats his medicinal pill even if it is useless for him. It only lasts for a while. Since he manages to refine it, he can surely do it again, Ling Xi console himself.

"The selection is tomorrow." Cheng Li informs him before looking at his dimension.

"Oh, a jade spiritual pool." Cheng Li point out before undressing.

"What are you doing?" Ling Xi asked, clearly scandalised by the person stripping in his line of sight.

"This jade spiritual pool can nourish your body and your dantian. Immersing into one while cultivating or meditating can help you in your breakthrough and it can make your soul force full again if you depletes it." he explained before getting in.

What kind of master does this little one has? Even having a jade spiritual pool. the high grade heavenly level medicinal pill Ling Xi makes me consume should be his work. He must be from a different realm, maybe even a resident of lower heavenly realm.

Cheng Li immerse himself in the pool before cultivating again, he just had a breakthrough so he must consolidate it to avoid having a problem when he levels up again.

The sun is not up yet when the two wake up. This time Cheng Li decided to dress in black before changing the color of his mask to the color of his outfit. He has to wear it that endure the little ones glare.

"Are you ready now?" Ling Xi ask clearly to excited about the prospect of joining a sect, he really need a master.

When they arrived at the town plaza, the place is teeming of life. A line of people can be seen clearly, divided into two parts, one is alchemy division while the other is warrior division.

"Go line up. We would meet up under the tree." Ling Xi says when he realised Ling Xi is still following him pointing at the sycamore tree in the middle of the plaza.

Cheng Li nodded before going to the warrior division. Ling Xi stands at the end of the line when a taunting voice can be heard.

"What are you one? Still having to be taken care of?" before laughing. Ling Xi just ignores it. He doesn't want some trouble and he is not a good Samaritan to stand up to a bully unless they are children or if the bully is going physical.

"Hey! We are talking about you." a person shouts before pushing him at the back. The person who is in front of him just look at the bullies face before looking away. 'looks like I'm a victim' Ling Xi thought to himself before ignoring them. He is not going to stoop on their level.

"Ha! You have the guts to ignore us. You're just a bumpkin." a condensing voice can be heard, clearly a girl.

"Miss bai, should we taught him a lesson for you?" a male voice, looks like a lackey.

"What about breaking his arms of" lackey two suggested.

"No, just make him go away and I'll forget about it." miss bai says clearly bored even yawning.

"You! you heard what miss Bai says, get out of here and she would forgive you." lackey one speaks again. This time Ling Xi decided to face them and look at the domineering person bullying him.

A little girl with a plain features, she must be the miss bai. The lackey one and the lackey two is a twin brother with scrawny appearance.

"What is your problem? I'm even not doing anything and just standing on the line?" this trio is really unbelievable.

"Your face is to ugly, it makes me uncomfortable." this time miss Bai says pointing at his face.

"Then don't look!" Ling Xi answers earning a Snickers and giggles from the people on the line. Their ridicule is pointing at the little girl.

"You.. You.." Miss bai says speechless. 'The feeling where I'm the one making a person speechless is really good.' Ling Xi smiles before turning his back. Still immersing in his sweet victory.

"How dare you, do you know the bai clan?" lackey two speak before pushing him again at the back.

"No" came his serious answer, he doesn't know about them, in fact never heard of them and he doesn't know how to lie 'sort of' so he answers no.

Once again, they became speechless Ling Xi = 2, the trio = 0. He is now proficient in the art of talking to make your enemy speechless.

Without him knowing, Miss bai produce a whip from her spatial bag intending on punishing the insolent bumpkin and ruining his face on the process, she doesn't like seeing a man even prettier than her, a girl, she would tolerate it because she is plain but a man, never.

She release the whip, gloating at the man's misfortune but to her surprise he caught it before descending. Holding the end of the whip, Ling Xi tug it harshly making the girl loosen her hold.

"You punk. What do you think you are ha? Bullying a person because he is better looking than you? Go and complain to your parents for making you like that not abuse someone because you have a background." Ling Xi spats acid, he knew that what he says is bad but this one is really unreasonable.

"Miss bai, make trouble again and you are disqualified." a cold voice of a woman lecture her before going to the stage, not forgetting to get the whip from Ling Xi hand and handing him some medicinal pills for his wound and the poison currently in his body. He popped the pills in his mouth and with the passing of seconds, his complexion became better again, his lips though are still a little bit blue. Miss bai is not just unreasonable but ruthless, putting poison on her weapon.

The end of todays update. Let's call it a night shall we?

Good night.

Empress_Aicreators' thoughts