
A Hero's welcome

*3 days later*

3 days after he decided to go in a total lost person state looking like an idiot who ate berries in the forest without inspection,

also as luck would have it,

he fell inside a hole, A VERY VISIBLE HOLE

he stood up and looked at his surroundings,

the hole he fell into turns out that it leads to a tunnel,

but even if he was blessed with all the magical potential of a geman,

unfortunately he doesn't have their courage,

the first thing he did ?

he climbed out with all his might and finally was able to get out,

"whoa, that was surprising, hmm, I think I'll come back to this tunnel in a few days,

after I gear up that is"

Continuing his started journey he began to gain luck, because not long after he went out the hole,

He finally found a road.

"AHAHA, a road, oh thank goodness"

fortunately, there is someone in the middle of it trying to turn over his flipped carriage,

how was it flipped in the first place ?

I do not know,

Rurtie then being the kind hearted man he always was, immediately rushed over to try and help, but the other guy seems to have the wrong idea.


the guy said as he unsheathed his sword,

"whoa stop I'm just gonna help ya out on you're situation over here,"

"tryin to rob me eh ?, quit yer actin I know you're one of them bandits trying to rob people in this road,"

"no no no don't get the wrong idea, I'm only here to help, alright just helping, look I don't have any weapons, see ?"

Rurtie says as he raises his hands,

"alright then,"

"alright, were good"

"ok on ma count we lift"

"no problem"



"!! 3 !!"

flipping the carriage was a success but they were met with a new kind of problem after that,

the carriage was carrying goods such as foods and barrels of wine,

when the carriage fell over and flipped,

the goods inside was scattered across the road,

rolling the barrels was fun and sorta relaxing, but the real hunt begins after that,

and I mean literally a hunt for the scattered foods,

after searching til the night came, the guy decided to set up camp for the night,

still not trusting Rurtie's unusual behavior, he decided to sleep inside the carriage,

*next day comes*

Rurtie awakens and opens his eyes to a burned out fire camp along the loud snoring of whoever the man, is,

Rurtie sat down, and kept reminiscing about the good old days when he had the best time of his life playing with toys as a child,.

then he heard the man spoke,

"I think we never had any proper introductions"


"well then, names Christian Rogers, an Adventurer, nice to meet ya"

"Rurtie Seneval, nice to meet you"

"yeah, sorry for the misunderstanding yesterday aye mate"

"yeah it's ok,

oh I uh, can I ask which direction is the nearest town ?"

"hmm, the nearest is probably the town of delight but let me tell ya it ain't near, just follow this road"

"thanks I better get going,"

"ya ain't thinkin about walking there are ya ? "

"how else am I supposed to get there"

"ya know what ? hop on"

"are you sure"

"yeah Its thanks for helping me yesterday, besides I'm headed there me-self"


"no, thank you"

it took a few days until Rurtie and Cristian was able to arrive at the town,

but during those few days, Rurtie had the best time of his life,

everyday they would encounter different creatures that only existed in fairy tails at Rurtie's old world,

fighting slimes, and hiding from dragons,

"these days were fun"

"ya call that fun ?, you're a very strange person mate"

"yeah I guess"

"hehe, anyways just a few more days and we'll arrive"

As Rurtie was once again reminiscing his childhood, and the very first anime he has ever watched,

before he knew it, they arrived at the town,

Even tho Rurtie was having the best time of his life venturing with Cristian,

Sadly, their happiness soon faded into sorrow when they arrived at the town,

this Town was once known to be the most happiest place on the world,

but now

the whole town is filled with frowned faces and absolute sorrow.


A mysterious curse has ravished the lands,

a curse that fatally kills whomever catches it,

or so they said,

but on the eyes of someone like Rurtie,

the truth was completely and entirely different

"wha-what is this place Cris ?" Rurtie asks

"oh ya don't know ?, this is the town of delight"

Cris answers.

"not very delightful ain't it"

"hahaha, yer the only person I've met that can still make a joke about this place"

"tell me more about this place what happened here ?"

"a curse of course, what else would it be ?

"a curse you say ?"

"yep, no doubt about it, whatever is happening here is a curse"

"what about this curse, Cris ?"

"what about it ?"

"no I mean what does this curse do ?"

"why don't ya ask the king himself,

after all I AM gonna delivery these goods to him"

"oh yeah,"

safely inside the carriage Rurtie couldn't help it but feel uncomfortable and sad,

but before he even noticed, Cris notified him that they have arrived at the entrance of the king's castle.

"HALT !, state you're business with the *coughs* king"

guard #1 says.

"Cristian Rogers, class F adventurer, here to deliver these goods in request of the king his Majesty,"

cris says as he shows a quest paper to the guard.

" hmm, what about him ?"

Guard asks,

"him ?, he's with me,"

cris says as he points at Rurtie.

"very well *cough* you may come in"

"much obliged"

Entering the castle Rurtie was excited, mainly because of personal reasons,

however, his excitement soon turned into disgust towards this so called king,

because as his people currently lives in constant fear of this goddamn curse, HE is living the life of luxury, not even worrying about his peoples,

then the king spoke,

"YOU THERE !, peasant adventurer ! what took you so long ?! how hard was it to deliver some wine !! I'm getting parched here"

the king yelled...

"I give you my deepest apologies you're highness"


"Yes you're majesty"

Cristian was filled to the brim with rage,


when he turned around his rage was instantly replaced with fear,

because he may not be able to see it, but he can feel it,

A demonic and absolutely furious aura

coming from Rurtie,

but he knew Rurtie doesn't stand a chance against the king's whole army so he decided to just straight up drag Rurtie out of the castle before it escalated to something much much bigger,

"Ru-Rurtie, come on let's uh register for an inn"

Rurtie looked at Cris dead in the eyes and said,

"did you actually thought that I would leave this castle without his head, after what he just showed me ?!! "

"Mate stop that we don't stand a chance against the king's whole army"

"WHAT ARMY, !? because unless you're blind you'd be able to see that state of this town !!! every single person has fallen ill while that royal pain in the ass drowns himself in wine"

"it's not like we have a choice mate, with one word he could make life around here much much harder"


Rurtie was filled with rage to the point that he vented it out by punching the very hard ground, and to everyone's surprise, the ground cracked...


" *sigh* I guess you're right, let's not be harsh,"

"good thank gods ye calmed down, for now lets settle for an inn alright ?"

"yeah sure no problem, but who's gonna pay for me ?, I uh don't have money "

"no worries, I have some here"

"thanks again"

"hahaha I don't mind"

as they were walking towards the inn,


a pigeon carrying a Golden letter rests on Rurtie's head, and just like before, leaves as it drops the golden letter,

"huh whats thi-"

Rurtie stops as he reads the contents, then


"haha finally"

"oh Cristian can I borrow your sword ?"

"huh ? why ?"

"please I really can't explain right now,"

"just swear on yer life yer gonna give this back to me in one peice"

"yes yes I would I swear"


cris said as he gives him his sword

Rurtie then drops the letter as he runs away clearly trying to find something,

then Cristian out of curiosity picked up the letter and started reading,

"dear Rurtie Seneval,

I now give you the answers you have been waiting for,

The location of the cave of illusions is-

chapter 3

A Hero's Welcome: part 2
