

Shadow then had Eligan City on alert and started to advance with his soldier towards where the massive aura was coming from. When they arrived there, they saw a huge portal.

'SYSTEM, is there any method to destroy the portal? '

(None. This is an event for the Origin World to strengthen itself by connecting to another world.)

Shadow nodded and had his subordinates build a fortress here to observe the changes in the portal.

'SYSTEM, can we use the portal to invade the other world'

(Original world residents can invade the other world if they have the power to break the World Barrier.)

Shadow then had the fortress watched over by Banjo.

The good thing about this was that there were different rewards for defeating otherworlders.

Shadow then started teleporting to other cities and planning on building a conqueror gang in each of the territories.

There were seven cities and three capital cities that he had gone to. There were 4 human cities, while the rest were demi-human, and the capital city was split into 3 different races: the dwarf race, the demi-human race, and the human race.

He was now in one of the capital cities, Frevi City, the Human Race City. It was known there were at least six Xiantian lords in the city; what's more, the leader of this city was a Xiantian level 3.

Shadow was idling in the city, and he also started to recruit orphans and slaves for his conqueror gang.

Even though he only spent a week developing his conqueror gang, it now had 100 members. Too bad Eligan City was far away, so he could not just teleport back.

Shadow was also thinking of building a teleportation portal in the basement of his gang hideout to have a way to return back and forth to Eligan City and Frevi City.

He then left Frevi City and returned to Eligan City. He needed someone who knew how to build a teleportation portal in Frevi City. He brought Rose with him when he returned to Frevi City. It only took two weeks to return to Frevi City when riding Thunder.

Shadow then had Thunder make the huge lake near Frevi City its own territory and have it on standby there.

Shadow was just idling in Frevi City, unlike the three-city alliance of Dragon City, Sunshine City, and Rose City. This city was a capital city, and it doesn't have a mercenary system.

While he was walking, somebody bumped him. It was a miserable-looking teenager. His clothes were full of holes and dirt. He seems very pathetic.

Shadow reached out his hand to help the poor chap stand up.

He then proceeded to observe the body of this young beggar to see if nothing seemed wrong.

Shadow then asked the beggar if he would like to join him for a drink. He did not know why, but he felt this little beggar was a very exceptional person.

In the bar, both Shadow and the little beggar were drinking. Shadow looked at the beggar and asked, "I don't know why, but I felt you were a very exceptional person."

The beggar let out a chuckle and a sad sigh. He also scanned Shadow from top to bottom and said, "Me too; I had the very same feeling when I met you."

Shadow then tried to recruit him into the conqueror gang, but sadly, the little beggar did not accept the invitation.

Shadow then bought a building for the purpose of increasing his influence.

The building he built was for buying and selling exotic beasts. He also bought the buildings next to his with the ample money he had; it was a cinch.

The building to his left was for selling pills. The pills are ordinary pills that Dania refined, like healing pills, strengthening pills, and vigorous dragon pills (Viagra). This building was also responsible for selling herbs.

The building to his right was a bar, and here you can post a mission so that anyone interested will take it.

A month later, Rose finished building the teleportation portal in the secret basement of his mansion.

This mansion was the headquarters of the Conqueror Gang. He then teleported back to Eligan City and brought Peach and some of his trusted subordinates to man the Pill Shop and Quest Bar.

Shadow started to buy slaves and adopt orphans; some of them were trained to be servants in the mansion and his three shops, while others were brought to Eligan City.

It will take a long time to be truly rooted in this city, so he first goes to the second capital city, the Steel City, the city of dwarves. When he arrives there, he sees that the dwarves are hostile to other races, especially the human race, so he promptly leaves and goes to the Beast God City, the city of demi-humans. He observes the situation and finds that the demi-humans are not hostile to other races but disdain them.

Shadow then built a conqueror gang in the city and started to adopt orphans and buy slaves.

When he tried to buy a mansion, the owner of the mansion disdain the thought of it and had to be beaten black and blue to make him sign the contract with Shadow.

He also did what he did to Frevi City and bought three shops that had the same purpose as the ones in Frevi City.

When he renamed the bar Quest Bar, the people in the surrounding area were at first bewildered. When he explained the details of the bar, many people with problems started to write their mission there. Of course, with this type of method, they could garner more support from the major population of the place.

Shadow then returned to Frevi City and asked Rose to build a teleportation portal in Beast God City. When he brought Rose with him, he also brought his four disciples with him. He brought them all to Beast God City to train, unlike Frevi City, which doesn't have such strict rules.