
The Great Demand

The year is 2025, We have colonised Mars in a way that you might expect: employed by the governments of the world to experiment with life on another world. But with everything the government does, there are always secrets.

HollowTheory · sci-fi
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 - The Life of an Experiment

"Damn" exclaimed Gareth.

Typical Gareth. Always has to be upset about something. Every little inconvenience sets him off in a tirade about how the living conditions are awful, the food here is too synthetic, and the oxygen generation system makes the air smell bad. I wonder what else he has to complain about.

"Gareth, what is the matter?"

"I can't find the remote to the damn TV. Which one of you hid it. I can't miss the ball game back on Earth." Gareth said with a condescending tone.

This is what I have to deal with on a daily basis. I almost spoke up until Dana walked in.

"Gareth, you seriously lost that remote again? How many times is that this week? 3 times?" Dana said with a chuckle. Gareth, offend, spoke up, "Hey, I work hard, I shouldn't have to look around all the time for the remote just to watch the Colts play." Dana pulled the glasses off of her face and just stared and said, "Gareth it is only Monday, and you have lost is three times already. Besides, you don't need to watch the Colts, they haven't won a single game since Luck retired."

I try to hold back my laugh, but Gareth notices. "Don't even, Anna, you don't even watch American football, you have no where to talk"

"I don't know, Gareth, the statistics don't lie. You are following the 31st worst team in the last few years. Also, it has been a year and a half and you still don't have your times right? It is 0400 back home, you missed it."

Gareth simply slumped down in his chair and mopped, defeated. That man is always losing track of time, at least he is the best Security Officer across all the domes, otherwise I would have sent him on the next flight back to Earth. Regardless, I don't have time to argue or complain, I have a meeting in a half hour with the GLASE director in Seoul regarding the next shipment of supplies. I always hated the bureaucrats back on Earth constantly deciding what is right for us. They aren't the ones that are living up here in these conditions, but explaining that would be beating the dead horse at this point, they never listen to my recommendations; not much of a Liaison am I?