
Five years later

In the Air port Tang xixi was in her phone talking to her assistant about the company in paris she was the rutless in the bussiness world her company names as T X world she came back to the C city branch

in the air port a a five years boy who was walikng hand in her hand nexylt to xixi whose eyes was ice blue and featurs was similar to the man is non other than son of the Tan xixi Tang bo engilsh ne is nick

nick was five years old boy and IQ is great as genious in the age of five he can speak 4 langues and learn martial arts with his mom

Tang xixi was not a navi girl from five years she was changed to cold womean who mess with her will see the hell she was now meature lady with the great resposabitles she come back to C city for the revange

Her X- Finace and her half sister nd her step mon who was making her life hard in 20yeras now she was 22 and mother of the baby she was the president of the T X world but for her revange she did not expose it to the world sge was hidden in shades running the T X world

"Mommy where r we going now to see the god mother or we r going to great the great grand pa" aked nick

" your god mother is going to pick us up and we r going to our villa first after freshen up we r going to great grand pa"

Another side a figure whose aura was noble and domenises sourned by the body gaurd was walking to the same passes as the mom and child path is none other the Qin chen

After talking to yhe nick xixi was going to pick up the call she leave the nick hand in a slight moment nick was bumped in to a tall figure wich was recemble to the nick

Qin cben saw the nick at the moment a wamth feeling spread in the heart of the chen nick was about to fall but a large hand held the nick .nick politely said sorry to the Qin chen in a mintue of time xixi came back from the call

walk near ro the nick and take him to her said and said sorry to Qin chen politely went out side of the airport