


A new normal


After hanging out with Nora, I walked around town. I needed space and a chance to breathe. I stopped at a window and looked at the items in the shop. I turned to see Pax standing next to me.

/"Did Pops send you to make sure I didn’t do something stupid?/" I asked.

/"Nope, I’m escaping a lecture which I had a lot of my first year at school,/" Pax mentioned.

I looked at my brother, who looked at me. If anyone understands drowning in emotions, it’s Pax.

/"How bad was it?/" I asked.

/"Well, I screwed up a lot and landed in the hospital. I thought Shaun would never love me. It’s still a struggle,/" Pax answered.

/"You seem happy,/" I mentioned.

/"Yeah, but we have our issues. All couples have issues,/" Pax reminded me.

We started walking.