
The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side

After ten years together, Santichai decided to leave Asnee. He moved to Chonburi and found a new job, and he finally forgot about Asnee. During his three-months dating trial relationship with KK, Asnee suddenly appeared in his life. The appearance of Asnee brought him back to those days he tried very hard to forget.

UndyingSoul · LGBT+
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106 Chs

Chapter 74 The Eyes Tells Lies

On Thursday night, Asnee came home from work. He entered the room and found that Santichai was not in the kitchen. He went into the bedroom, but Santichai was not there. He called out, "Chai..."

Santichai called from the guest room and said, "I'm in here."

Asnee went into the bedroom and found Santichai packing his clothes into a suitcase. He rushed over and pushed the suitcase aside. He asked angrily, "Chai, what are you doing?"

Taking the suitcase from Asnee, Santichai said, "I'm packing. I'm going to a three-day promotion with my manager and three other colleagues."

Asnee said, "I don't remember you telling me this."

"I don't know either. The manager just told us this morning," Santichai said.

Asnee asked, "When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow at six o'clock, we'll be back on Monday morning," Santichai said.

Asnee said, "I'll pick you up when you get back."

Santichai said, "Okay."

Asnee looked at Santichai and said, "You continue packing, I'll go take a shower." He walked out of the guest room and into the bathroom of the master bedroom. He took out his cell phone and dialed Ruangsak. After a few beeps, Ruangsak picked it up. "Ai Run…"

Ruangsak said, "Ai Nee, what's wrong?"

Asnee said, "Ai Run, I want to fight again."

Ruangsak said, "Ai Nee, are you short of money? Why do you need so much money? for every fight, you got one million, you've already done three fights. Tell me honestly, are you on drugs?"

Asnee said, "Ai sàt….I'm not on drugs...but I really need the money right now."

Ruangsak said, "If you don't' tell me the reason, I'm not booking another fight for you."

Asnee said, "Fine…I got scammed out of my dad's four million and I'm trying to get it back before he finds out."

Ruangsak frowned, "Shit …. why don't you think before you take action?"

Asnee said, "I was tempted. I promise you this will be my last fight."

Ruangsak said, "I'll see what I can do."

Asnee hung up the phone and pulled out a photo of the half-finish house. He smiled and took a shower. After taking a shower, he checked his phone, and Ruangsak wrote him a message: 1:00 a.m. Saturday morning. do not be late.

Asnee stared at the message and murmured, "I won't be late because time is running out."

In the locker room, Asnee was wrapping his fists when his phone rang. When he saw that it was Santichai, he picked it up. He said, "Chai, what it is?"

"I'm just calling to tell you that I've got your meal ready for you," Santichai said.

Asnee senses from Santichai's tone that there might be something wrong. He asked, "What's wrong? You don't sound so happy...no sales today?"

Santichai replied, "Mmm."

Asnee said, "Don't worry about me. I'm fine."

Santichai suddenly asked, "Asnee, where are you?"

Asnee hesitated for a moment before saying, "I'm at home."

Santichai said, "Well... don't drink too much, it's not good for your health, good night." He hung up the phone.

Asnee sighed and took a deep breath. Asnee hit him in the head twice. He frowned, "Idiot...why didn't you say you were in Frank's bar."

Ruangsak and Somsak entered the room. Somsak asked, "Ai Nee, what's wrong with you?"

Asnee said, "I have a headache."

Ruangsak frowned, "Shit, you can't take medicine. It's forbidden for any fighter to take medicine before a fight."

Asnee said, "Not bad, I can handle it."

Somsak said, "Ai Nee, I bet a lot on you, don't lose, since it is your last fight." He held out his hand. "C'mon, for us."

Ruangsak put his hand on top of Somsak's hand and said, "For us."

Asnee grabbed Somsak and Ruangsak's and said, "For all of us."

"Oh, it's a shame that Ai Chai is not with us," Ruangsak said.

"Ai Chai doesn't like violence. By the way, don't tell him. If he knew about it, he would probably tell my mom," Asnee said.

Somsak said, "If you win, I'll keep my mouth tight."

Ruangsak said, "After this, let's party at my house."

Somsak said, "Be sure to call Ai Chai."

Asnee lied, "I already called him."

After the fight, although at the end Asnee had won, Asnee was seriously wounded and unable to move, so instead of going to Ruangsak's home to party, Ruangsak and Somsak stayed with Asnee. He woke up late even on Sunday to find Ruangsak playing video games in the living room.

Asnee asked, "Ai Run, where is Ai Som."

Ruangsak said, "Oh, he went to get more food and drinks. He left some time ago; he should be back anytime now." He turned to look at Asnee. "How are your wounds?" He went back to play his game.

Asnee snorted in pain, "Shit… I didn't get hit in the face, but my left rib hurts badly. Also, my head is pounding."

Somsak walked into the room and said, "He should be in there. Come in."

Asnee looked up and saw Phawta walk in with Somsak. He asked, "What are you doing here?"

Phawta said, "I called you and you didn't answer, so I have no choice but to come to see you."

Ruangsak said, "Shit...you have a girlfriend, but you didn't tell us about her. What a heartless friend."

"We went on a few dates," Asnee said. "That doesn't make her my girlfriend."

Somsak said, "If that's the case, she's your girlfriend. Ai shit nee, why did you reject such a beautiful woman?"

Asnee frowned, "I'm not in the mood for your nonsense. You three had a great time, and I think my painkillers are taking effect. I'm going to bed. I have to be up early tomorrow."

Somsak popped a can of beer and said, "Have a sip before bed."

Asnee said, "I just took a painkiller."

Somsak said, "A can of beer won't kill you."

Asnee picked up the can of beer and drank it in one go. He looked at his two friends and Phawta. "Don't litter my place. I don't want to hear Chai's complaints," he said.

Ruangsak frowned, "Bastard."

Asnee walked to his room and saw a message from Santichai reminding him to pick up Santichai at five in the morning. He set the alarm for four in the morning. He knew he only had a few hours of sleep before picking up Santichai at the airport. He covered himself with a blanket and passed out.

At two in the morning, Ruangsak, Somsak and Phawta decided to end the party. Phawta asked, "Where should I sleep? You two won't fight for this sofa, right?" She lowered her head and passed out.

Ruangsak said, "You're so funny." He shook Phawta. "Hey, nong…nong."

Somsak said, "I think she K.O. hehehe..." He stood up. "You help her into Ai Nee's room."

Ruangsak asked, "Help me."

Somsak waved at Ruangsak and said, "You are strong enough to carry her to Ai Nee's room." He disappeared into the guest room.

Ruangsak frowned, "You bastard, you always let me do all the hard work." He picked up Phawta and walked to Asnee's room. He put Phawta next to Asnee and closed the door.

As soon as Ruangsak closed the door, Phawta opened her eyes and started undressing. She lay beside Asnee and kissed Asnee on the lips. She murmured, "How could I run away from such a handsome and rich man." She kissed Asnee again, and slowly pulled down Asnee's pants and underpants. She lay beside Asnee, but to her surprise Asnee reached out and pulled her into Asnee's arm.

Asnee can't remember if his alarm went off, but he was woken by the sounds of Ruangsak and Somsak.

Asnee was angry because he had to get up early to pick up Santichai, he thought the two were still drinking, so he opened his eyes and saw Phawta sleeping naked beside him. He lifted the quilt without thinking much, and walked into the door, still very sleepy and drowsy after taking the medicine.

Asnee walked out of the bedroom and frantically said, "The fuck is your problem." Seeing Santichai, his face suddenly turned pale. "Chai…"

Santichai looked at Asnee with a blank expression, "Good morning, Asnee."

Phawta came from behind Asnee, wrapping Asnee's waist. Phawta kissed Asnee on the cheek and said, "Good morning, Pi Nee." She looked at Santichai. "Who is he?"

Asnee couldn't believe this woman kissed him in front of Santichai. He is worried because he has barely had time to spend with Santichai recently between the dream house and the fight. Moreover, looking at Santichai's expression, he already knew that Santichai was beyond angry. He stammered, "He…he…"

"We were high school classmates," Santichai said. Santichai looked around the trashed apartment. "Hey man, now that the party is over, I'm heading out." He picked up his backpack and walked out the door.

Asnee shouted, "Fuck! Ai Chai."

Ruangsak grabbed Asnee's arm, "Ai Nee, you're a naked man."

Asnee looked at himself and rushed into the room, putting on his pants and shirt, and rushed out of his apartment down the hallway barefoot. He pressed the elevator, but it was too slow, so he rushed down the stairs. When he came out on the first-floor stair, Santichai had already left. He called and called, but Santichai didn't answer his call. Asnee decides to call Decha.

Decha yawned and said, "What's up?"

Asnee said, "Ai Frank, you have to help me this time. Ai Chai saw me with Phawta. He ran away and I don't know where he went."

Decha said, "You fucking bring Phawta home."

Asnee said, "I didn't... Ai Som found her downstairs in my apartment, and he brought her to my apartment."

Decha frowned, "You really screwed up this time."

Asnee said, "It was a misunderstanding ... I fear he might do something stupid."

Decha said angrily, "Last time, you promised me that you would never break up with him again, that's why I helped coax Chai back into your arms. How do I know that this will not happen again in the future?"

Asnee said, "I was an asshole the first time I broke up with Chai, but I learned from that mistake. I'll never be that person again."

Decha sighed, "I probably know where he went. I'll call you when I find him."

(Flashback End)