
The Grand Book of Short Stories

A magical world can have anything in it, and I mean anything, so why not have one story tell a tale about a great knight who slew a dragon. OR a butler serving under a long-forgotten god. How about a tiny ant evolving into a warrior ant through trial and error. Anything can happen, just what story are you here for. All stories can be expanded upon, just ask.

DominaterRaider · Fantasie
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3 Chs

The Butlers Daily Life

Your Lord here, back at it again with a new story, the elegant life of a butler under the service of a powerful queen. Remember folks, the butler is never just a butler, NOW the story starts now.

An exquisite palace sits on a quiet meadow surrounded by nothing but open land as far as the eye can see. Over the horizon leads a stone path straight to the palace forming a circle around the front of it, a carriage sat under a roof attached to the beautiful mansion on the right-hand side of it. Two pillars stood, a roof held both of them together as they covered the front steps to the palace. Inside held priceless artifacts from a forgotten age as they littered the entry hall on their little stands. A few couldn't be helped and tip over from the ruckus that happens daily, the poor butler stands over a shattered vase as yelling echos the halls.

Butler softly: "Oh no, not another one today, what a shame."

His black suit made out of a silky smooth material shines off the glossy floors, pulling his white gloves back to make sure they don't fall off, he gets to work on the small mess. With a sharp twirl of a wrist, a brush appears in his hand. Crouching down with a brush and dustpan, he sweeps up the mess, a loud bang rumbles the palace walls just after he is about to sweep the last of the pieces up. The young butler slowly looks up just as each painting sways followed by a loud thud shaking the walls once again. A small statue on the opposite side of the hall tips side to side, cradling back and forth.

Butler: Not one my watch."

A dark flash zooms to the statue, catching it before it can taste the sweet release of death. The Black Shadow disappears as quickly as it appears back to the same spot of the small mess that still sits on the floor.

Butler: "Now that crisis has been averted, time to deal with you."

Unholy women's outcry: "ADRIAN!!!"

The butler vanishes in a blink of an eye leaving a twirling brush and dustpan.

Butler appears before her in the salle (a place for fencing) bowing: "Yes Lady Jin?"

To his surprise, Lady Jin is wielding a saber, she thrust into him launching an onslaught of stabs and slashes without provocation, the butler faultlessly dodges each advance while staying in place.

Adrian: "Lady Jin, you need anything before I go and ready the carriage."

Her attacks last for a minute while he waits for an answer from her; the lady is far from an amateur, though Adrian has skills that far surpasses normal human capabilities.

Lady Jin exhausted giving up on hitting him: "No...You....May go."

The lady for being small holds her body nicely along with her well-toned muscles, Still, Adrian is not a normal butler. Her wine red hair obscures her beautifully marbled face, light freckles coated her nose and cheeks, almost perfectly placed on her face to make her moonlight blue eyes stand out tremendously more. Her white fencing outfit covered her body snugly as she used the wall as support sweating a good amount in the process.

Adrian pulls his cuffs out blinding himself by the gold cufflinks resembling moons. In the process of making his way to the luxurious entry hall, a small shape peeks its head from one of the four hallways. He stops in his tracks, the posture of the scary butler is as straight as the pillars outside. His slicked-back hair, color, black, is short in length, despite the rest of the hair being slicked back, one small strand hangs in the front.

Adrian calls into the empty room, one brow raised: "You know, it is quite rude to stare."

A small "Eeep" can be heard from down the hall, Adrian smirks only to jolt in place.


Adrain scurries to the carriage, closing the door quietly even as he makes his exit. The small shadow hides away from the open, waiting for the Dark One's return. The Lady's shouting can be heard outside, the purplish turnip-shaped carriage waits outside the palace, the gold etchings dance along the carriage making loops and swirls to the top where a pointed metal rod stands. Two dark brown horses stand ready at the helm of the carriage, awaiting orders. The Lady's roars get louder just at the moment that the doors burst open and two maids follow behind her agreeing to everything she says. Adrian opens the carriage doors nodding to the maids as they wait at the mansion's grand doors.

Maids in unison: "Have a good time Lady Jin."

Lady Jin being classy for once: "Thank you ladies, I will."

The Carriage door closes just as she steps in.

Adrian: "Ladies."

Maids: "Yes?"

Adrian: "You have the rest of the day off, I will take it from here."

Maids: "Thank you kindly."

Adrian: "Enjoy yourselves."

He bows before hopping on the seat up front, the maids head inside with laughter accompanied by smiles. Exactly when the maids are out of sight and the Lady is occupied in the back, Adrian begins the ride.

Adrian lets out a deep spine-tingling voice, letting out a command: "Move."

The horses twitch at his commands, the hair of the horses move, as bone resembles in their body, turning their coat black and eyes red as rubies. The horses move slowly at first, managing out of the driveway until the straight road is ahead of them. The dark horses let out a snort as they hoof at the ground followed by a neigh from there on they take off at breakneck speed. The field flows by at high speeds, flying past them, the carriage's view seems to be affected by Adrian along with the carriage's own space as it feels like a smooth ride. Adrain seems unaffected by the harsh winds pounding at his body as he sits motionlessly at the helm enjoying the ride. Eventually, the horses gradually slow down just as the kingdom comes into view, Adrian lets out a whisper to the horses, sending them into a frenzy. A black mist overtakes the horses muting their whinnies with miasma. At a slow pace, the carriage moves, clearing the mist from the horses' bodies revealing two sparkling brown horses. Their coats are so shiny, the sun reflects off their backs.

Jin hangs out the carriage holding onto the door: "Are we here?!"

Adrian politely: "Please Lady Jin, reframe from hanging on the door, you are going to dirty your dress."

Jin Points her tongue out: "Why do I have to sit in this dress anyway, I want to travel the world as an adventurer, not be squeezed to death with whatever This, thing, is around my body."

Adrian: "It is a corset Lady Jin and your mother was very adamant about you wearing it. Also about where we are going, you shouted at me saying in your own words "Adrian, I don't care about planning, leave me alone before I have you sleep with the horses" end quote."

Jin: "Listen smart ass-."

Adrian: "Oh sorry mam but we arrived."

A smirk tugged at Adrian's lips just before the kingdom's walls opened, the smirk soon hid behind a presentable smile and posture as straight as the walls. Lady Jin closed the doors to the carriage yet the carriage stayed empty. Everyone cheered loudly, roaring for their princess who was climbing the carriage at ease while being urged by Adrian to get down.

Adrian holding worry on his brow: "My Lady, if the queen were to see you now, I would be fired as your butler."

Jin gives a sly look: "Well it looks like I will be getting a new butler then."

Adrian paid no attention to her little game, just focusing on getting her to the castle safely. He gave her no satisfaction, the little lady pouted a little, slipping onto the chair Adrian is seated at and just waving to the crowd not so enthusiastic as she was a minute ago. Adrian neared his eyes to the corner on the roofs, a caped man stood, his face covered. "If only she knew how much a butler has to do."

Adrian didn't react, he couldn't do anything rash in this sizable crowd, his skills aren't favored by the public especially considering his origins. Nothing out of the ordinary happened upon reaching the grand castle, her mother and father waited at the steps of the castle surrounded by rows of knights scouting the area. Jin's mother has already shown a distaste even before talking to her daughter. Jin's expression saddens almost fear and submissive look at the moment the carriage came to a halt. Her father showed great enthusiasm at his daughter's arrival, from his upbeat attitude, you know who runs the kingdom around here. A row of knights line up, a red carpet extends down the steps rolling to the feet of Adrian who lends a hand to Jin. Jin gives Adrian a look of fear as she gently steps down from the front of the carriage.

Whispering to Adrian: "Thank you."

Adrian: "I am at your service my lady."

Extending an arm she takes it, walking down the red carpet she builds up the courage to straighten her posture and smile. The citizens cheer behind them, the colorful town zoned out by the overwhelming aura Jin's mother is emitting. Her greying hair is held in a bun and braided around her head, her crown holds three giant gems, two blue, one red. Her dress screamed scary, it was a silky black dress matching her cold dark expressions just as Jin and Adrian makes it to the steps. Pausing at the steps, meeting the icy gaze of the queen.

Rin: "Adrian, Jin, how did my daughter behave in her palace."

Jin gives a worried look at Adrian.

Adrian: "You should have seen your daughter my queen, (Jin holds her breath) she behaved like a fine queen, planning, ordering, and all the above."

Jin breathes, catching Adrian's glance as he refocuses on Rin.

Rin's farcical features change in a flash: "That swell! Come in, we have a lot to talk about!"

She rushes inside holding Jin's father's arm tightly, dragging him to the dining hall. Jin walks up the steps still holding Adrian's arm, he doesn't budge.

Adrian: "Sorry my lady, but I am not allowed to sit at the tables, I will wait for you at the carriage whenever you want to go."

Jin: "But I need you, I don't know what to say."

She tugs at his arm but he doesn't give up any ground.

Adrian: "You will do fine, don't stress about it."

Giving him a small nod, she lets go, continuing without him into the castle. After the royalties have been sent away, the butler gets down to business. *Crack Adrian twists his neck popping his joints, the knights settle around Adrian, kneeling before him. Standing on the highest steps Adrian gives his commands.

Adrian project his voice: "Knights of the Zone kingdom, I am Adrian, head butler under princess Jin and former general of this very kingdom and in line to be the new king. I gave that all up, because I knew this kingdom was in good hands, but those hands are now in jeopardy."

All the knights are in disarray, shocked by the butler's words, they quiet down to listen except one.

A knight stands: "Who threatens our lord my liege."

Adrian: "Assassins, five of them, they may be inside already."

The same knight: "What is your orders general."

Adrian: "Spread out, a group of ten men search the grounds, one commander will always be with the group at all times. Three squads will patrol inside while the fifty will patrol the outside. *In A Deep voice* Bring me their heads."

Knights split, going in all directions and every which way. A smile forms on the butler's face just when all the squads assemble and move out. The aforementioned knight stands below him, waiting for Adrian to acknowledge them.

Adrian: "Yes knight?"

Knight takes one step up: "Sorry sir, didn't mean to bother you, sir."

Adrian holds his hands behind his back: "Please, call me Adrian."

Knight takes their helmet off revealing her raven black hair, she shakes his hand out of habit even when it wasn't out.

Knight shaking his hand for a second too long: "It is an honor to meet you sir- I mean Adrian sir shit sorry!"

Adrian lets a smile sneak in: "It is fine my dear, so what was the importance that you will send the plan to awry."

Just realizing she disobeyed direct orders: "I am sorry my liege! I did not mean to disobey orders, I only wanted to meet the famed Dark One!"

Bowing her head out of shame she steps down.

Adrian raises a brow: "Hmm The Dark One, I haven't heard that one in a while. What is your name knight."

Still holding her head down kneeling before him: "Eclipse sir- *dunking her head lower* I mean Adrian."

Adrian: "Raise your head Eclipse."

Looking up, she sees no one, looking around her to find a few soldiers roaming around. A light tap on her left shoulder sends a jolt through her body, looking over to find nobody then turning back to see Adrian standing in front of her.

Eclipse jumps back: "How did you do that!?"

Adrian: "It is a secret."

Eclipse stands: "Can you teach me."

Adrian thinks: "Hmm, if my lady allows it."

Their chat is cut short by a squad of knights holding a captive: "Sir, we found this one roaming the halls, *taking out his legs* what are your orders, sir?"

Adrian: "Stand back."

Adrian wore a stone face, his brow pointed down as he gripped the man's face.

Assassin muffled: "You will get nothing out of me."

Adrian grips his face tightly: "That is what they all say. Purge."

The assassin screams in agony, terror takes his eyes while the curse takes effect, his face contorts in pain as he reaches for Adrian's hand to rip it off his face to no avail. Letting go of his face leaving red marks behind, the man sits in silence, head hung low and emotionless, veins in his head pop out violently.

Adrian: "Where are your friends."

Assassin whisper: "Ballroom."

Adrian: "Knights, take this man away, Eclipse, you are coming with me."

Adrian rushes off with Eclipse at tow: "Wait for me!"

The two burst through the ballroom doors causing a fright to the three having a grand time, a small magical spell stops playing music.

Rin: "What is wrong Adrian?"

Adrian: "I didn't want to show you Jin but your life is in danger."

He and Eclipse guard the three, Adrian steps forward: "Assassins, show yourselves!"

The ballroom lights flicker off, one by one, six thuds hit the ground while the last light flickers away. Eclipse pulls her mighty sword from the scabbard on her back. Adrian pulls out his fist in an elegant matter.

Adrian: "Eclipse, protect them with your life, I will fight them off. All of you, have your backs against the wall."

An eerie voice from the shadows: "Awe, what is a poor butler going to do."

Adrian moves to the middle of the room hands out in front of him all the while shadows surround him.

Adrian: "I got your friend, you will be no different."

Assailant: "Oh our bait you mean."

Eclipse slides the three to the side of the room scooting their way to the door, a gust of wind comes from the front hitting her blade.

Shadow: "How are you going to hit something you can't see."

Adrian pulls a cufflink from his cuff and tosses it in front of her, providing a small moon-shaped light that floats around them. He pulls another one for himself, one of the six makes their move speeding towards Adrian. Without hesitation, Adrian dodges back feeling the air coming off the assassin's fist. Grappling the arm and pulling him in, he wraps his bicep around the killer's neck, choking him out, the other four join the fray while one of them harasses Eclipse. Jin stares in terror as Adrian holds one down dodging back and forth while shadows fly around him. Adrian still holds the neck of one of them while dunking punches, he pushes down the killer's shoulders sending smashing into the ground while donkey kicking off the killer's shoulders landing a hit on another's face and landing back on his feet.

The killers back off: "Alright no more playing around!"

Blades unsheathes letting a ring sound through the room.

Adrian: "Fine by me."

*Pop* His knuckles pop as he ready himself, his hands raised, Adrian stands ready. Three come from the front, daggers in hand, one slashes down, Adrian catches it just as another one comes from the side he turns the blade into the second stabbing him. The other killer comes from the right thrusting into him, Adrian's shadow catches the blade from entering his gut while the two others swarm in thinking he is done for. Adrian lets go of the dagger and follow up with a back kick to one of the attackers behind and directing his shadow who swings the front assailant into the second killer behind him.

Eclipse has her hand full with one as she swings at ghosts, missing every time, Jin pulls a blade from Eclipse's hip. Holding it up the way she holds her saber during her fencing session.

Killer: "Oh look who got big-headed, alright princess, let's see if you can handle yourself!"

The feminine-sounding assassin advances quickly, Eclipse swings downward, the shadow dodges with ease only to be tagged by Jin's thrusting strikes. It scurries away into the darkness.

Feminine voice: "Basterd! You will pay for that!"

Jin catches a glimpse of Adrian fighting off the five others, a shadow flies off him just as he blocks another assassin's attack. His clothes were ripped up and cuts spread out throughout his body.

Jin's parents showed amazement at their daughter's skill with a blade.

Eclipse nudges Jin: "Come princess, we are not out of the woods yet."

Jin: "Right, sorry."

Eclipse: "Alright, let's get through this."

Eclipse inches closer, touching a doorknob, twisting it open quickly, and guiding the three out.

Eclipse: "Go go go!"

Right after the king rushes out she slams the door holding it closed.

Eclipse yelling for help: "Guards! Guards!"

A company of soldiers race to the call, immediately spotting their leaders they form defenses around them.

Rin commands: "Everyone protect us, you at the far end! send another company this way immediately!"

Eclipse: "You two hold this door, shut it closed tight after I enter."

Two commanders listen to her commands: "Yes mam, on your go."

The two grip the door, the company backs up, holding the royalty behind them as they ready themselves. A second company arrives, the king points at the door, the commander gets the order marching his soldiers to the door.

Eclipse: "On three, one, two, THREE!"

Opening the door wide Eclipse rushes into a brightly lit room to where Adrian is mopping up puddles of blood. The company and Eclipse come to a halt, jaw dropped as the six assassin's bodies laid on the floor in a row from shortest to tallest also relieved of all their weapons and gadgets neatly placed below them. Adrian looked worse for wear, his clothing held cuts from small slices to deep wounds that bled profusely. Eclipse hustled to him, alarmed by the amount of blood that is leaking from his side.

Adrian wincing in pain: "I was wondering when you will show up, *Pulls dagger from his side* Hmph Ah!"

Eclipse: "Someone, get a healer or a mage! ANYone!"

Three soldiers run out into the hall to get help, Eclipse and a soldier pick up Adrian, holding him up on his feet.

Adrian's breaths are labored: "Looks like... this place needs more.. then a good mopping."

A soldier gets a chair for him, sitting down on the elegantly crafted wooden chair brings him displeasure even as he winces from the pain.

Adrian: "This was a beautiful chair too, I hope you can get the bloodstains off it."

Eclipse checks his wounds: "Keep your hands on it, don't worry you will be cleaning the dining hall in no time."

Adrian: "I don't think so."

Eclipse's brows raised in worry: "Don't say that!"

Adrian: "I mean because my Lady never likes fancy food and always wants to eat the street vendor's food."

A sudden burning sensation takes over his body.

Adrian resists, trying to get back on his feet: "I need to go, my lady needs me."

Eclipse holds him down: "You need to rest, it is just your adrenaline talking."

A cold icy feeling washes over Adrian's legs simultaneously as his eyes grow heavy. Weaken and tired he stops fighting back, his duties incomplete as a butler, just as his eyes shut a voice calls to him.

A feminine voice filled with a feeling of sorrow: "Adrian! ADRIAN! LET GO!"

She fights through soldiers, pushing and shoving her way through, only to find her butler holding onto life, a raspy ugly breathing comes from her butler. She shakes him violently, holding onto his collar.

Jin bawling: "Wake up! Wake the hell up Adrian! How can you leave me by myself! Please don't leave me!"

His eyes close shut while the healer arrives at the scene, making her way to him.

Healer: "Move Move, outta the way!"

The sounds and voice grow more and more muffled every waking second until silence, an empty creepy silence.


Three Weeks Later

The sound of plodding through a road coming from two brown horses through a bright shiny day. The two nicker at each other while pulling a wagon behind them, not a fancy one either, just like any old wagon. At the helm of the wagon is a shiny armored raven-haired woman holding the reins. Her grey armor shined bright, trees shading her from the sun ever so often. A forest on both sides of the wagon gave a tranquil feeling to it, some leaves twirled in the wind as a passing wagon moved through.

Eclipse has a melancholy tone to her words: "Fall is coming earlier this year."

Eclipse prattles to herself: "I hope the princess is okay, I don't think she knows how to take care of herself. Man, I wish I can use magic, riding a wagon is sure hard on your backside."

Rubbing her backside after some thought in what magic she would totally want, the forest exit is in sight.

Eclipse: "Nothing more soothing than the countryside."

Adrian: "Indeed."

Eclipse looking over her shoulder: "How are you doing back there."

Adrian sluggish: "Had worse rides."

A smile tugs at the corners of her lips: "Well I try, hey Adrian?"

Adrian slowly sitting up: "Yeah?"

Eclipse: "What is Jin to you?"

Adrian: "Can you elaborate."

Eclipse: "Uh let me see, oh what I mean is, why her butler and who is she to you."

Adrian lethargically moves up to the seat next to her: "She is my successor and my niece. The successor for both the crown and my power."

Eclipse: "She is your niece!"

Adrian: "Well yeah, Rin is my sister."

Eclipse awestruck: "H-how old are you?"

Adrian raises an eyebrow: "It is rude to ask someone their age. If you really must to know I am sixty-three, I'm older than my sister but she is jealous of my looks."

Adrian feels up his smooth clean face, Eclipse couldn't even process the information being thrown at her.

Eclipse under her breath: "No wonder she is jealous, you try having wrinkles."

Adrian sits back letting his posture go: "You know my speed and skills aren't the only things boosted."

Eclipse fakes her laugh: Haha what, what do you mean? I didn't say anything."

Adrian: "Uh-huh, rigghhhttt, with all said and done I do feel a bit desiderium towards the lack of aging, especially marriage."

Eclipse eyed Adrian from the corner of his eye feeling alexithymia about his facial features. The palace came into view right as they reached the top of the hill, and stopped to take it all in.

Eclipse: "We are here."

Adrian: "Yes we are."

Eclipse: "Ready?"

Adrian: "Ready as always."

The wagon starts up down the trail, Jin sits patiently at the doorsteps, waiting for her butler to come home weeping tears of joy at the sight on the horizon.

And that is all folks, Adrian survived the assassination attempt with the help of his new student Eclipse and his Lady Jin. I hope you all enjoyed this little story and come back for thirds. God signing off.