
The Good heart

Amanda decided to travel for a change of environment,and started a new job,and she was off age to get married,her friend already has engaged with someone and this made her jealous but she needed a God fearing man ...as you read you are to see more of intrigue,suspense and action,and you wont regret reading it... most the typing will be slangs and it is understandable if you read more of the story thank you for reading....

Kelly_Ighalo · Fantasie
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13 Chs


Just as brother John promised, he kept calling but I was asleep, and when I woke up Susan showed me the numerous missed calls from him and I smiled sitting down.

"Sha this brother John get levels o and I smell a rat, Susan said giving me a plate of pepper soup she prepared and I got it from her.

"No be only rat you dey smell, add horse, I said and a knock came on the door.

Susan opened and let Joshua in.

"Ahhhhh no be person wey been sick be this? Joshua asked immediately he walked in.

"Shuooo so the sickness been enter my mouth? I asked.

"When you were sounded as if they were about to bury you? Anyway what are you eating? Its not good for sick people, Joshua said sitting down near me and I quickly shifted.

" leave this food o, this is purely doctor prescription, I said and Joshua laughed.

"But I hope you're okay now? He asked and I nodded and he handed me a bag.

"I got you energy drinks and fruits and I equally took permission for you, He said.

"Wow thank you, i said as I took the bag but Susan snatched it from me.

"Ahh this is too much, you fit extend this sickness till tomorrow, Susan said.

"Which kind talk be that one now? I asked her.

"shut up there. Anyway Joshua you shouldn't have bothered, one brother holy ghost prayed for her already and she's having spiritual glucose and fruits as we speak, Susan said and I shook my head as Joshua looked confused.

"Brother holy ghost? Joshua asked and immediately brother John call came on phone and Susan smirked while i sheepishly picked up..........

Susan and Joshua couldn't stop teasing me about John in every little instance and that increased my likeness for him. Joshua didn't mind at all, and i was surprised to hear him say its my choice to be with whoever makes me happy and Susan wasn't pleased to hear that from him.

We talked on phone and chatted the more which John didn't fail to remind me for the teachers class in church.

After i returned from school on Friday, i took my rest and hurried off to church not really for the class but just to see John as he returned from his trip.

I was so much familiar with the class but was seriously absent there until it was time for closing prayers. Brother John was asked to pray but mhen, he almost turned it into warfare prayers.

When people were displeased with how ordinary closing prayers turned a revival meeting, I was so happy and was well pleased with him the more.

He came to me with all smiles after everything while i smiled back totally blank of what to say to him.

"Truly you came for the class, he said.

"Of course, so you didn't believe when i told you I'll be teaching the kids huh? I asked.

"Well i do believe you now, he said laughing and i nodded leaving the church building with him.

"So how was your trip? I asked.

"Yea it was fine, you made me kinda scared when you fell ill, he replied.

"Still talking about that? But I'm fine nah, God passed through your prayers and i really do appreciate that, i said and he smiled.

"Praise God, but i got something for you, he said.

"Really? I asked very excited and he stopped walking.

"Yea but it slipped my memory and i forgot to bring it. But i can still give it to you, he replied.

"On Sunday right? I asked.

"Even today. We can just take a cab to my place and I'll give it to you right away, he replied and i suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"Are you okay? He asked when he noticed..... Probably it showed because I'm bad at hiding feelings.

"Yes, but its not necessary it should be today, there's always another day and its almost late, i replied.

"Hey Amanda what are you thinking? It won't take long, I'll just give you what i selected from the items i bought else someone might pick interest in it and i don't want that to happen. I really want to give it to you because i strongly know it will fit you well, he said.

Awwwn! He sounded so sweet and i didn't know when i accepted to follow him.

We got into his compound.... Very few buildings and looks dry, and then to his door, he opened up and switched on the lights and closed the door.

"Nice house, i said looking around for where to sit down, but brother no get chair and i didn't want to sit on the bed.

"Common come sit down, John said pointing on the bed and i sluggishly did.

"Please its getting late and i don't stay more than 7pm outside, I said to him.

"Sure, i told you already i wont take long but have something to drink first, he said going to the small fridge and poured in a fruit juice in a glass and gave it to me which i took it and thanked him.

"You're welcome, he said and drew a big traveling bag and brought out beautiful women shoes and bags and i quickly gulped down the drink to have a look.

"Wow this is beautiful, i admired.

"Yea, What's your size? He asked.

"40, i replied.

"Nice size and i got something pretty for those beautiful legs, he said and i laughed and watched him as he kept bringing out different pairs of shoes and I rubbed my forehead as i felt dizzy which he stopped and looked at me.

"Should i turn on the fan? He asked with a very rough tone shifting the bag aside and it was like a covering was out from my eyes as I was already sweating.

"What did you do to me? I fearfully asked and attempted to get up, but he pressed my neck hard and glued me on the bed,

"Shhh relax and don't fight it, he said and i slowly blacked out......

Goodnight, sweet dreams Y'all

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