
The Good heart

Amanda decided to travel for a change of environment,and started a new job,and she was off age to get married,her friend already has engaged with someone and this made her jealous but she needed a God fearing man ...as you read you are to see more of intrigue,suspense and action,and you wont regret reading it... most the typing will be slangs and it is understandable if you read more of the story thank you for reading....

Kelly_Ighalo · Fantasie
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13 Chs

The Good Heart Episode 2

🙁The Good heart 💓 👨

Episode 2.

The next day at school, just as I was entering the gate I met with Joshua and wanted dodging from him, but there was no where to dodge to. I just had to put up a strong face to pass him.

"Amanda good morning, he greeted first.

"Morning Joshua, I replied and wanted passing.

"You're avoiding me right? He asked.

"Please I have a time book to sign, I replied and went my way.

When I initially got employed with Susan, Joshua was the one who helped us out with things we couldn't understand.

We became friends not until he brought up the "I like you" kind of talk every time.

I knew where that was going to, but eh, he was a catholic.

That was a big turn off for me. But wait o, they swear for me? The guys coming are all from orthodox churches, and they will be very very serious and very sincere with me, but it has always been my dream to marry a God fearing brother from a Pentecostal church and no amount of their care could change that.

Before I even left for Ondo state..... In fact one of the reason that made me leave was one guy from the white garment church who didn't let me breathe.

He was just all over me and I kept binding. He even said he can change the church for me but I concluded it was all a lie to get me, and in order to escape from him I fled.

Here is Joshua again o, where are the Pentecostal brothers nah? I thought and unknowingly hissed when signing the time book and left to see Susan coming out from the principal car.

Hmmmm i just stood looking at her as they approached the building. I greeted the principal and he replied and left to his office while Susan threw kisses at him and smiled at me.

"Wassup? Missed me? She asked and i shook my head.

"So you're not coming back home? I asked and she rolled her eyes.

"Are we still discussing this? Babe i don grab this one and this one i stand. Soon I'll be out of this teaching bla bla and have my own big time boutique where I'll be dealing on imported things, Susan replied feeling so fly and i folded my arms looking at her.

"What's the look for? Are you not happy for me? She asked and i heaved.

"I didn't say anything o, but if he really wants to marry you he should do something on your head na before parking to His house as if you're married, you look kind desperate to me, i replied and Susan scoffed.

"I take God name beg you, don't start this morning with your scolding. Babe I'll soon be 25 o and there's no dull moment, and who says he won't marry me? Someone that is asking my parents when he's going to see them. See eh, aunty go and teach o, levels don change, Susan said.

"Ah ah, you're not following me to the class? I asked.

"To do what kwa? Abi make i come supervise you as you dey teach? E be like you don't know wetin dey sup o, I wan carry motor now go make my hair and you're talking about class. See ya later, Susan replied touching my cheek and ran back to where the car was parked and drove off and i breathed out.

"Vanity upon vanity, I said and saw Joshua coming and i quickly dived into locomotion but he ran after me.

"Amanda stop this childish behavior of yours. How can ordinary i like you change you this way or did i do anything wrong? He asked.

"Yes Joshua yes, what do you mean by I like you? Is it because I took you as a friend? I asked.

"Oh i should hate you as a friend right? he asked and i kept quiet looking away from him.

"Fine suit yourself, he said and left.

Aghnnnn! Just like that?

"Suit yourself too jare, i said and my phone began to ring with a strange number.

"Hello, i picked up.

"Hey good morning Amanda, a bright voice came on phone.

"Morning, who's speaking? I asked.

"Okay my name is John from the church you worshipped yesterday. I just want to check on you and thank you again for stopping by, he replied.

"Oh its nothing, i said.

"Yea and I'm looking forward to see more of you, he said and i smiled.

"You don't have to when the pastor already made me the children Sunday school teacher, i said.

"Are you serious! He shouted with so much happiness in his tone.

"Argh argh! I replied and we laughed.

"I'm not aware but that's good news, he said.

"If you say so, i said.

"If that is so then see you on Friday for the teachers class, he said.

"I'm aware of that, i said.

"Okay ma'am see you then, take care Amanda, he said.

"Thanks for calling, bye, i said and dropped the call and just like that o, John brightened up my mood as i happily bounced to the class......

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