
The Golden Merchant

A young man named Gold dies during a hurricane and is reborn in the world of Tarius. Gifted with a system, how will Gold fare in an unfamiliar fantasy world? Read and find out! INFO/DISCLAIMERS The system plays a major part in the story. Slice-Of-Life, don’t expect tons of actions. There will be moments but action is not often. Profanity will be used in the story. No planned romance for now. Will be posting on RoyalRoad under the same name. Anywhere else is without my(the owner and author) permission.

UnKnownEntity001 · Fantasie
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Chrysos Gold sat at his desk playing his favorite mmorpg, currently he was waiting on one of his regulars to show up for a trade. Everyone on this server knew that if you needed rare and hard to get items or materials, you go to Chrysos. They called him the Golden Merchant.

Yeah that was his name, Chrysos Gold, or gold gold. His dad thought it was hilarious, meanwhile he thought it was embarrassing. He grew up with most people simply calling him Gold, which he was fine with. 

Just as he saw his potential customer teleport to the cities teleport platform, he heard a bang outside. Looking up Gold saw that a hurricane was headed straight towards him. Trees and other debris flying at high speeds.

"What the fuck? How long have I been playing?" 

Opening his phone he saw it had been three days. How did he not feel more exhausted? He lifted his head to look outside just in time to see a large tree speeding towards him. Then darkness.

When he next opened his eyes he saw a blue sky and heard birds chirping nearby. Taking a deep breath he sat up and instantly noticed something wrong. He was fit now, he had abs and a good bit of muscle. He looked around and saw he was on a beach, past the beach was palm trees as far as he could see. After calming himself he stood up, and noticed the next difference, he was taller. He was used to being short, at just 5'6, now he guessed he was around 5'10. 

Clearly this wasn't the same body. Gold had always been a gamer and nerd who read a lot. So of course he had read novels of reincarnation, which lead him to his next action. 

"Status" he said aloud.

Unfortunately nothing happened. Trying not to feel disappointed he decided to try a few more commands. 

"Stats" nothing happened.

"User interface" again no reaction.

"System activation" Finally a command worked.

"Welcome user 12,345. Now activating The Merchant System. Time left until activation completion: 3 days. Goodbye for now User 12,345." The prompt read before disappearing.

"Well shit." Was the only response Gold had.

After standing there looking like a fool for far longer than he would've liked, Gold finally shook his head and started climbing up the beach to get a better view of his surroundings. 

"Might as well try finding civilization during those three days." 

It was then that Gold noticed what he was wearing, he currently wore a tunic and breeches as well as leather boots. From this he figured he was in a world during a period similar to medieval times back on earth.

Finally climbing from the beach, he didn't immediately see a town, he did however find a road not far from the beach. It seemed to be going east and west, if the sun was in the same position as on earth, which he couldn't be sure it was. 

"Hmm east or west? West seems to go more inland so if I go east I'll likely run into a coastal town. Which for a merchant mean's opportunity. East I go then." Gold said aloud to himself before walking to the road and heading east.


Gold had gotten lucky that on his very first day he ran into caravan heading to the nearest city. The group had about 20 wagons, each for a different family. According to the husband and father of the family he was staying with, the Birch family, their town had been declining for decades and all these families felt it was time to move on.

The Birches were a small family, just the husband and wife and one son. So they volunteered to take him in when they heard his made up story and felt sorry for Gold.

His current story is that his ship had been shipwrecked and he washed ashore on the beach, and he had forgotten most of his memories. Of course there was tons of issues with it, but he knew next to nothing of the world and he needed an explanation as to why he had no knowledge of big cities or important figures in society.

The Birches fed him and gave history lessons and in return he did some chores and repairs to the wagon. According to the father, Arthur, it was the year 490 A4G. A4G stood for After Fourth Gate, 490 years ago was the last time the demonic gate opened, which happens every 500 years. The last one was the fourth time in known history that it opened.

Of course whatever put him here decided to only give him 10 years before a demonic army invaded his new world. According to Arthur there are dozens of gates spread across the world of Tarius, and each opening is a different gate. Luckily most of them have military forts built around them, when Arthur explained this, the relief was visible in his eyes.

Next Gold learned about the most common currencies of Tarius, there are 4 coins. The Bronze Sword, the Silver Snake, the Golden Crown and the Platinum Dragon. The naming was odd for some of them, but who was he to talk when his name is Gold Gold.

Arthur taught him many other things as well, who the king was currently, what daily life looked like for most people, and he told him about magic. Unfortunately Arthur wasn't a mage so he didn't know much, just the basics of some elements and mentioning some powerful mages from history.

Overall his three days of travel had been more fruitful then he could've imagined. And now on the third day they were finally riding into the port city of Landerfall. Named after the first who arrived by sea, who they call landers.

Gold finally got a view of the city, and he was impressed. Tall walls stood at least 50 feet into the sky, atop them he could barely see guards going about their duty. The next thing he noticed was the two gates, the wall was thick allowing for an outer gate and an inner gate. A dozen guards were outside the outer gate, allowing or denying entrance to travelers, beyond them past the inner gate was another dozen guards standing and waiting for any troublemakers if needed.

As it was finally their turn the "leader" of the caravan began speaking with the guards. It seemed they reached an agreement when one of the guards stepped forward.

"All of you in the caravan head to the Workers Guild. They'll get you setup with temporary housing and a job. Don't be starting any trouble in our city or you'll end up in the mines." The guard shouted before stepping back and allowing the caravan through.

As they rode through the city they had to stop multiple times for other wagons and horse riders. Gold took this time to look around the city, most houses seemed to be made of stone with wooden roofs. Most the citizens he saw going about their day looked to be doing well enough. Eventually they came to a market that had dozens of stalls setup, as well as shops on every corner, even a couple inns.

"Arthur, Mary and little Tom, this is where I leave you folks. I appreciate your kindness, you all stay safe." Gold said his goodbyes to the family before hoping off the back of the wagon and quickly getting out of the way of the next one.

As he looked around Gold mentally sent a command. 'Activation Timer' and a pop up entered his vision.

"20 minutes"

He wasn't sure if the activation would cause him to pass out, so he wanted to find an inn soon. While he didn't have much Arthur decided to sneakily give him 10 silver snakes for his repairs on the wagon.

Gold looked around and saw a nearby inn called the Golden Goose and thought it fitting. Heading in he noticed the innkeeper cleaning the bar.

"Hello good sir, how much for a room for one night?" Gold asked the man.

"4 snakes and you have to leave at ten in the morning." The man said as he looked Gold up and down.

Nodding Gold handed the man the snakes to which the man grunted and handed him a key with the number 3 on it.

"Up the stairs, second room on the left. And the names Thomas." The man said before going back to cleaning the coutertop.

"Thank you good sir. And the name is Gold." Gold said before heading up the stair. Behind him he heard the man chuckle.

After getting to his room Gold locked the door and laid on the bed. Eventually the timer ran out and his vision went black.

chapter word count: 1475

First chapter of the story. Next chapter we explore the system, and learn more about the world and its inhabitants. 2 chapters weekly, Sunday and Wednesday between 1-5AM. I work nights so whenever I have time ill be writing, hopefully getting a back log of chaps.

UnKnownEntity001creators' thoughts