
The Golden Fox

After Naruto and company failed to return Sasuke, he was banished from the village. six years later, with the Akatuski and Sound defeated, The Cloud has declared war on the Leaf. Tsunade believes there is one person who can help, the Golden Fox himself. This amazing story was written by Nyce456 a very talented author be sure to check out his other stories.

Hyuga_Tobirama · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 7: Golden Fox: The Birth of a Legend

Everyone stared at Naruto, who began to speak, "It all started the day that I left the village. I felt no matter how hard I tried to get the villagers to acknowledge me, they never would. So I decided to head to Wave Country…"


Naruto was walking in the forest. He was mumbling to himself as he walked, "Stupid village, I don't know why I ever tried. It doesn't matter anymore because they will see their mistake when I become stronger."

Naruto drew a kunai from his pouch and slit the palm of his hand. He let the blood drop to the ground, "I swear that I will become stronger. I won't take the easy way out like Sasuke; no, I will train to become the greatest ninja ever. Konoha, when I reach my goal you better pray I put how I was treated behind me because I swear if I don't I will crush the village."

He didn't even bother with wrapping the deep wound; it had begun the process of healing. As he walked away slowly, he looked back at the village and narrowed his eyes. They will see their mistake one way or another.

Naruto had walked for hours trying to figure out where he should go, finally it came to him: "Maybe I should visit Tazuna. That's what I will do; I'll head to Wave Country."

End of Flashback

"So you went to see Tazuna and his family after you left?" Sakura asked the blond shinobi.

He nodded "Yes, I did visit Tazuna and his family. It's funny, in Wave I'm seen as a hero, but in my hometown I'm nothing more than a person that the villagers hate without justified cause."

"You're a hero in Wave bro?" Konohamaru said looking at his idol with stars in his eyes.

"I guess it had something to do with the mission that Team 7 had in Wave. It shocked me too when I found out. What also shocked me was that they named their bridge the Great Naruto Bridge" Naruto said in a modest tone.

"Why did they name a bridge after you? You weren't the only one who helped in that mission you know." Sasuke said with slight hint of jealousy.

Naruto just shrugged, "I don't know, ask Tazuna the next time you see him. Would it have been better if was The Great Sasuke Bridge?"

Sasuke smirked at the blue-eyed young man, "Of course it would have been better."

"You arrogant bastard, not even getting your ass kicked changed that fact." Naruto thought.

Sakura spoke to break the tension between the two "Naruto, I think you should continue with your story."

Naruto continued, "Where was I? Oh yeah I went to visit Tazuna and his family. The village treated me like I was human, so I decided to stay for a while. I was in Wave for three months, and then I left. Tazuna gave me a nice sum of money so I wouldn't go hungry during my travels. Then, I headed to Water Country. While there I, met a missing-nin by the name of Saichi Kaito"

"Let me guess, you trained under him right?" Sasuke stated.

"Yes, I trained under him." Naruto said.

"Shocking that an S-class missing-nin would take the time to train anyone," Udon stated.

"So that explains the water techniques you used against Sasuke-sama", Hanabi pointed out.

"How did you meet him Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked in a soft tone.


"I've been in this country for two months and I still haven't found a ramen stand. I hope that this town has ramen or I'm going to die." Naruto said to out loud to himself.

Naruto walked for ten minutes before he found what he was looking for. His grew as wide as saucers; his mouth opened wide dripping with saliva, "Ramen! I can't believe that I found a Ramen stand."

Naruto ran up to the ramen stand and took a seat next to man with short blue hair and green eyes. The said man was dressed in a white long sleeve shirt and grey sweats. The sandals he had on were the standard blue that almost every nin wore. The guy gave Naruto a side glance before speaking, "What's the matter with you kid, is there something wrong with my face?"

Naruto shook his head, "No, I just saw your sword and I assumed that you were a ninja. Am I correct?"

Before the man brought noodles to his mouth, he spoke in a low tone: "Yes."

Naruto looked at the man, "Judging by that head band, you're a mist-nin." Naruto gave the man a serious look. "Train me."

The man turned his attention to Naruto, "You don't want to get involved with me kid; you'll get hurt in the long run. I'm not even supposed to be in this country. I'm an S-class criminal wanted for trying to assassinate the Mizukage. You'll have hunter-nins on you if you get involved with me. But since I like you, I will pay for your meal, be safe kid." The said ninja placed a stack of coins on the stand before walking off. Naruto stared at his back for a while, "Shit I didn't even get his name. Oh well, I guess I'll eat some ramen.

Naruto looked at the cook, "Four bowls of miso-ramen."

The girl at the ramen stand smiled at Naruto and prepared his order. Naruto ate his food, then left the ramen stand. He decided to go outside of the town to continue his training with the scrolls Jiraiya had given him. Naruto finally reached an area where he could train. He had been practicing basic fire jutsus while in Wave, he was trying to perfect them. Naruto did a Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu. He burned several trees in the area but it wasn't good enough in his eyes. He was about to do it again but he was interrupted by a voice from behind, "The technique would be more effective if you relaxed a bit."

Naruto turned to see the owner of the voice, "Oh it's you. What do you want, I don't have time to fool around I have to train."

The man looked Naruto over before speaking, "So you think I'm a waste of your time but yet you asked me to train you, why is that?"

"You're a nin familiar with water based jutsus. I thought I could benefit by learning as much as I could. But since you don't want to take me on I have no time to waste." Naruto said before turning back to prepare for another fire technique.

The guy spoke interrupting him mid way through seals, "What if I decided to take you on, what do you plan to do with my training?"

Naruto turned back to the man. He thought about this question. He had vowed to become strong and gaining jutsus was one way to that goal. He was mad at what the Leaf did and he wanted everyone that was against him to pay. But then he thought about Iruka and how he would be affected if Naruto did what he had intended to do. Naruto didn't know what he would do, but he knew that it would help him survive another day so he could decide.

"I don't know what I plan to do with the training that you wish to give me. All I know is that it would help me survive another day to make the decision on what to do." Naruto answered honestly.

The man smiled at the boy. "Good answer. Gather your belongings we leave now. If I'm in this country for too long the hunter nins will surely discover me, it would be hard to escape them with you so we need to hurry."

Naruto grabbed the backpack that was about twenty feet away from him and walked back to the man. "My name is Uzumaki Naruto, what is yours?"

The man looked at the young boy and smiled, "My name is Saichi Kaito." Naruto and the man walked out of the forest and headed off into the distance without another word said between them.

End of Flashback

"So that's how you met Saichi Kaito…" Sakura stated rhetorically.

"That's how we met. I found out that he was a member of the Mist's Seven Swordsman about a week later." Naruto informed the group.

"So bro, what did you learn while you trained under him?" Konohamaru asked showing interest in Naruto's training.

Naruto spoke to answer the Third's grandson's question, "Well, he trained me how to use a sword, showed me some water jutsus and we did missions together. He actually started calling me the "Golden Fox". He said that the way I tricked enemies and the whisker marks on my face reminded him of a fox. I guess "Golden" is because of the blond hair. It seemed to catch on but it wasn't a name that put fear into people's hearts until the incidents in Rain and Earth Country. Anyway we traveled together with each other for two whole years. That's how long it took for me to complete my training under him."

Sasuke looked at Naruto. Naruto generalized his training, which meant that he was hiding something that he didn't want them to know. Sasuke didn't really care; the only thing that he wondered was where Naruto got those gravity seals. He wanted to get them too.

"I'm curious, how did you get those gravity seals?" Sasuke asked causing every to turn to Naruto.

Naruto spoke "I got the seals from Howaito Naiya."

"Fuuza no Okami" Sakura said gaining the attention of everyone.

"So you heard of the Seal Mistress. It figures, you were always the brainiac." Naruto said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Well actually Tsunade-sama and Jiraiya-sama were talking about her and Gai told us who she was." Sakura said informing her former teammate.

"I just hope Ero-sennin doesn't tell Oba-chan about were she's located. I hope he lied and said that he had no idea where she was. Knowing him, he probably did." Naruto thought to himself.

Sasuke spoke again, "Where is she now Naruto?" "Maybe I could get her to place the seals on me to help elevate my training."

The blond ninja smirked at the Uchiha, "That is for me to know and for you to wish you knew."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes at Naruto. Sasuke was about to speak but Naruto cut him off before he could "Part of her giving me these seals I was never to reveal her location. I'm among the handful that knows where she's at." "Like I would tell you even if she didn't ask me to reveal her location."

Sasuke was mad at the fact that he couldn't get those seals that Naruto had. Those seals would be helpful. Sasuke's train of thought was interrupted by Hanabi, "How long have you had those seals?"

"I got them after my first year with Kaito-sensei. He's among the handful of people who knew her location. He decided to take me there to advance my training." Naruto stared of in to space losing himself in his thoughts.


Naruto had a blindfold on and he was being carried by his sensei. "Is this really necessary, I mean I can walk and see you know."

"I know Naruto, but where we're going know one knows about it but me and a select few. Who knows, after this maybe you will be among the few." Kaito said to his student.

"How long till we get there?" Naruto asked in bored tone.

"We're already here." Kaito entered a house with Naruto on his back. The man put Naruto down then removed the blindfold from his eyes. His vision was a little blurred, but it cleared up soon after the blind fold was removed.

Naruto saw a lady with long black hair, brown eyes, and the lipstick that Tsunade wears. The lady was dressed in a purple kimono with small white flowers decorating it. She looked at Naruto and smiled, "So you're Uzumaki Naruto? It's nice to finally meet you, I've heard so much about you from Kaito-san here and my perverted hermit sensei Jiraiya."

Naruto looked at this beautiful tan complexion woman with visible shock "You were trained by Ero-sennin? I thought the only person that he trained was Yondaime."

She smiled at the boy, "I was on his genin team along with the Yondaime."

"What is your name?" Naruto asked the women.

"My name is Howaito Naiya." She answered the boy.

"It's nice to meet you Naruto-kun. So what is a ninja of the Leaf doing out here with a missing nin from Kiri." The lady asked with a smile still on her face.

Naruto expression turned to one of anger "I was banished from that retched village. I am no longer a shinobi of the Leaf."

She looked surprise and a bit taken back by his comments. She was mad at the fact that her former teammate, who sacrificed his only son, for the sake of the village did not have his last wish come true. Granted she wasn't in the village at the time Jiraiya had informed her of Minato's death and had told her Minato's last words. She had offered to take the boy in but Jiraiya had also informed her that Minato wanted Naruto to grow up in the Leaf. Yondaime seem to believe that his son would be looked at as a hero; now she knew his decision was proven wrong. She couldn't help but feel sorry for the young man in front of her.

"Naruto, why did they banish you from the village?" knowing the answer, since Jiraiya told her days after he was banished. Jiraiya also informed her that the boy had no idea about his heritage. That made her angrier but she knew that it was for the best seeing as her teammate had numerous enemies.

Naruto clenched his fists at the question but he answered nonetheless "I was on mission to retrieve Uchiha Sasuke, one of my former teammates. We fought at the Valley of the End and I held back my attack, because if it had hit him, he would have died. He fled to a village to gain power from the man who killed the Sandaime."

"So your friend went to Orochimaru I presume? Well Naruto you should put the past behind you and move on." She smiled at the younger man.

Naruto wore a serious expression, "I will not put the past behind me. It has made strong and it will continue to do so. The hate, the betrayal, the rejection, the loneliness are the ingredients that will make me into a great ninja. Konoha will regret that they blamed me for something that was out of my control."

She just looked at the boy. She knew if his father was here he would be ashamed to hear his son but then again he would probably be more ashamed of the village that he sacrificed himself for if he learned how they treated his son. "Well Naruto, you shouldn't attack Konoha, if you do then you would be the monster that's sealed inside of you."

Naruto eyes widened, "You know about the Kyuubi, but how?"

"Who do you think helped with your fa…friend being sealed inside your stomach?" "Whew that was close" Naiya thought.

Naruto narrowed his eyes, "So you helped him place this retched curse upon me?" Naruto closed his eyes as he looked down. He opened them, while looking at the ground, only to have a sad expression on his face. "Why…why was I chosen to bear this curse? I didn't ask for this, what made the Fourth choose me out of a hundred other kids in the village?"

She gave him a look of that indicated she felt sorry for him. "Naruto, I don't know why you were selected. You see I only helped design the seal, which took about two months to do. Yondaime came to me and asked me to help him with a seal to stop the Kyuubi. He came to me about four months prior with a prototype that he designed. The Kyuubi was rampaging lands southwest of Kika Island. It was estimated that it would take him about four months to reach Konoha. The seal was designed as last resort. It took us a lot of sleepless nights to design the seal but we did it. After spending two months here he headed back to Konoha. All I know after that is that he sealed the beast inside of you; I was informed of this by Jiraiya-sensei."

There was a long silence. Kaito walked up and placed a hand on Naruto "I don't know why he chose you Naruto, all I know is that he wouldn't have chose you if he didn't think you could handle it."

"Whatever, why are we here Kaito-sensei?" Naruto asked.

"I think you going to love this Naruto because this will make you stronger. Naiya, if you will." The nin from the Mist said to the black hair woman.

She looked at Naruto and started to explain, "Ok, Naruto you were brought here today because your sensei asked me to place gravity seals on you. Before you ask, let me explain. Gravity seals are seals that are placed on the body by someone who is good with seals, such as myself. The purpose of these seals is to make you stronger. They will do so by increasing the gravity on your body. While everyone is walking around in normal gravity field, you on the other hand will be walking in a gravity field slightly higher then normal."

Naruto looked at her with a confused expression. She sighed, trying to figure a better way to explain. "Think of them as body weights, but a hundred times better. When you increase weights you move slower, the same principle applies with gravity seals. However taking weights of in the midst of combat is impossible to do, but with gravity seals it's easier because all you need to do is have a hand seal or hand seals formatted to the seals. Also, gravity seals yields results faster then weights."

"I understand. So you're saying I can increase the seal with a hand sign if I wished?" Naruto asked with visible interest.

"Yes, but you can also release them with a hand sign. So Naruto, do you want them or do I have to find another way to repay you teacher?" She asked the boy.

"Ok, fine let's do it. This will be very beneficial." Naruto said with a smile on his face.

Twenty minutes had pasted and Naruto was lying on a table with a towel covering his private area. There were purple seal marks painted all over his body. Naiya did a few handle seals. She then placed the glowing index and middle finger of her right hand on Naruto's chest. When her two fingers made contact all of the seals started to glow bright purple. Naruto felt his whole body get slightly heavier then it was before.

He looked at his body to see the seals had stopped glowing purple. Soon after the glow they were gone completely. He looked at her, "The seals are gone but my body still feels heavy, why?"

"The seals only faded to match you skin color. They aren't gone just invisible. When you deactivate the seals they will re-appear again only to fade once more. No one will know you have the gravity seals until you confront them in battle." She explained to Kaito's student.

"Ok, so what are the hand seals to deactivate and activate the seals?"

"I placed my index finger and my middle finger on your chest. That is the seals, but you are to cross your arms in an X shape then release the seals. The same process is used to activate them. Now to increase the gravity of the seals all you have to do is think about the increase while you forming the seals. Right now you at x1 the normal gravity or level one whatever you prefer to call it. It's going to take a while to get used to it but I recommend that you don't elevate your level until you can move freely in x1 like you can in normal gravity." Naiya informed him.

An hour later Naruto and Saichi was at the door preparing to leave. Naiya smiled at Naruto. "Naruto, since I have given you that seal you have to give me your word that you will not tell anyone of this location. I do not wish to be found by anyone. So do I have your word?"

Naruto nodded, "You have my word no one will know of this location."

"How can I trust your word?" She asked.

"I never go back on my word, that is my nindo." Naruto told the lady.

She smiled at the boy, "Thank you Naruto. If you need anything else just come to me but make sure you're not followed." Naruto and Kaito left the house and headed out. They sped off into the darkness of the night.

End of Flashback

"Naruto-kun… Naruto-kun…Naruto-kun" Hinata said trying to snap him out of his daze.

"Oh, Hinata I'm sorry I must have zoned out there. Where was I again?" Naruto asked the Leaf nins gathered around him. "Oh I was telling you all about how he took me to get my gravity seals. Well anyway, I followed him for another year after that. My training with him was done and we both parted ways. I decided that I had to learn how to fend for myself and make it on my own. I headed to Sea Country after doing solo missions for a month. When I arrived in Sea Country I spent two days there in a hotel. While walking down the street I ran into a man who looked to be a swordsman. He insulted the design of my sword and said that I probably had no skill so I challenged him to a duel."

Hanabi spoke before anyone could, "So what happened next?"

"I challenged him and I lost. But it was to be expected when the person you lose to is Minashu Ryuho." Naruto stated.

"So why did he train you if you lost to him?" Sasuke asked.

"He said he saw something in my form that he hadn't seen in a long time. He offered to train me and I accepted." Naruto said.

"What happened while you were training with him bro?" Konohamaru asked with excitement in his voice.

"I won't tell them everything about the training, they really don't need to know about it" Naruto thought. "We introduced ourselves then he decided to introduce me to his clan."


"Naruto I'm taking you to meet my clan. I think you're going to like my family. There are a lot of young girls in the village that will take a liking to you I'm sure. I'm not gay or anything, but you are an attractive young man and the women are going to swarm all over you." Ryuho said to his new apprentice.

"I really don't care for that; I have other goals to accomplish. Right now woman are not on the list." Naruto said with an expressionless face.

The man smiled at Naruto, "You say that now, but will see what happens. Anyway your going to be staying with me, it should only take you a year to master the style. So what do you plan on doing with the training?"

"First I have to deal with an organization that wants me dead for something that I have. Second I have a village to decimate." Naruto said with slight anger in his voice at the last part.

"You sure have a lot of things that you have to do. But you're going to need an army to do the latter." Ryuho said jokingly.

"I won't need an army; I'm going to do it myself. For the crimes that they have committed against me they will suffer. First I'm going to deal with Akatsuki, next I'm going to sound and I'm going to kick Uchiha Sasuke's ass and drag him back to Konoha, only to show the villagers a true monster." Naruto said to Ryuho in a serious manner.

"Well I hope you don't follow through on your revenge. A man must have honor; where is the honor in destroying a village because you were mistreated? Rise above it and show them that you're better." The Samurai master said hoping that his words would get through.

"Whatever, but the Leaf village will fall regardless of what you say. Over the last two years my hate and disgust for that village has grown. I told myself if I had learned to put it behind me then I would not show them what a monster truly is. But since I haven't and as it stands now, the village will be destroyed." Naruto said making the man next to him shake his head.

The two had finally reached the top of the long stairs. When they finally got to the top a large estate was sitting at the top. Naruto took in the beautiful scenery. He saw a pond to his right and an assorted arrangement of followers all over. In his mind the mansion easily fit 300 or more he wasn't sure.

"Naruto, you will be staying here with me and my family for a year. You will live in my section of the mansion with my wife, my daughter and myself. Come, let me show you the house." Ryuho walked forward motion Naruto to follow. They both entered the mansion. The mansion had an old traditional feel to Naruto but it was definitely classy.

Ryuho led Naruto to the section that that his wife and daughter lived. When they entered the area the little girl ran up to her father, "Father, you're back. Did you bring me the candy that you promised?"

He scooped up the little girl, "I'm sorry honey but I didn't get you any candy. Oh where are my manners, Naruto I would like you to meet my daughter Hayaimi." Naruto nodded instead saying hello. The little gave Naruto a cheeky smile.

Ryuho's wife also walked up to the group. Ryuho pointed to his wife, "This is my lovely wife Kaori."

Kaori extended her hand to Naruto, "It's nice to meet you Naruto. Well if you will excuse me I have things to do." The lady with nice flowing lavender hair and green eyes walked pass Naruto, Ryuho and Hayami and headed out of her families section of the mansion. Ryuho put his daughter on his neck and motioned Naruto to follow.

They left Ryuho's section and walked further into the mansion. They finally arrived at a dojo on the east wing of the mansion. They walked in to see a man training about twenty boys and girls ages ranging from twelve-fifteen. The man motioned the group to stop; He walked up to Ryuho. The man, with long black hair in a ponytail and eyes to match, was wearing a blue robe with a white tunic. He looked to be no more than twenty. The said man had bowed before Ryuho. "Hello Ryuho-sama. What do I owe the pleasure of you coming to watch me teach one of my classes?"

"I'm just giving my newest apprentice a tour. Shinji, meet Uzumaki Naruto, Uzumaki Naruto meet Minashu Shinji, my nephew." The head of the Minashu clan introduced the two.

Both men nodded to each other in acknowledgment. Shinji spoke, "Ryuho-sama, I don't mean to be rude but I was showing my students an advance form of our style. It would be impossible to get them to concentrate and do well while under the eyes of the Clan head."

Ryuho nodded in agreement, "I understand. I wasn't planning to stay long anyway. I just wanted to show Naruto the dojo and also inform you of the meeting taking place later on tonight."

"Thank you Ryuho-sama, I will be at the meeting." Shinji bowed to his uncle and walked back to his class.

Ryuho and Naruto walked out of the dojo with Hayami still on her fathers shoulder. "Naruto" He took Hayami off of his neck "Can you watch her for a minute. I have business to take care of. I'm sure Hayami will be glad to show you the rest of the mansion, right Hayami?"

She nodded vigorously "Yes father I would."

"Good, later guys." He walked away from the two disappearing into the distance. Naruto turned and walked away from the girl.

She ran to his side, "Hey, Naruto niisan, where are you going. Father asked me to take you on a tour; don't you want to see the rest of this place?"

"No." Naruto said, silencing the girl.

She looked down then looked back up at him as if a thought just occurred to her, "I know Naruto niisan... do you want to play with me? We can play samurai together. Do you want too?"

"No. Aren't there kids your age in this mansion or this village that you can play with for that matter?" Naruto didn't even look down at the girl when he replied.

The girl looked down at the ground, sadness was visible in her eyes, "My cousins say I'm to slow to play with them and the kids in the village treat me the same. Nobody wants to be my friend."

Naruto stopped and looked at the girl. She looked at him waiting for him to speak, "Life is cruel deal with it. I can tour the rest of this place by myself." Naruto said before leaving the girl all alone.

End of Flashback

"So what happened during your time there?" Sasuke asked out of interest.

"I trained of course. I learned more about using a sword than I ever thought possible." Naruto answered.

"Naruto-kun can you tell us more about Hayami and how she helped you." Hinata asked her crush.

Naruto nodded to Hinata and continued with his tale


Six months passed since Naruto arrived at the Minashu clan compound. Naruto ignored most of Ryuho's nieces and other female relatives' attempts at him; he also ignored the villages' females' advances. Naruto was going to a store in town to get some ramen. As he was walking down the street he saw some kids Hayami's age teasing her.

"Hayami is a loser."

"Purpled haired freak."

"Book worm nerd."

Hayami started crying as the kids continued to tease her.

"Cry baby, cry baby, Hayami is cry baby."

One of the boys teasing her pushed her on the ground. He went to kick her but found that something was holding him a few inches above the ground. Hayami looked up through her tears, elevating her voice out of joy, "Naruto-niisan."

The kid looked back to see who had him captive. He saw a teen about his sister's age holding him with a serious look on his face. Their attention was broken when a teen and a couple of her friends walked on to the scene. The girl waved at Naruto who glanced at her.

"Hello Naruto-kun." The girls said with emphasis on the kun. The girl recognized Naruto was holding her brother in his hands "What did my brother do Naruto-kun?"

Naruto threw the kid at her feet, "He was picking on that little girl. If I see him picking on her again he won't get off so easy."

"I apologize for his actions. So what do you got to say for yourself young man?" The girl said with an angry look on her face. The boy and his friends looked at Hayami "We're sorry." Naruto turned his back on the crowd and continued with his business. Hayami saw Naruto walking away and ran up to him.

"Thank you for saving me Naruto-niisan. Where are you going? Can I come along?" She asked with a pleading look in her eyes.

Naruto looked at the girl for a moment. "She's just like me in a sense. The villagers don't hate her but her peers look down on her." "Come on; let me treat you to some ramen."

Her eyes became wide and glossy, "Really, Naruto-niisan you mean it?"

"Just come on before I change my mind." Naruto said walking off. The girl quickly caught up.

Five months passed since then and Hayami was the only person that Naruto was friendly with. He showed respect to her parents but with her he found someone he truly cared for. It was Hayami's bedtime and Naruto was in the room with her.

"Naruto-niisan, you're leaving in a month right?" She said with sadness in her voice.

"Yes Hayami, I will be leaving in a month. I have things to take care of but don't worry you will see me again." He assured the little girl.

"Naruto-niisan, can you tell me a bed time story." The girl asked.

Naruto thought about a story he could tell her. He finally got it, "Ok. There was once this great demon known as the Kyuubi. No one knows his reasons, but the great demon attacked a ninja village known as Konoha. The Kyuubi Kitsune attacked the village, destroyed a lot of things, and killed a lot of people."

"Naruto-niisan I don't like this story, I'm scared." The girl said.

He smiled at her "Don't worry because the village's hero shows up."

"Oh…so what happens when the hero shows up?"

"The hero shows up and vows to defeat the monster. But the only way that he could defeat the monster was to seal it in the belly of a new born. He did this, thus saving the village from the Kyuubi" Naruto stated.

"Did the kid die?" she asked.

"No the kid is very much alive. You see the kid grew up with villagers who hated him because they thought that he was the fox. He had no family and no friends. One day when the kid was twelve he was banished from his village. He now roams the globe, but no one knows where he is for sure." Naruto said.

"Oh. That is a sad story Naruto-niisan. I hope that he finds happiness. If I knew him I would be his friend. He didn't choose to have the monster sealed in him. I hope I get to meet him someday so I can be his friend. Naruto-niisan, would you be his friend too?" Hayami asked the boy she called brother.

Naruto smiled and ruffled her hair, "Yes Hayami, I would be his friend. Get some sleep; you have school in the morning."

She sat up and give him a hug "Goodnight, I love you Naruto-niisan."

Naruto eyes widened at that last statement. Nobody has ever said that to him. He shook off his shock and looked at the girl with a smile forming on his face, "I love you to Hayami." Naruto walked out of the room and closed the door behind. He turned to his left to see Kaori leaning against the wall.

"That story… it was about you wasn't it?" Kaori asked

Naruto just nodded. He was about to walk away when her voice stopped him, "You know Naruto, not everyone see you as a monster. From hearing what Hayami said about wanting to be your friend it is safe to say that she doesn't see you that way and neither do I." The clan head's wife stated to the boy.

"I told her the story to see what she would think. Now I know that if she ever finds out that she won't treat me any different. It's late; I'm going to bed. Goodnight Kaori-san" Naruto said before heading to his bedroom.

"Good night Naruto." The lady said before walking off to her room.

The month went by fast and Naruto was now ready to leave. He decided to take Ero-sennin up on his offer. So his next goal was to find the perverted hermit. Naruto was at near the stairs that were eight stories high and lead back to the village. Everyone from the clan was gathered.

Ryuho spoke "Naruto, we're sure going to miss you around here."

"He's right Naruto; I don't think my nieces want you to leave. They all look sad." Kaori said to the blond.

"Well I have more training to do but don't worry, I will visit when I get the chance." Naruto told everyone.

"You promise Naruto-niisan?" Hayami asked with tears in her eyes.

He walked up to the girl and bent down to her height. "Of course" He then took out a gold necklace with a fox pendant from his pants pocket and put it around the girl's neck. He then pulled his out from under his shirt, "This chain here symbolizes our friendship Hayami. It also shows that no matter where you are I'm always with you. If you happen to be in danger the necklace is also to show you that I will be there to save you" "like you saved me" Naruto thought to himself. He stood up and rubbed her head, "I hope you like it and will treasure it as much as I treasure mine."

"I will treasure it always Naruto-niisan. Thank you for giving it to me." She jumped into his arms and hugged him. Naruto returned the embrace. He put the girl down "Well I have to go. Ryuho-sensei, thanks for the sword. It's much better than my previous one."

"Where is the sword that you originally had when you came here?" Ryuho asked.

"I sealed it inside of a scroll." He then turned to Ryuho's wife "Thank you Kaori-san for understanding. I have to go everyone, I will see you all soon." Naruto waved to everyone before running down the steps that curved around the mountain that the clan's house sat on. Naruto reached the end of the steps to see a man he hadn't seen in a long time sitting on a frog.

"Ero-sennin, what are you doing here?" Naruto asked, shocked to see him.

"I'm here to see if you are going to accept the offer I gave you three years ago." Jiraiya informed the blond Shinobi.

"I was actually about to come look for you. Well no matter let's go, lead the way Ero-sennin." Naruto said.

End of Flashback

"I trained with Jiraiya for a year then I left him to wander around. "Not entirely true, I did defeat three Akatsuki members but they don't need to know that. Maybe I should tell them, it would definitely make Sasuke jealous with envy. Nah, they don't need to know how strong I have truly become just yet." Naruto thought.

"So Naruto-kun, how and when did you meet Yumi?" Hinata asked.


A year had passed since the Akatsuki had fallen. Naruto had engaged three members at separate times. The easiest of the three was Bai Hoshu who was a Rain nin. Naruto won that fight with little effort. The next fight was against Kazuya Aang, who was anything but easy. He fought Aang two months after his battle with Hoshu. In order to defeat 'Gem Stone' he had to lower the level of the gravity seal to one. While training with Jiraiya it was at level two. He won the battle with minor damage. His next opponent was the strongest of them all. He fought Tosuku a month later. Naruto had to drop his gravity seal and remove his weight stickers completely to keep up with Tosuku, a missing-nin from Cloud. The battle was fierce but Naruto had won barely.

He smiled at his accomplishment. Since then he had raised the gravity seal level to three. Naruto was walking down a street in a village in Sun country on a beautiful sunny day looking for a clothes shop to buy a shirt. He walked pass an alley and saw about three guys harassing a girl who was about his age. Naruto decided to help. He beat the guys up and chased them off; he then helped the girl up and she introduce herself, "Hi, I'm Yumi. You are?"

"Naruto, it's nice to meet you Yumi-san". Naruto said to the girl.

"It's nice to meet you. You saved me from those guys. If you hadn't come along they probably would have raped me." She was revolted by that thought.

She broke herself from her thought and looked back at the blond, "As token of my appreciation I would like to cook you dinner if that's ok."

"Ok." Naruto followed the girl to her house. She invited him and introduced him to her mother. She told her mother all about what happened. Naruto stayed and at dinner with the ladies and was about to leave when they offered he stay the night. He declined at first but they kept insisting so he caved and decided to stay. A day turned into a week and week turned into two months, Naruto was living with them. During this time he and Yumi had started dating.

Naruto and Yumi were walking in the village holding hands. Naruto had offered to take her out to eat a local out door restaurant. They took their seats and ordered their food. Naruto noticed that there were some nins from Rain talking amongst each other.

He decided to eavesdrop.

"I wonder if that Samurai Ryuho will comply. If he doesn't then his daughter is going to die." The Rain nin said.

"It's good that our Amekage and Iwa's Tsuchikage has come to an alliance. If Ryuho trained both of our soldiers in his sword style then we would be a very powerful ninja village." The other nin said.

Naruto clenched his teeth at what he heard. He stood up from the table, "Yumi, I'm sorry but something has come up. I have to leave ASAP."

She frowned at him, then nodded. "Ok let's go."

It took Naruto and Yumi ten minutes to get to her house. He wasted no time throwing some clothes in his backpack. Yumi wondered why he was in a rush. "Naruto, what's the rush? You just came back from a four day mission yesterday. Why are you leaving so soon?"

"I heard that my little sister was just kidnapped. I'm going to Sea Country to see my sensei." Naruto said while throwing clothes in his backpack. The young man known as the Golden Fox finished packing his bag. He walked up to Yumi, "Don't worry, I'm coming back. I don't know how long I will be gone but I will be back."

She gave him a hug. Naruto broke the hug and ran out of the door. His destination: Sea Country. "Please Hayami be safe", was the thought that ran through his head.

End of Flashback

"So you immediately took off to Sea Country. Why not confront the nins in town about the information?" Hanabi said to the Kyuubi container.

"That seems logical but they already stated that she was still alive. I needed to go to see Ryuho-sensei and find out more about the kidnapping." Naruto explained his reason to the younger Hyuuga.


Naruto had arrived in Sea two days later. He went straight to the manor. He was informed that Ryuho and the council were in the conference room. Naruto burst through the doors causing everyone to turn their head and jump slightly. When everyone saw him they looked at him with sad eyes knowing why he was there. Naruto didn't pay attention to the others; he immediately looked at Ryuho, "Where is she?" he demanded.

Ryuho looked at his apprentice for minute before speaking, "Last I got word she was in Rain Country. The Amekage has informed that she will be escorted to Earth Country in two days. From that point I have a week to decide or they will start to send me pictures and video feeds on what they do to her until I give in."

"So what are just going to sit on your ass and do nothing?" The anger was clear in his voice.

He looked down for a split second before looking back at Naruto, "Yes, I'm going to train their soldiers. I'm sorry but family is more important then some technique or fighting style. Don't look at me like that Naruto, I know the consequences and what will come of this. But my back is against the wall and I must do what I can. It's true that I'm the head of this clan, but that comes second to being a father. I will be leaving in the morning Naruto, you are welcome to join."

"No." Naruto said.

"You don't want to help get back Hayami-sama? I thought she meant a lot to you." Shinji stated.

"She does, that's why I will be going by myself. I will inform you when I have her." Naruto said walking to the exit.

"You're not going alone she is my daughter and I will protect her." Ryuho got up and walked over to Naruto. "I know she's special to you Naruto but she's special to me too. We'll do this together Naruto."

Naruto broke down and started to cry. His sensei quickly hugged him, "I promised that I would protect her but this happens."

"Its ok Naruto, we will get her ba…." He never finished his words; Naruto hit a pressure point on the back of his neck causing the man to hit the ground. He turned and walked away. When got near the exit he stopped and looked back to everyone, "When he wakes up tell him I'm sorry. I will be back here with Hayami in a week."

"Naruto, don't be foolish, what do you plan to do against an army of nins?" Shinji asked

"That's easy. If they get in my way they will die." Naruto exited leaving the council in shock. Naruto wasted no time running away from the mansion, his destination Rain country. "I should arrive in Rain Country in two days. Hayami, I'm coming, hold on." Naruto thought as he ran.

Naruto had arrived in Rain Country two days later. By keeping his ear to the ground he got word of Hayami's location. She was at a camp a few miles away from Ame village. Naruto wasted no time reaching the camp. He walked into a grassy field and saw a lot of tents. Naruto walked slowly into the camp when two shruiken flew at his feet causing him to halt.

"You're passing through a ninja camp, turn and head another way or die." The Rain nin said to Naruto.

"I'm not a civilian. The sword on my back should indicate that. I'm just looking for a friend" Naruto pulled out a picture that he had of Yumi, "Did you by any chance see my friend here?"

Naruto notice that more nins appeared surrounding him. One of the nins in the back spoke causing him to turn around, "So you have come for the little girl. She's not here, she left this location yesterday. Not that it matters you'll never reach her because you will die here."

Nin were about to attack when a voiced stopped him, "Wait!" The nin who spoke, landed in front of Naruto, "If it isn't Naruto Uzumaki, the Golden Fox; How appropriate and ironic." He said the last part indicating that he knew what Naruto had sealed inside of him. "So you're the kid who is listed in our bingo books as a B ranked nin. I don't see you traveling buddy Kaito here with you, where is he?"

"…" Naruto continued to stare at the man before him.

"Allow me to introduce myself; my name is Rokushou Aoi, former shinobi of the Leaf."

"I don't care where you're from. But since you do know about me, you should know what I'm capable of." Naruto told the man before him.

"Yes, but there are over a hundred nins here varying from Chuunin to Jounin. Be smart Naruto and just leave. I will allow you to leave if you turn around." Aoi smiled at Naruto waiting for him to just turn around and leave.

"You're in my way. Move or die, the choice is yours."

Aoi snapped his fingers; the field was soon covered with nins. "You left me no choice. Kill him now and leave his body here for the crows."

The nins rushed Naruto, who performed his swamp of the underworld technique causing the nins that charged in blindly to sink in to the muddy swamp. Naruto's hand seals were too fast for the naked eye, when he brought his hands together it was evident that he was going to perform a fire technique, "Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu" The flames incinerated about one-third of the nins at the camp.

Naruto gripped his sword. He unsheathed the sword and ran at the rain nins with blinding speed; they never knew what hit them. Blood was flying everywhere as he cut through nin after nin. His movements were so fluid and graceful that he made a massacre look like a thing of beauty. One nin shot water spikes at Naruto. The spikes hit him in the back causing him to drop to his knees. Aoi and the twenty or so nins that were left surrounded him.

Aoi walked up to him, "I have to admit you're good for doing what you did. You reduced us to only twenty-three nins before we stopped you." Aoi pulled the sword off of his back and pointed at Naruto's face. "This sword belongs to the Leaf's Nidaime. It's the legendary chakra sword. You should feel honored to die by it, since I rarely use it on opponents but you killed close to 100 of my men so you will die here."

Naruto laughed at the man, "I don't think I will be dying. But before I go, you should look to your left."

Naruto disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Aoi side flipped avoiding the water dragon that engulfed twenty of his nins leaving him with two. Naruto looked at Aoi. He motioned for the others to attack, they ran at Naruto. When they got close Naruto smiled, he then blew up in front of them causing them to be obliterated. Aoi narrowed his eyes, knowing that the real Naruto was behind him.

"So you know Kage Buushin and Buushin Bakuha, impressive. But you won't win. This sword will be red with your blood." Aoi licked his lips when he finished.

Naruto wasted no time attacking Aoi. Both engaged in a sword duel. Aoi swung at Naruto who dodged and blurred out of sight. Before Aoi could act he felt a sharp pain in his side. His eyes widened, he coughed up blood. When he looked down he knew the reason why he was coughing up blood. It was because Naruto's sword was sticking through the right side of his abdomen.

Naruto pulled out his sword causing Aoi drop to the ground. Naruto stepped over the man and head in the direction of Earth Country. The field he was leaving would have made anyone lose their lunch. Arms, legs, heads, and bodies decorated the field a few feet away from the camp. The grass was now red with the blood of nins. Naruto continued to walk when he noticed that a teen about his age, injured to the point that he couldn't defend himself. Naruto looked at him, "You will tell what happened here." The young nin nodded vigorously. Naruto body flickered, leaving behind smoke.

Around nightfall, Naruto arrived at a stream. His body was covered with the blood of the shinobi he killed at about noon. Naruto washed himself and changed into clean clothes that he pulled from his backpack. Naruto put the clothes on. He sat by the edge of the stream and cleansed his sword. Naruto knew that he had the advantage. Naruto had traced the nins from Rain. His guess as to why they left behind trails was because they didn't think anyone would follow them. Naruto had decided to rest for three hours before heading out again.

Naruto woke up the following morning and continued. He began to run into traps around midnight, which meant that the nins were probably resting. Finally, he was close, now he would have to cover ground. Naruto figured he would close the gap while they slept. Naruto dug in his pouch to retrieve a soldier pill. When he finished swallowing the soldier pill he immediately headed out.

Naruto arrived at another campsite around seven in the morning and saw that they were getting ready to leave. Naruto smiled when he saw one of the ninjas carry the girl out of one of the tents. He found her and that was all that mattered. Naruto positioned himself in the bushes so he could hear what was being said.

"We're heading to the village today. There will be no more stops. Ok men, clean this site up and let's head out." The ninjas pulled out scrolls and did a couple of hand seals causing the tents to be sucked into the scrolls. The placed the scrolls back in their pouches. The Jounin Naruto figured to be the leader looked at Hayami with a sick smile.

"Your father will have to do what we say or you will die. Are you afraid of me child?" The man asked the little girl in his arms.

The girl looked at him with no fear in her eyes, "No. My brother will come for me and beat you guys up. He promised me that no matter what he would be there to help me whenever I was in danger. Watch Naruto-niisan will deal with you, you just wait."

It angered him that the child was unafraid of him. He raised his hand and slapped her hard. She grabbed her face and started to cry, Naruto was now furious but he didn't move because he wanted to keep the element of surprise.

The Rock nin gave a grin of satisfaction, "Your friend will not be saving you girl. He lied to you. The sad reality is that you're going to die if your father doesn't comply. Do you know who will have the pleasure of killing you? Me, and you will die a slow and painful death."

The leader of the Rock nins felt something behind him. Sensing danger he threw the girl to his left while jumping to his right to avoid the sword that was aimed at his head. Naruto landed, then jumped next to Hayami. He knew that the nin would release the girl to save his own life.

Naruto smirked at the nin, "She's not going to die, not today anyway."

The girl looked up to see the boy who promised to protect her. Her mouth opened up in a wide grin of happiness, "Naruto-niisan you came."

"Of course, I never go back on my word." Naruto smiled at the girl.

Naruto bent down to the girl's height, "I am proud of you Hayami. You were brave; now let me deal with them." Naruto raised his glowing hand by her heart. He then touched the girl causing her to pass out. He then formed hand seals causing a barrier to form over her.

Once the squared purple barrier had incased her Naruto's smile turned into an evil glare as he turned to the leader.

"You all will die at my hands" Naruto unsheathed his sword. He got into a stance and continued to glare at the nins. "All of you are going to witness why the Minashu clan is revered among the greatest when it comes to kenjutsus. Since you would go as far as kidnap an innocent girl to learn a few techniques, I will show you one. Get ready because school is about to begin." Naruto's body started to glow with chakra. The chakra extended to his sword. Naruto vanished, then suddenly appeared behind a nin he slashed. The nin tried to evade the blade but was cut by trail of chakra that extended from the sword. "Amatsu Kenjutsu: Kanshina no Sekiza"

Using this technique in conjunction with his speed made the technique difficult for the nins to avoid. In a matter of minutes, Naruto had cut down over 100 nins. The Jounin leader was the last one standing when Naruto was done.

The glow from the chakra that covered Naruto's sword and body faded away. Naruto looked at the leader who showed signs of fear. "For slapping her, you will feel what she felt ten times over. But for threaten her life you have forfeit your own." Naruto extended the sword in his right-hand, channeling chakra through it. "Amatsu Kenjutsu: Kamisori Ejji" Naruto did random slashes in the air causing visible blades of chakra to fly towards the nin. The Rock nin didn't know what hit him. The nin looked at Naruto before falling to pieces. It would take a long time to identify him when their bodies were discovered.

Naruto dropped the barrier that Hayami was in and walked over, he then picked her up gently. He quickly left the scene fearing that she might wake up and see all of those bodies. He didn't want her to see people missing upper/lower torsos, heads, arms, and legs. Naruto was glad that he got to her before anything bad happened. He smiled and continued walking with the sleeping girl in his arms.

Naruto was now far from campsite. The girl in his arms opened her eyes slightly to see that Naruto was carrying her. He looked down and smiled at her. She snuggled up into his chest, "I knew you would protect me Naruto-niisan. I'm so glad that you…" She went back to sleep before she could finish. He just continued to look at her with a smile, "I'm glad that I came too."

End of Flashback

"Wow Naruto niisan, you took them all down with your sword; that is so cool." Konohamaru said.

Sasuke studied Naruto. He wondered what type of kenjutsu that he could have learned that would allow him to eliminate over 100 nins. Naruto killing that many nins didn't impress Sasuke, because he knew that he could also do the same thing if the situation called for it. He just wished he knew more about Naruto's sword style. Naruto left the details about his training with all of his sensei out, which angered Uchiha Sasuke. Naruto was now a mystery, he had no idea how strong he was and that frustrated him. It was decided; when he got back he was going to up his training. "You have surpassed me dobe but the gap will be closed soon." Sasuke thought to himself.

Hinata spoke, "Naruto-kun, how did you get out of Earth Country without running into Rock nins and Rain nins?"

Naruto responded to Hinata, "I cut through Bird Country and headed to Suna. Gaara helped us get on a ship to Tea Country where we hopped on another boat that took us to Sea Country. We arrived about a week after I killed those nins. Her father and her cousins will be closely watching her and the other kids so something like this won't happen again. However, if it does then she knows that I will be there."

The captain came into the room that the group was in, "We should be arriving in Rice Country in ten minutes." Everyone gave him a nod and he headed back to the deck.

20 minutes…

Naruto and company arrived in Rice Country. They stayed at a town near the docks and decided to head out at about 4 am back to Konoha. It was now 11pm and everyone was sleep except Naruto. He was sitting on the roof of the hotel looking at the starry sky, "Goodnight Hayami."

At the same time at the Minashu mansion…

"Goodnight Naruto-niisan." The girl touched her fox necklace before rolling over on her side to get some sleep. Her brother would always be there for her and that thought made her happy.


Amatsu Kenjutsu: Kanshisha no Sekiza - Heavenly Sword Technique: Guardian of the Gate

Amatsu Kenjutsu: Kamisori Ejji - Heavenly Sword Technique: Razor Edge