
The Golden Fox

After Naruto and company failed to return Sasuke, he was banished from the village. six years later, with the Akatuski and Sound defeated, The Cloud has declared war on the Leaf. Tsunade believes there is one person who can help, the Golden Fox himself. This amazing story was written by Nyce456 a very talented author be sure to check out his other stories.

Hyuga_Tobirama · Anime und Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 6: The Reason Why

Naruto had awakened to see that Sasuke was already up and dressed. After letting his eyes get adjusted to his surrounding, he then looked around to see that the beds around him were neatly made. He then turned his head to Sasuke. "What time is it?"

"It's 3 in the morning. Everyone is up getting prepared; I suggest you clean up so we can be prepared to move out at 0400 hours." This was the response given by Sasuke.

Naruto slowly lifted himself out of the bed. He walked to the bathroom to freshen himself up. Before he walked past Sasuke, who was leaning a wall near the bathroom with arms folded, the Uchiha spoke, "I'll be in the girls room, I expect you to be there in 15 minutes so we can go over a few things."

Naruto looked at Sasuke and nodded, he then entered the bathroom to freshen up. Sasuke left the room and headed to the room that belonged to the females of the group. The holder of the Sharingan entered the room. Sakura, who was sitting on a bed next to Hanabi, looked up, "Oh Sasuke-kun you're here. All of us are ready to head out whenever you are. I assume that Naruto is getting ready as we speak?"

He nodded, "Yes, he's freshening up a bit. Sakura, where are Hinata, Konohamaru, and Udon?"

"They went to get us something to eat at the local tavern." Sakura answered.

Sasuke went to lean on a wall next to the window. Hanabi was fixing the gloves on her hand. Her Chuunin/Jounin vest was lying neatly on the floor next to her sandals. The said Kunoichi placed her headband on her forehead; she then slipped into her black sandals and put on her vest. Sakura was already fully dressed in the standard Chuunin/Jounin outfit. Just when Sakura got off of the bed to stand up; Hinata, Konohamaru, and Udon walked into the room.

"Hello Hanabi-chan." Konohamaru greeted the younger Hyuuga.

She looked at the boy, "Hello." She returned the greeting emotionlessly.

Sakura looked at Hinata who was standing next to Konohamaru, "So what did you guys get?"

"We got some rice balls and some water from a local shop that was surprisingly open at this hour." Hinata responded. Hinata looked around the room sensing one person missing from the group, "Sakura-san, where is Naruto?"

Sasuke spoke up, "He should be here any minute."

Right on cue, Naruto walked into the room sporting a navy blue jacket and pants with blue sandals. His outfit was an exact copy of almost everyone else's excluding the vest. Sasuke wore a black outfit with the Uchiha symbol on the back of his vest.

"Good morning everyone", Naruto said, greeting everyone in the room. Everyone, with the exception of Hanabi and Sasuke returned the greeting. Sasuke walked up to the table that was similar to the one in the boy's room, he then laid out the map and ordered everyone to gather around.

Sasuke pointed to a marking on the map, "Ok we're here and we need to go there. According to Naruto's intel, we should run into enemy nins about around here. Getting pass the nins really isn't the problem, the problem is getting across the border undetected. If I were by myself, then it would be no problem to do so, but there is a group of us and we all vary in speed. Sakura, Naruto, and I have the speed necessary to get pass undetected. You four on the other hand I'm not so sure about, which is why we're leaving in about 45 minutes."

"I see, you want us to stay under the cover of the night. Even if we don't have the speed, getting across undetected should be easier. The darkness gives us a great advantage", Hanabi said understanding Sasuke's intentions.

Naruto looked at Hanabi, "That's not the only reason why we have the advantage."

She gave Naruto a question look, "Care to elaborate on what you mean by that not being our only advantage."

Sasuke spoke before Naruto could explain, "What I think Naruto means is we're at an advantage because we have two Hyuugas, who's Byakugan can see in night as if it were day. The enemy doesn't have this advantage, but we do and it will help us get pass the border patrol. That's what you were going to say, right Naruto."

"Yes, something along those lines." "Geez you didn't have to cut me off Sasuke-teme." Naruto thought.

Sasuke continued to speak, "We're going to use the same formation that we used yesterday. Also, we're going to be stopping in a town about 6 miles east of the ninja outpost we are to infiltrate. We will rest there until about 6:30 pm, then we will make our move on the base. I want us in and out by 8 pm."

Naruto gave a slight smirk, "I have to admit that you have a perfect plan, Sasuke. It seems that you are somewhat familiar with Lightning Country."

Sasuke took his eyes off of the map, "I've been there once."

"And you noticed that minor detail by just being there once?" Naruto questioned.

"I try not to overlook anything. A minor detail can be monumental to the success of a mission." Sasuke responded.

"So true, most shinobi forget that and it's most often times their downfall."

Konohamaru, along with Hanabi, Hinata, and Udon where looking at the two former members of the well known team 7. "Why do we have to be in and out by 8 pm and what is this minor detail that you two speak of?" Konohamaru asked.

Sakura was the one to respond, "Its simple Konohamaru. The sun sets at approximately 7:30 everyday in Lightning Country. By the time we have the scroll we have come here to obtain it will be hard to track us, because we'll be under the cover of the night. That is what Sasuke and Naruto meant by that minor detail. It's easy to overlook but it really shouldn't be. I have to say that this is a great plan, Sasuke-kun."

Out of the corner of his eye, Naruto looked at Sakura and smirked, "I'm impressed that you noticed that detail as well. So, it seems that you have gotten better while I was gone."

"You two aren't the only ones who were trained by a Sannin. Besides, I've been to Lightning once on a reconnaissance mission. I don't know my way around the country like you, but I do know when to look for advantages." Sakura said grinning from ear to ear.

Hanabi looked at Sasuke, "So what is our contingency plan?"

Konohamaru looked at Hanabi quizzically, "Contingency plan… What do you mean by contingency?"

She looked at him with annoyance, "Are you serious? You are the grandson of the Third and you don't know what I mean by contingency?"

Hinata spoke up while looking at Konohamaru, "It means back-up plan, Konohamaru-kun."

"Oh, ok." He said with a better understanding.

"There isn't one." Naruto's words filled the air so, Hanabi could hear.

The younger Hyuuga spoke in an aggressive manner, "What do you mean there isn't one? We need a back-up plan in case this one fails."

Sasuke turned his attention to the young Hyuuga, "This is the only option. Our village is at war with the Cloud, Rain, and Rock so it's safe to assume that their nins are everywhere. Also", He pointed to Naruto, "His presence puts us in even more danger."

Everyone turned to Naruto. Sakura was the first to speak, "What does he mean by you putting us at even more risk Naruto?"

"He means that nins from the Rain and Rock village are ordered to kill me on sight." Naruto answered.

Hanabi became more curious by this new development, "You must have done something for them to want to kill you on sight. What did you do?"

Naruto got a sad look in his eyes. He closed his eyes to hide his emotions. He spoke in a calm manner, "I don't want to talk about it. All you need to know is that they want my head."

Udon spoke up, "So, that clears up that mystery."

Hanabi looked at the Chuunin who wore glasses, "What do you mean by that?"

Udon decided to answer her question. "If you guys were to look at the bingo book more often you would see that Naruto is listed as an S-Class nin. I believe the exact words were 'Wanted for crimes committed in Rain and Earth Country. Extremely dangerous, avoid at all costs.' Am I right, Sasuke?"

"Yes, Udon I believe it was along those lines." He looked at Naruto, "I could careless, why you did what you did, I'm sure you had your reasons but if I feel that you are a danger to everyone else in this mission I will dismiss you. I have a zero casualty rate for teams that I lead and I would like to keep it that way." The Uchiha said.

Naruto nodded in understanding. Personally, he didn't want to put everyone in danger but he knew that he would if he was discovered in Lightning Country. They clearly had the advantage and they would send out a large amount of nins to apprehend him. He wasn't really worrying about himself, he knew he would be alright, but his team was a different story. If the enemy got a hold of his teammates they would use them for leverage to get Naruto. His thoughts were interrupted by Hinata. "Naruto-kun isn't the only one that put this mission at risk. Hanabi-chan and I also put this mission at risk as well."

"You're right. It seems that the Cloud has been after the secrets of the Byakugan since the beginning. This is a delicate situation but we are the best of the best." Sakura said trying to boost the team's morale.

"Hell Yeah, We Are!" Konohamaru shouted in agreement.

Hanabi looked at him, even more annoyed, "Although I don't share his enthusiasm I am inclined to agree. Tsunade-sama wouldn't have selected this group if she didn't believe in us."

"It's time. Let's go." Sasuke informed his team. The team filed out of the room and sped off to their intended destination. It only took them two minutes to reach the forest, they immediately took to trees. It would only take them 20 minutes to reach the enemy camp and another hour or so to reach the border.

Sasuke spoke, "Hanabi, do you see anything?"

"Yes. About 5 miles ahead there are 16…17…18 there are 18 nins ahead of us. There are 8 Cloud nins, 7 Rain nins, and 3 Rock nins to be exact." The young Hyuuga answered.

"The lack of Rock nins clearly shows that they are having a hard time with Suna forces. That's most likely why there is a lower number Rock nins." The blonde shinobi pointed out.

Sakura spoke, "It would seem that our allies in the Sand are doing a good job at keeping Rock nins out our territory, as well as others."

Hanabi came to a sudden halt that caused everyone to stop. She scanned the area looking for something that might be hidden. When she found what she was looking for she turned to Sasuke, "It seems that there are numerous traps set-up. How shall we proceed Sasuke-sama?"

Sasuke thought to himself for a moment. He finally had a solution, "Hinata come here to the front with Hanabi. You two will guide us through these traps. Since the two of you have the eyes necessary, it shouldn't be problem."

Hanabi and Hinata lead the group. The groups surprisingly got past the enemy with ease. In fact all of them felt that it was too easy, but they knew that the hard part was probably getting past the border. They had about an hour until they reached the border and time was of the essence. The group was slowly losing their advantage; the sun was set to rise soon.

1 hour later…

The group reached the border of Lightning and Rice; they stopped to scout the area. Hinata was looking around to see if she saw anymore nins. She quickly spotted 11 Cloud guards about a mile west of her and 20 more about 3 miles east of her. She knew Hanabi saw what she saw as well.

"Sasuke-san, there are 11 Cloud guards a mile west of here and 20 more 3 miles east of here. The nin's that are three mile east of here aren't the problem; it's the 11 nins a mile away west of here. Their moving pretty fast and should be closing in on this location in about five minutes." Hinata said, informing her squad leader.

"We have no choice. Everyone we move now at top speed. We can't afford to get spotted. The next village is only 4 miles north of here. First to file out will be Udon, followed by Konohamaru, Hinata, Hanabi, Sakura, Naruto, and myself. We move now." Sasuke gave the command, and everyone was gone from their previous spot.

The team was moving at top speed. Naruto was looking at the sky, the sun was slowly coming over the horizon, and this was bad. They had a possibility of getting caught if they didn't get to the nearby village soon. Running for approximately 3 mins, the team had crossed the border and was now officially in Lightning. Naruto stopped immediately; this caught the attention of Sasuke, who yelled for everyone else to slow down. The team was in the middle of a corn field of a farm that was not too far from their current destination.

Sasuke walked up to Naruto and asked, "Why did you stop?"

"We can't enter a village in Lightning without disguising ourselves. I'm sure that there are Cloud-nins all over this country. Besides, Hinata and Hanabi are holders of the Byakugan. With them walking around as themselves, we are at risk of being exposed. Also, I'm quite sure I'm in their bingo book, so it will be easy to point me out as well."

"Naruto's right Sasuke, we can't take that chance, it compromises our mission." Udon stated.

Sasuke nodded, "You're right, it will be easy to point out those two and yourself. The rest of us don't really need to change, but I recommend that we all change our appearance. We use these henge's in the presents of the town's people. Once we check into the hotel we will transform back to conserve chakra. We will rent two rooms like last time. I expect everyone to get a decent sleep and to be up no later than 1 pm."

Everyone performed a henge. Sasuke was now a man with long brown hair and blue eyes who wore a black pants and a white shirt. Sakura's hair was now purple but her eye color remained the same; she now wore a red shirt with white pants. Hinata changed her eye color to purple; she now wore a sky blue jacket with a hood and purple capri pants. Hanabi's shirt was purple along with her pants. She changed her eye color to light brown. Udon only changed his clothes to a blue sweat shirt and grey shorts that fell 2 inches below the knees. Naruto changed his hair color and eye color to brown. He was now wearing a bright orange shirt with black pants. Konohamaru transformation surprised everyone. They all glared at the boy who had no idea, why they were looking at him like that.

"What's the matter is something on my face?" the boy questioned.

Hanabi walked up and smacked him in the head, "What the hell are you thinking by transforming into a girl who looks like a slut? Uggggh, you're such an idiot!"

"Actually, Konohamaru might be on to something here. This might work in our favor, after all." Naruto said to the young Hyuuga.

"See Hanabi-chan, Naruto-niisan doesn't think my transformation is a bad idea." Konohamaru said proudly.

"What do you mean Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked.

She suddenly saw that Naruto had a sinister look in his eyes. "The last time I saw that look in his eyes, he painted the Hokage Monument the next day."

"I don't like that look. What are you plans, bro?" Konohamaru wondered.

Naruto, still with the sinister look in his eyes, smiled at the group, "Well Hinata, I was thinking we could use Konohamaru to get some information that's all."

Sakura and Sasuke gave Naruto suspicious looks, "Is he suggesting what I think he's suggesting?" thought the two former members of team seven.

Sasuke smirked, "I have to say Naruto, that this is a great idea. What about you Sakura, do you agree?"

"It's wrong on so many levels, but since Konohamaru had the bright idea of transforming into a female and dressed like that no less, I'd say he deserves what's in store for him." Sakura said with a smirk forming on her face as well.

Hinata's eyes widened at to what Naruto was getting at, "You can't be serious Naruto-kun. You wouldn't subject Konohamaru to that would you?"

"It's not my call, but I don't think Sasuke would disagree with me, would you Sasuke?" Naruto asked the squad captain.

"No disagreements here, it's actually good for the mission." Sasuke said with his arms folded and his eyes closed while nodding.

"Why is this idiot transformation into a girl, good for the mission?" Hanabi asked Sasuke.

"Because…I don't think you or any of the other girls will want to degrade yourself and there is no chance in hell that I'm going to do it." Sasuke said.

Konohamaru was now nervous, "What is it that I have to do?"

Naruto looked at Konohamaru, "Konohamaru, you're going to use the Oiroke no Jutsu for the purpose it was created."

"I thought it was made for wa…wa…wait a minute you can be serious Naruto-niisan? I refuse to do this; you guys can't make me, there is no chance in hell." Konohamaru said with a tone of finality.

"You're doing this and that's final. If you don't I will have you doing D-ranked missions for the next 2 years. So I ask you, do you refuse or accept to do this?" Sasuke asked the transformed Chuunin.

"I'll do it." Konohamaru said in a low grunt.

"All right now that that's settled lets head into town, the main road is over there. Let's go." The team was now walking through the corn field, to the road that headed to the town. They reached the road in no time and were now on their way to town.

The Leaf squad made it to town around 6 in the morning. The sun was finally out and it was shining brightly. The group checked into the hotel and everyone went to sleep. They had all decided to wake up at 1 pm to prepare for the mission that would occur later in the evening.

Mid-day in Konoha…

Yumi was walking down the street with Ino. Ino had insisted that she take her out again today since they had a good time yesterday. Yamanaka Ino decided that today would be different. Today would be the day she would get information on Naruto. The only thing she got out of the Yumi yesterday was that he had a frog wallet. Ino decided to invite Yumi to join her and a few others for lunch.

The ladies arrived at the local Barbecue shack, where they were greeted by a large group. The group consisted of Anko, Kurenai, Gai, Asuma, Tenten, Chouji, Rock Lee, and Ebisu.

Ino, followed closely by Yumi, walked up to the group. "Hey guys, how's it hanging?"

"Everything is fine, Ino-san, would you and your guest care to join us?" Lee offered.

"Sure, why not." Ino and Yumi sat with the group.

Anko looked at Yumi, "So, you're Naruto's friend, eh?"

Yumi nodded in agreement, "Yes, I'm Naruto's girlfriend, why do you ask?"

"Just curious that's all." Anko answered.

"So we meet again Yumi-san, it is a pleasure as always. The beautiful green beast will voluntarily pay for the meal of you choice." Gai flashed Yumi a smile that cause sweat to form on everyone's head.

Anko nudge Gai, "Careful Gai, you wouldn't want Naruto to get jealous now, would you?"

"Don't worry about Naruto; He's not the jealous type. Besides I don't think Gai-san was hitting on me." Yumi answered.

Ino spoke, "If he isn't the jealous type then what type of guy is he?" Ino asked hoping to gain insight on what Naruto was up to for the past six years.

Yumi thought for a minute before answer Ino's question "Well I would say that he is loyal, sweet, hardworking, selfless and caring."

"He sounds wonderful from your description Yumi." The red-eye Jounin stated.

Tenten spoke, "You also forgot to mention that he is super strong. He even beat Sasuke."

Yumi smiled at Tenten. "He is strong but I could careless. To me he's just Naruto."

"Yumi-san, do you know the location of the lady that gave Naruto his gravity seals?" Lee asked.

"Sorry Lee-san, I don't know. Honestly, I didn't know he had that gravity seal thing until he fought that Sasuke guy." Yumi answered.

Lee put his head down in defeat only to have Gai cheer him up. Everyone ignored the two and continued talking.

"I wondered how Naruto got so strong. Yumi, did he ever tell you where he went when he left the village?" Ino asked.

"Well he told me he trained with a ninja and that he also trained with a samurai. Why do you want know?" Yumi questioned.

"Just curious that's all. He beat our future Hokage, just wonder about the training that he under went. I mean it had to be something if he beat Sasuke-kun." Ino reasoned not trying to seem suspicious.

"Well you'll have to ask Naruto when he gets back from his mission. I'm sure he'll tell you if you ask him", Said the brown haired girl.

"That's why I asked you because, there is no way that he will tell any of us." Ino thought.

Kurenai spoke up once more, "I'm curious Yumi-san… did Naruto ever tell you about his exploits in Rain and Earth Country?"

Yumi knew the story. Naruto told her what he did and why he did it. She wasn't mad; in fact she believed it was a noble thing to do. She looked at the Jounin, "Yes. I know what he did and I know his reason, however, he will tell you his reason for his actions. I will not tell you why he did what he did, because it is not my place."

Everyone at the table, with the exception of Ebisu, knew what he did. Tenten, Lee, Ino, and Chouji, Anko were in the ANBU so they knew about what happened. Although Ino didn't believe that he was as good as his reputation had warranted. When they went to retrieve him and he placed a kunai at her neck without her detecting him, she knew that the rumors were true. Tenten now knew for a fact that the rumors were true just by his fight with Sasuke.

Kurenai, Asuma, and Gai basically knew about every S-class, A-class, and B-class nin in the bingo book. Even though it wasn't stated in the bingo book, which was odd to them, they made it their business to know why he was listed. Those who didn't know what he did knew that he was feared in those countries. However there were some that were clueless to what he did, mostly the Chunnins and a few Jounins, Sakura and Hinata included.

Ebisu knew Naruto was feared in those Countries but had no idea what he did to be feared. "What did he do that caused him to be ranked Class S?"

"You might want to ask the Hokage, that information is restricted." Kakashi stated outside of the window while reading his book.

Kurenai eye twitched, "How long have you been there Kakashi?"

Kakashi folded his book and put it in his pouch. "I was here for five minutes. But you guys seem to be enjoying yourselves I didn't want to ruin the moment. Anyway, Ebisu, you probably don't know this info because it's mostly told to field ninjas who usually take high risk missions. Field ninjas who take high risk missions have a high chance of running into high-level nins. It is only reasonable that they know what they're up against."

"That explains why Sakura doesn't know. She spends most of her times at the hospital and she rarely goes on missions." Ino stated.

"Hinata doesn't know either. I wonder if her opinion of him will change when she finds out." Hinata's former sensei thought.

"It doesn't matter. Everyone who doesn't know will find out soon enough. Anyway, I'm off, I have a mission, you guys have a nice day." Kakashi waved at everyone he walked away from the window.

Gai decided to change the subject, "Yumi-san, how do you like Konoha?"

"The village is ok. I have received some glares from the villagers but I guess that's because of Naruto's situation." Yumi replied.

"I wonder if she's referring to the fox or, because he defeated Sasuke in combat." Gai thought to himself.

"Yeah I guess, I mean when you beat the villages "precious" Uchiha you're bound to receive hate." Chouji said.

Tenten looked at Chouji, "First Shikamaru, now you too. What do you guys have against Sasuke?"

Chouji's steely gaze focused on Tenten, "He's a traitor to this village; you would do good to remember that."

"He's going to be Hokage, Chouji, we all know that a Hokage fights to protect the village and even sacrifice their life if necessary." Ino said in Tenten's defense.

"He may be Hokage, but to me he will always be traitor. As a Leaf-nin it is my duty to follow the orders of the Hokage, but that doesn't mean I have to respect the Hokage. I'm not hungry anymore; I think I'll go for a walk. I will see you guys later." Chouji placed his money on the table to pay his bill then walked out of the restaurant. Asuma sighed. He then pulled out a cigarette to smoke.

Anko looked at Chouji retreating form. "I wonder why he and most of the guys that graduated in his year don't like Sasuke. Was it because he was more popular?"

Lee answered her question, "I think it has something to do with the mission to retrieve Sasuke, Anko-san. Most of us were hurt badly trying to retrieve Sasuke. Chouji and Neji almost lost their lives, while Kiba, Akamaru, Shikamaru, and I were badly injured. I don't think that caused them to resent Sasuke, it has to do with Naruto-kun's exile. Most of us felt it was wrong that Naruto was blamed for the failed mission, but more mad at the fact that Sasuke was welcome back with open arms. I don't hate anybody, it's not in my youthful nature, but what Chouji-san says is true. He is a traitor and the village holds him on a pedestal. It's unfair and wrong. "

Anko shrugged, "Whatever, you guys might dislike him, but you will have to listen to him when he's the leader of this village."

Lee stood up, "You're right, Excuse me everyone, but I have to train. You guy enjoy your meal. Good-bye Yumi-san, I hope we meet again." Lee bowed then walked off.

Yumi was thinking about a certain blond haired ninja and smiled "Naruto-kun, please come back soon."

1 pm Village in Lightning…

Everyone was awake and gathered in the room that belonged to the guys. Sasuke was going over the plan. "Ok, remember we're to leave this location at 1800 hours. I want to arrive at the ninja outpost no later then 19:00. Like I said in Rice, we are to be in and out within an hour." Sasuke looked at Konohamaru and flashed him a smirk. "Since you have volunteered your services, you're job will be to get some info. I'm quite sure, that there is a ninja that you can promise a good time and lure back here."

Sasuke then turned his attention to Naruto, "Naruto, I want you to scout the area by the base. Also take Hanabi with you; I think she could be beneficial to this reconnaissance assignment."

Hanabi was about to protest but was cut off by Sasuke, "That is final Hanabi. I don't care if you don't like Naruto; The only thing I care about is if you get the information that is needed."

"Why can't Hinata go?" The girl asked.

"I want her, Udon, and Sakura to scout the town", was the answer Sasuke had given.

"Everyone here has an assignment, what do you plan to do?" Naruto directed his question at the last Uchiha.

Sasuke answered, "I'm going to watch over Konohamaru. When he succeeds I will gather info from what ever nin he brings back. But if he is to fail then it's not a big deal."

Naruto spoke, "I guess not. Hanabi and I are the fail-safe plan. Even if Konohamaru fails, we still will know the area and the ninja outpost pretty well."

"Ok, everyone lets head out." Everyone headed out and to their intend locations.

20 minutes later near the outpost…

Naruto and Hanabi where scouting around the area. Both were looking for around the base. Hanabi studied Naruto for a minute. What Sasuke said earlier about him had her wondering. "Can I ask you something, Naruto?"

The blond looked at the girl, "Ok, I guess so?"

"What did you do in Earth and Rain Country that was so bad?" asked the Hyuuga.

Naruto looked at the girl for a second then turned away, "I said that I don't want to talk about it so, drop it. Let's finish this mission so we can get back to the hotel. If you would Hanabi, please scan the building."

Hanabi was mad that he didn't tell her but she complied and scanned the building. She looked at Naruto, "There are a total of thirty guards in the tower. There are 20 Cloud, 6 Rain, and 4 Rock nins. The ninja outpost has three floors and the scroll is heavily guarded. Let's go, I will brief you more when I inform the others." Both shinobi blurred out of existence.

Konohamaru had convinced a young Rock-nin to come back with him to his room. He had promised the Rock-nin a good time. When he and the Rock-nin entered the room, The Rock-nin was quickly disabled by Sasuke. The Rock-nin looked at Sasuke then back at Konohamaru.

"What the hell is going on?" The Rock-nin asked.

Konohamaru dropped the henge and changed back to himself. The nin was shocked at what he saw. He turned to Sasuke to see that he had activated the Sharingan. This caused the nin more fear.

"Yo…yo…you're Uchiha Sasuke, aren't you?" the name asked in fear.

"Yes, and depending on how you answer you might live. Now I want information about the ninja outpost 20 miles from here. If you don't comply on your free will, then I will gain the info with my Sharingan. If it comes to that, I will torture you so bad that you will be begging for me to kill you. So are you going to make this easy or are you going to make this hard." Sasuke said to the Chuunin with a smile hoping that he would choose the later.

The ninja from Rock trembled under Sasuke's eyes "I will tell you everything that I know, just don't kill me?"

Sakura, Udon, and Hinata entered the room to see that Konohamaru mission was a success. They walked up behind Sasuke, who had the nin on the floor against the wall. A few seconds later Hanabi and Naruto entered into the room. The Rock nin caught a glimpse of Naruto and his eye widened. He kept backing up but was blocked by the wall behind him. Naruto looked at the nin and saw the fear in his eyes.

"Please don't kill me I will tell you anything just don't kill me." The nin pleaded. Sasuke looked at Naruto then back at the nin and smiled. "It seems you will be useful. You better tell us what we want to know or I'll sic my friend on you."

"I will tell you everything; just don't let that monster hurt me." The Rock-nin pleaded with Sasuke.

Sakura glance at Naruto, "What did you do that has this man scared to death, Naruto? I wonder why I wasn't informed of what he did. I guess I will have to question Tsunade-sama about this."

Hinata and the rest of the gang were thinking along the same lines as Sakura. Naruto was now pissed at being called a monster. He walked up to the nin and picked him up with one hand.

His eyes narrowed causing to get even more scared, "What right do you have to call me a monster. I did what I did for a reason and I will not hesitate to do it again if the situation arises."

The nin eyes paled at Naruto's comment, "You would do it again? Only a monster would feel no remorse for their actions."

"That may be true, but like I said I won't hesitate if the situation arises again." Naruto dropped the nin to ground. Sasuke walked back up to the nin to gather answers.

"Give us info on the base." Sasuke demanded.

"Ok. There are three floors. There are at least 30 nins in the base varying from Cloud, to Rock, and to Rain nins. The top floor is heavily guarded. There is a scroll but only the Cloud nins in know what's in the scroll. That is all I know, please don't kill me? They expect me back at the base in another hour and if I don't turn up they'll get suspicious." The nin pleaded with Sasuke not to do anything rash. Sasuke activated his Sharingan and the man passed out.

"What did you do to him?" Sakura asked.

"He will forget what happened here and he will head back to work when he wakes up. We will setup in the other room and go over our strategy there. Hanabi and Naruto will inform us on their findings while you Hinata and Udon will inform us of this town's layout." Sasuke stated.

Sasuke placed the guy on the bed and had Sakura take off his clothes to make it look like he and the Konohamaru's henge form had an exciting time together. After Sakura undressed him, she and the others went to the other room that they had rented.

6:30 pm at near the ninja outpost…

The team was near the outpost and ready to make their move. Hanabi and Hinata had their Byakugan activated. Sasuke's Sharingan was activated as well. Sasuke was in the front of the group. He signaled for everyone to slow down. After a few minutes had passed, everyone got close to the outpost undetected. Sasuke decided it was time to hand out the wireless communication mics.

"From here on out we're splitting up. Hinata, Sakura and Udon are with Naruto. Hanabi and Konohamaru you're with me. Naruto, your team will take the west wing while my team will take the east. Since we know what to expect, we should be out of here soon. My team will go after the scroll, while your team will take out the guards on the first and second floor. We won't move until you confirm that your task is complete. We'll wait here for you to give the signal."

Naruto nodded and his team headed out. They entered the outpost with no problem. Naruto used a bind jutsu on the 6 guards that was on that floor. He then ordered Hinata to disable them with her Jyuuken. After Hinata did as he said, Naruto made shadow clones that replicated the Ninjas while he and the others placed the guards' dead bodies in a storage closet nearby.

They moved on to the next floor and ran into 9 guards. The same process was done to the guards on this floor that was done to the guards on the first level. Naruto wondered why this was so easy. He didn't complain he just made sure that he was on guard.

"Level one and two cleared." Naruto said speaking into the wireless mic.

Sasuke and the rest of his team had entered on the east wing. There were 13 more guards that had to be taken care of. Sasuke and Naruto both were thinking the same thing when they used the binding jutsu on the nins, what they didn't expect was three nins to be powerful to break free of it. The three nins were now looking at the Konoha ninjas that out numbered them.

"Well if it isn't Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto, 'The Golden Fox' himself. No wonder why my guards can't move what are the chances of running into two of the most feared nins out here." The Cloud Shinobi spoke.

"You do know that you will die here. You have no chance of winning so move aside so we can get the scroll and be on our way." Sasuke said flatly.

The Cloud nin narrowed his eyes at Sasuke, "Don't underestimate us; it will be your downfall."

Sasuke smirked at the nin, "Oh…Hanabi, disable the nins caught in the binding jutsu." Hanabi disabled the nin caught in the binding jutsu. The Rock Jounin and the Rain Jounin were glaring at Naruto.

"Uzumaki Naruto, today you will die for what you did." The Rock-nin said.

"I also have a score to settle with you as well, Uzumaki." The Rain-nin said.

Both Jounins charged at Naruto who didn't even prepare a defense.

Currently in Konoha…

The council had called a meeting concerning Naruto. Homura was the first to speak up, "Tsunade, we want to discuss Naruto. We wish to give him missions suited to his capabilities."

Tsunade glared at the old man, "You want to give him suicide missions, is what you're trying to say."

Koharu looked at the Hokage, "I don't think the missions that we plan for him to take will be suicide. Judging by what he did in Rain and Earth Country, these missions shouldn't be too difficult."

Hiashi spoke, "Tsunade-sama, Naruto is more than capable of handling missions that are in enemy territory. We feel he is the best candidate to do so. If you don't wish for him to be alone then I will let you assign my eldest child to help him. She maybe weak but she is a Hyuuga and that is more then adequate."

Tsunade gave Hiashi a look of disgust, "I will not permit Naruto to take suicide missions. I would not do that to him or any of our ninjas. You are willing to endanger the life of a Leaf shinobi, who happens to be your daughter by having her assigned to dangerous missions?"

"She is a shinobi of the Leaf; she knows the risk of being one." Hiashi answered.

"What about the Byakugan? Hinata is heir to the main house but if that falls in enemy hands it could be disastrous for the Leaf." Tsunade questioned Hiashi.

"Don't worry about it. Hinata will become a branch member upon her return. The Byakugan will be safe even if she dies." Hiashi informed the blond.

"Do you think that sending my student into enemy territory is going to kill him off, you idiots are sadly mistaken", a voice was heard in the corner of the council room.

"Jiraiya, what are you doing here, this is a private meeting." Tsunade informed her former teammate.

Jiraiya came out of the shadows, "A council who would exile the son of the villages greatest hero is dirt, but", He turned to face the Hyuuga; "A man that is willing to send his daughter off to her death because she is deemed weak doesn't deserve to call himself a man. You disgust me Hyuuga.

Hiashi eyes narrowed at Jiraiya, "If she is strong then she won't die. The caged seal is being placed on her as a precaution. Besides the boy is too powerful, and it is only a matter of time before the fox takes control. He should have died years ago."

Jiraiya went to punch Hiashi, but Tsunade appeared in front of him before he could connect. "Jiraiya, he is entitled to his opinion. Besides it's not worth it Jiraiya."

The frog Hermit calmed down. Tsuki spoke up, "Hiashi is right Jiraiya. The kid is becoming too strong, the fox has to attribute for his leaps in power. It's the only explanation why he beat the Uchiha."

Jiraiya looked at the lady, "Do you really believe that the fox power helped Naruto become stronger than Sasuke. If you believe that then you're sadly mistaken. Naruto doesn't use the fox power, he only uses his chakra. Tsunade was present at the fight, she could confirm, along with a large number of the Anbu, and most of your children that Naruto beat Sasuke using his own chakra."

"Jiraiya is right. The boy bested Sasuke on his own without the aid of the Kyuubi." Tsunade told the rest of the council.

Jin Wei spoke, "Then how did the boy get strong in a short amount of time, hmm?"

"He has been training under Saichi Kaito, Minashu Ryuho, and Jiraiya. Under these three his skills would have increase greatly but the reason why he has increased to Sannin levels is because of the gravity seals placed on him by Howaito Naiya."

There was a collective gasp among the council. Howaido Tsuki was the first to speak, "You mean to tell me that Fuuza no Okami gave him gravity seals."

"Yes so you see it doesn't matter Naruto will continue to get stronger. Tsunade, let Naruto take those missions, I want to see the faces of the council when he exceeds your expectations. My student will succeed in everything you throw at him." Jiraya said confidently.

"I will leave that decision to Naruto." Tsunade stated.

"Regardless of what you say Jiraiya, the boy is a monster. Explain what he did in Rain and Earth Country then."

Back at the ninja outpost…

Sasuke had defeated the Cloud jounin rather easily. It was the same for Naruto. He had easily dispatched the Rock Jounin and the Rain Jounin. They both were on the ground struggling to get up.

"I will…not…let….you leave… here alive." The Rock-nin said in between breathes.

"Neither will I. you had… no right…no right!" The Jounin from the Rain said before charging at Naruto.

Naruto dodge the punch that was aimed for his head and countered with a punch to the Shinobi's gut. The punch caused him to fall at Naruto's feet.

Naruto looked down at the shinobi from the Rain, "You say I had no right to do what I did. But what gave your nins the right to do what they did. We have a different viewpoint on what's right and what's wrong so in your eyes and in the eyes of many what I did was wrong. I don't care what you think, I did what I did and it cannot be changed. Accept it and deal with it."

Back in Konoha…

"Right and wrong is in the eye of the beholder. You all may believe what he did was wrong, but if you don't know his reason then you shouldn't judge." Jiraiya stated in his student's defense.

Inuzuka Tsume looked at Jiraiya, "Jiraiya-sama, what his reason for slaughtering a platoon that consisted of 120 Rain-nin in their own country."

Back at the outpost…

The group, with the exception of Sasuke, was startled to find out that Naruto had murdered 120 Rain-nins. They couldn't believe what the Rain nin said; this was Naruto that he was talking about.

Naruto had his eyes focused on the man at his feet, "I have my reasons. What was you're shinobi reasons for doing what they did?"

The Rock nin saw that Naruto was to focus on the Rain-nin, now was his chance. When he went to attack Naruto looked up to see him coming at him. The nin never made contact, Sasuke sent the nin into a wall with kick to the jaw.

The Rock nin struggled to get to his feet, "How can you defend a murder, not only did he kill 120 Rain Shinobi He…"

Back in Konoha…

Tsume spoke again, "He also killed 150 Rock nins Jiraiya-sama. He did this a couple days after he slaughtered the Rain nins. What is the justification for that?"


Naruto answered, "It was necessary."

The nin narrowed his eyes at the ninja who answered with no emotion in his voice.

Sasuke looked at the ninja he had kicked. "What does it matter, your comrades are dead and there is nothing you can do to bring them back. Instead of worrying about your fallen comrades you should focus on getting out of here alive, which at the moment is not likely to happen. Udon and Hanabi, get the scroll, we only have twenty minutes to get out of here."

The two nin's followed Sasuke command and came back out of the room with the scroll. Hanabi used the Byakugan to make sure that the scroll had blueprints to the ninja base deeper in Lightning Country. Seeing that it was she handed it to Sasuke who put it in his pouch.

The Rain-nin spoke, "My brother was among the ninja that died that day. This guy has taken away someone very precious to me and for that he will die."

Sakura and Hinata had tears in their eyes hearing what Naruto did. They couldn't believe the innocent boy had slaughtered close to 300 hundred shinobi in a matter of a week. Sakura looked at Naruto and spoke through the sobs. "Whatever happened to your ninja way, Naruto? It isn't like you to slaughter a bunch people because you felt it was necessary. That isn't something Naruto would do, that is something a monster would do."


Waga Kataki spoke for the first time, "Anyway you slice it Jiraiya your pupil is a monster. To do that, because it was necessary is not justifiable."

Jiraiya and Naruto both looked up and said in unison,

Naruto: Anyone in my shoes would have done the same.

Jiraiya: Anyone in his shoes would have done the same.

Hinata looked at Naruto, "Naruto-kun, maybe if you explained why you did what you did, then Sakura-san wouldn't be so judgmental. By not giving reasons it makes you look cold-hearted."

Naruto looked at Hinata, "The only ones who are cold-hearted are the ones who willingly use a little girl for leverage."


"So you're saying that he slaughtered all of those nin's because of a little girl?" Tsunade questioned. She knew what Naruto did but never knew the real reason. Unlike the others, she knew that Naruto wouldn't do this unless his reason was just.

Jiraiya shook his head, "Not just any little girl. He did it to protect…"


"My sister. Not my blood sister, but she is someone that I consider a sister." Naruto turned to Sakura and glared, "If you must know Haruno, I will never break my ninja way. I made a promise to that little girl that I would be there for her always. If I had let her die then I would not have kept my promise. Don't make accusations when you don't know all of the facts. If it was Leaf nins that committed the act then it would be over 300 Leaf nins dead. To protect her life I would kill anyone who harms hers. Think what you will of me, it really doesn't matter either way." Naruto stepped over the Rain-nin and walked passed Sakura.

He stopped then turn to speak to the Rock and Rain-nins, "We're no different, you and I. You willingly attacked me because you lost someone precious to you and I did what I did to protect my little sister. Our compassion for those we hold in our hearts will drive us to do what we feel is necessary to protect them or their name. I will not kill you here; you will go back to your respective villages and tell your Kages that the next time they try to use anyone that I hold dear as leverage for an advantage at war then you will really see a monster."

Naruto walked away from the group. Sasuke motioned for Hanabi to knock the guards out then everyone followed him out of the outpost. It was eight o'clock and the sun was setting. The team was now heading back to Konoha. Sasuke gave Naruto the order to lead them to the docks in Lightning Country. Naruto had informed Sasuke while traveling that they would be in Rice country by 11 that night. The only thing was that they had to reach the docks by 9 pm. The squad headed through the wood to the docks.

In Konoha…

"That is all you need to know. Naruto will tell you if he wants too, it isn't my place. I'm leaving, oh and Hyuuga."

Hiashi looked at Jiraiya, "What?"

"Naruto won't die and he won't let your daughter die if she's his teammate. Even if you place the seal on her she is still going to live through any missions assigned to her if Naruto has anything to say about it."

Hiashi spoke, "I don't care what happens to Hinata. A defect isn't welcomed in the Hyuuga."

Jiraiya shook his head and disappeared. Tsunade looked at the group of members. "Naruto will get missions based on his approval. Also, I will assign Hinata as permanent member of his team." She looked at the Hyuuga head "I'm not doing this because you seek to weed out what you deem as weak in the eyes of the Hyuuga. I'm doing this for Hinata. Even if I was to take the choice out of Naruto's hands he wouldn't mind me giving him S-Class missions. Also, Hinata will become stronger by being with Naruto, the only thing holding her back is confidence. You all think that I have submitted to your decisions, but I have not. When it is all said and done, you will see why I have made the decision that I have made. This meeting is adjourned, all of you, get out of my sight."

Tsunade had left the meeting and headed to her office. When she got there, Jiraiya was sitting on the couch. She walked up to her desk and rubbed her temples. "Want some, sake?"

He walked up and sat in the chair next to her, "I thought you would never ask."

The docks 45 mins later…

Naruto and the gang had yet to speak to each other. They arrived at the docks. Naruto had went to talk to the owner of the docks, who happened to be a friend of his. "It's been a long time, Kobune."

The short, balding, old man, looked and smiled at Naruto. "It's been a long time, my boy, How's it been. Rumor has it that the 'Golden Fox', has sided with the Leaf, that wouldn't be true now, would it?"

"Yes old man, it is indeed true. More importantly, can you get us on the boat heading to Rice Country tonight?"

The old man looked at Naruto, "No, not without payment of course."

Naruto sighed. He knew he was going to have to pay the old man. Naruto reached inside his jacket "Here, this is Icha Icha Paradise: Make Out Tactics Vol. 8. This book has been personally signed by Jiraiya himself. If you can get us on the boat", the old man went to grab the book but Naruto raised his hand to avoid the man hand from grabbing the book. "This book is yours."

The old man's eyes illustrated his happiness. "Consider it a deal. Just give me that book and head to Port 14. Tell Koukai, that I said to let you on and consider this his way of paying me back. I wish you good luck, Naruto, but I have to go to the bat… I mean to my office to straighten out a few things."

Sweat formed on the back of everyone's head. Sakura looked at the old man, walk away, and thought "Are all men perverted bastards." Inner Sakura chimed in, "If I see Kakashi-sensei with that book when I get back, I'm going to kick his ass, Shannaro!

Naruto motioned everyone to follow him to the port. Naruto informed the captain of what the old man said. The captain let him on the boat without hesitation. Naruto and the others were sitting in the cargo area of the ship, when Hinata was the first to speak.

"Naruto-kun, I would like to know more about your sister, if you wish to tell us, that is." Hinata said in a low voice.

Naruto looked at Hinata and smiled, "Her name is Minashu Hayami and she is 8 years-old."

Hokage's office…

"The girl that was kidnapped was Ryuho's daughter?" The Hokage asked Jiraiya.

"Yes, it seems that the Rain and the Rock combined forces to get the girl. I think their plan was to use the girl so Ryuho could train their soldiers in the "Heavenly Sword" style." Jiraiya answered.

Tsunade leant back in her chair, "So they had planned on using the girl so her father would train their soldiers. They had planned to attack us all this time. If Naruto didn't step in I think Ryuho would have trained them…family means more to him then his style. Even if it was unintentional, Naruto did this village another service."

Back on the ship…

"You trained under a samurai, Naruto-kun." Hinata asked

"Yes, I did. It's part of the reason, that I'm good with a sword." Naruto answered proudly.

Sasuke was quite the whole time trying to figure out why Naruto would go so far for a little girl. He didn't understand it, he couldn't comprehend why. Sasuke looked up at the blue eyed ninja and simply said, "Why?"

Naruto looked at Sasuke. He studied Sasuke to find what Sasuke meant by that question. Naruto understood what Sasuke was asking. "Why did I kill all of those men, for one little girl? I thought I told you at the outpost. She is someone that I hold dear in my heart. If she or anyone that I cared about was in danger I would do all that I can to protect them."

"Your still not telling us the other reason Naruto, what is it?" Sasuke asked.

Naruto looked at the sky and smiled, "She's the reason why I'm not a monster. She is the reason I'm not a cold-blooded killer, but most of all, she is the reason why I decided not to destroy the Leaf. She was my savior. She saved me from my personal hell."

The group took it all in. Everyone, with the exception of Sakura, Hinata, and Sasuke couldn't believe that he had wanted to destroy the Leaf village. Naruto took his gaze off of the ceiling and looked at the group. "To understand the reason for my actions, I should start from the day I left the village to the time I destroyed those nins. You guys might want to get comfortable; it's a very long story."

Everyone inched closer to Naruto preparing to hear his story. They all looked at him with anticipation in their eyes. Naruto looked at the group and said "It all started on the day that I was exiled from the village…"