
The Golden Fox

After Naruto and company failed to return Sasuke, he was banished from the village. six years later, with the Akatuski and Sound defeated, The Cloud has declared war on the Leaf. Tsunade believes there is one person who can help, the Golden Fox himself. This amazing story was written by Nyce456 a very talented author be sure to check out his other stories.

Hyuga_Tobirama · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 39: Bearer of the Light

Gazing at Aisu, Naruto addressed Hayami, "I'm sorry, I know I scared you but I didn't mean to."

He then addressed Sasuke next, "Sasuke… Thanks for looking after her and for putting your life on the line for a dead guy. Just get Hayami and yourself away from here."

Sasuke smirked, "Dobe, just make sure that you don't die again. I don't have enough chakra to keep saving your ass"

"You mean 'The Great' Uchiha Sasuke is admitting he's weak? Whatever, get out of here now."

Sasuke nodded and grabbed Hayami and took off. He appeared near Senzairu and the others. When he glanced at Senzairu he asked, "What happened?"

"I lost concentration when the fusion faded. The fact is Xenos did me a favor by allowing me to fuse with him when I was forbidden to do so. He gave me a certain amount of time to get the job done and even without him; I still should have maintained the concentration necessary to execute my jutsu." Senzairu said, still angry at himself.

Shinji spoke, "Be glad that you will get to see your child grow up. With what Naruto has achieved, there is no way he loses."

Sasuke, with his Sharingan activated, turned to Shinji and siad, "What is this, his power is unreal."

"Naruto has become the 'Bearer of The Light'. Many have wielded the blade over the ages, but only a few achieve this level. Naruto has tapped into the pinnacle of the sword's ability." Senzairu informed everyone.

"So he's drawing all of this power from the sword?" Sasuke asked.

Shinji shook his head, "No. The power that you sense is all Naruto."

Kakashi was the first to say, "How….how is that possible? How can one person have this much power?"

"This is Naruto's potential realized. The Bearer of the Light, from what my Grandfather and Ryuho-oji have told me is that it unlocks a persons potential bringing it forth and making it a reality. Naruto potential is being realized right now. I'm not an expert at sensing Chakra, but even I can sense how powerful he has become. He was the one all along. The blade has selected the World's Champion." Shinji stated with pride.


Naruto was still standing before Aisu with his sword pressed against 'Dragon's Fang'. It didn't take Aisu long to fade from everyone's view only to appear in the sky, high above the rest of the group.

Pulling his sword back into his left side and holding it tight, dark flaming charka was being sucked into the sword. When the sword was encased by black flame, Aisu thrust the sword in Naruto's direction sending a black beam heading toward him.

Senzairu was worried, and his voice revealed his lack of calm, "If he doesn't move or do anything he will not survive. That is one of Aisu's…"

Senzairu didn't even finish his sentence; he was in too much shock to do so.

Hinata, Shinji, Tsunade, Sasuke, Hayami, Sakura, Kakashi, Tenzou, Baki, Gai, Asuma, Kurenai, Hanabi, Neji, Lee, Shikamaru, Kiba, Shino, Ino, Tenten,Konohamaru, Gaara, Temari, Kankerou, Genma, Yokoana, Sasame, Ranpu, Makeinu, Akuru, Futeki, Yasumi, Naiya, Safaia, Jiraiya, and Yumi all watched with shocked eyes.

Naruto had caught the beam with his left hand. Aisu was more than shocked as he watched his attack dissipate in Naruto's hand. The young man covered in the golden chakra cloak never took his eyes off of the half man and half dragon.

Sasuke was the first to speak "Naruto… it seems he has achieved a level that surpasses us all."

Shikamaru nodded, "So it would seem. I guess it's safe to say he is the strongest shinobi of our generation. He may not become Hokage but I think that he will be equally if not more respected after today. This fight… it's pretty much over."

Everyone turned to Shikamaru "What do you mean that it's over? This guy Aisu seems to always have an ace up his sleeve." Ino stated.

"There are no more aces; this is Aisu at full strength." Senzairu pointed out.

"The most powerful form that both Aisu and I can achieve is through fusion with Xenos and Sorros. In the transformed state, Xenos powers become mines and Sorros becomes Aisu. He has reached his limit." Senzairu pointed out.

"That being the case, Naruto has become the 'Bearer of the Light'. This is the ultimate jutsu. For him to have achieved it is nothing short of amazing. I just wish my uncle could have been here to see this, he would have been proud." Senzairu said while being supported by Hinata.

Tsunade took a step forward, appearing on Shinji's side, "His father would have also been proud." "I'm proud."

Shino didn't speak much, but when he did, people listened, "Uzumaki Naruto, the greatest hero Konoha has ever known, even greater than Yondaime, has returned to protect us. Our lives, our past, present, and future resides within him. His will, his dream, his heart… it all lies with him. This war… without his aide Konoha would have surely fallen. His mere presence tipped the scale. He is an inspiration. When he displayed his power against Uchiha Sasuke it ignited a fire in all of us to get stronger either mentally, physically or both. His name is known throughout the world. In some countries he is feared for his skill and in others, he is hailed as a hero. What I see when I look at Naruto isn't the overconfident façade that he displays, I see a person who fights and always follows through and to quote him 'Uzumaki Naruto never goes back on his word, that is my nindo.'

Shino displayed a rare smile as he thought back to the Chuunin exams six years ago.


"Will you take the tenth question knowing that you will remain a genin forever." Ibiki had hoped to scare the boy but his words hand an inverse effect.

"I don't care if I remain a genin forever, I will still become Hokage someday. I never go back on my word that is my nindo." Naruto's confidence caused Ibiki to smile.

Shino, who was sitting a few rows behind Naruto couldn't help but think "Such passion about a goal. Uzumaki Naruto, now I see why Hinata likes you. That passion, that drive, it will certainly help you achieve your dream Naruto."

End of Flashback…

Shino watched as Naruto stood yards away from everyone seemingly unfazed. Ino looked at Shino then at Naruto, "its funny… I always saw him as a loser. Sasuke was always better and Naruto was just the dead last. Funny how that changed when he kicked your ass, Neji."

Neji turned away slightly angered, causing everyone to giggle. "No one believed that Naruto could do it, well maybe Hinata, but other than her no one. Then he pulled perhaps the greatest upset in the whole examine history. The dead last from the current graduating class defeated the genius, Hyuuga Neji."


Ino was the first to admit that she wasn't fond of Naruto. In her eyes he was an idiot and an unworthy teammate for her future husband Sasuke. But looking at this fight with Neji, her opinion about him started to slowly change. Knock down after knock down, He continued to pick himself up."He doesn't know when to give up."

She didn't think he stood a chance. Now she would admit that she couldn't beat him, but him defeating Neji was not going to happen. Then it happened. Naruto's chakra turned red and before she knew it, him and Neji were fighting on even ground.

Then Naruto charged Neji, causing a stand off that ended with both shinobi in a hole. When Neji was the first to climb out then stand over Naruto, everyone knew then that it was over. "He put up a good fight, you are strong Naruto, but it wasn't…"

Breaking from the ground, A fist was planted into Neji's chin sending him up before came crashing to the ground. No one, not even her expect Naruto to be standing over Neji, the one deemed the Genius of the Hyuuga. It was clear as day, Naruto, stood over Neji, and seconds later Genma said, "Winner, Uzumaki Naruto"

The crowd was silent. A few seconds later everyone was cheering for Naruto. Ino looked around then smiled, "So much for being the dead last."

Turning to look at Sakura, she could see the smile on the girl's face on Naruto. She would never see him the same again. What she saw was a person who never gave up. He didn't know, but his fight did inspire her to become stronger.

End of Flashback…

Ino smiled while looking at Naruto. "Naruto…"

Sakura watched her former teammate closely. "He always protected me; even now he still protects me. I remember when Shikamaru, Kiba, Neji, Chouji, and Naruto went to bring Sasuke back." Everyone turned to look at Sakura.


The group stood at the gate. With tears in her eyes she looked at Naruto, "Naruto, please bring him back to me. Please Naruto, bring Sasuke home."

"Sakura-chan really likes Sasuke. I understand you are hurting. Don't worry Sakura-chan" Putting his thumb up and turning his head slightly, "I will bring Sasuke back."

"He always understood me… just when I thought he didn't, he always understood me." Sakura bowed, Thank you Naruto.

All she could see was the back of the five as they headed into the unknown. She just prayed that he brought Sasuke back.

End of Flashback…

"He didn't bring Sasuke back but that is okay, I know why. Naruto even said it when he was fighting Sasuke. He would have killed him but he didn't. It didn't matter though, I let my anger get away in the fact that he was a friend. You know, I wanted to be the one to protect him someday, but even now I can't. Yet he still protects me after all I did. Naruto, again, Thank you."

Gaara looked at Sakura, "He protected you because he cared for you deeply. His drive to save you is the reason he defeated me."


"Why do you fight for them?" Gaara watched as Naruto inched close to him.

"They saved me from my loneliness. If you try to harm them, I will kill you." Naruto continued to inch closer. Gaara was a little surprise by the statement. He fought to prove his existence and here was someone who was like him yet fought to protect his friends.

End of Flashback…

"You helped me realize that I became exactly what they wanted me to be, a monster. Now, after showing my villagers that I fight to protect them, they look at me differently. You are truly the best Naruto." A small smile formed on Gaara's face.

Naruto blocked Aisu's attack with the blade. Aisu, who was still in his transformed state, decided he would try another attack on Naruto. "This isn't happening! I will not let it end here like this; I will make my dream a reality!"

The flame began swirl around Aisu violently. Yelling in frustration, Aisu stabbed the ground causing tremors throughout the area. His action caused red beams to shoot up from the ground surrounding Naruto. After a few beams shot up from the ground, one engulfed Naruto completely.

Everyone watched as Naruto was caught in a more intense version of Aisu's 'Demonic Slice'. No one knew what to think until chakra slashes flew out of the beam that engulfed Naruto toward Aisu.

Jumping out of the way and into the air, Aisu's eyes widen when he felt a hand touch his shoulder. Turning his head slightly, Naruto, whose sword was extended far behind him spoke softly, "This is pointless, just stop already."

Swinging around quickly slashing at Naruto, Aisu connected with thin air. "Where the hell did he go?"

Aisu didn't have time to even look for Naruto. He could feel a strong gust of wind that slowly formed into a stationary Tornado. Completely surrounded, he could feel the multiple slashes on his body as the wind was tearing into him. Knowing that he had to break the jutsu or possibly have his hopes and dream end here, Aisu filled the area with black flame until the tornado exploded. Suspended in the air, he looked down to see Naruto looking up at him. The confidence in the boy's eyes caused Aisu to glare at him. Dropping to the ground he continued his intense gaze.

"Who does he think he is dealing with? Does he not know who I am and what I am capable of? He looks at me as if I have already lost. I will not allow that, I will not!" Aisu raised his blade over his head. When he brought the bladed down in a slashing motion, in hopes to use 'Silent Curse', he found that his sword stopped half-way down. Looking into the glowing blue eyes of Naruto, he couldn't believe what happened. For the first time in a long time, he could honestly say that he was unable to follow an opponent. Naruto stopping his blade made it clear that he had elevated to a level that was above Aisu, who refuse to admit it.

Naruto's calm soft voice caught him off guard, "Aisu…stop this; you can't win."

"You seem confident Uzumaki. I applaud you on your new found ability but you can't stop me." Aisu said not truly believing what he was saying.

Standing behind Aisu with the sword resting at his side, glanced behind to look at Aisu who was standing as if nothing occurred. At least that is what it looked like to everyone else. That was until Aisu fell to one knee clutching his stomach.

Konohamaru was the first to break the silence, "What the hell just happened?" Sasuke, who had his sharingan active barely saw it, but was the only one to see it nonetheless.

"I saw it but barely. Even with the sharingan and its ability to capture all motion I was still only able to follow barely." Sasuke answered Konohamaru's question by addressing the group, "Naruto left out the blade and planted a number of punches in Aisu's stomach; the exact amount is something I couldn't tell you."

Kakashi, who had his hiate over his eye, slowly lifted it up revealing the sharingan in his left eye. "If that's the case I must know what we are dealing with."

Kiba's laughter caused everyone too look at the young man, "Naruto sure is as cocky as ever. Look at how that bastard is standing there with out the slightest sign of worry. It brings me back to our battle."


Kiba was standing in the middle of the ring with Akamaru. His last attack sent Naruto crashing on the arena floor. Smirking, "It's over. That deadlast chump should have known his place."

"He won't be opening his eyes ref" Kiba said with a confident tone to Hayate. However, his confident tone faded when Naruto slowly rose to his feet causing Kiba's eyes to widen in shock.

"Tell everyone… don't underestimate me." A bloody lip Naruto said to the Inuzunka

End of Flashback…

Kiba closed his and a smile formed on his face. "To think he would come this far, eh Akamaru?"

The dog answered with a "Woof, Woof".

"Well said Akamaru" Kiba said as he pet the dog.

Hinata took a step forward, "Naruto-kun… I can't believe what I'm seeing. This is truly amazing."

Yokoana, was the next to speak, "Yes it is. I knew that this would be history. We all will have the pleasure to say that we was apart of one of the greatest battles ever witnessed."

Tsuande shook her head in agreement, "True indeed. But I will go down as the Hokage who did nothing to protect the village. I am a disgrace." She put her head down; her balled fists were shaking as she clenched them tighter.

Jiraiya, who was still focusing on keeping the barrier stabilized, glanced at Tsunade, "Don't get so down Tsunade. Remember, it was you who decided to seek Naruto out. You made conscious decision to seek out an ally who could help you protect your village. Now you might not deliver the final blow, but you did make the decision to ensure Konoha's safety. You did what any Hokage would have done; you are a great Hokage Tsunade-sama.

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya for a quick second. Her attention immediately went to Naruto.

"Again, you save me Naruto. A genin protecting Tsunade, one of the

Legendary Sannin — how pathetic am I. You won't die until you become Hokage you once said. Well Naruto, looks like don't have to worry about dying. Even if you decided to move back to Konoha I would not allow you to lead this village, nope not at all. I lead this village for one reason and one reason only and that was because of the bet that we made all those years ago. You learning the rasengan in a week showed me that anything is possible, even getting over my fear of blood. Your ability to get people to put all of their trust into you is truly amazing. Naruto, you are truly the greatest shinobi I have ever known."

Tsunade stepped forward as close as she could get without stepping outside of the barrier and yelled, "NARUTO, END IT NOW!"

Naruto looked back at Tsunade, "Sorry Baa-chan, but you're not seeing what I'm seeing." Naruto turned back to Aisu "His attacks are not as calculated as they once were. He desperately wants to win and the look in his eyes… it doesn't seem as cold as it once was. Why? He has the look of a warrior fighting for a goal. What is that goal Aisu? What do you want?"

Naruto stepped to the side avoiding a slash. Aisu followed with another slash, which Naruto dodged. Jumping in the air, Aisu formed a seal with one hand and place his index and middle finger to his mouth. Taking a deep breath, a black flame exited from his mouth heading toward Naruto who used 'Gengetsu' to stop the flames. Aisu used his wings to remain in the air. "I have the tactical advantage. Even if he has achieved another level, there is no way that he can…"

Aisu eyes expanded. He felt a slight pain in his wings. Slowly his wings begun to separate from his back; he slowly descended to the ground. While falling, he glanced behind him seeing Naruto with his back toward Aisu. Quickly doing a front flip while descending, Naruto bought the sword forward and held it toward Aisu. The tip of the sword started to glow. Aisu remembered this jutsu from his fight with Ryuho and from his battle with Naruto earlier.

"Shit I've got to do something…"

Before he could finish his sentence 'Sky Slash' came at Aisu full force. The jutsu hit Aisu dead on creating a dust cloud. Naruto landed on the ground. Turning around, he watched as Aisu crashed into the ground.

Senzairu was speechless. "Naruto clipped his wings in an instant. Aisu was going to use that to his advantage but now he doesn't have one. This battle…"

Dark flames flared up as Aisu slowly picked himself up from the ground. Blood was dripping from where his wings once were. Glaring at the Kyuubi container, He couldn't help but feel discontent for this warrior before him. "Uzumaki Naruto… I will kill you!"

Slashing the empty space in front him, Aisu figured this jutsu would work on Naruto. He couldn't have been more wrong. When the stadium wall behind everyone collapsed, the Raikage knew that Naruto blocked his 'Silent Curse'.

"How was he able to detect it? Only person who has ever been able to achieve such a feat was Senzairu. This kid… what the hell is he?"

Feeling a sharp pain in his stomach, Aisu looked down to see that he now had a knee in his stomach. Pushing his leg forward, Naruto sent him flying and crashing into the ground. Naruto couldn't help but think that this fight was pointless. Aisu was fighting a losing battle, whether he wanted to admit it or not.

Yokoana couldn't help but smile. "Naruto, look at you. I remember our first encounter. It's really too bad that you never did take me up on my offer"

Flashback 2 year ago…

Sun Country, one of the beautiful countries in the world, was ruled by Kurai Sosetsu , the father of Kurai Yokoana. A peaceful nation and prosperous nation, Yokoana loved her country. A young lady going into her 25th year was bored with her life. She wanted excitement. People often agreed with her no matter if she was wrong and basically did everything she said simply because of who she was. The dinner table at which she sat induced her boredom more. It did so to such a degree that her father had to lightly tap her a couple of times to sit up.

What a relief she had when her father said, "Yokoana, would you please show these lovely young princesses around." It was customary to show the princesses of other nations around the premises. It gave the males time to discuss country matters.

While walking outside pass the hand carved dragon fountains in front of the palace, Yokoana and the Princess of Earth country was talking. "You have a nice place here. So where are the hot guys?"

The princess from Wind and Fire both stepped forward. Yokoana answered as honestly as she could, "Most of the guys here are too scared to talk to any of us because of our status, but I'm sure you will see tons while we walk by just ogle us and do nothing."

"That is true, which is why I love shinobi. Especially Uchiha Sasuke… what a sexy guy he is and I don't care, his attitude drives me crazy" The Princess of Fire Country said with hearts in her eyes.

"The Kazekage is soooo hot. But I do envy you Yuui. Hyuuga Neji and Sasuke are very attractive. But you know who is also hot… Umi and Laili may not agree, but Uzumaki Naruto"

"You mean the Golden Fox!" Umi, the princess of Earth Country screamed.

Laili, who was from Rain, was also surprise. "You mean the guy who just recently slaughtered a large number of our shinobi? Sure he can't step foot on to our land without being sentenced to death but that doesn't mean he can't be attractive. I've never saw a picture of him, how does he look?"

Yuui pulled out a picture of Team 7. One that was obtained from the Chuunin exams, "This is an old picture, but the blond is Uzumaki Naruto."

"I wonder how he looks now? " Umi stated curiously.

Aki pulled out a more recent picture, "This is Naruto-kun."

All of the girls gathered to look at the picture. Yokoana who really didn't care but was curious couldn't believe it. "I saw this guy before. He actually is here right now as we speak."

The girls continued to talk. Aki looked Yuui, "I still don't understand why your village would get rid of the only person Gaara has ever said beat him. Judging by his most recent exploits, I dare say he is one of the best shinobi from your village since Yondaime Hokage. Now that I think about it they do favor one another don't they."

"Yes they do, but Uchiha Sasuke is the best."

Yokoana tuned the girls out. She eventually excused herself and headed to the palace balcony where she remembers seeing him stationed. After getting up stairs she saw a figure dressed in all black. "What are you doing up here Yokoana-hime?"

"I can only assume you were watching me. Father hired you to protect me. Why would he hire such a savage is beyond me?" Her attention really wasn't to insult but she did want to get a reaction.

Naruto turned to look at the women, "Savage you say?"

"Yes. Killing to prove yourself, all of shinobi are alike. Do you all kill because of something that you like." Yokoana looked at Naruto's genitals and smirked.

"I don't kill unless my life or the life of people I care about is threatened"

"So why did you kill all of those shinobi? And why are you here now? Is it to get intel on what actions they might take on you?"

"To answer your first question, they kidnapped someone dear to me. The answer to the second question is because your father asked me. The third, well you hit it on the money but I could careless. They can bring it on if they want." Naruto stated not really showing any fear at all.

"Mr. Tough guy are we? If we're so tough why don't you reveal yourself to all of the shinobi from Rock and Rain that are present?" Naruto turned and walked back to the balcony.

Smiling," Typical, all talk." Yokoana said as she folded her hands.

"Again, I don't attack unless I'm provoked. I have no beef with them. Like I said, they made a mistake and paid for it dearly."

"So serious Uzumaki Naruto. Does that help with the ladies?" Yokoana said teasingly.

"Who knows and who cares." Was all Naruto said.

"Are you afraid of women Uzumaki Naruto? Better question are you afraid of me?"

Naruto turned to women and looked at her from head to toe. "Why would I be afraid of you?"

She narrowed her eyes, "What is that suppose to mean? I'll have you know men fall before my feet and are left speechless by my beauty."

"Why?" was all Naruto said.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH! What do you mean WHY? Look at me and what I signify, doesn't that say it all?"

"No, just another Princess full of herself is what I see." Naruto turned back to look outside, "It seems that the meetings are over. You should go say goodbye to your friends."

She didn't know what it was, but she couldn't help but feel an attraction to Naruto. Slowly walking up to him, she placed her arms around his neck, "Wouldn't you rather that we stay up here and have fun of our own"

"I didn't know being sluttish was customary for a Princess."

This caused her to narrow her eyes. "When I get back I want you gone from my country or so help me I will have every shinobi from Rain and Rock here, YOU GOT THAT!".

She stormed off to say goodbye to the other girls.

End of Flashback…

"I was acting kind of sluttish but to be the first person to speak to me like I was normal attracted me to you. I know that you love Yumi which is why I haven't sent her to her death yet. No but seriously, if I had to design a perfect mate, he probably wouldn't come close." Yokoana smiled as another memory came to mind.


That same night…

Yokoana was walking back to here room and she was pissed off. "I can't believe he rejected me. Does he not know that most guys would kill to have had me offer myself up to them? He is a fool. Nothing more than a…"

Yokoana was pinned to the ground by a Rain shinobi. "Yokoana-hime. Such a beautiful girl, which is why it is a shame I have to kill you. Framing Uzumaki Naruto with your death will align us with this village, giving us an abundance of resources for the war to come. But before I kill you I think I will torture you a bit…" Moving his hand that contained the kunai up to her throat, he found that it stopped when it got inches to touching her neck.

"What's going on? uggh" was what came from the Rain shinobi's mouth as a kick to the stomach forced him off of Yokoana.

"My binding jutsu is what's going on. I despise guys like you trying to take advantage of woman. I really would like to torture you but your death will be quick and painless. Goodbye, Rain shinobi." Naruto planted his sword in the chest of the shinobi,

"Are you okay?" Naruto asked.

"Yea. I thought you left, weren't you scared by my threat?"

"You're father… he's a good guy and he asked me to look after you. You're precious to him so I promised him that I would protect you. Even if I was scared, which I wasn't, I never go back on my word."

Picking herself up, Yokoana dusted herself off. "Never go back on your word huh? I didn't know a professional killer could have honor."

"That's not all there is to us shinobi Yokoana. Killing is apart of what we do, but it doesn't define who we are. Since you are okay I will be going."

"Naruto wait." She was twiddling her thumbs trying to muster up the courage to say, "I'm sorry about earlier. I was just trying to test you I guess. You see, most guys I deal with are either too scared to talk to me or are narcissistic jerks."

"Where do I fall?" Naruto asked.

"You're just a jerk, but you're a guy so that can't be helped. In any event, I don't act sluttish. I just figured that you put on a front and was like any other guy." Yokoana confessed.

"I'm just Uzumaki Naruto. I really have to get going, goodnight Yokoana-hime."

"Naruto… I don't normally do this but… would you like to have dinner with me sometime?" She asked.

"Sorry, but my girlfriend Yumi would probably have reservations with that, unless it's a casual friendly dinner. Truly I'm sorry, but I better head home. Again, good night." Naruto left Yokoana to herself. "Did he just reject me?" The youthful princess just smiled, "You are indeed something Uzumaki Naruto."

A few months…

It was morning in Sun Country. Yokoana and her father, who has been sick lately was walking down the palace halls. "Father, shouldn't you be in bed?"

"Shouldn't you be spending your days with a man that you love and giving me grandchildren?" her father said playfully.

"Father, most of the guys nowadays don't…"

"Meet your standards, Yoko-chan. I seem to recall a certain shinobi though who does. Too bad he is in love. Maybe if your paths would crossed earlier." Her father said.

"True, but I'm happy for him and that Yugi, Yuhi, Yuse or whatever her name is. In any event, father what are we going to do about allies? Our Country doesn't have military as strong as Konoha, Cloud, Rock, Water, and Sand. We should be reinforcing our treaties with these nations.

"Well Cloud is a nation I don't wish to associate with. That Raikage rubs me the wrong way. Rain and Rock seem to be under his influence which is why I refuse to align with any of them. We broke our ties with Konoha a few years back, not because of their views but because I felt we were in a era of peace that alliances would not be required, stupid on my part."

"Why not contact Tsunade and form and alliance with the Leaf father? How about Sand? What about Grass?"

"I have already formed an alliance with Waterfall Village, and that's because the leader has good relations with Naruto. He is also the only one who is aware that Naruto is in this country."

"How does he play a part in our political affairs father?" Yokoana questioned.

"His involvement in Rain and Rock has made him an S-Class criminal. Every village would ask for his head in exchange for a treaty. I can't do that Yoko-chan. I've had a chance to talk with the boy and I can honestly say I would never do anything that would put a friend in danger. Right now, no one knows Naruto is here in Sun Country and I will keep it that way. You've interact with him so you know as well as I do that character such as his doesn't come around everyday." Yokoana couldn't agree more with her father.

"So I guess we don't align with anyone for the time being. We remain out of this war since it isn't our fight, correct?" Yokoana asked.

"Yes. I'm getting a little cold Yoko-chan. Take me back to my room if you will."

Grabbing his hand, she led her father back to his room.

"I need to ensure that this country stay's safe. Father I know how much you care for you subjects, which is why I will make sure they're all okay. With the war going on, the Fuuma clan would probably not be opposed to moving. I will send a message to them and hope they take me up on my offer."

End of Flashback…

Looking at Sasame, "I'm glad that you took me up on my offer Sasame."

She looked at Yokoana, "Yokoana-sama, are you okay?"

"Couldn't be better Sasame, I'm watching the greatest shinobi protect the village that has rejected him and the world as well. How many people can say that?"

"Not many Yokoana-sama." Sasame said.

Flashback 3 months later…

Naruto was walking with Yokoana through the palace. "Naruto, I have a mission for you if you choose to accept."

"What does it entail?"

"The safety of Sun Country Naruto. I wish to send an invitation to the Fuuma clan. With this war, the only shin… the only person I trust is you Naruto. You've been a good friend."

"The Fuuma clan, eh? It's been a while since I saw Sasame and everyone." Naruto informed.

"You mean you know them?" Yokoana said kind of surprised.

"Yes. I'm actually good friends with a young female name Fuuma Sasame. I will deliver this invitation for Yokoana-hime free of charge. Think of this as my way of repaying you and your father for letting me stay here. You guys could've ratted me out and have every shinobi from Rock to Mist looking to collect the bounty on me. I've finally found a home and well… I would hate to have to relocate." Naruto said with a smile.

"Well you might if you don't marry me." Yokoana said playfully.

"I'll be back before you know it, Later." Naruto disappeared.

All Yokoana could think was "Thanks!"

End of Flashback…

Looking at Naruto, she was proud that he was a member of Sun Country. The Fire Country lost out. "Fools" is what she thought.

Looking upon Aisu, Naruto watched as the Raikage rose to his feet. "Uzumaki Naruto… you truly are a strong fighter. However, you are not strong enough to deal with me. I will destroy you along with this village." Appearing high above Naruto and everyone in the stadium as well as the village, a dragon appeared under Aisu, who landed on top of the dragon. Raising the sword High above his head, Black flames were slowly sucked into the sword.

Hokage Monument…

The citizens on the monument watched as Aisu stood high above everyone.

"The chakra level… this guy is going to destroy us all!" one of the younger shinobi stated.

Mai, who was observing the fight wondered what was going on. "Does it end here?"


Senzairu turned to Naiya, "Reinforce it now!"

"We can't… we are doing the best we can as is. Saifaia, remember our levels have to be even in order to keep the balance. Saifaia is feeding the shield while Jiraiya and I are doing what we can to keep up." Naiya pointed out.

"Don't worry, it should hold up" Jiraiya pointed out.

" His jutsu is going to destroy Konoha and everyone in it! " Senzairu yelled out.

"Senzairu-san, don't worry. Naruto-nii will protect us." Hayami said while looking at Naruto.

Sasuke, smiled at Naruto, "Dobe, too many people are depending on you. Failure is not an option."

Aisu's smirk presented itself once more, "It ends now!" A large dragon shot directly up from the sword. When the dragon climbed to its peak, the dragon came back toward Aisu swallowing him completely. The black fiery dragon was heading toward Naruto, whom seemed not to be phased by this in the least.

Naruto disappeared from his location. Appearing a few feet behind the dragon, Naruto continued to float pass the dragon. A golden light, which seemed to signify the slice which Naruto made, cut through the dragon. The Black dragon started to glow white before it exploded into numerous flames.

Hokage Monument…

"Oh know, we're going to die, those flames are going to kill us!" A citizen said.

Everyone was in panic and waited for what they knew to be certain death.

In a building in Konoha…

Ibiki stood with a few of his men. "Those flames are going to destroy us if we don't do something."

"We don't have time Ibiki-taichou." Said one of the chuunin under his command.

"Shit" was all Ibiki could say.


"Naruto… that's what Aisu was hoping you would do, you played right into his hand." Senzairu thought.

Sasuke on the other hand smirked when glanced at Naruto, "Time to shine, dobe."

Seeing that the flames that threaten all of Konoha and his friends, Naruto quickly performed a 180 degree spin while holding the glowing blade above his head; the attack that he performed was 'Celestial Wind'. The glow from the blade and the sun hitting it caused everyone to be blinded by the light.

Waiting a few minutes until the light died down, Naruto who was standing on solid ground turned his head slightly to look behind him. Aisu was clutching his stomach.

Tsunade who was watching understood what had happen. "Aisu became one with the dragon to increase the destructive power of his attack. But Naruto was smart enough to cut through the dragon injuring him in the process. Not only that, he used his sword to cancel out the flames."

"You bastard." Escaped Aisu's lips.

"You gambled and you lost Aisu. Let me let you in on a secret about 'Celestial Wind', I can control the wind when using this jutsu. All I did was will the wind to cancel out all of the flames created from that explosion. You thought that taking injury would be okay as long as you destroyed me along with everyone in this village, correct?"

Naruto got his answer when Aisu eyes narrowed. "Well it seems that you're plan has failed. What will you do now Aisu? This battle is pointless."

"That jutsu was supposed to end it all. You should not have been able to stop me, Naruto."

Naruto turned around completely to face Aisu. "Aisu, you are probably not aware of what's going on here so allow me to enlighten you. I have achieved the 'Bearer of the Light'. I am the light in the darkness that will protect and guide everyone to safety. You are the darkness Aisu; that which I need to protect everyone from."

"However, throughout this battle I have seen your eyes change. Confident eyes they once were but now… they are merely shadows of their former self." Naruto pointed out.

Aisu, who was heavily injured ignored Naruto's claim, "My eyes have not changed Uzumaki. They still see one thing and one thing only." Fading from location to appear in front of Naruto, the Raikage thrust the sword forth; it was stopped by Heaven's Blade.

Naruto didn't even attack, he just jumped back creating distance between Aisu and himself. "Why can't you understand the futility of the situation?"

Aisu's smirk caused a slight alarm for Naruto. "Yet your eyes fail to see what I have done"

Two dragon's tore from the ground surrounding Hayami, Sasuke, and Senzairu. Black Orbs formed in their mouths. Preparing to fire upon their targets, the orb faded as the dragon's were split from the waste. Glowing white, the summons fizzled away. Standing between Hayami, Sasuke, and Senzairu was Naruto with his sword extended to the right due to the slash he performed.

Aisu looked at the Naruto who protected Hayami and the others, than back to the one standing on the other side of the battlefield. "Kage bunshin and Hiraishin. Hayami here has the Hiraishin kunai."

"You can't hope to hurt her as long as there is a breath in my body Aisu. It's not just her though Aisu… it's everyone here. I have endured the trials and hardships to achieve this power to protect. There is no way I will allow you to succeed. Whatever it is you are hoping to achieve ends today, Aisu. I don't want to kill you but I will if I must." Naruto said in an unwavering tone.

"Kill me! I will not die here Uzumaki Naruto!" Sasuke seeing that Aisu had prepared to charge at Naruto, Grabbed Hayami and phased from the location. Senzairu moved as well. Appearing in front of Naruto, Aisu swung his sword at him who avoided the bladé by leaning back. Aisu continued with onslaught. Swing after swing, Naruto avoided each with the greatest of ease. With a wicked downward thrust aimed at Naruto, Aisu pierced the ground as Naruto was jumped in the air to his left. With a violent slash aimed at the 'Golden Fox's' torso, Aisu attacked thin air.

Spinning the sword in his hand, he turned to his body around completely and thrust the sword forward to the sky releasing a concentrated black flame that ejected from the sword like a beam. Standing on top of one of the remaining beams in the stadium, Naruto did something that surprised everyone…. He threw 'Heaven's Blade at the beam. The glowing blade ripped though Aisu's 'Black Flame Slice'. Aisu watched as the sword followed the path that his jutsu created. The blade coming toward him didn't worry Aisu at all. He dodged the blade by jumping to his right, while watching the blade crash into the ground.

"Shit… every jutsu I use has no effect. I must find a way to…" Aisu tensed up when he felt something on his back just below his shoulder. It was Naruto. Aisu couldn't believe the speed in which he was able to move. He saw the blade crash into the ground but yet he couldn't follow Naruto's movement. Gripping Aisu's gi tight, Naruto spun the Raikage around and slammed him into the ground. His sword was high above his head. The white glow transform to gold. Aisu eyes widen as he recognize the jutsu. "I have to do something or…"

He never finished. Naruto brought the sword down on in a piercing motion causing a golden halo that destroyed the remaining foundations of the stadium as well as buildings within a two mile radius of Konoha.

Tsuande and the others watched and wondered why they were not destroyed by the golden shockwave. "What the hell, Naruto that jutsu could have…"

"Done nothing to any of us." Shinji, who was still being supported by Hinata stated.

"Golden Halo doesn't operate like that. The way it works is that the wielder focus

their attack on their enemies without having to worrying about those they don't intend to harm. Since Naruto didn't wish to harm us, it's virtually harmless to us. Aisu on the other hand is probably dead. Usually you use that jutsu when fighting multiple enemies. It's a sure way to end a battle in your favor. However, it does take a lot of the user, well in my case anyway. The saying for that jutsu goes "Those under the halo need not worry, fore thy will be protected as long as I deem' in other words, You will not be harmed." Senzairu gave Tsunade a weak smile.

Sasuke watched Naruto with his sharingan active, "How the fuck does he keep surviving?" The Uchiha asked annoyed.

Naruto was also a little surprised to see Aisu underneath his blade with one eye closed breathing heavy. Looking closely, he noticed that there were flames on Aisu's blade. This caused Naruto to smirk, "I see, you used the flames as a shield." Naruto looked at Aisu weird when he opened his mouth. Sensing danger, Naruto back flipped out of the way of the flame that appeared in Aisu's mouth, landing a few feet away from Cloud's leader.

Aisu, whose his attention was dedicated to Naruto listened intently to what he had to say.

"Aisu, whatever your plans are please lets ended this battle without anymore blood shed. I still don't even know the purpose of this war but I do know that it needs to end. If you continue with your course of action I will have no choice but to kill you."

Aisu disappeared appearing behind Naruto. The sword in his hand was swung at Naruto's head, but he stopped it with his index finger. "I told you that it was pointless."

"Naruto, understand that I'm fighting for a dream. If you ever had a dream then you know that there is no way that I am going to back down. To end my dream you will have no choice but to end my life." Aisu words caused Naruto to close his eyes.

"So be it." Naruto appeared behind Aisu who didn't even realize that he moved. He didn't realize it until a long thin line started to form on his chest slowly causing blood to erupt from his chest. When he fell to one knee, he turned his head to see Naruto with his back to him.

Turning his head slightly, he looked at Aisu with sympathy in his eyes. He decided to ask the question that he should have asked from the beginning, "Why Aisu, Why do you fight? What is your reason?"

Naruto turned to face the man. Aisu, slowly rose up. Holding his chest with his left arm, he turned to Naruto and looked at the boy. "I fight for one thing and one thing only Naruto… I fight for peace. You're probably thinking how could I fight for peace when I have killed so many people? Well that's easy Naruto…sometimes you have to do things you don't want to in order reach an end goal. War… I despise it but I do understand what it is capable of. War sparks fear into the heart of the helpless and it alter the perspective of all that fight in it. I asked myself: Why does war even exist? What is the purpose? The answer I came up with is that men fight to rule. The purpose of war is beating your enemies and to add more pieces to your collection. I however, fight to end war. To be known as the true power in the world, the one that everyone fears… respect will cause everyone to fall in line. I said it before Naruto, this world needs a leader."

"The world doesn't need a leader Aisu, it needs a champion. We as mortals have no right to decide how people should live; doing so robs people of their free will. What you want is a dictatorship."

"Call it what you will, but people are savages at heart. The only thing anyone respects at all anymore is fear and power. Ask yourself this Naruto… how many will fear you knowing that you are not only the Kyuubi Jinchurukii but you wield 'Heaven's Blade?' that fear will drive them to hate you, it will even drive some to plot on how to steal that power. No one will respect you Naruto, no one." Aisu said to the younger man.

"I have all the respect I need Aisu. People fear what they don't understand and since that is the case, I will make them understand."

Aisu shook his head, "You know nothing of this world. You're young and naïve. I use to think like you… no I use to be you. Even after my family was slaughtered in front of me during one of our the many shinobi wars that inflicted this world, A child only wish is to make the pain go away… to stop all who prey on the weak. The evil people, the ones who start wars with no reason, none that is worth the sacrifice of lives"

"What do you call the dead bodies that decorate Konoha and the Fire Country?"

"I call it progression… progression to a better tomorrow. You couldn't possibly understand me Naruto, the only person whoever understood me was my wife Hana." Aisu removed his hand from his chest and looked at the ground with gloomy eyes.

Looking back up at Naruto, he narrowed his eyes, "I swore on her dead corpse that I would make the world a better place. I vowed that I would shape the world into a image that everyone would be happy to look at. Uzumaki Naruto, I will not let you stop me here. I have come too far to stop fighting for what I believed… what we believed."

"Aisu, every man is entitled to his beliefs. That doesn't mean I won't stop you."

"Naruto, let me tell you a story about a little boy who was born in a village fifty miles North of Rain Country. Maybe his story will help you understand the reason behind this and why I will do anything to make sure that it comes to fruition."

Naruto didn't drop his guard, but he was curious. He wanted to know… no, he needed to know. Aisu took a deep breath then started to talk… "It all started ….."

To Be Continued…


Man Aisu's story… this should be good.