
The Golden Fox

After Naruto and company failed to return Sasuke, he was banished from the village. six years later, with the Akatuski and Sound defeated, The Cloud has declared war on the Leaf. Tsunade believes there is one person who can help, the Golden Fox himself. This amazing story was written by Nyce456 a very talented author be sure to check out his other stories.

Hyuga_Tobirama · Anime und Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 34: Clash of the Titans


Aisu watched as Tsunade continued to power up, at least this was the conclusion he came to watching her and feeling her chakra increase. Finally, she would go all out. This was great in his eyes; He would now show her, Senzairu, and everyone else watching, how utterly hopeless their fight has been. The flames that Aisu generated danced around his body. He was waiting for Tsunade to attack, her impulsive nature almost warranted that she attack first. Without surprise, Tsunade did just that.

Punching the roof on which they stood, a loud noise was heard throughout the stadium. Dust and debris decorated the area. Senzairu, who was still in the containment barrier, found that he, along with the shinobi that were holding the jutsu in place, were now on the ground and unharmed. After the dust settled, the roof was in complete rubble. Looking around, Tsunade was curious to know where her enemy was.

"Where are you Aisu?" Tsunade was on high alert. Her senses kicked in, she had discovered his location. Swinging around with her fist cocked back, she launched a punch at the man who appeared behind her swinging his sword at her head.

Aisu smiled "Is she serious? This sword is going to cut through…"

When Aisu heard the sound from the impact of his sword against Tsunade's fist, he was stunned. Senzairu, who was watching from the barrier, was also stunned.

"How, it should have cut right through her?" Senzairu said to himself out loud.

Aisu was thinking pretty much the same thing. His thoughts were interrupted by a forceful kick that sent him flying clear across the stadium. The only thing that stopped him from going further was the stadium wall.

In the stands, Asuma, Kurenai, Genma, Aoba, Baki, and Tenzou landed next to each other. Asuma looked up to the sky to see the hawk circle in the air over the stadium.

Taking out a cigarette and lighting up, Asuma took a long drag. Blowing out the smoke that he inhaled, he spoke in a tone of relief, "Looks like everyone that's alive has been evacuated to safety."

Kurenai who was looking at Tsunade nodded, "So it would seem."

Switching the senbon in his mouth from his left to his right, Genma spoke, "clean up should be easy enough. Most of the Rock and Rain shinobi retreated after seeing Naruto and that guy Shinji over…wait, where the hell did he go?"

Yamato shrugged, "I don't have the slightest, but I get what you were trying to say. He did help reduce the numbers significantly here. I don't know where he went, but I'm sure he probably went to check on his cousin or help reduce the enemy numbers."

Baki spoke, "Leave it to Konoha to get others to fight on its behalf. Seriously though, that guy is strong. I'm not sure if I could take him. He's on a level…"

"That only your Kazekage is on?" Yamato pointed out.

Baki nodded, "Yes. I wonder if all from the Minashu clan were that strong."

"Well since they're dead, I'm assuming not. But then again, they were caught off guard so who knows for sure. That's not important right now, we have to stay on alert and make sure nothing happens to Hokage-sama" Aoba stated.

Down in the ring, Tsunade watched the rubble that Aisu was buried under. "Don't tell me you're scared of me, Raikage-sama. What happened to the confident man that stood before me? What, are you still reveling in the shock of having your sword blocked by my fist?" Tsunade's brow elevated slightly when black flames erupted from the rubble, destroying it completely.

Standing where the rubble once was, Aisu flashed a smirk at Tsunade; that smirk however quickly changed to a frown. "To come this far against me and stop my sword, you truly are worthy of being recognized as the Hokage, Sannin, and the great ninja that you have been seen as. The only people to have ever push me this far was Kouen, your son over there, and Ryuho. Pushing me this far is really commendable; however, your greatness and skill will only carry you so far against me. "Allow me to show you" Aisu said as flames rose even higher around him.

Tsuande slipped into a fighting stance. The red energy outline around her body color intensified. The seals on her face started to glow as well.

In the stadium, Genma who was watching from his location, said "This should be fun to watch." Everyone couldn't help but to agree.

Outside of the Village…

Logs and leaves decorated the ground. The sun was shining brightly in the sky, and it looked calm and peaceful. Naruto on the other hand found himself dodging a punch that he barely avoided. Naruto followed up quickly with a kick, which Kouen shielded himself from by using his left forearm to block the kick. Quickly grabbing Naruto's leg, he swung him around and threw him into a nearby tree. When Naruto hit the tree, six kunai were immediately imbedded into his body. The Naruto that hit the tree turned into in a log.

Kouen inhaled the air around him. When he found Naruto's scent, he punched a hole in the ground and pulled Naruto out by his hair. Holding a stunned looking Naruto, he looked the boy in his eyes, "Come on Naruto, don't disrespect me and fight me like you would Kumoko."

Naruto smirked, "Sorry for treating you like a weakling."

Naruto's transformation faded to reveal that what Kouen really was holding on to was a Fuuma Shuriken. Kouen turned around and threw the shruiken at Naruto who appeared about 6 meters above. Naruto threw a kunai to knock away the shuriken. Kouen however, smirked once again. Using his right foot, Kouen performed a backward round house kick to the real Naruto sending him back in the direction from which he came. Naruto used his hands to stop himself by placing them on to the ground and pushing up off his hand to complete the back flip. Naruto landed in a crouching position using his right hand for support.

Naruto watched as Kouen looked at him as if he was bored and not impressed at all. He was trying to figure out how Kouen knew where he was always located. "This guy is better than I thought. My shadow clones are completely useless against him. I have to analyze the situation more to develop a strategy to fight him. I could use Hiraishin but there is a weakness due to the fact that I haven't completed it. Against anyone else the Hiraishin would work, but against him, he would exploit it. For now I will use the method I developed for Sasuke."

Kouen could see Naruto calculating his next move. He spoke, "I guess you realize that your Kage Bunshin is useless against me. As for that Hiraishin kunai you threw to deflect that shuriken, I wouldn't try to use that technique. From what I have observed, I can tell that technique has a major weakness."

Naruto didn't show any emotion, but he was stunned nonetheless. He decided to try and trick him into thinking that the technique wasn't flawed. "You think the Hiraishin is flawed do you?"

"Well I do believe your version is flawed, not the creator of the technique version. You see Naruto, Kumoko wasn't able to see the difference for one simple reason, your speed out classes hers completely. At first I was impressed and wondered how I could stop you with a technique like that in your arsenal. Then I noticed the weakness." Kouen explained.

"You really think that there is a weakness in…" Naruto was cut off.

Kouen continued his explanation, "The flaw I noticed you have is that you can only teleport within a 1 meter radius of the kunai's location. The shinobi that were standing within the range of the kunai, you teleported to them without using the kunai as medium; however, those who were not within the radius of the Kunai, you used your speed to move toward them, once you teleported back to the kunai of course. You kept teleporting the kunai then used your speed to go to the next person that was not within the radius. If they were all within the radius, I wouldn't have discovered this weakness. That kunai behind me is 3 meters away, which means, once you teleport to it you will have to Shunshin to me. Do you really want to take the chance of doing that against me?"

Naruto closed his eyes than smirked. He opened his eyes, "What makes you think I need the Hiraishin to beat you?"

"Well it seems like your trump card, just didn't want you thinking that it was. None of your cheap tricks will work on me. I'm tired of this game, transform already, or do you still need for me to prove that I am your superior in our base forms."

Naruto laughed at the comment, "You really think you are superior. You guys from Cloud sure are a cocky bunch, that's for sure. You really do overestimate yourself."

Realizing what was going on, Kouen jumped forward and performed a battle roll. This was to avoid Naruto, who broke through the ground with his fist aimed at where Kouen's chin would have been. Kouen looked back at the clone then at Naruto, "How, there can't be two…wait, the one behind… it's a clone. I got distracted talking; he switched during our conversation pointing out his weakness."

Kouen turned back to Naruto, the one who busted from the ground, was now in a black tank top shirt, and smiled. Throwing a shuriken at the clone, Kouen noticed the clone dispersed but the jacket and the swords Naruto had on his back were pinned to a nearby tree.

Naruto spoke, "Now I see how you were tracking me. It should have been obvious. Your bijuu being a dog, you have enhanced smell. Tracking me was easy because you smelt me a mile away. I had my suspicions when you were shocked to see my clone turn into a shuriken. The reason was because the scent from my hand was all over that kunai. What confirmed it is when I attacked you and you kicked me. Before I attacked, I saw you inhaled twice, to pick up my scent. That's when I knew you were tracking me by scent. From what I can tell, your nose is stronger than Kiba's and Kakashi which means I can't fight you like I would fight them or any other opponent, I have to take it up a notch."

Kouen pointed to the tree that the swords and the jacket was pinned to, "Shouldn't you get your sword. I'm sure you would feel more comfortable fighting with your sword."

Naruto moved his neck from side to side causing it to crack with each movement, "Don't worry, I'm an all around shinobi. Besides, it wouldn't be fair. You don't have a sword and I don't want there to be any excuses when I win. If you lose, there will be no shadow of a doubt who is the better of the two."

Kouen smiled, "I like you Naruto. Fighting you is going to be more then fun."

Naruto returned the smile as he slipped into a fighting stance, "Like wise."

The two warriors waited for a few seconds. In a split second the two charged at one another. When their fist connected with one another, the force caused the ground beneath them to break up and create a dust cloud that swallowed them up. Both warriors had one goal in mind, and that was winning.

Somewhere Outside of the Village…

Fighting the strongest and surviving until he came face to face with Itachi was what drove Sasuke to be better. That, and the fight at the Valley of The End with Naruto. Itachi, a goal he had long accomplished, had given him some validation and assurance of his own ability. In fact it might have giving him too much. Imagine the feeling he had when he lost to Naruto, the only person besides Itachi that he ever saw as obstacle that he needed to pass in order to prove himself he was the strongest. That lost forced Sasuke to train harder in hopes to fight Naruto once again, but this time have the battle go in his favor instead.

Sasuke thought that Kouen would be another opponent that would test him; he never thought anyone else from Cloud would have the ability to test his skill, besides the Raikage. That was until he found himself dodging every strike that Cadaan threw at him.

"Shit, he's too fast for me. Even with the Sharingan, I don't have enough speed to react to his movement. I'm going to have to use the curse seal." Using his sword to shield him from the strike Cadaan performed with his left hand, which had a blade like appendage coming from the forearm. The force of the strike sent Sasuke crashing to the ground hard.

Cadaan landed on an elevated plain, performing a few seals, a green orb generated in his hand. The green orb shot from his hand like lightning. Cadaan, cracked a smile when the technique made contact. It only took a few seconds for the dust to settle. When it did, it caused him to frown. His technique actually made contact with a large snake that shielded Sasuke. He also noticed the black marks that covered Sasuke's body. The Uchiha activated the first level of the 'Curse Seal of Heaven'. Sasuke felt the power up he achieved in this form coursing through his veins.

"This should be enough to win this battle." Using his speed, Sasuke appeared directly in front of Cadaan. Performing an upward slash, Sasuke was certain this would end it that was until Cadaan used the appendage in his forearm to stop the sword. This caught Sasuke off guard slightly, as he was expecting the sword to cut him completely in half. Sasuke regretted his brief second of shock, the tail from the tar colored monster struck him head on. The strike caused the Uchiha to lose the control of his sword sending him and Kusanagi in opposite directions.

Sasuke landed on his feet. The Sharingan caught the image of a fist and Sasuke jumped to the side, only to see Cadaan appear at a speed that he couldn't follow. It was his luck that the Sharingan caught the image. Had it not been for the Sharingan and the curse seal, he would have been struck hard.

The Cloud Shinobi was on the assault. Sasuke was doing everything could to block, while thinking up of a way to end this. "Shit… this guy is stronger than I anticipated. I don't want to activate level two. That's going to be a drain on my chakra. I can beat this guy without going that far. I can just out smart him. Let's see, he favors hand to hand, which is suicide against the Uchiha clan, unless your speed completely surpassed theirs, which his does at the moment. I could use a genjutsu to buy me sometime but I don't think it would matter on him. Chidori is always good but I can only use five of those and I don't want to waste any. How about… I could use that, but I was actually saving that for Naruto. I just have to get him in position."

Sasuke formulated his plan to take Cadaan down. All that was left was to put the plan into action. He couldn't do that if he was constantly dodging his attacks. Moving his head to the side slightly, Sasuke's cheek got scrapped as the blade like appendage skinned him.

"Sharp, I have to be extra careful."

Sasuke used all of his speed to put some distance between himself and Cadaan. Standing about 20 feet away from Cadaan, he observed his movements. Sasuke needed a to trick him. He wanted to save level 2 as a last resort. As for the Mangekyou… he wouldn't use that for this fight no matter what. The lone member of the Uchiha clan was calculating his next move, however, Cadaan wasn't waiting for him to come up with a plan. The soot colored monstrosity appeared behind the Uchiha. Sasuke's eye widened at the speed displayed before him. He tried to turn to catch Cadaan but he couldn't dodge the kick placed in his stomach. Following up with an uppercut, Sasuke was lifted a few inches off of the ground which allowed Cadaan to grab him by the throat and forcefully slam him into the earth in which they stood making in a dent in the form of his body, Sasuke was held down by Cadaan.

With his free arm, Cadaan cocked it back and stopped. He smiled at Sasuke, "Looks like the Uchiha clan will be no more after this."

Sasuke glanced to his right to see his sword stuck in the dirt a few feet away. Sasuke signaled for the sword to come to him. The weapon slowly lifted out of the dirt. As he motioned for it to come to him with two fingers the sword sped towards Sasuke.

The fist Cadaan had cocked back was brought down with the intention to smash Sasuke's head. However, his fist made contact with Kusenagi. While the sword was suspended in air and acted as a divider between Sasuke's face and Cadaan's fist, Sasuke used his time to knock Cadaan's hand off of his neck. Once he was free, he Shushin'd out of view. Cadaan jumped high in the air when he saw three large snakes break from the ground. Shooting towards him, Cadaan realized that they were a distraction because he lost sight of the sword. Turning around quickly he avoid a slash from Sasuke who only smirked. Landing on one of the snakes head, Sasuke thrusted the sword forward and channeled Chidori in his sword, using it as an anchor to extend towards Cadaan.

Blocking with the appendage on his forearm, Sasuke noticed that Cadaan moved his arm quickly away. Focusing his eyes on the spot that the blade connected with, Sasuke saw a small cut which bought a smile to his face, "I knew it."

Cadaan landed on the ground. Going through hand seals that Sasuke recognized, he quickly jumped off of the snake. Multiple lightning strikes rained down simultaneously. Using his sword as a shield, Sasuke was slammed into the ground. Upon contact, the area exploded.

When the dust settled down after a minute or so, Cadaan was standing high above the crater that was created from the strike with his arms folded. "That Uchiha… he would have been a problem for us. But I'm curious though… Itachi seemed much stronger. Not even Kouen seemed like a match against him when we confronted him and Akatsuki about six years or so ago. He and Kisame could have taken Kouen then and there had Aisu not shown up. Even then, Aisu-sama wasn't sure if he could have taken Itachi. That made me cautious of the power that the Uchihas' possessed but looking at him, it's hard to see how he even beat Itachi. I was expecting more, this is disappointing. I will go to the stadium and aide Aisu-sama." Cadaan turned to walk away.

He stopped when he heard 'Katon: Gōkaikyū no Jutsu' turning back toward the crater. He could now see a large fireball racing toward him. Cadaan dissipated the jutsu with one hand. He saw Sasuke standing in his curse seal level 1 form with not even a scratch on him. Cadaan was certain that technique would finish Sasuke so why was he standing before him unharmed. He looked at Kusanagi and attributed it to the sword: he couldn't have been more wrong.

Sasuke noticed him looking at the sword, "He must think the sword saved me from that jutsu. He's not a very good analyst. Well it could be that I've only used Taijutsu and a few Katons so it would be hard for him to determine that lightning is my nature element and that Chidori Nagashi also acts as a shield. One thing is certain… I can't beat him with level one. I could finish this by using the Mangekyou with the CS1, but I won't. I will finish him in CS 2. The Mangekyou itself might be enough but I don't want to take the chance. I'm not sure if Susanoo will out class him or fight him on an even level. I doubt it, seeing as I was even with Naruto without his Gravity Seals. The Mangekyou in CS 1 is over kill, something that I would have to use on Naruto when he's using that red chakra. So I guess CS 2 will be more than strong enough."

Sasuke spoke, "I see you looking at my sword. You think that it saved me correct? Well how about this…" Sasuke cast the sword aside. The seals on his body started to glow a fiery red. Slowly, the seals started to spread until they covered his body completely. His skin started to slowly turn brown. His hair started to grow in length, turning a grayish blue. His sclera's turned black, making his Sharingan look more menacing. The last thing that happened was the wings that extended from his back. Sasuke was now in his Curse Seal level 2 form.

Cadaan wondered what just happened. "What this transformation? I didn't know the Curse Seal was capable of this."

Sasuke smirked at the expression that framed the Cloud shinobi's face. The transformed Uchiha wasted no time in blurring out of Cadaan's view. Appearing in front of Cadaan Sasuke planted a fist in his abdomen. Cadaan didn't even have time to register the pain, he was still in awe at Sasuke's increased speed. Shunshin'ing out of sight, Sasuke appeared from behind before he could react and placed a sharp kick in his back that sent him flying upward.

Using the wings that he gained in his Curse Seal form, Sasuke took to the air flying past Cadaan who was still going up. Forming chakra in his hand creating a chakra blade, Sasuke brought his hand down in a fast swinging motion with the hopes of cutting Cadaan in half.

Cadaan however, had different plans. The green orb formed in his hand. Thrusting it forth to shield himself from Sasuke's blade forming explosion blue and green in the sky.

Landing on a nearby cliff, Cadaan narrowed his eyes at Sasuke who landed a few feet away. "So you think you can toy with me by hiding your strength. I will make you wish you were stronger. I'm going to kill you."

Balling his hands into a fist, he spread his arms out a little making it so that his fist were leveled with his hips. Green aura erupted from his body. Blade like appendages appeared on both the front and back of his forearm, coming to a total of four blades on each of his forearms. The green marks that were covering his body glow intensified. Horns sprouted from his head; Cadaan now looked like a demon.

Sasuke could sense that he level was increasing. "This guy… I didn't want to use that just yet but he's leaving me with no choice."

Bringing his hand forth, green chakra generated in his open palm, which was aimed at Sasuke. The appendages that extended pass his hand acted as focal points for the energy he was gathering. When he was done gathering the chakra, he grabbed his right wrist with his left hand to help him aim the jutsu.

Sasuke immediately performed Chidori. What look like lightning shot from the green orb aimed at the Uchiha. Thrusting his left hand forward to counter the blast, the chidori made contact with the lightning, this caused another explosion that created a dust cloud.

Cadaan was standing with a smug look on his face. He was certain that Sasuke got the wrong end of the deal on that attack, however, he was shocked to see Sasuke standing with arm extended forward and smoke coming from his hand.

Sasuke could feel the surging pain in his hand. He wasn't expecting that attack to be of that level. Sasuke knew that he had to bring this battle to a close soon. He wanted to do something but the only technique that came to mind was the one he was saving for Naruto. He had no choice.

Sasuke held his hand out in front of him. He looked at Cadaan, "You're strong. No more games, let's end this now."

Cadaan watched as chakra orb formed in Sasuke's hand. He could feel the concentration of chakra in this orb. This would be good. He could use his jutsu as well. The green chakra covered his body once more, as if he was powering up. He however, was preparing for his final attack. Bringing both arms forth, green electricity begun to form, dancing in between both palms.

Cadaan spoke, "This is the end Uchiha. No turning back. This technique will leave nothing of you."

Sasuke, who was still forming his blue chakra orb smirked, "Funny, I was thinking the same thing." The blue orb that formed in his hand started to red. "Okay Sasuke, you're adding elemental chakra to form manipulation. This isn't the Rasengan, which seemed impossible to add nature to, but this should do. My jutsu… this was originally for you Naruto. Too bad you won't be the first to see it, oh well."

Cadaan watched as the orb in Sasuke's hand change from white to red. He had gathered enough of the energy he would need for his attack. "This will end it. I will be joining you soon Aisu-sama. We will bring down the Leaf together."

A concentrated wave of lightening shot from concentrated spot that Cadaan was focusing his energy on. "Aoi Raikou" he said the jutsu in his head.

Seeing the incoming attack, Sasuke forced a concentrated beam to come from the red orb. "Kyokkou!" The beam that shot from Sasuke's orb expanded out, growing in height and width as it headed towards Cadaan's 'Aoi Raikou'. The two techniques were on course to connect.

When they made contact, a big explosion occurred that could be seen by all in and near Konoha.

Hokage Mountains…

Iruka, who was welcoming the new arrivals looked around to see where Hayami, Yumi, and the others went. He kept searching for them but couldn't find them anywhere. Then it finally hit him. He slapped his forehead, "Those idiots, why the hell did they leave. This could turnout to be disastrous."

In the Village…

Makeinu, along with Futeki, Akuru, Yasumi, Hayami, Yumi, and an injured Ranpu all headed towards the stadium. Makeinu and the other genin knew Konoha's layout, so they took the route that the enemy wouldn't know.

While walking, Hayami stopped to look at the explosion that she heard. Looking at the sky, they saw a big mushroom cloud. Ranpu activated his Byakugan. Seeing Sasuke and Cadaan currently in a stand off, he spoke, "It seems Uchiha Sasuke is in a stand off with that shinobi from the Cloud. I didn't recognize him Sasuke, he has transformed into some weird bat like creature. If it wasn't for his Sharingan I wouldn't have known it was him."

Hayami hoped Sasuke would be okay. She tapped Ranpu who looked down at her, "Yes, what is it?"

"Can you see Naruto-niisan and Shinji-nii, I want to know how they are doing?" Hayami asked.

Focusing his Byakugan, he scanned the area. He found his cousin, Hinata being supported by Shinji. He scanned the area once again, this time extending his range only to find Naruto and Kouen engaging in an intense Taijutsu match. He deactivated his Byakugan, "Shinji is with Hinata at the Hyuuga compound and Naruto is currently fighting that shinobi that he left with earlier. Either way, we have to get going."

Yumi was worried about Naruto the most. She could feel something wasn't right, but she couldn't place it. She just hoped that he would be okay. Makeinu motioned for them to hurry up, she did just that. The group headed towards the stadium.

In The Stadium…

Konoahamaru landed next to his uncle in the stands, who was watching the match between Tsunade and Aisu. Hanabi, Moegi, Matsuri (the leaf one) and Udon landed next to him. It was obvious that they were in a battle, one that looked like it was hard fought. Asuma glanced at Konohamaru, "Looks like you had one hell of a fight?"

Konohamaru nodded, "Yea, nothing that I can't handle. But more importantly, how is Tsunade-sama fairing?"

Asuma took a puff his cigarette then answered, "She's actually keeping up with this guy. I expected nothing less from her."

"What about Naruto, where is he?"

Genma spoke, "The kid Hirashin'd out of the stadium a while ago. I have no clue where he's at?"

Hanabi, who had her Byakugan active spoke, "He's currently fighting that blue haired Shinobi from Cloud."

Konohamaru pumped his fist in the air, but fell to ground immediately due to the sudden rush of pain in his chest. Hanabi knelt down to see if he was okay.

"Konohamaru, are you okay?" She asked with a worry look.

Glancing at her, with a look in his eyes that made his pain visible, "I'm fine Hanabi-chan. I guess I over did it back there."

"You idiot, I told you not to try to do more than what you can."

"Don't worry, I'm just happy Naruto-niisan is here. He's going to kick that guy's ass. I wonder how Hayami and the others are doing though." Konohamaru wondered.

Activating her Byakugan once more, she frowned once she found their location. "It seems that they are heading toward the eye of the storm."

Kurenai spoke, "So they're heading back to this location, Foolish. What about the enemy forces, I assume that the counter strike is currently in effect."

Hanabi nodded, "So it would seem. The rest of our shinobi, along with Waterfall, Suna, and Grass are forcing the enemy to retreat. The ones that remain are falling one by one."

Baki, who had his eyes glued to the match said, "Good. But even though the enemy is retreating I still have a bad feeling about this fight. For some reason… the Raikage doesn't seem too worried."

Asuma spoke, "He should be. Tsunade is fighting against his sword with her bare hands. This sword is one of the four swords of legend, in the hands of a capable shinobi yet it is having no effect on the Hokage. She is truly amazing."

Hanabi watched the fight closely. The sound of the other conversation was muffled by her own thoughts. "She is amazing, that much is true. However, I wonder how long she and that jutsu can last. If a hammer hits the same spot with enough force, surely that spot will crack sooner or later. I just wonder how much time Tsunade-sama has before she cracks."

Hanabi continue to watch, waiting to see.

Somewhere outside of the village…

Sasuke and Cadaan were both struggling for supremacy. The technique Sasuke was using was a jutsu that he had just created a few weeks ago. The Initial technique was just an orb that he named 'Dainichi'. He wanted something to decimate Rasengan, and 'Dainichi' was that jutsu. He also saw potential in this technique as well, much like chidori. Using the same method for his chakra blade, Sasuke was able to create 'Kyokkou'. Now he watched as it stood toe to toe with Cadaan's jutsu.

Focusing chakra into his beam, Sasuke could feel the ground underneath him giving way. Slowly his feet started to sink into the ground. Sasuke's thoughts were flashing all over the place. From Naruto, to Sakura, to Kakashi, and Hayami, they were all over the place. He couldn't lose here. No, the only person, he would lose to or allow himself to lose to was Naruto. Also, he had to help out with the war, his power was needed.

Sasuke never was one to care for anyone really, that was until team Seven came into his life. Then he traded that for power. Now he has the power, and finds himself needed by a village, that his family, the Uchiha clan swore to protect. He couldn't lose. He was the last of his lineage, he had to make sure that the Uchiha clan would be reborn. With the Sharingan spinning wildly, Sasuke reaffirmed his stance. Pumping more chakra into his technique, the beam expanded more in width and length.

Both warriors begun to scream until there was a large explosion. This explosion created a mushroom cloud that could and was seen by all of the shinobi.

Somewhere in Fire Country…

The group of Mist shinobi that were traveling stopped when Safaia came to an abrupt stop. With Kaito over her shoulder, she turned back to look at the mushroom cloud. She turned to one of her comrade, "Make sure that he gets the medical attention that he needs. I will be back in the village in three days tops. Everyone move out!"

The group did just that. Safaia looked at the direction of Konoha, "I won't interfere unless I'm needed. I got a feeling that I'm going to be needed though." Using her speed, the Blue haired shinobi disappeared from her spot; her next destination, the Village Hidden in the Leaves.

Somewhere in Konoha…

Neji and his squad were making quick work of all of the remaining shinobi. Everyone could go all out without having to worry about the others. Shino was taking down a number of enemy nins with his bugs. Neji's Jyuuken was probably the best in the Hyuuga, so unless his opponent was someone close to Naruto in level, they stood no chance. Tenten slaughtered a myriad of nins with her weapon scroll. The Anbu Squads that were responsible for taking down the enemy shinobi as well as defending the citizens went on the offensive. This war, was slowly turning in the favor of Konoha and its allies.

Landing on a building, Neji took a deep breath. Lee, Tenten, Shino, Kiba, and Ino landed next to him. Three more Anbu Squads appeared around them. One of the masked men spoke. "Captain, we have eliminated the BOLT threat, however, we took substantial losses to drive them back."

Neji didn't show his emotion but he hated when a Leaf shinobi life was taken. He quickly regained his composure, "This is war, losses are to be expected. We can't focus on the losses, we have to focus our attention to the here and now. Save who we can and then aid the Hokage. From what I can tell, Mist, Rock, and Rain have called a full retreat. There are still Cloud shinobi fighting but for the most part, they won't be for long. The tide has swung in our favor."

Landing in front of Neji, Yuugao addressed the group, "We have completed our objective. Our goal now is to aid our fellow shinobi and drive the enemy as far from Konoha as possible. Everyone, except my squad and Neji's squad move out."

Without hesitation, everyone moved out. She turned Ino, "It seems our friend is stabilized from what I gathered, but he is injured pretty bad. Either way, we have to get back to the stadium."

Everyone nodded. When Yuugao headed out, everyone except Neji and Lee left. Lee turned to his friend, "What's the matter Neji?"

Neji shook his bad feeling off, "Nothing, lets move out." The two disappeared from view. Neji was worried about Naruto, and a worried Neji was never a good thing.

Somewhere Near the village…

Sakura, Shikamaru, Temari, and Anko were taking down shinobi after shinobi. Sakura was getting low on chakra. After healing shinobi, summoning, fighting Kumoko, and fighting some more, she was getting tired. Shikamaru, who never had a really high chakra level to begin with was using his wit. The fact of the matter was that everyone was getting a little tired. When Anko, who seemed to have the most energy, took down the final shinobi, the group was thrilled.

Shikamaru fell on his back, "We need a break."

Sakura who was standing, responded , "We can't rest, did you see that explosion. That chakra it was…"

"Sasuke, we know. I know you want to make sure he's okay but we can't worry about Sasuke or anyone for that matter. We all have a mission and that's to make sure that the village is protected. We have to get to the stadium." Anko stated.

Sakura was about to go off on her own until Shikamaru grabbed her ankle, "Sakura, this is Sasuke we're talking about. Do you really think he would die? Last I remember he still wants that fight with Naruto and I don't think he will die until he gets a rematch."

A worried Sakura stopped for a second to think about what Shikamaru said. He was right. She was needed elsewhere. Not only was she worried about Sasuke, she was worried about Naruto as well. Sakura turned her back on the group to look in the direction the mushroom cloud was in. "Please be okay Sasuke… you too Naruto."

Somewhere outside of the Village

Naruto, was breathing hard. His only thought was Kouen was good, no he was great. Naruto glanced at the mushroom cloud that was dying down. "Sasuke… I wonder if he won. He had to win, that guy is too stubborn to die."

Kouen, who was also breathing slightly hard, was finding Naruto to be more than a match. Most shinobi couldn't keep up with him in his base form, and the ones that did usually had to use a technique that increased their power, much like Cadaan's transformation and Sasuke's curse seal. He knew that they would get nowhere if this continued.

He glanced at the mushroom cloud as well wondering if Cadaan was dead. In all honesty he didn't care. If he was weak enough to die then he deserved it, which was his theory about everyone that fought, himself included. He really wanted to test his abilities and to do that they would need to call on the powers granted to them by their bijuu. Kouen knew that he would have to be the one to initiate this. Naruto was content with fighting the way he was. Kouen however wasn't because both of them were stronger than this. He would get the battle he wanted. Naruto had no choice when it came to that.

"Worried about your friend? Don't worry, if you lose you will be joining him." Kouen gained Naruto's attention once again.

In a calm tone, "You're wrong. Sasuke isn't dead. He may be a pompous ass but Sasuke is strong, as much as I hate to admit it. But let's not worry about what's going on with the matches of others." Naruto slipped back into a fighting stance, "Let's worry about our own battle. Still having fun?"

Smirking, Kouen slipped back into a fighting stance. "Your right, however, I plan to turn it up a little so we can have a little bit more fun. You will have no choice Naruto."

Naruto noticed the gray chakra leaking from Kouen. His eyes widen slightly, "He's calling on his Bijuu. This isn't good at all."

Naruto watched as the gray chakra took on the form of a dog with one-tail. His yellow eyes turned gold and the pupils remained round. Much like the kyuubi transformation, Kouen's fangs were now visible and his finger-nails and toe-nails became pointed. Speaking in a slightly deeper voice, "You will have no choice Naruto. Here are your options… transform and fight me or don't transform and die. But you should know that if you die, so will your girl, the Minashu kid, and all of your other friends. So what will you do Naruto?"

Naruto closed his eyes… "I don't want to use the Fox but to fight a Bijuu another Bijuu is needed. I've come this far not to have anyone else I care for die…so be it."

Kouen smiled when the red chakra surrounded Naruto's figure. When the man known to all as the Golden Fox opened his eyes, he revealed that the red had replaced the blue and the pupils were now slits. Both warriors were in their one-tailed forms. Naruto knew his limits, he would have to keep that in mind or risk everything.

The Gobi container couldn't have been anymore thrilled. He was finally going to be tested.

Outside of the Village…

The dust settled and there was nothing in sight, well except to figures that lay on the ground. Sasuke was now back in his regular form and so was Cadaan. Both shinobi were drained of their chakra. Sasuke used every ounce of energy that he had to pick himself up off of the ground. With his jounin vest completely destroyed, the only thing that remained was a tattered black Uchiha shirt. With small cuts and smudges of dirt covering his face, Sasuke walked, well more like limped over to Cadaan holding his left shoulder.

When he reached the man, Sasuke could see that Cadaan was in much worst shape. Since Sasuke's technique won the battle of supremacy, Cadaan was on the losing end. Laying on the ground with his shirt completely gone, body covered in blood, and burns all over his body, he laughed, "Seems like cough I won't get to see cough cough Aisu-sama's dream come true. It doesn't matter, coughcoughcough, I did my part."

Sasuke used his right hand to signal for Kusanagi. When the sword arrived, he grabbed it. Looking down at Cadaan, "Whatever he's planning, I will stop it. You fought well. I had to go the level two of my curse seal form to beat you, however, I didn't go all out."

Cadaan eyes widened, "Impossible. cough cough, Your bluffing."

Sasuke shook his head, "The fact of the matter is I am low on energy right now. But the truth is that level two was all that was required to fight you. Trust me when I say that level three is much more then what was necessary. In addition to the power granted to me from the advanced form of the Sharingan, which wasn't needed as well, would have given me the power necessary to fight Aisu."

Sasuke's thoughts were a little different, "I can't fight Aisu now even if I wanted, I don't have enough chakra to do much of anything. Well I could go level 3 but that would put too much of a strain on my body. If I activate the Mangekyou in that form It will also drain my chakra much faster. I would be putting myself at risk. So I guess I am bluffing but he doesn't need to know."

Cadaan laughed, "It doesn't matter cough cough how strong you are, Aisu-sama will win. His cough coughcough cough, power is beyond anything conceivable. You are all are going to die. Too bad I won't see it."

Sasuke raised his sword high above his head, "Yes, it is too bad." Bringing it down with swift force, Sasuke pierced Cadaan's heart.

Watching the Cloud shinobi eyes widen as he coughed up blood, Sasuke slowly removed the sword. He watched as Cadaan's head fell back. When his head went limp and fell to the right, Sasuke knew that his fight was over. Falling to one knee while using his sword as a brace, Sasuke looked towards the direction Naruto was fighting.

"Naruto his power… he's using that red chakra. What the hell is the source of that chakra? I need to regain my energy. Once I do I will head over to his location." Sasuke continue to rest on one knee. He would need to regain his energy or he would be useless and Sasuke was anything but useless. He wondered if Sakura was okay. Sasuke reassured himself that she was. Sasuke continued to rest. Just about twenty minutes and he would be good to go.

Somewhere outside of the Village…

Naruto used the chakra hands granted to him by the nine-tails to punch Kouen, who jumped over the fist and watched as it crashed into the ground.

While in the air, Kouen decided to use a wind Jutsu and Fire Jutsu combo, "Fuuton: Ichijin." The wind came toward Naruto, however Naruto noticed Kouen formed a tiger seal, and then performed a fire Jutsu that was strengthened by the wind.

The whole area was covered in a blaze of fire. Naruto jumped out of the fire unharmed with his fist balled up and cocked back. When he reached Kouen he launched a punch at his face which was blocked, but the force sent Kouen towards the ground.

When he landed, Kouen performed the same lightning technique that Cadaan used on Sasuke. This decimated that area creating a large explosion. Kouen didn't think for one minute Naruto would be taken down by this attack, and his belief was made reality when the smoke cleared and Naruto was standing with his tail wagging from side to side with a menacing look.

"You truly are strong, you wasn't even harmed by 'Raiton:Baisuu shuurai'I don't understand why you don't want to fight using you Bijuu power. What, do you hate what you are?" Kouen asked.

"No, I know who and what I am. I am Uzumaki Naruto, and you… you're just another notch in my belt." Naruto said.

Kouen shook his head, "You're too confident."

Shunshin'ing out of site, he appeared in front of Naruto, placing a kick in his chin that sent him upward. Doing the necessary hand seals, Kouen shot a lightning strike from his mouth at Naruto. Recovering from the hit, Naruto brought his hand together, "Fuuton:Teikiatsu Tate" A shield of wind that circled his body dispersed the strike.

Naruto landed a few feet away from Kouen. Naruto smiled, "You favor lightning techniques which means your affinity is Lightning. If it is I would quit now, you don't stand a chance."

Kouen shook his head once again, "There you go again, being all confident. It is true that Lightning is my affinity however, so are all of the other elements."

Naruto was surprised to hear that, his only response was, "You're lying. Shinobi only have one element and the ability to use all elements. It's just not possible to have an affinity for all elements."

"I didn't think you were the type to limit yourself. Impossible… nothing is impossible. If you must know, it is one of the abilities that my Bijuu grants me. You see Naruto, the Gobi has the power to control all elements. His power is my power. Unlike you, who refuse to accept what you are, I have embraced what I am. I have access to power most would kill to have and what is it I want. Rule the world? Too much work. Be a good guy and save people? You can't save everyone. Fight and be known as the best? Ding, we have a winner. Power is power Naruto. Whether it's from a Bijuu, a man made source, or even a bloodline, it was something that we should use if we have access too. Otherwise, what's the point of having all of that power if you're afraid to use it?

Naruto knew he was right. What good was it to have Kyuubi if he couldn't even use it without worrying about it taking over his body? Naruto knew what could happen if he lost control and he didn't want to be the one to hurt his friends. But he had no choice.

Naruto noticed that Kouen grew a second tail. This worried Naruto greatly, because he knew that he would have to use more of the fox's chakra. Naruto had no choice in the matter. This battle went beyond what he wanted it to. "No holding back."

The second tail formed and Naruto facial features became more feral. Using the added power that he had, he performed hand seals stopping at the tiger seal. Taking in a deep breathe, 'Katon: Housenka no Jutsu' multiple fireball's flew at Cadaan. The fireballs were much more intense then anything that Sasuke ever did, this was because of the Kyuubi added chakra. Kouen, looking similar to Naruto, except his aura was green and he didn't have slits in his pupil.

He watched as the fireballs rushed toward him. Using both his tails, He brought them forth and a strong gust of wind cancelled the jutsu out.

His eyes shifted to his right where Naruto appeared. Punching with all of his force, Naruto's punch was blocked. Kouen followed up with a punch that Naruto avoided by tilting his head to the side, which was a good thing because a lightning blast shot out of his fist. Following with another punch to the exposed abdomen, Naruto fist connected with air. Kouen flipped over his shoulder, however, Naruto used the chakra hands that he gained in the Kyuubi form to grab him.

Naruto slammed Kouen into the ground hard. Naruto didn't have time to follow up with an attack of his own, due to the large streams of water shaped as a pack of wolves flying at him. The technique made contact, swallowing Naruto and engulfing the whole area in water.

Kouen was standing on one of the tree stumps looking at the mini lake he created below. Using a Raiton jutsu, electricity surged through the body of water. Kouen waited to see if this was all Naruto had or if he had more.

A smirk on his face appeared when a two tail Naruto shot up through the water appearing about ten feet behind him. Naruto inhaled, then in one motion exhaled with great force. This force created a bullet of wind that flew at Kouen, who jumped from the stump that was reduce to rubble and everything the wind bullet made contact with.

Throwing a punch at Naruto, he dodged then followed up with a kick that connected. Naruto followed up with a punch but found a fist planted in his face that sent him to the ground.

Landing on his back, he pushed up off of his hands landing on his feet into a fighting stance. Kouen landed directly in front of him smiling.

"This is great isn't Naruto? For the first time in a long time I'm having fun and I don't even know if I can win. Isn't that the best feeling ever? Come on Naruto, you have to enjoy this as much as I do. What, afraid of losing control?" Kouen asked.

Naruto only narrowed his eyes. Kouen continued, "If that's the case then I will push as far as you can go. If you're afraid to use Kyuubi's powers then you might as well die."

Kouen shook his head, "I guess you leave me with no choice Naruto." Slowly, the third tail started to form.

Naruto was reluctant about going three tails. He knew that was getting too close for comfort for him.

He made up his mine to stay at the two tails form, that was until he heard the Kyuubi's voice, "Hurry up and go three tails. That bastard Wolf Dog cannot beat me. I don't care if I'm sealed in you, you will not be the death of me."

"Shut up you bastard Fox. I already know I have to go three tails." Naruto said to the Kyuubi who was getting on his nerves.

"Then stop wasting time, hurry up so we can rip this fuck face to ribbons."

Naruto closed his eyes. When he opened them, he could feel the power surging through his body. The third tale was forming and he knew that this was the point of no return in this fight. The power between the two would only continue to rise and the fight would only intensify. Naruto could feel the intensity of the chakra that was coursing through his veins. The whisker marks turned into black marks and the eyes became much more fiercer looking. With the third tail formed, the density of the air started to increase.

Kouen, who was in his third-tail form smiled, "Seems like you are taking this serious. I must say, that Shinji guy was the last to force me to use all three-tails. I have a feeling with you I will be going all out."

Naruto responded with a loud scream, this sent a shock wave out through the whole area. Charging at Kouen, Naruto used his chakra arms to hit Kouen, who countered with a Earth jutsu. The ground in front of him elevated high enough that the fist collided with it. When the fist ripped through, Kouen was gone from his location.

Naruto looked around for his location, "Where are you?"

Realizing where he was now at, Naruto jumped high in the air and avoided the spikes that rose from the ground covering the field. Looking at Kouen, Naruto could see him standing in an area not covered by the spikes. Doing hand seals at a fast pace, Naruto stopped on the tiger seal and finished off with a 'Katon: Kayruu', however, this time it was much different. Two dragon heads shot out off his mouth and destroyed the earth jutsu and zeroed in on Kouen.

When the two dragon heads got near Kouen, He created a tornado of water that erupted from the base of his body surrounding him completely and acting as a shield. The dragons dispersed upon hitting the water, breaking down in to numerous fireballs. Upon making contact with the ground, the balls left small craters where they landed.

Naruto landed a few feet away from Kouen who was smirking. The gray chakra that surrounded his body was sparkling with electricity.

Naruto analyzed the situation, "He can wield electric attacks better than Kakashi, his fire attacks are stronger then Sasuke, his Earth techniques are stronger then Ero Sennin, his water techniques are stronger then Kaito and his Wind techniques are just as good as mine? So this is the power that his Bijuu grants. He has enhanced smell, which probably has magnified since his transformation; he has control over all of the elements, and he's smart as well. Definitely not an easy opponent this guy is."

Kouen disappeared from his spot. Aiming a punch at Naruto's face, which was blocked by Naruto's fist, Kouen was a little surprised by this. In all honesty, he didn't expect Naruto to react as fast as he did. When a punch from Naruto sent him reeling back slightly, he jumped back to create distance. He analyzed the feral look on Naruto's face, not only that he could feel the Kyuubi chakra on his skin.

"So this chakra is trying to mix with mines and leave a negative effect on me. In other words its trying to poison me, but my chakra, which is of the Bijuu's nature, is negating it. He is truly strong. We can fight in this form all day but I want to go all out. I'm close Naruto, lets see if this is your limit." Kouen's smirk worried Naruto.

The host of the Gobi no Hoko begin to transform yet again. The fourth tail started to sprout. The gray chakra covered his body and it was starting to mix with his skin. The gray chakra cover every inch of his body, so much that you could see the skin was now completely grey. That wasn't the only thing that was noticeable. He started to slowly grow grey fur and ears on top off his head. Kouen was officially transforming into a Wolf-dog. The intensity of the chakra didn't go unnoticed by Naruto, who had to hear the fox bug him about advancing to the forth tail.

Naruto had to finish this fight. He had come this far and the point of no return had been crossed about three tails ago. Naruto didn't waste anytime. Kouen noticed the skin on Naruto's body peel off. The blood that seeped out began to bubble; it formed a shield of blood and chakra, which looked like crimson fur. Naruto hated this transformation, pain was always involved and it was extreme, but it didn't last long. The fourth-tail formed, thus completing the transformation to his mini Kyuubi form.

Kouen let out a laugh, "Hell yea, this is what I am talking about. Naruto, this… this is your true self is it not? The power you have, the power that is at the core of your being, this is what you have been trying to hide. Don't try to hide this magnificent power, let the world see and feel it. Let them know you are in control, not the Fox, you!"

Opening his mouth, Naruto could see a ball of electricity forming in Kouen's mouth. Lightning was discharged from the ball toward Naruto, who slashed the air with his claws. This cancelled out the lightning that was shot at him. Kouen watched as the infamous nin appeared above him, Naruto bought forth his arm with force creating a shockwave that Kouen dodged. The ground that Kouen was standing on was now a crater forty inches deep.

Naruto landed inches away from the crater. Looking for Kouen, who was nowhere to be found, Naruto found his opponent when a Water Dragon mixed with Lightning came at him from his side. Kouen was smiling as the Dragon made contact with Naruto and forced him back to the ground.

His smirk faded once he saw Naruto, holding the dragon by its teeth, land on the ground. Gripping the upper and bottom portions of the lips with his hands, Naruto ripped the face off the dragon which was ultimately a bad move, since the electricity that was trapped within the dragon and outside of the dragon, created an explosion as soon as it was free from the water it was contained with in.

Kouen's demonic yellow looking eyes narrowed at what he saw. He didn't believe for a second Naruto was dead, so that's wasn't what made him nervous What really got him was the fact that Naruto stopped his dragon, that would have obliterated most with ease. "I don't believe he stopped 'Dendou Suiryūdan' with just two hands. Uzumaki is stronger than I originally thought. I thought going four tails would be more than enough. At this level, I can mix four elements into one. I can mix Fire, Water, Earth, and Lightning. I will hit you with my ultimate technique in this form, if you can counter this then I will have no choice but to unleash five tail if not, then this is as far as you could go; Which means, I was the better warrior."

He could feel the ground shaking throughout the area as he finished his train of thought. Getting a whiff of Naruto's scent, he jumped back to avoid the hands that popped from the ground. Taking his eyes of off the hands, he saw Naruto in his four tails form at a distance. His attention were brought back to the hands, because and extra set of chakra hands extended from those that protruded from the ground.

A large howl echoed from Kouen's mouth broke the chakra hands down into particles, reducing it to nothing.

The hands sticking out from the ground retracted from the ground and back at Naruto's side. Speaking so Kouen could hear, "I went further then I wanted; this ends now." Opening his mouth, the energy that was all around both Naruto and Kouen begin to gather only inches away from Naruto's mouth to form an ebony colored orb.

Kouen could feel the concentration of the chakra, which pleased him greatly, "You never cease to amaze me Naruto. You're right about one thing though, this ends now."

Pieces of stones floated in the air from the ground that was broken beneath him. When the stones were inches above Kouen's palm, they melded together to form a ball. Using fire, the stone was burned, then cooled by the water that incased it. When the stone cooled off, it transformed into a much harder metal. The water continued to surround the orb of metal. The water around the stone expanded; the small orb was now within a big ball of water. Electricity started to form within the ball. The concentration of chakra within the sphere was probably as strong as Naruto's if not stronger.

The black orb that Naruto created was swallowed. The energy traveled slowly to his stomach. His body started to expand, creating a bloated form.

Kouen bent his knees and moved his arm into a throwing position. He was preparing to launch himself forward; by doing this and throwing the orb, it would have an enough force to counter anything Naruto had planned. Bending down further, he waited for Naruto to act before he countered.

With his stomach expanded due to the energy he absorbed, the ball slowly rose from his stomach. With a great exhale, the ball energy exited from his body.

Kouen lept forward, "This will be the end Uzumaki Naruto." Creating enough momentum, he threw the sphere at Naruto.

Both opponents hundreds of yards away from one another, watched as the energy contained within the sphere, destroyed the ground underneath it and every thing that stood in its way.

Both spheres collided; a black dome was created upon contact. The size of the dome covered the area and could be seen by all.

In the stadium…

Senzairu, who was still within the containment seal saw the dome of energy created, "First the Uchiha kid and now Naruto… even if they do win their respective battles they won't be able to take Aisu down. I have to get out of this barrier shield. Kaasan is holding her own but for how long."

Entering the stadium, Hayami, Yumi, and the others spotted Konohamaru. Hayami was excited to see he was okay. Immediately she yelled out, "Konohamaru!"

When the boy turned to see her and he smiled. However, his smile faltered when he saw a Cloud nin appear behind her with a kunai. All of the other genin were unable to react fast enough, not even the Jounin present were able to stop the Cloud shinobi.

A kunai came down upon the unsuspecting girl and in an instant blood was everywhere.

Yumi and the others saw blood erupt from the shinobi who fell to the ground dead. Looking around, Hayami was nowhere to be found.

Standing on the railing a few inches from Konohamaru was Shinji with his little cousin tucked under one arm and his bloody sword in the other. Hayami blinked and realized she was being held by someone. Looking up, she recognized the face and was more than happy to see this person.

"Shinji-nii!" everyone turned around to see Shinji holding the girl while looking at the sky.

Tracing his eyes, everyone focused on the black orb in the distance. Hinata landed next to Hanabi and Konohamaru.

"It seems Naruto-kun is fighting a tough battle?"

Shinji spoke, "Yea, he's fighting that guy from Cloud. He really must…"

Shinji didn't get a chance to finish due to his circulation being cut off by the little girl, "Shinji-nii I'm so glad you're back, I missed you so much. Where did you go? Are you okay?"

He looked at the girl and got out, "Air."

Letting go of him, he put the girl down then rubbed her head, "I'm glad to see you too Hayami. More importantly, did you come in contact with Naruto?"

"Yes, we did." Yumi, who was walking up to the group responded.

"He actually saved us" Makeinu replied.

"He happens to know a technique that allows him to do teleportation, he really saved us." Ranpu informed everyone.

Hinata looked at the Hyuuga, "Naruto-kun actually mastered the technique, I knew he would. You look hurt Ranpu-san, are you okay?"

"I'm fine Hinata-sama, just fine." The boy informed

Everyone turned when Rin landed next to them with Iruka in tow. Rin spoke, "He's not fine, and none of you are fine. You kids are all lunatics. We take our eyes off of you for one minute and you just…"

Yumi spoke in their defense, "I'm sorry Rin-san it's all my fault. I convinced them to bring me back to the stadium. It's just that… well… I can't explain it but this is where I feel I need to be."

Iruka spoke, "You shouldn't have gotten them to do that Yumi. We're in the middle of a war and anything could have happened. You guys could have been killed, then what?"

"Exactly, you're so right Leaf shinobi." Everyone turned to see Yokoana standing with Sasame. The shinobi all went on guard, until Rin landed in between them.

"Don't worry; Yokoana-san and Sasame-chan are two people you don't have to fear. They're not the enemy." Rin explained.

Flicking his cigarette off the edge of the rail, Asuma stepped forward, "Longtime Yokoana-hime, it's been a while."

The woman nodded, "Yes, it has been a long time Asuma."

"What brings you here, if you are here there has to be a reason?" Everyone was glued to the conversation between the two.

Yokoana only response was, "Trust me, you will find out soon enough. When have I been known to reveal my motives this early, Asuma-kun."

Kurenai didn't like that tone. It rubbed her the wrong way so much that she stepped up to Asuma and whispered in his ear, "Who is she and how do you know her?"

"She is the Princess of Sun Country. We met during a mission I had with Kakashi and a couple of others. We were ordered to protect her; this was when I was about seventeen. If she's here, there is a reason, or something she's not telling us. We have no choice but to wait and see." Asuma explained.

Yokoana turned to look at the match between Aisu and Tsunade, "Don't stress over it. More importantly, lets focus on the now."

Everyone turned to watch the match. Yumi however watched the black orb that died down. "Naruto-kun, please be safe."

A few miles away…

The after effect of the blast changed the landscape into a desolated area. Two figures remained standing where they were before the spheres made contact and stared the other down.

Kouen couldn't believe it. His 'YonKouyou Tama' was cancelled out. He was positive that technique would end it all. "He is pushing me to my limits… which I like. My jutsu's aren't strong enough to kill him. We only break even in our attacks. Five-tails is something I didn't plan on doing, but no choice at all. So be it."

Naruto noticed the chakra around Kouen intensify. The young fox looking warrior watched as Kouen transformed. Kouen's size extended until he was about the height of Shukaku and Sokou. Naruto looked up to see him in this form. He knew that he would have to go five-tails. It wasn't even a matter of should or shouldn't, it was a must. The transformation wasn't complete. Kouen started to slowly shrink back his regular size. He now had all five-tails, and looked much like a miniature Hoko.

He wiggled his fingers causing them to crack. The ground beneath him broke up. He smiled, "I haven't used this form in a very longtime, not since I fought Aisu and lost. Uzumaki, I am in full control of my Bijuu. This is what it's like to be in control."

Naruto was stumped. For some reason, he knew Kouen wasn't lying. The chakra felt just as demonic as Kyuubi's when he came face to face with the demon from time to time. "How, how did you achieve this?"

Kouen laughed, "Its simple, I've embraced what I am. Through the hate, the insults, everything that I had to put up with for being Jinchuuriki… it helped understand and accept that I am a vessel, but the power doesn't control me. I control it. The fact of the matter is my body had to get strong enough to contain all of the tails and my bijuu's true form. Being in complete control allows me to determine my size. I personally don't like the 90 feet version of the Gobi, which is why I always shrink down to my regular size. I still can't access all of the Gobi's power, I won't be able to for years. But I can access enough to which I can sustain its true form and all of its abilities. Do you understand any of this, Naruto?"

Naruto nodded, "I understand completely. You do have control, but not access to all of the chakra. Also, your strength determines how much you can do. So if you get any stronger your five-tails form will be even more powerful, giving you more access to the Gobi's power. I understand this because it's the same with me and the bastard Fox. Well I was hoping not to go this far with you at the risk of everyone's life, but I will have to. I've realized something from this fight Kouen, you are right about one thing. I am in control."

Naruto smiled at the Five-tails Jinchuuriki, "What's the smile for Uzumaki?"

"For this," crimson chakra bled from Naruto's body covering a 2 meter radius around his body. His loud scream caused shaking to occur. Kouen wasn't phased by this at all. His grey chakra surrounded his body as well, but not to such a large degree. Naruto going this far only gave him more joy. This fight was getting interesting, but it would continue until nothing was left, Kouen knew that their power decimate would everything.

He watched and waited as five-tails formed, "So he can access five-tails… I wonder if he can access more. Well judging by his comment no. He seems to be worried about losing control and he did seem reluctant about going this far. Well we will end this now. One attack, no more games. We will see who is stronger. I want to fight him. If I push him further then I will be fighting Kyuubi, and he isn't the one that I wish to fight."

Kouen continued to watch until Naruto's transformation was complete. He spoke loud enough so Naruto could hear, "Uzumaki, I know you don't want to stay in this form for too long, you fear what can happen and personally, I don't care to fight the nine-tails if he takes control from you. So let's end this in one shot."

Naruto was hoping to end this in one shot as well. He knew that he was beyond the point and any further he would hit six-tails and lose control. Naruto raised held his hand out much like he did when he used the Rasengan, "I haven't used this technique as much but it's just as strong as Rasen Shuriken. I would use that but combined with the Kyuubi chakra, that technique would make my arm useless for months. It would be the same as when I fought the Akatsuki Leader. This is why I created this jutsu. Same effect without the damage."

"Normally, this jutsu would be blue, but because of the nine-tails, it is blood red. But trust me when I say, this will definitely end it all." Naruto said.

Kouen watched as little particles of red chakra collected in one area until a ball was formed. Wind started to generated until one complete ring of wind swirled around the ball. Then a second ring of wind formed. This continued until there were a total of five swirling rings around the ball. The red ball was surrounded by sharp edges of wind. This particular technique reminded one of atoms.

Kouen performed the same technique as last time; however wind was added to the technique this time. Unlike Naruto's jutsu that looked like atoms, this jutsu was surrounded by about twenty small thin rings of wind. "When I access the fifth tail, all elements are with in my grasp. This technique is the upgrade of the one used in my four-tails form. I hope that little technique of yours will suffice. I will say this though Naruto… I haven't had this much fun fighting an opponent ever. Either way, it ends now."

"It's too bad you are standing in my way to my goal. Maybe in a different place… a different time…. We could have been friends. But as of right now," raising the sphere above his head, Naruto launched it at Kouen with great force. He used a stream of wind to direct the jutsu.

Kouen cocked back his hand then followed through with enough force that caused his technique to fly. Following Naruto's lead, he used wind to direct the technique. The jutsu's collided but an explosion didn't occur this time, no both techniques were vying for dominance. With both creators behind their technique and using the wind to force their jutsu to hit the other, it was certain to take a while.

And it did. Both fighters continued their stand still for about ten minutes. Kouen couldn't lose. That was the only thing on his mind. "I can't lose, I will win. I have to win."

Naruto was thinking the same thing, "I can't lose. I won't lose. Hayami, Obaa-chan, Mai, Ero-sennin, Kaito, Shinji, Iruka-sensei, Konohamaru, Sakura, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Neji, Kiba, Rin, Kakashi, Shino, Hinata, Naiya, Senzairu, Temari, Kankerou, Gaara, and Yumi… their all counting on me. I can't lose. I won't lose. I will not lose!"

With one final scream, Naruto put more chakra into his wind stream. When his jutsu started to slowly win, Kouen's eyes widened in shock. He was going to… it was too late, the jutsu sped towards him and connected before he could process the final note of this battle.

He had lost.

In a big explosion that just further decimated what was left of the barren area, a big red sphere appeared. The rings around the sphere where moving all around the sphere at a speed that was very hard to track. Kouen faded into the sphere, disappearing into crimson ball. The ball remained until the jutsu itself died down.

When the dust settled, Naruto was still in his five-tails form and Kouen was on the ground in his, but it was slowly fading, revealing his real body, which were covered in numerous cuts and gashes. His body was thrashed. One thing was for certain, he wouldn't be fighting anytime soon.

With his right arm limp, Naruto slowly walked over to a conscious Kouen who was mumbling, "I lost… I can't believe it. I'm still not strong enough."

"Shut up you fool. What the hell are you talking about?" Naruto, who was now back to normal, also had visible cuts but not to the extent and degree of Kouen's.

Kouen smiled at Naruto, "Congrats on your victory, Naruto. That technique you used… what was it called?"

Naruto a stern response, "It's a Wind Release technique that I call 'Shippuugan Fukabun', it's a jutsu that I've created.

"Fascinating technique. Well I lost so just make me die a warriors death and kill me." Kouen said.

Naruto response surprised him, "I will do no such thing you bastard. Why kill you? What's the point? This fight… from the beginning to test your strength. You lost which means that I am stronger. Live with that, because it will help you get stronger. Maybe someday, you might be strong enough to beat me."

Kouen laughed, "You are weird Uzumaki. But what's even weirder, had I been in your position I wouldn't have killed you either. I guess we're not the monsters that some think we are. Just so you know… I didn't participate in the Minashu clan's genocide. I was there, but my purpose for being anywhere remains the same. To fight the best the world has to offer, which is why I fought Shinji. You have served your purpose Uzumaki and for letting me live you will continue to serve it. You know I will not rest until I beat you."

"I'm actually looking forward to that match, Kouen." Naruto said with a smirk.

Naruto turned to his side to see Sasuke land next to him. "You're kind of late for the party Sasuke."

Sasuke smirked, " Well I was busy with one of my own." He glanced at Kouen, "Seems like you won your battle as well."

"Did you think I would lose?" Naruto said with confident tone.

Sasuke closed his eyes and smirked, "I suppose not." He opened his eyes then pointed at Kouen, "What about him, aren't you going to finish him off?"

Naruto shook his head, "No. He only wanted to test his abilities; he's no different from you and me. He's not the enemy; he wants to kill Aisu just as much as I do. Speaking of which, is there anything you can tell us about him, Kouen."

"You already know that he wields the 'Dragon's Fang' what you don't know is that he is fighting Tsunade now. He is probably making her believe she has a chance but trust me, she doesn't. Not even a Uchiha, me and you in our five-tails form can stand up against him Naruto. He is that strong. The one person who rivaled his ability is incased in a barrier, a plan constructed by Aisu himself. I've warned Tsunade already. I told her not to fight him. I even warned her about BOLT, all for the purpose of fighting you. Actually it was my mission but I would have done it regardless. You and the Uchiha over there were supposed to be my measuring sticks. However Naruto, you took the cake when I found out you had Heaven's blade and your power worried Aisu greatly. For this reason I wanted to fight you and only you. If I could beat someone that even he was slightly afraid of then I could stand against the only person to beat me. Now that list has grown by one and I have a feeling that you are going to confront him. I wish I could see that one, but I'm at my limit." Kouen said.

Naruto knelt down, "Get stronger Kouen. When you are stronger come find me." Naruto turned to Sasuke, "That goes for you too teme."

Sasuke smirked, "Don't worry; I plan to do just that."

Naruto turned when he saw Gaara, Kankurou, and Matsuri land next to him. Gaara looked at Naruto then at Kouen, "So you've defeated the guy who contains the Gobi No Hoko I see."

Naruto nodded, "So it would seem."

Kankurou laughed at Naruto, "Look at you baka, you look like an idiot. That guy really kicked your ass."

"At least I'm not clown face." Naruto said which cause Matsuri to laugh; Sasuke even smirked, having known what they were talking about from his time with Hayami. Gaara walked up to Kouen, "So I was right about you as well, you seemed to have control over yours as well."

"Gaara of the Desert… I assume you fought Awasedo and won. But the answer you seek is… how to control your Bijuu correct."

Gaara didn't even respond. Sasuke however looked at Kouen, "So you're a demon vessel. You were talking to Naruto about controlling it which means… Naruto has a bijuu with in him as well."

Sasuke turned to look at Naruto, "So I see the stories we were told about the nine-tails weren't all entirely true. That's where your power comes from... interesting."

Naruto turned away from Sasuke to look at a Cloud shinobi land in the area. Two genins and a few Jounins landed ready to do battle. Tsuki notice Kouen on the ground injured. "Sensei!" She yelled out.

Naruto's gaze feel upon the new arrivals, "You guys know who we are I'm sure. Fighting us would be suicide."

One of the Jounins spoke, "You clearly are injured Uzumaki, we can take ..."

Kouen yelled, "Stop! That's enough. You guys don't stand a chance against him. We are


Naruto looked at Reido, "You guys should get him some medical attention. Get him out of here now."

Reido watched this man standing before him. "So this is the man that my father was worried about. Looking at what he did to Kouen, it's safe to say father has good reason to be worried."

The other jounins stepped forth and placed Kouen's arms on their necks. Before they left, Kouen looked at Naruto one last time, "Remember what I said during our fight Uzumaki. Never forget it." Kouen looked at the jounin holding him, "lets go." All of the Cloud shinobi retreated from the battlefield.

Gaara looked at Naruto, "Are you sure that was wise?"

"Was it a wise decision when I fought you?" Naruto countered with.

Gaara didn't say anything except, "Well, let's head back to the stadium. I'm sure Tsunade could use our help."

"Okay, just as soon as I find my sword." Naruto saw Heaven's blade, along with his other blade resting in the ground. Walking over to his sword, Naruto went to grab the sword, however his hands never touched the sword. A sudden wave of pain rushed through his body. Naruto let out a loud scream.

Falling to his knees, everyone came to his aide. Sasuke looked at Naruto, "Hey dobe, what the hell is the matter?"

Looking at the Uchiha with red eyes, Sasuke was a little surprised. Naruto whispered two words, "Get away."

The red chakra swallowed Naruto. Matsuri and Kankerou looked on in terror as Naruto started to transform again. It didn't take Naruto long to reach all four-tails. Five-tails soon followed. Naruto was doing everything to keep it from going to six.

Somewhere near Konoha…

Jiraiya turned to where Naruto was at "Not good."

"Naruto, you fool!" Jiraiya immediately left.

Temari knew what that meant, Naruto had unleashed the Fox. She was concerned for him. She looked at Shikamaru who nodded. Sakura grabbed Shikamaru's shoulder, "What happened to Naruto? You know something, tell me?"

Anko placed a hand on her shoulder, "You might want to follow us, if anything you're ability might be needed."

Sakura didn't have time to ask a question. She had to Shunshin to catch up with everyone. Sakura couldn't help but think "Naruto… that demonic feeling chakra… Naruto what's going on?"

Somewhere outside of the Village…

Naiya stopped immediately. "Shit, I can't let the nine-tails get free."

In the Village…

Neji shook his head, "This is bad."

"You're telling me. This can be disastrous. We have to go." Ino said.

Tenten asked, "What's going on?"

"Just follow, Okay." Neji left without a seconds notice. Ino followed immediately. Everyone else was clueless but they wanted to know what was going on.

Shino however wasn't, he knew exactly what was happening. "Naruto… don't lose control."

Somewhere else in the Village…

Kakashi looked at Gai who only nodded. In an instant, both jounin left their location instantly.

"This is bad. If the Kyuubi gets free, there is no way we can stop it." Kakashi knew that if Kyuubi did get free they would have to do everything they can to keep it out of the village, well what was left of it, or risk complete annihilation.

In the stadium…

Tsunade, who was breathing hard looked at the direction Naruto was in, "Kid, fight it. You can't let that beast free."

Aisu, who wasn't out of breath at all, glanced at the direction Naruto was in, "So he can't control his Bijuu's ability. Kouen must have lost. I guess I can play with her a little longer then go finish him off."

In the stands…

Yumi fell to the ground holding her stomach. Hayami ran over to her, "Yumi-neechan are you okay?"

"No… Naruto, he's in pain. It's… its hurting him." Yumi clutched her stomach tighter as a pain ran through it. Everyone was watching her. Rin looked to the direction in which the demonic aura was coming form "So the bond between you two runs that deep that she feels your pain. Naruto… you have to fight it. You have to take control."

Somewhere outside of Konoha…

Sasuke, Gaara, Kankurou, and Matsuri watched as Naruto continued to transform.

Sasuke activated his Sharingan, "As soon as he loses it completely, I will deal with the nine-tails."

Sasuke took notice of the sword that was a few inches away from Naruto. He didn't understand why, but the 'Heaven's Blade' was glowing.

Sasuke looked at Naruto, who was trying his best to fight it, then back at the sword, "Interesting."

The Uchiha didn't understand what was going on, but he was certain that the sword was doing something. What, he had no idea. It didn't matter, he would do something as soon as Naruto got out of control. He was waiting, but as he waited he continued watching 'Heaven's Blade' glow.


Naruto is being taking over, what the hell is going on? Will he be able to stop the nine-tails? Can Sasuke really stop Naruto. Will Naiya make it in time? What about Jiraiya and the others? What will happen to Tsunade? All of these answers in the next Chapter.


Aoi Raikousen – Green Lightning Beam.

Dai Aoi Raikousen- Great Green Lightning Beam

Dainichi – Great Sun

Kyokkou – Rays of the Rising Sun

Fuuton:Teikiatsu Tate – Wind Release: Cyclone Shield

Raiton:Baisuu Shuurai- Lightning Release: Multiple Lightning Strikes

DendouSuiryūdan – Electric Water Dragon Blast

YonKouyou Tama- Four Element Sphere

GoKouyou Tama- Five Element Sphere

Fuuton: Shippuugan Fukabun – Wind Release: Eye of the Atomic Hurricane