
The Golden Fox

After Naruto and company failed to return Sasuke, he was banished from the village. six years later, with the Akatuski and Sound defeated, The Cloud has declared war on the Leaf. Tsunade believes there is one person who can help, the Golden Fox himself. This amazing story was written by Nyce456 a very talented author be sure to check out his other stories.

Hyuga_Tobirama · Anime und Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 12: Training and Preparation

5 am destination unknown…

Hyuuga Hinata was sleeping in the bed and the room provide to her by Naiya. The young lady was comfortable; the expression was shown on her face during sleep. All of this was about to change.

Naiya dumped a bucket of ice water on Hinata; this jolted her out of her sleep. Hinata sat up looking around with a vacant expression. She looked up to see Naiya standing at the foot of the bed with her arms folded and an aggravated facial expression.

"I thought I said five every morning. Get dress and meet me in the third room on the right of this floor. We will start with basic sealing techniques."

"Yes, Naiya-sensei"

Naiya walked off with a smile on her face, "Naiya-sensei? That has really nice ring to it; A really nice ring to it."

A couple of minutes passed. Hinata walked into a nicely painted yellow room with a wooden floor. Hinata was looking around the room, which had cases of shelves on all of the room walls. All of the shelves were filled with neatly stacked scrolls. Hinata continue to study the room until Naiya walked back in with floor mats for both her and Hinata. The Hyuuga girl also noticed that the woman was dressed differently from when she saw her about five minutes ago.

Naiya hair was now in a pony-tail with two long bangs on the side. She now had on a purple halter top with purple spandex to match. She didn't have on the sandals most ninjas wore; she had on black shoes (Kung Fu rubber toe) with white ankle warmers that were more fashionable then Gai's.

Naiya placed the mats on the floor. She positioned them so that she and Hinata would be facing each other. She motioned for Hinata to sit down while she went to one of the shelves and grabbed a bunch of scrolls. The seal mistress placed the seals on the side of her and Hinata. She then took a seat on the mat.

"Ok Hinata, I will start of by asking, what is the purpose of seals?" Naiya asked.

"Well, according to what we learned from the academy and the little information I read about seals… I would have to say that they can be use to seal stuff in other objects; they can also be used as a form of control." Hinata said as if she wasn't sure that the two answers she gave were correct.

Naiya raised index finger and responded, "That is correct, but seals are used for other things as well. Seals can be used to contain other seals. Seals can also be used to grant power. A perfect example would be the curse seal mark. The curse seal mark gives power to the user, but it also destroys the body if used for too long. This is the reason why it is a kinjutsu, the curse seal that is. Hinata, have you ever heard of the Yondaime's famous technique?"

Hinata looked down searching for something her father once said, she looked back up to meet Naiya's eyes "Yes, it was call the Hirashin if I'm not mistaken. My father told me it made him so fast that he was a force to be reckoned with. I don't know too much about it though."

"Well, he used seals to teleport himself from location to location. He created the technique himself which is quite a feat. Anyway, the technique works like a summoning. The marker, whether it is a sticker or a kunai, the person can summon themselves to the location of the marker. Do you understand what I'm saying, Hinata." Naiya asked the girl in front her.

Hinata nodded, "Yes, I understand completely Naiya-sensei. If you don't mind me asking, what are we going to do today?"

Naiya placed her hands on her knees, "Well I want you to get a basic understanding of seals and the possibilities of their use. We will work on basic sealing. Do you know how to seal weapons in scrolls Hinata?"

"No. My friend Tenten, who is a Jounin, knows how to though. I would love to learn how to, I think that it would be beneficial." Hinata answered honestly.

"It would be very useful indeed. Many people fail to realize how much items you could carry if they were sealed. Ok let's get started." Naiya said the last part with enthusiasm.

The seal mistress picked up a blank scroll that was on the side of her. She laid it flat in front of her. Naiya then took a brush and dipped in the ink that was also on the side her. She began to write weird symbols and characters on the blank paper. When she was finished, she took another scroll and opened it. She summoned the weapons that were sealed inside of it. She placed a Fuuma Shuriken, a Kunai, and a Sword inside of the paper. She looked up at Hinata, "You see this scroll isn't that long, so it limits the amount of items that can be sealed inside of it. For a scroll of this size it would take about three items. However, it is possible to seal items, but that would require a very long scroll that would fit the characters required. Now that I have placed the items inside the scroll, I will do the necessary hand seals. Watch carefully, they are as followed: Monkey, Serpent, Horse, Hare, Bird, Boar, and Tiger. Once you do these hand seals, gather your chakra in you hands and make sure that your chakra spreads throughout the paper."

Hinata performed the seals slowly. Once she finished, Hinata gather chakra in her hands. She then placed her hands on the scroll and proceeded spread the chakra through the scroll. When Hinata finished spreading the chakra, the symbols and the characters on the paper started to glow; soon after the weapon began to glow. Hinata saw the weapons disappear. New big and bolder characters formed with in the symbols on the paper.

Naiya clapped, "Congratulations, you now know how to seal weapons."

Hinata was happy at her accomplishment, she decided to ride the wave confidence flowing through her, "Naiya-sensei, I would like to try another but this time, I would like to draw the characters and the symbols necessary. Looking at what you did, I have a general idea of what to do."

Naiya reached to her side to give Hinata another blank scroll. She then stood up, "Well, I'm going to do a couple of things, you practice on that. You can use those weapons to practice sealing items. I will be back around 11:30. If you need more things to seal, the shelves next to the door on the left has weapons and other items sealed inside of it. You can open those seals to remove the weapons. The shelves are color coded, as well as the scrolls to indicate which belongs to which. The weapons are too. I expect you to reseal all the weapons you use in their rightful scrolls. Later"

Hinata nodded and started drawing characters and symbols on the scroll. Naiya was at the door then she stopped and turned to look at Hinata, who was oblivious of her gaze, "The girl got it in one try. It took me two tries, but I was about 5 yrs younger then she is. But still, she picked it up fairly fast. I wonder how far she will advance in a month. She'll probably be an above average beginner. I guess only time will tell."

Sea Country…

Inside a dojo in the compound, Naruto stood before about 20 – 25 clan members. Ryuho was in the center of the group. He stepped forward and spoke, "I have been the wielder of Heavens Blade since I was 23. I call you all here to tell you that I have selected Naruto to take the trials. Should he succeed, he will become the blade's new wielder."

The males, ranging from the 24-60 looked at one another then back at Ryuho. The eldest male spoke, "Ryuho, shouldn't a member of our house take the trials. No offense to Naurto, but he is only an honorary member of this clan."

Ryuho answered, "Someone in this house has already taking the trials. Shinji my nephew, the strongest in the clan only second to me, took the trials a year ago and failed. You didn't know this because you weren't selected to be apart of the trials. I don't see another wielder coming along for years. I believe that Naruto is the one to wield the sword."

Shinji stepped forward, "I did indeed failed. My uncle logic is correct. Although I would love to have become the wielder, the sword didn't accept me. There is no harm in Naruto-san trying to become the wielder. If he succeeds then he was meant to wield it, if he doesn't then Ryuho-sama remains the wielder until someone worthy comes along to wield it."

The old man nodded, "I see. I guess you're right Shinji."

Ryuho addressed everyone, "The trials will begin today at noon." His focused on Naruto, "Naurto there will be three tests. The first one will test your will, the second will test your faith, and the last will test your heart. To wield the sword, you must pass all three tests. I suggest you get some rest Naruto but knowing you, you will probably go do something else. Either way I want you here by noon." Ryuho looked at his clansmen, "You guys go prepare the cave. You all are dismissed."

Everyone exited except for Shinji and Ryuho. Shinji walked up next to his uncle, "Uncle, do you believe that he can pass the trials?"

"I don't know Shinji. We will see soon. It really depends on him to tell you the truth. The test will show everyone, Naruto included, what he is truly made of.

11 am Konoha…

Senzairu was standing before Tsunade, Homura, and Koharu. Tsunade addressed her son, "Senzairu, you have been thought to be dead for the last eighteen years. A shinobi whom is thought to be dead and returns it is a mandatory procedure to ask certain questions. Do you understand?"

Senzairu nodded, "Yes."

"Ok then. Where have you been for the last eighteen years?" Tsunade asked already knowing the story. It was mandatory that the Hokage and the two senior advisors be present when questioning a shinobi that has returned to the village after such a long time.

"Well I was training under a swordsman up until I was 22. After that I wondered around studying techniques and strengthen my skills. In order to be a valuable asset to this village, I felt my reason for not returning right away was justified." Senzairu informed the three before him.

Koharu spoke, "Well your reason was just, but not even informing the Hokage of your status is not becoming of a nin. However, it's not like you turned on Konoha, in fact you risked your life to save the lives of your comrades."

Homura finished up, "That is what makes Konoha the strongest of the five nations, unity and sacrificing ourselves for our fellow man. It's the close family unity that our nins and villagers develop that makes us strong and gives us our strength."

"Family? Unity? Fucking hypocrites" Tsunade broke from her thoughts and smiled at her son, "Well on behalf of myself, and Konoha, Welcome back Senzairu. You will be reinstated to the position you held. If you feel that you are above that then you can allow me to evaluate you and make a decision based on that."

"But Hokage-sama, wasn't my performance yesterday good enough?"

Tsunade place hand on her lower lip and looked up to recall their battle, "Well if I went on that alone… yes I would say that you are definitely Jounin level. I will call in five other Jounin and ask their opinion. If three out of five feel that you are Jounin level then I will consider it, but remember the decision is still up to me. You are free to go."

Senzairu nodded. He then bowed to the three officials before him. Senzairu proceeded to head out of the office.

"Raidou and Genma" Tsunade called out; both Jounins appeared in an instant. She continued, "Raidou, retrieve Kakashi, Asuma, Aoba, Kotetsu, Izumo. Genma, retrieve Sasuke, Sakura, Neji, Kiba." Then nodded then phased out of sight.

Location unknown…

Hinata was busy putting everything in the color coded order that they were in. Hinata started to understand the concept behind sealing things inside of scrolls and was getting better. "So that is why Tenten-san scroll is so huge. Sealing is time consuming."

Naiya walked in to see Hinata straighten up things, "I see that you are almost finished putting everything back."

"Yes, I decided to put everything back now. Well this scroll is the last, so what are we going to do next Naiya-sensei?" The curious Hyuuga asked.

Naiya walked around Hinata looking her up and down, "Well first, you are going to change. That long over coat just won't do. I have placed clothes on your bed similar to mines. The only thing different is the color, which is a sky blue with white ankle warmers. I don't know your shoe size, so you will have to wear your sandals today or you can wear them for the duration what ever makes you comfortable. What is your shoe size anyway, I will get you a pair just in case."

"I wear a 4 in shoes." Hinata informed the older lady.

"Perfect, that's my size. I have tons of shoes like the ones I'm sporting that I have yet to wear. I'll go get you the shoe that matches that outfit."

Hinata raised her hand to signal her sensei to stop, "Sensei, that isn't necessary. I mean we're training, fashion really is important."

Naiya turned and gave Hinata a serious look, "Fashion is one of the most important things in this world. You don't realize it yet but you will. After you leave here you will have the best fashion sense in the world. Besides, my student has to look as fabulous as her sensei or it would be crime to even be considered as a sensei. I'll meet you in your room with those shoes." Naiya smiled and then walked off.

"Naiya-sensei and Ino-san would get along great." Hinata just sighed and headed to her room.

Back in Konoha…

Tsunade was now in her office with Sasuke, Sakura, Neji, and Kiba. "You are to go to Waterfall and inform their leader of our plans. Your missions starts now"

Sasuke spoke up before everyone could turn around, "Hokage-sama, I request that someone else goes in my place. We have an idea of what Cloud is trying to do, however we're not entirely sure. I think my presences would be useful here in the village."

Tsunade stared at Sasuke trying to see his reason for wanting to opt out of the mission. She understood now. It was because he didn't like the idea of Naruto getting stronger then him. "So he wants to train. I guess it would benefit the Leaf if he got stronger. It's not like this is a dangerous mission." Tsunade spoke, "Ok, I will replace you this time Uchiha Sasuke. Have Ino and Chouji meet Neji's team at the gates."

Sasuke nodded then disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Tsunade turned back to the remaining group, "The rest of you are dismissed. Sakura, tell Kakashi and the others to come in."

Sakura, Kiba, and Neji exited the Hokage's office. Sakura informed Kakashi that Tsunade wanted to see them now. She waved bye to her sensei and headed out.

Kakashi, followed by Aoba, Asuma, Izumo, and Kotestsu entered her office. The Jounins lined up side by side in front of the Hokage. Tsunade addressed the assembled Jounin, "I called you here because I would like to promote a Chuunin to Jounin. You all know that there is three ways that a person can get promoted to Jounin. 1) He/She must take the exams and be approved by the assembled council, 2) Challenge the Hokage and if he/she does good the decision is up to the Hokage, or 3) Be approved by 3 out of 5 Jounin."

Asuma spoke, "I assume you called us here for the latter. This is about Senzairu isn't it?"

"Yes. I want your opinions on what you thought about him yesterday. Based on what you saw, do you think he is qualified to be a Jounin?" Tsunade responded.

Kakashi was the first to speak, "Well, he did last with you for five minutes. That is something only a handful of ninja could do, so I, Hatake Kakashi place my vote for the Chuunin known as Senzairu, to be promoted to Jounin status.

Aoba spoke, "I, Yamashiro Aoba place my vote for the Chuunin known as Senzairu, to be promoted to Jounin status."

"He beat me kind of easy, and I'm a Jounin so it would be foolish not to recommend him. I, Kamizuki Izumo place my vote for the Chuunin known as Senzairu, to be promoted to Jounin status."

Kotetsu looked at Izumo and nodded, "Izumo is right. He took us out effortlessly. I, Hagane Kotetsu place my vote for the Chuunin known as Senzairu, to be promoted to Jounin status."

Tsunade move her eyes to Asuma, "Well… He did take out two Jounins pretty easy and he held his own against you. As a former teammate, I knew what he was capable of so I ,Sarutobi Asuma place my vote for the Chuunin known as Senzairu to be promoted to Jounin status."

Tsunade looked at her subordinates. She nodded, "Ok, it seems that you all believe that he is capable. I will promote him to Jounin status. Asuma, find Senzairu and have him in my office ASAP. I will inform him of his promotion to Jounin. All of you are free to go except you Kakashi."

Everyone left except Kakashi, "I want you to tell Gaara to meet me in my office a 4 pm. I want to talk to him before we leave."

"If you don't mind me asking Tsunade, what is that you wish to talk to him about?" Kakashi wondered.

"This is Kage business Kakashi, nothing to concern you with. Also, the academy graduation is in a week. I'm asking the best Jounins to take on a team and have them ready for the Chuunin exams in 6 months. So what do you say Kakashi, care to take on a team?" Tsunade asked.

"The last time I took on a team it didn't go so well. I kept on preaching teamwork when all I did was focus on one student who betrayed the village, another got banished, and another I helped slightly. Nope, I took on a Genin squad already, besides it would be pretty hard for any Genin to live up to what those three have accomplished." Kakashi stated.

Tsunade gave smiled at Kakashi, "Well I suppose you are right; I had to try anyway. I guess Gai, Kurenai, and Asuma answer will be the same as yours. I guess I will ask Genma, Yamato, and Aoba. Well Kakashi I will see you then."

Kakashi nodded then disappeared in a poof of smoke. Tsunade place her hand on her chin. She looked very bored to say the least. Tsunade looked to her left, then to her right. She opened her draw and pulled out the latest edition of Icha Icha Paradise. "Jiraiya I must admit this is a damn good book but you're still a pervert. A good writer you are but a pervert nonetheless. Hmmm so that's why Yuki and Rokoa broke up. I knew Wie was a slut." The Hokage looked up every so often to make sure that no one barged in on her and one of her guilty pleasures.

Sasuke was walking through the village looking for Chouji. He had seen Ino and informed her to meet Sakura and the rest at the gate. On his way looking for Chouji he ran into Shikamaru and Temari. To his surprise Shikamaru had no idea where Chouji was at. Sasuke continued to walk looking for the Jounin. Sasuke was walking when he saw Chouji walking down the street with a grocery bag.

Sasuke called to get his attention, "Chouji."

Chouji turned around to see who was calling him. When he saw Sasuke he narrowed his eyes, "What do you want Uchiha?"

"Tsunade-sama ordered me to inform you that you have a mission. You are to meet Ino, Sakura, Neji, and Kiba at the north gate ASAP." Sasuke informed Chouji.

"Alright, if there isn't anything else I'm off." Chouji walked off heading towards his house.

Sasuke went in the opposite direction. His destination was the Uchiha compound. "I have to get stronger. Since I've copied Naruto's speed with my Sharingan, it should take me no time to catch up to his speed. The next time I use Susanoo, it should put me over the edge with speed and power to beat him. But I will have to save our fight for after this war. I will catch you Naruto that is something you can count on." Sasuke smirked and continued to the Uchiha compound.

Sea Country…

Naruto and Hayami were heading towards the dojo. She decided to tag along with Naruto, who really didn't mind. Naruto was dressed in a thin long sleeve orange shirt with black sweats and matching color sandals. The sword that Ryuho had given him was strapped over his back. He had changed from his previous outfit to get more comfort; he knew that whatever the training entailed, it was going to be hard.

Hayami tapped Naruto, he looked down at the girl, "Do you want something Hayami?"

"Naruto-niisan, do you think you can do this training. From what I hear, it isn't easy. Father told me that it was dangerous." The little girl put her head down.

Naruto bent down on one knee and lifted up her chin, "I heard it was going to be dangerous too."

"But aren't you scared?" the girl asked.

"Scared…not really, just uncertain. You see I don't know what to expect. People sometimes confuse that with fear, but it's not the same. Even if I did fear the training, wouldn't it be better to face it then to avoid it?"

"I guess." The girl spoke a low tone.

"It's alright to be afraid. Right now you're afraid for me, but I promise that I will be alright. In truth, fear is something that can make you stronger. When I was twelve I was afraid of this kid who seemed stronger than me. But to protect my friends at the time, I overcame it. I do fear things; I mean everyone does even if they don't show it. It's what you do that either makes you one of the cowards or one of the brave. Anyway, I'm sure your father wouldn't let anything bad happen." Naruto said reassuring the girl.

She looked up a smiled at him, "Ok. Do your best Naruto-niisan."

Naruto got up off of his knee and touched the girls shoulder, "I will give my all. You have training to do; you should get to it so you can become stronger."

"You're right, we'll I have to go, I will see you later Naruto-niisan." The girl ran off in the direction that they came from. Naruto looked at the girl run off and smiled. He turned back around to see Ryuho stand at the doors to the dojo. Ryuho faced illustrated his seriousness. Naruto only saw his sensei like this on rare occasions.

Naruto continued to walk until he reached the dojo. When he arrived in front of his sensei Ryuho spoke, "It is time, are you ready?"

"I'm as ready as I'm going to be." Naruto answered.

Ryuho turned around and walked into the dojo, "Follow me."

Naruto followed Ryuho's lead. Naruto saw that the leader of the Minashu clan was heading toward the basement stairs on the far end of the dojo. Naruto saw two Samurai standing opposite side of the hole in the floor. Ryuho continue to walk, eventually going down the stairs; Naruto followed him down the stairs into the tunnel.

When Naruto and Ryuho reached the bottom of the steps, Naruto looked back to see the two Samurai that were stand on both sides of the opening closing it up. The little cave like entrance was dimly lit by candles. The two continued down the stairs without saying much.

3 mins past and they were still heading down stairs, Naruto was sure that they going to the center of the Earth, but the finally reached the end of the stairs. Naruto saw three doors. He noted that they each said different things. The door on the left said "Will", the door on the right said "Faith", and the one in the center said "Heart". Ryuho motioned for Naruto to follow him. Ryuho went to the door on the left.

Ryuho and Naruto walked through the door. Naruto was shock to say the least. The room was a landscape. Naruto looked up in to see how could this place be bright as if it were daytime? He was more shocked that he didn't see artificial sun light. Ryuho put a hand on his shoulder, "Amazing isn't it. This room was created over 400 hundred years ago. The landscape and everything is real. We're deep under the compound. This room amazes even me every time I see it. I understand where the water comes from, I even understand the trees, and how the mini mountains were formed, but I will never understand how it is always bright in here. My father tried to explain it to me once. He said that his father told him that there is a gem in the form of a stone somewhere outside of the compound that channels the sunlight to the gems in the mountains providing the light. He said that the gems hold the light energy, storing it, which is why it never gets dark in this room. I never really did understand but whatever."

Naruto nodded not really understanding, but that wasn't really important at the moment.

Naruto took his eyes off of his surroundings and turned to his sensei, "I'm guessing the train will start soon sensei?"

"Yes it will begin now." Ryuho snapped his fingers. The clan members that Naruto saw in the dojo earlier had appeared all around him. Everyone was dressed in the same garbs. All of the members of the Minashu clan had on black Keiko-gi, a black Hakama and the traditional open toe sandals with the white tabi. Ryuho had a white sleeveless robe over his Keiko-gi. Unlike everyone else, who had a white waste sash, Ryuho's was gold and his tabi were black.

Shinji stepped forward with a black robe. He handed it to his uncle. Ryuho took the robe from his nephew and held it out for Naruto to take, "Naruto, you will have to put this on. Also, you must give me your sword for a moment."

Naruto handed Ryuho his sword, while Ryuho handed Naruto the black robe. Ryuho tide a white string at the hilt of his sword. At the end of the string, a medal, with the words "Will" written on it, hung from it. Ryuho handed Naruto back his sword. Naruto just shrugged, he didn't see what was so special by doing this. Shinji looked to one of the samurai behind Naruto and nodded. The man walked up to Naruto and placed the sash around Naruto's waste with the same words.

Naruto looked down at the sash and then back to his sensei, "So what happens now?"

Ryuho smirked; "This" Ryuho took out silver pendant. He threw the pendant to the ground. He then unsheathed Heaven's Blade. Few got to see the sword, for many it was the first time, but it was a sight to behold. The sword was crystal clear. The hilt was usually the only thing that everyone saw, and that was amazing as well. A white gold pommel, a porcelain grip, and a white gold cross guard that took the form of angle wings. The sword was gorgeous, it was as if god forged it himself. Ryuho brought the sword down on the pendant. A blue light cover the whole landscape, the light died down after a couple of seconds.

Ryuho placed his sword back into its sheath. Naruto felt a difference not only in his sword, but also in the robe that he was wearing. Ryuho smirked when he saw Naruto drop to one knee.

"Allow me to explain Naruto. The pendant that I just struck created a field throughout the whole landscape that activates the artifacts and judging by your position, you now see what has happened. The weight of your sword has increased as well as your robe." Ryuho informed him.

Naruto, grimacing from the weight but gave his sensei a smirk, "I get it; this will help me increase my speed and power, right?"

"Wrong. That is not the purpose of this trial." Ryuho answered

Naruto was now confused, "If that isn't the purpose, then what is?"

Ryuho closed his eyes and smirked at his apprentice, "I told you already, it's to test your will." Ryuho opened his eyes and unsheathed the sword he had before obtaining the Heavens Blade. The other Samurai followed suit.

"Stand Naruto and defend yourself", Ryuho said in a commanding voice.

Naruto struggled to stand. Naruto got into a defensive position with his sword. Naruto was about to release his gravity seals but Ryuho interrupted him before he did so, "I almost forgot, you are not to release your gravity seals. You will fight as is, is that understood?"

Naruto nodded. He looked to his left to see everyone was in an attack stance. "So, everyone will attack me. I don't have the speed to keep up and I can't release my seals to gain the speed that I need. I'm in one hell of a spot. Oh well, I just have to deal."

Naruto was patently waiting for someone to attack. His eyes shot from person to person. He gripped his sword tighter. Ryuho inched forward preparing to attack, however, a samurai from Naruto's right jumped at him. Before Naruto knew it everyone was coming at him full force.

Location unknown…

Hinata and Naiya were now outside in the back of the house. The two were standing opposite each other. The Hyuga was now dressed in the clothes that Naiya had giving her.

"Hinata, we will now start the second part of the training. I told you before that I might not be as strong as Tsunade, but I am pretty strong. I will not hold back against you so don't hold back against me." Hinata nodded.

Both women shifted into a fighting stance. Hinata activated her Byakugan shifted into the Jyuken stance. Naiya studied Hinata, "She's using her Jyuken. I have to be careful and counter her palm strikes by sending chakra to my hands to disperse hers. I can't hold back, simply because of the potential the Byakugan holds."

Naiya charged at Hinata, this confused the Hyuga greatly, "Doesn't she know of the Jyuken and what it is capable of? I won't try to harm her."

Hinata thrust her palm forward aiming for Naiya's shoulder. Her intention was to stop the chakra flow from in her arm leaving her at disadvantage.

Hinata's plan didn't work.

Naiya dipped under the strike aimed for her shoulder, this left Hinata of balance and unable to defend. She brought back her fist struck the girl in the ribs the followed up with a spinning back heel kick, sending Hinata flying a crash landing a few yards away.

Hinata slowly got up and wiped the blood from her lip.

"Compassion for your enemy can lead to a ninja's demise. You could have easily struck me in the heart but you choose to cut the flow of chakra from my arm. I told you to fight with everything you had. Don't worry about if you can hurt me with your Jyuken, just worry about winning." Naiya said hoping that this would make Hinata fight her seriously.

Hinata shifted back into her fighting stance. Naiya waited for the girl to attack but she never did. She decided to attack to speed things up. Naiya disappeared and appeared behind Hinata who blocked the kick aimed for her head. Hinata tried to strike Naiya in the left side of her chest, but Naiya countered with her palm. Hinata eyes went wide realizing what her sensei did. She jumped back to create distance between them.

"Are you surprised? I told you not to worry about using your Jyuken on me." Naiya said to the shocked girl.

"You cancelled my Jyuken. You dispersed the Chakra in my hand by forming chakra in your own." Hinata stated. "She can cancel my Jyuken. I probably can use it if she slips, but that isn't likely. I hope she doesn't slip, I really don't want to hurt Naiya-sensei. "

Hinata shifted back in her fighting stance. Naiya didn't take one; she waited for the girl to attack. Hinata attacked Naiya, but Naiya could sense that the girl was still pulling some punches. "Why is she still holding back? She's too soft."

Naiya back flipped to avoid Hinata's leg sweep. When she landed she did the necessary hand seals to perform the Katon: Housenka no Jutsu. Hinata jumped in the air to evade the technique but Naiya was above her. The seal mistress performed a front flip back heel kick, which sent the girl crashing into the ground. Hinata was about get up but Naiya landed on top of her with a Kunai to her throat.

"See what happens when you hold back. You put yourself in danger as well as others. If this was a mission you would be dead because of your unwillingness to cause harm. There is a time to be nice Hinata, and then there is a time not to. Being nice all the time doesn't work as I'm sure you have seen. Your own father placed the Caged Bird Seal on you because of your weakness. This is the real world Hinata, being nice all the time will get you killed. I'm curious… you are the oldest yet your father placed the seal on you, why is that?" Naiya asked after giving her little speech.

"My sister, who is five years younger than I is stronger. My father see me as weak an unworthy of being clan head and his daughter." Hinata informed the women, who held a kunai to her throat, with a sad look.

"Pitying yourself for not being daddy's favorite and living up to his standards? You truly are weak." Naiya got off of Hinata; she then turned her back on the girl and walked away. "I don't have time to train with someone who holds back. When you're ready to fight let me know."

Hinata put her head down, ashamed of her actions. She clenched her fist and closed her eyes, forcing some tears to fall, "Why…Why am I so weak? First father, now Naiya-sensei. I let everyone down that place their faith in me, why? All I ever wanted was to change and become stronger. Even after working as hard as I did, the results are the same. I'm still that weak little girl."

Hinata had a flashback of the scene that transpired when she was twelve. Kurenai came to tell her father that she was taking Hinata under her wing and that her missions would be dangerous. What her father said was something that always stayed with her.


"Do as you like with her. A defect who is even weaker than Hanabi, some one five years her junior…is not needed in Hyuuga"

End Flashback

Hinata fist clenched tighter as the memory of Neji and herself in the Chuunin prelims came to her.


"You're not suited to become a ninja"

"People can not change. A failure is a failure."

End of Flashback

Her fist clenched even tighter at a recent memory of her father.


"All you ever do is try and fail miserably."

"In my eyes you are pathetic."

End of Flashback

Blood was now coming from Hinata's fists. The memory of her last time here with Naruto came to her.


"Hinata you're too nice of a person. If I learned anything is that when you're too nice people will walk all over you. I know you're not happy and I know you don't think that having the seal is for the best. So tell me Hinata, what do you want?"

End of flashback

Hinata's head shot up. Her eyes now focused on the retreating Naiya. She said in a low tone to herself answer Naruto's question, "I want to be strong…strong like you Naruto-kun."

Hinata grabbed a kunai from her pouch and threw it a Naiya. Naiya was heading back to the house when she heard the sound of the kunai in the air heading straight for her head. Naiya jumped out of the way avoiding the kunai.

Landing in a crouching position on the ground, Naiya looked up to see the young girl glaring at her. Hinata spoke in a low but serious tone, "We're not done yet. I promised I would give my all in this training, and I never go back on my word. That is my nindo."

Naiya stood up from her crouching position, "So she shares the same nindo as Naruto. I can see that she won't be holding back anymore, good… now I can see how strong she really is."

Hinata wasted no time blurring out of sight and appearing in front of Naiya. Naiya was the defensive and Hinata was giving it everything. The Seal Mistress was evading palm strikes, and countering when she could. Naiya was impressed with Hinata, "This girl is giving it her all. So this is what she's like when she isn't holding back. The Leaf definitely has a diamond in the ruff. The only thing holding her back was her confidence and her unwillingness to hurt. I don't know where either went, but something change."

Hinata kept striking. "I'm not weak, I'm not pathetic, and I'm not worthless. I will prove to everyone that I can be strong too." Hinata didn't realize that her drive allowed her to place a kick in Naiya's stomach. Naiya eyes went wide and she doubled over.

Hinata stopped her onslaught. She went to comfort her sensei, "Naiya-sensei I'm so sorry, I didn't…" Hinata was sent flying when a fist connected to her face.

"Don't ever stop again." Naiya said.

Hinata rose and got back in her fighting stance. Naiya studied Hinata to see if she lost her edge, but she hadn't. "So her resolve hasn't change which is good, but she is still that caring person. I guess it will take time to get her to fight without worrying about hurting someone she's on friendly terms with."

Hinata went on the attack again. Naiya smiled, "Come girl, show me what you got."

Konoha later in the afternoon…

Tsunade was sitting at her desk. Shizune, Anko, Kakashi, Ibiki, Aoba, Gai, Kurenai, Asuma, Shino, Izumo, Kotetsu, Genma, Yamato, and a couple of other Jounins were standing in the background. Senzairu stood before Tsunade in a black tunic with match coloring sweats and sandals. His head band was around his forehead, Tsunade had giving it back to him last night. Everyone was smiling, except Kurenai, who had avoided making eye contact with him.

"On behalf of the Village Hidden in the Leaves, I the Godaime Hokage, hereby promote you to Jounin. On a more personal note, welcome back son." Tsunade gave him a genuine smile which he returned.

"I'm glad to be back but I don't feel right without the vest." Senzairu told Tsunade.

"Well Asuma asked permission to give you the vest. He said he wanted to customize it. You will have to talk to him about that."

Everyone turned to Asuma how responded the question that he predicted Senzairu would ask, "I had a tailor customize your vest personally. It should be ready soon, don't worry, I think you're going to like it."

Tsunade spoke once more gaining everyone's attention, "This promotion ceremony wasn't the only reason why I called you all here. You all know that the Chuunin exams are coming up in six months and a new batch of Genins will be graduating from the academy in about a week. I need some volunteers for Jounin instructor, any volunteers?"

Asuma spoke first, "I wouldn't want to take on another Genin team, I had a hard time dealing with the one I had."

Gai spoke next, "I had the perfect Genin team and I don't think they would live up to the standards that my youthful students have set. However, if Kakashi takes on a team, I will have to make sure my rival doesn't up stage me."

"Well that excludes you, Kakashi turned down my offer earlier." Tsunade said to the green spandex wearing nin.

Kurenai spoke, "I decline."

Anko gave a sinister smile, "I don't mind taking on a Genin squad; I think it would be fun." She finished by licking her lips.

Kakashi glanced at Anko, "Anko with a team…I pray for the unlucky souls placed in her squad."

Aoba spoke next, "I guess I could try to take on a Genin squad, I'm in as well."

Genma switched the tooth pick in his mouth from one side to the other before responding, "Geez, I guess I should take a team on. I've been avoiding it for awhile now best get over with, I'm in."

Yamato was the next to respond, "Well…I guess it couldn't hurt to take a squad on."

Shino spoke next, "I decline. I'm not as experienced and I don't feel I would be good as a Jounin sensei at the moment."

Tsunade spoke once more, "I have four; I need at least five more seeing as all 27 students need to be divided into groups of 3. That leaves a total of 9 potential instructors. Who else is willing to step up?"

Senzairu spoke, "If it isn't too much trouble, I would like to take on a team. I know you want the Genins to be trained and ready to take the exams. I feel that I can do that. So, I'm in."

Everyone was quite…Tsunade finally broke the silence, "You just got back, are you sure that you want to take on a team?"

"If it helps the village then I am positive." Senzairu answered.

Tsunade nodded, "Very well, anyone else?

4 other Jounin's volunteered to take on a team. Tsunade spoke, "Ok, It seems I have filled the spots for Jounin instructors. We will all meet here in one week and I will give you the details of your squads. Should they pass or fail is up to you. You all are dismissed."

All of the assembled Jounin's left her office except Shizune. She looked to her assistant, "Send for Gaara, I would like to speak to him."

"Yes Tsunade-sama, I will get right on it." Shizune exited and headed off to find Gaara leaving the Godaime by herself.

Senzairu was looking for Kurenai, but she immediately disappear when the exited Tsunade's office. He was walking down the street think of what he would say to her. He turned around when he heard Asuma call his name, "Hey Senzairu, come walk with me. I was on the way to pick up your vest."

"Well I'm not doing nothing else, sure let's walk. We can catch up."

Both Jounin's headed towards the tailor. Senzairu spoke first, "So what's been going on since I've been away?"

"Well I'm sure you know about our village being attacked by Sound and Sand. Also we had to deal with and organization known as Akatsuki. Since we were allied with the Sand and the fact that their Kazekage is a Jinchuruki, we aided them in defeating Akatsuki. The war between this village and Cloud is the only thing that has been going on." Asuma informed his former teammate.

"What about the people in the village? I didn't see Rin, what happened to her?" Senzairu questioned.

"She left the village years ago. But to get the details you have to question Kakashi, he is the only one that knows what really happened." Asuma informed him.

"Oh. What about… what about Kurenai, tell me about her?" Senzairu asked.

"Kurenai… well when you were assumed dead, it took her a long time to recover. She chose to avoid missions and remain a Chuunin until she was 27. She has changed a lot, but she is still the same if that makes any sense." Asuma informed him

"I see… Asuma, do you know where she is?" The newly appointed Jounin asked in an almost pleading tone.

"Nope. Let's not worry about that now shall we. We have to get your new vest." Asuma said changing the subject of Kurenai.

Senzairu gave the Sarutobi a slight smile, but his mind was still on Kurenai. Asuma's mind was thinking about Senzairu and Kurenai as well, "Senzairu, I know you care for Kurenai, but so do I. I said not much has change, but that is something that has. You are one of my good friends, but I won't step aside just because you're back in the picture. I'm sorry friend, but I love her just as much as you do."

The two kept walking, oblivious of the others thoughts.

The two arrived at the tailor. The tailor smile at Asuma, "Asuma-san, that vest you asked for is ready. Here you go."

The tailor handed Asuma the Jounin vest. The only visible difference between Asuma's vest and the vest that was to be Senzairu's was the color. Unlike the traditional green, this vest was black. In the red swirl on the back, there was a design of a black phoenix. Asuma handed the vest to Senzairu, "This vest is yours. What do you think?"

Senzairu looked all over the vest, "I like it a lot. Thanks man, you didn't have to do this." The newly appointed Jounin put on the vest.

Asuma turned to the tailor, "Thanks Harito, you did a great job."

"It was nothing. By the way who is your friend?"

"Oh, this is Senzairu. Senzairu this is Harito. He started his tailoring business about 8 years ago and he is one of the best. When I need a patch up job I go to him." Asuma said proudly.

Harito blushed at the compliment that Asuma gave him, "I'm not the best but I put my best effort into what I do. Well I have a lot more to do before I close today, but if you guys need my services then don't hesitate to come to me."

Both men nodded then headed to the door. They waved goodbye to Harito and went on their way. When they got outside of the shop Asuma looked at Senzairu, "Well I have other things to tend to. I don't think I'm going to be free for the rest of the day, So I will probably see you tomorrow. Later."

"Yea later man and thanks for the vest, I really like it."

"Don't mention it." Asuma walked off.

Senzairu watched his friend walk off. He turned around and head in the opposite direction. His goal was to find Kurenai.

Northwest of Konoha…

The team compromised of Neji, Sakura, Kiba, Ino, and Chouji headed for Waterfall Village. Neji stopped and everyone follow suit. He pulled out a map, everyone gathered around.

"Sakura, you've been to the Waterfall Country and The Hidden Waterfall Village before. I've never been to the village, but I know where it is located. According to sources, it's located next to a large waterfall, however not many have see it. My question is where it is exactly?" Neji asked.

"It's located exactly where you said." Sakura answered.

"How is that so Sakura?" Kiba asked.

"The village is reached by traveling inside the Waterfall. Unlike every other village, the Waterfall village is truly hidden. Your Byakugan will be very useful for this mission Neji. The village is hidden to the naked eye, but not to the Byakugan. I think that's why Tsunade selected you for this mission." Sakura informed him.

"The village is really hidden inside the Waterfall?" Chouji asked.

"Yes. There are pathways at the base of the Waterfall that allows one to enter the village, however, taking the wrong path can be deadly." Sakura informed them.

"Here I thought this was going to be an easy mission." Ino complained.

"Well we can't dwell on that; we should be heading out before it gets too late to travel." Neji said to his team.

The group agreed. They continued their trek to Waterfall.

Sea Country…

About 5 hours passed since Naruto entered the chamber. Naruto was on one knee using is sword to hold him up. He was looking around to see if he could see anyone. Everyone was hiding from him. His clothes where ragged. He had cut marks all over his body. A cut on his check was slowly leaking blood. Naruto stood up and got back into a stance.

Ryuho was observing his student from afar, "He's still standing after our attacks. His will not to give up truly is strong."

Naruto kept looking around. One of the Samurai appeared above him. The Samurai aimed his strike for the top of Naruto's head. Naruto blocked the attack causing the Samurai to jump back. Another warrior came at him from the right; Naruto blocked his attack and quickly had to block an attack on his left. He was unsuccessful at blocking an attack from behind. The slash to the back caused him to fall forward. Shinji, who caused the slash, looked at the fall warrior.

Ryuho and the rest of the Samurai landed next to Shinji. Ryuho addressed Naruto, "Give up Naruto, you are at your wits end. The only way you can get out of this bind if you call on the fox, which I forbid you to do. Your probably wondering how I know. Let's just say I know your other sensei. So what are you going to do Naruto?"

Naruto struggled to get on his feet. He had to use his sword as a crutch. When he finally stood, Naruto got back in his stance. "I don't need the power of the fox. I can do this on my own. I promised myself I would never give up a long time ago and I never take back my word; that is my nindo."

Ryuuho smiled at his students will to continue in spite of the situation being bleak for him. Ryuho looked to his left and right, signaling everyone to surround Naruto. Naruto watched himself being surrounded, He looked at his sensei, "Am I suppose be scared shitless and back down. Bring it on you bastards, Uzumaki Naruto doesn't run from anyone."

They all rushed Naruto. They attacked with everything they had. He blocked and took more damage to the body. Naruto was being held up on his will alone. Ryuho stood back and watch his student be attack. Naruto was doing the best he could to block and attack but, the reduced in speed forced him to stay on the defensive. Ryuho felt a pulse come from his sword. When he looked down at the sword, it was glowing. "So it seems you approve of his will. Very well, he passes the test." Ryuho placed his hand on the hilt and in blinding speed appeared in front of Naruto. He did one swift upward strike cutting Naruto across the chest sending Naruto flying to the right.

Naruto hit the ground with a loud thud. Everyone was looking at Ryuho in awe. He sheathed the sword again and walked up to Naruto's unconscious form. The Samurai warriors appeared on both sides of him. Shinji, who was next to Ryuho spoke, "It looks like he pass the first trial."

"Yes, the sword has acknowledged his strong will. The boy refuse to never give up, no matter how long to odds were, is the reason why he passed. Ryuho bent down and smiled at Naruto, "You passed the first trial Naruto. The true purpose of this test was to test your will to never give up. In my eyes, you passed with flying colors and I couldn't be more proud. Your next test will be just as hard Naruto, I hope you are ready." Ryuho threw the unconscious Naruto over his shoulder. He turned to everyone with Naruto over his shoulder, " Come everyone, we are heading back to the compound. When he wakes up he will take the next test."

"How long do you think he will be out Ryuho-sama?" one of the younger Samurai asked.

"I don't know. It could be anywhere from a day to a week. Let's just get his wounds tended to." Ryuho and everyone head back to the compound.

An Hour Later…

Naruto was now wrapped in bandages. He had gauzes on his face, covering up cuts. He lay in the bed of the room that was provided for him. Hayami was by his side crying. Her father walked in to check on her. The girl looked up, "Naruto-niisan will be ok, right?"

Her father gave her a reassuring smile, "Yes, he will be fine. Don't worry; he'll be back on his feet before you know it. Besides, what would Naruto think of you sitting here crying?"

The little girl wiped her eyes, "He wouldn't want me to cry."

"No, he wouldn't. Come Hayami and let Naruto rest."

Hayami followed her father but stopped at the door to look back at Naruto. She looked closely to see that he had a smile on his face. She smiled and then followed her father to let her brother rest.

9 pm in Konoha…

Senzairu was still looking for Kurenai. He made a stop at the memorial stone to see if anyone he knew was on it. He found a few names that he knew, he even found his own. He put his hand in his pockets and walked away from the stone. He decided to try and talk to her in the morning. He walked through the training grounds back to the village.

Senzairu was walking when he heard someone training nearby. He decided to head in the direction were he heard the training come from. He decided to hide in the bushes not to alert the person. When he peeked through the bushes he saw Kurenai going to work on the post.

Kurenai kept kicking and punching the post, "I hate him. What about me, he could have told me he was alive. Was I not important to that bastard? Love me… pft what a total crock of bull. He doesn't love me, if he did…" Kurenai stopped hitting the post and fell to her knees with tears in her eyes, "If he did he would have came back to me."

Senzairu stepped out from the bushes,"I have"

Kurenai turned to the direction of the voice, her eyes narrowed, "You."

She charged him. She aimed a kick at his head that was blocked with little effort. Kurenai kept punching and kicking but he blocked everything with ease. Kurenai distanced herself from him. Senzairu looked at her with an apologetic look. Kurenai said in a low tone, "Why…why didn't you come back to me? Why did you leave me alone?"

"I'm not going to make he excuses, but I couldn't come back. If you will allow me too, I would tell you what I was up to and my reason for not coming back until now. Please Kurenai, all I want is to explain the events up to when I disappeared, please."

Kurenai reluctantly nodded, "Fine, Talk."

"It's a long story, bare with me." Senzairu told her.

"I have the time."

"Well I guess I should start at the beginning." Senzairu started to tell Kurenai his story. He hoped she would understand why he couldn't come back to her, his family, and home.

Back in Sea Country…

Hayami went back to Naruto's room after dinner and her bath. She propped his pillow. She then straightened his sheets. She was trying to make him as comfortable as possible. Her mother and her father walked in but there was guy with them she didn't recognize. The white haired man walked up to Naruto and looked him over, "He looks horrible Ryuho. Don't worry, he should be up an about in 2-3 days."

Hayami looked at the man, "Are you a doctor sir?"

Jiraiya looked at the little girl who was on the other side of Naruto's bed, "Me? No I'm just checking up on my student. I'm Jiraiya, what is your name sweetie?"

"I'm Hayami, it's nice to meet you sir. I have a question sir."

"What is it?" Jiraiya asked.

"Are you certain that Naruto-niisan will be ok in 2-3 days?"

"Well I'm not certain. You see Naruto healing ability is different from everyone else. He recovers from injuries at a remarkable pace. His injuries don't seem to be too serious so I expect he should be up and running in 2-3 days." Jiraiya told the little girl.

"That's good to hear." The girl said with relief.

"You should go to bed young lady." Kaori told her daughter.

"Mom, can I sleep in her tonight? I won't bother niisan, I will be quite I promise." The girl pleaded.

"No dear. If you stay you won't get any sleep. You'll be up all night watching him. Sorry dear, it's your bed time."

"Ok, I'll go." The girl slumped her shoulders in defeat and walked out of the room.

Jiraiya looked at the girl exit then at Kaori, "She must really care for him?"

"Yes she does. Do you think he will be up in 2-3 days?" Kaori asked.

"Yes he will. When he wakes up I will seal off the Kyuubi power. You did say you didn't want him having access to that chakra, right?"

"Yes, but it is apart of him. Don't seal it off; it will make the next test that much harder." Ryuho said.

Jiraiya wondered what Ryuho meant, "Do you care to explain why?"

"You told me that Naruto choose not use the fox's chakra. Today, when he was in need and desperate he almost used it. Now I'm not saying that using it is bad, but it showed his lack of faith in himself. The next trial will test his faith in his abilities and himself, which is why I've decided to not have you seal of the fox's chakra." Ryuho explained his reason.

Jiraiya understood what he was getting at, "Looks like he has rough trial ahead of him it seems?"

"Yes he does, but if he is remotely close to the Naruto that I seen today when we did the final assault, then he should be fine." Ryuho told the Sannin.

"Jiraiya looked back at Naruto's unconscious form, "I don't doubt you at all."