
The Golden Breed

Valerie Winston is the only daughter of a wealthy business man. One of the wealthiest business men in the entire country. She is respected by anyone and everyone, especially since she has decided to take on modelling... Though, on her sixteenth birthday, things take a turn for the worse. She doesn't know what that creature was but it was after her, she had never felt soo weak in her entire life... especially since it's that stupid waiter from the annoying restaurant that could jump in to save her. She could never have guessed that she came from a powerful generation which possessed magic within their eyes... and now she is being protected from an unknown source who wants the power that she has by the very waiter himself who was generally assigned to be her personal bodyguard. In simple words...Valerie is attacked by an unsightly monster, only to be rescued by the annoying waiter she found not too long ago at a small restaurant before the event occurred. She learns that someone powerful is after her, solely because she has what they need.... The generational power of the Sun goddess, one that could only be possessed through a unique set of eyes. Cover art is not mine, credit goes to the artist who might own this piece.

QueenBee302 · Fantasie
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1 Chs

The Mistress and Her Personal Bodyguard...

Not so long ago, there lived an Empress who was mightier than any other.

She ruled the world with the help of no man and conquered many foreign countries, of course starting with her own.

No one knows where she came from, what her lineage was or how she climbed to the top of the food chain so quickly, but what they do know is that she is the most powerful being that had ever crossed the non-human race.

She had long, curvy blonde locks that could reach her ankles, gleaming golden eyes, rosy red lips that were always spread into a wide grin and was always surrounded by the finest butterflies.

Her crown was made from the finest diamonds and gold and what she used to rule the world were her eyes. The magical power she held within them could let her do almost anything, she was invincible and even immortal in the eyes of many. Thus, she was named the goddess of the sun...

For she was their light of hope and a ray to a new path in their world... Or so some thought, not everyone had the same mind when it came to the Empress.

She gained a lot of allies very easily, people who she could trust or you could say people who she thought she could trust. Men and women bowed at her feet just to get a small blessing.

she had all these close friends but that did not rid her of her foes and evil wishers.

This Empress had more than a mountain of enemies and they were all looking for one thing... Her head.

Though, it was impossible for many, even the ones that considered themselves close friends to her, because she never let anyone to deep in her inner circle.

She still ruled out a line between her and those she deeply cared about. After all, she had all this power. One of them could turn on her one day due to nothing less than greed or some of them are just not who they said they were in the first place.

Despite this, despite closing herself off from the world and all these people. She was still confirmed dead by the royal guards of her imperial palace.

Laying lifeless and deceased on the palace grounds, blood rolled over on her ever so fine priceless marbles that were surrounded to decorate the castle tiles and soaked the already red royal carpet.

Who exactly killed her? No one could answer that question to this day, but it was assumed to be one of her closest friends from her not so inner-circle that had betrayed her and back-stabbed her, leading to her death...

Though, this person had never been found and it was also never confirmed how everything went down and how it was able to be done soo quietly.

She had no offspring or any lineage who could inherit all the glory, so the closest people to her reign, being her three advisors decided that she was no more and split her entire empire into three. Creating the three most powerful kingdoms in this magical world known as Evaranda.

They took what she had and shared it amongst themselves, forming their most powerful domains while moulding peace and justice into their own hands. There was no one to claim it all... is what they thought.

"Well they thought wrong."

A sigh escaped the male's lips as he took in the fresh air he received from the rooftop he was sitting on and stared down at the picture of a beautiful female.

Curvy, silver hair, violet eyes and heavily surrounded by wealth and power. His silky raven coloured hair swayed to the side as the breeze came in a little more heavier than it did previously.

"I found you....."

This is all he said before he heard his phone ring, he didn't even take a glance to know who it was but still put it on speaker.

"Hey dude, I need you over here right about now."


It was late at night and the stars twinkled ever so bright, the dark clouds began to cover the moonlight as it dawned over the famous city known as New York.

Lights, cameras and a whole lot of paparazzi where surrounding the entire area. So much so, that normal passengers were restricted from crossing that street due to the person the people were crowding.

Her silver hair, her violet eyes and her majestic appearance. Valerie Winston the only daughter and sole heir to the Winston family.

She was incredibly rich due to her father being one of the most successful business men till this day, granting her all her wealth.

Her father loves her soo much and pampered her to the extent she cared for nothing more than herself.

She only loved herself and could only do as much as notice the closest people to her.

Her mother died at her birth so she never experienced the gift of motherly love and always thought herself to be different from most children.

She ended up becoming a famous model and was known world wide. Her father never had time for her... though his love was boundless, he showcased it through his gifts and make-up supplies, giving anything to her when she requested it.

He could've hated her, she was the one that killed his beloved... she was the one that took her away from him... but he chose to accept his daughter, why?

Not only because she was the splitting image of her mother, but she was the only last thing he could use to remember her by.

So he treasured her, but it seems like his lovely daughter didn't turn out the way she was supposed to.

She had already become famous at the age of sixteen, though she was the daughter of a wealthy business man and though she was surrounded by many friends, especially the two beside her right now.

She always felt this inner loneliness, there was always this empty feeling in her chest and she had no clue on how to cover this hole, so she ignored it.

"She already told you! No pictures!" One of her dear friends, Emily, was pushing back the people that were swarming Valerie with their questions.

"When is the next time your coming on stage?"

"How do you plan on defeating Clara Jones and winning the beauty pageant?"

"What is your relationship with John lake and his industry? You two have been rumored to be dating, what is your take on that?!"

"These idiots don't quit!" Winston's other friend Tasha, was pushing Valerie's fans away from her and was also shielding her in the process.

Valerie herself felt fed up with what was going on and just decided to go with the flow.

"I'll answer your questions."

The people were glad to hear this.... Finally, something to write about.

An hour later of answering questions and taking pictures for the fans, the three girls escaped the large crowd that had surrounded them and managed to walk down the road unnoticed.

"The Paparazzi has always been a bother."

Winston flipped her hair to the back and took in a deep breath, a breath of confidence of course.

They strode down the side walk and seemed to have gotten into a conversation on the way.

"What are you pissed off about Valerie?"

Tasha seemed to have taken notice of her friends harsh behavior, well harsher than usual.

"It's nothing."

She closed her eyes as she replied this, which only caused her friends to arch up an eyebrow.

"Come on, we both know there's something bothering you. You've been acting more cold than usual and your usual is pretty cold."

The Silver- haired female could only sigh as a response and rubbed her forehead with her middle and ring finger while keeping her eyes shut.

"It's about my dad, can you believe he's bringing home a babysitter?"

She spat out the word 'babysitter' feeling really disgusted by it.

"Didn't he say it was a bodyguard?" The two girls asked in unison.

"He says bodyguard, I say babysitter."

The annoyance was heard in her voice, it was more noticeable than it was previously when she tried to conceal it.

Tasha just shook her head slowly, not understanding what was wrong with her friend.

"You'll have a hot man feeding you every morning, buying you everything, shopping with you every afternoon and living under the same roof with you... I mean what's more to life."

"You should listen to yourself right now. Yes he will be with me everywhere, it is obvious my dad is going to use him to spy on me and keep tabs on my every movement, It's probably because of that stupid rumour!"

"The one that states you're dating John Lake?"

"Yes! And no shocker there! but we're not dating, the guy is just a huge flirt! I am seriously fed up with him! I don't even care if he dies!"

She was so angry at the moment, you could almost see her eyes turn a hint of black.

"Woah! Woah there! you look like some kind of serial killer, don't ruin your face 'cause of one guy."

Emily glanced at her friend with a worried expression, Valerie has never looked like that before even in her angriest moments, the other just giggled.

"Serial Killer? I think she became one a long time ago, like how she shut down an entire bakery just because they spilled cold water on her, phuahaha!"

Valerie sighed as response and got back her composure.

"They should look where they're going, especially if I'm the one crossing their filthy paths."

"Haha! Whatever you say, just don't over do it 'kay."

The three stopped at a restaurant, a small yet elegant restaurant.

"What's this?"

Winston asked, it brought disgust to her face. The place was decorated really nicely but the building structure was not to her liking.

"It's that restaurant I was telling you about, Val. Let's go in." Emily clasped her hands together while smiling at her rich friend.

Her other friend, Tasha, nodded firmly with a smile on her face and they both began to head inside.

Valerie just followed them without complaining because she can't just waltz into a huge place right now or she'll easily be recognized.

The air was cold when they got in, it was really soothing and nice to the skin.

They slowly made their way to an open table and took a seat. The silver haired lady could not lie, this place was a little more comfortable than she thought it would be just as long as her friends don't-

"Oh! Look at that one!" Tasha and Emily both squealed silently while glancing around at the male waiters, In fact It seemed to be that all the waiters were males.

Valerie groaned lightly at her friends behaviour, of course they weren't here to eat and relax. They know why they brought her there.

"How about that one?"

"Nah, not my type .... wait what about that one."

"No! to tall... You want me to stare at the sky everytime I try to kiss him?" The two females giggled to themselves as they pointed to all the men they found handsome and attractive but were always later dismissed by them.

"Come on Val, choose one." They both turned to her eagerly with glittering eyes, she's never nit picked on boys before... She doesn't really care about them, she didn't need to when she had herself.

"Don't drag me into your child's play, now where's the waiter that's supposed to attend to us?"

"Boo! Don't be a killjoy, it's not good for you fam."

Tasha pouted at her exclusively rich friend, obviously she was dawned with distraught.

"Um... *sigh* that one." Val pointed to whoever, she didn't really care she could even choose an old man if she wanted.

They both turned their heads to where her index finger landed and what they saw dismayed them. She really had chosen an old man, he even had a beard.

"You have bad taste Val, shame shame." Her two friends shook their heads in disappointment.

Valerie truly has no luck when it came to choosing boys, it started to worry them at some point.

The Silver- haired female just scoffed at her two friends... a small smile forming on her lips soon after, so small it would never be noticeable.

Though, she hated their habits most of the time and could never look at them more than people below her, she did hold a soft spot for them even more so than she did with her father.

That's probably why she keeps their company really more often that others, she likes it in a way.

"Hello?" Her attention was drawn to a man, supposedly a waiter who was now standing beside her, waiting for her to order.

"May I have your order."

The two girls immediately forgot all the other people they were judging and brought their attention to this waiter in particular.

He possessed raven- coloured hair that was brushed backwards... maybe a little gel added and a bit was poking out, he was also fair skinned and had sharp, crimson red eyes.

"A hot demon!" The two females squealed in excitement while Valerie just face-palmed at the two's behaviour.

These two can be a real embarrassment most of the time.

"Why do I feel like we've been judged?" The other waiters began whispering to themselves in displeasure, The surely began to feel uncomfortable.

"If your friends are going to cause trouble, i'd suggest you leave before you embarrass yourself much more than you already have."

He glared down at her as she sat still in place, did she hear that right?

Was he excusing her out?

When she looked into his eyes, she saw someone completely bold and unfazed.

Valerie did not respond, she was stunned... No one had ever spoken the her like that throughout the entire sixteen years of her life.

The eyes of the waiter however had widened but not out of realization that he might have just insulted a world-wide famous model but for the glint in her eyes and the familiarities he found in her face.

she looked exactly like her.

The lady in question was angered but that was not the point, her eyes. They resembled the lady's in a way.

"You can't tell me that I have patiently waited all this time and put up with their behaviour just to get insulted publicly?!" She was enraged, no one has ever dared speak to her like this before, and she was not going to take it.

"Expect yellow tapes around this little contraption you call a restaurant tomorrow."

The man continued to stare at her unfazed as she got up and flipped her hair to the back once more, her friends following suit immediately after.

"Please wait!"

Another man approached them and tried to calm down the already infuriated lady.

She glared back at him but he did not flinch, instead he put his two hands together and presented a warm smile.

"I'm really sorry for his behaviour, my friend here is really new to this." He patted the back of the raven-haired male who looked at him displeased.

"He's your friend? That of the same breed I guess."


Valerie Winston turned on her heels and strutted out of that horrid place, that is what she referred to it as and went on her way while everyone was giving her side glances, her friends hurried right after her.


"You see what I tell you about customer service." the male waiter glanced to the raven- haired male who scoffed.

'Seriously... I barely even said anything.' He muttered out.

"Val!" The two girls had now caught up to her. "You shouldn't leave us like that!"

"Do you see!" They both flinched as she turned to face them, Val squinted her eyes as she glared at them and gritted her teeth.

Valerie Winston was angry, she normally got angry over trivial things but to her this was a great insult, how could they not understand?

"Do you see why I don't go to low quality places like this?!"

"You could've been spotted if we went somewhere-

"Stop! This is the last time I'm going out like this."

She then left the area and walked away from them in frustration, but that did not stop Emily and Tasha from trying to catch up with her.

Surely, this was not the first time she's gotten mad at them like this, but luckily, she's not at her angriest.

"Valerie! hold on!"

The two were literally on the verge of giving up when they walked past another person the paparazzi seemed to have crowded, he must have been pretty important to have gotten the whole crew.

Valerie could have sworn he looked familiar and catching a glimpse of his face as they locked gazes, It was John Lake and she could do nothing but turn away quickly.

No, no, no, this was the last person she wanted to meet.

His bodyguards were pushing through the crowd as he hurriedly tried to get to her.

"Ah! There you are!" He yelled out.

John Lake, currently eighteen years old and was the younger brother of Jim Lake, a successful and wealthy business man who has businesses all over the world and some he hand even handed over to John himself.

The young man took advantage of this and quickly became successful, causing his popularity all across the globe to sky rocket.

He and Valerie Winston supposedly met at an extravagant party whilst attending the wedding of a famous fashion designer and he seemed to have taken an interest in her.... or at least that's what the rumors say.

"Oh, for the love of..." the lady tried to cover her face with her hand as she was currently escaping the scenery, but it did not stop John from reaching her.

"Why do you keep ignoring me? I have something important to tell you."

He held unto her arm and stopped her from going any further. The three glanced at the back of this man and noticed the people murmuring.

"Weren't they rumoured to be dating?"

"Yeah, they still are though."

"I mean, it's pretty obvious the evidence is right there."

"But didn't he have a girlfriend?"

"No he dumped her, I heard he dumped her for Valerie Winston in particular."

"But that's basically cheating-


Everyone froze as they heard her voice, she has never screamed at the crowd before. Apart from that one time.

"Enough of this...."

she pulled her arm out of the man's grip and turned away.

The camera lights were still flashing as everyone was now trying their best to catch up to her without closing in on her personal space.

She was making such a big deal over something soo trivial.

"Val' Wait!"

"Valerie! I actually wanted to discuss something really important!" The man exclaimed with certain eagerness.

"Now is not the time!" She yelled back as she continued down the sidewalk.

"Worse birthday ever..." is what she murmured to herself before hearing some random screams behind her, as if something had just appeared out of nowhere.

She ignored them at first and just rolled her eyes but stopped when she felt a pair of them staring daggers at her.

Flinching, she slowly but finally turned around. Her pupils started shaking non-stop and her mouth was agape.

What exactly was she looking at? Whatever it was, it surely wasn't something she'd want to see on her favourite day.

It had a skeleton like figure, but was way bigger, It even possessed wings on its back and had a crooked jaw line. 00p00

The gleaming green pupils which were staring at her intently from floating in it's eyeholes focused on her directly.

While leaves and grass seemed to have embodied it, it didn't stop the run of pure blood that was now gushing from its mouth due to what was currently in between its teeth.

"John Lake?"

The hand of John Lake was in-between it's teeth and it had already sunk in deeply.

Fresh blood rolled down the man's hand as he stared at it with wide eyes. He was at loss for words... It became silent, everyone was trying their best not to move as it crushed the man's hand even more before completely biting it off, causing him to scream aloud.


The man yelled, which resulted to the shriek of the unsightly creature.

Everybody bolted for their lives and even Valerie had managed to escape the scene. Her friends were running behind her as the thing chased down all three of them.

"Sh*t." Why is it following them? Why them of all people?

Soon the two fell to the ground which made Valerie turn back to them. "Tasha! Emily!" She yelled catching the skeleton's attention.

It's eyes were now fixated on her and only her. Her heart was pounding fast, what kind of sick joke is this?

Suddenly, a cloud of smoke surrounded them and in the midst of it was one of the waiters they saw at the restaurant. It's not the one that annoyed her but his friend.

A distinctive barrier was formed around them as the man yelled to the silver haired lady.

"You should run! I'll take care of them!!!"

She protested to this, she couldn't leave them behind. 'So this is where the aura was coming from.' Is what he thought as he turned back to face Val.

"It's not after them! It's after you!" She just stood there not knowing how to react, after her? Why? Why her of all people? This doesn't make any sense!


Snapping back to reality she turned around and began running subconsciously, she doesn't know why she ran or how she managed to move her body but surely she was moving.

Taking a look back, she found the same creature heading towards her while soaring in the air, it really was following her. No one else but just her.

Ho could that thing even fly? It was just bone!

Taking a sharp turn, she dashed into a nearby alley, her vision going dark as she did so. Everything was becoming blurry and her head was spinning. She couldn't run like this anymore, due to the dizziness she fell to the ground, making her palms and knees sore.

Winston panted heavily and her body was shaking, she had no idea on what to do and before she knew it.... She began to puke, what was this feeling? was it fear? was she afraid? of course she was, but still it left a mark on her.

She has never felt this weak and helpless in her entire life.

She was scared half to death and couldn't even understand anything that was going on, a lot of things were going too fast for her.

"Stay back...." she murmured repeatedly as it approached her.

She said it again and again but could only feel it's presence getting stronger. If this was a dream, she'd really like to wake up right about now and finally, she yelled.


When she looked back to glance at it again, her violet eyes shone somewhat gold and it caused the skeletal like creature to shriek and fall backwards.

Unfortunately, the dizziness became too much for her so that effect did not last long. The thing soon got back it's composure and arched towards her, cornering her like a lion about to feast on its prey.. only to shriek again as a blazing arrow engulfed in red lightning got pierced into its skull.

Her eyes widened as she looked up to find the source. The owner of the weapon which was that annoying waiter at the restaurant was now in front of her, though she didn't recognize him in this kind of scene at this kind of time and he seemed to be holding a cross-bow and arrow which glowed a hellhole of red.

"Who..... are you?" Her voice was cold and dry, the fatigue really got to her and it was a surprise she could even stay awake for that much longer, but the man in front of her didn't mind, he had barely even looked back when he replied.

"Your personal bodyguard."