
Chapter 8 - Desire for better tools

Fourth Day Afternoon:

The results of my hunting trip weren't as great as they could have been but at the very least I was lucky enough to encounter that herd of Bareep which netted me quite a nice haul of materials.

While working away at my makeshift camp chopping up the ingredients that shall become my lunch, i also thought about what i should do next, I've still got three day left before i can start doing some research so i should just do what i can do here.

It'd be nice to forge even just a little bit, perhaps if i can manage to create some charcoal or locate some coal i can create a stove that can increase the temperature enough to become a basic forge that should stand a good chance to melt the copper in my storage to create my first metal tools.

Though to create a forge i should also create a water bed to cool the metal down, along with someway to either cast or hammer the melted metal.

Casting would be an easier start since all it would require is a vessel to melt the metal in, followed by a clay mold to which i would pour said metal, then let it just cool down and harden, from there would be the fixing of any imperfections in the blade by heating it and hammering it flat, next up would be to quench the tool to increase it's hardness, and then lastly would be the sharpening.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lunch was good, thanks to the ample amount of Mutton i collected, i should be set for food for a good couple of days before needing to go hunting again.

The next step to my plan should be the modification of my stove to increase it's size to act in place of a forge, as well as a structure to which i could burn wood to create charcoal, or i could continue on with my digging by the river to dig up more clay, and possibly even some coal... it's a game world after all not like i'd really need to try to hard to locate beginner level materials, and i mean worst case of all, I'm sure i could always barter some of my crafted wares in the city to acquire a sum of coal.

Well best to do what we can for now since time is limited.

The first step to my plan is the creation of a Kiln, since im planning to make charcoal and could also use it for my earthenware to harden and make it more durable.

So a Kiln of decent size would be required, for this i'll need stone and quite a lot of it, the kiln needs to be able to maintain a high heat so i can't shave the stones down or only use small one, i'll need to stack up large stones.

Huh wait rather than using stones... can't i just dig another hole and then cover it to make an earthen kiln?

Well no harm in not trying, even if it doesn't work i can always line the walls later with stone, since a subterranean structure will have a far lower chance of falling over due to amateur's construction skills.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Dig' 'Dig' 'Dig'

Phew digging with primitive tools is so exhausting though i must say compared to before when i was digging for clay i've surely been making more progress.

The hole i managed to dig was four meters squared and about 2 meters deep that being said since it's purpose was to be a kiln there were only two hole, one to be used as an exhaust in the roof, while the other was a small door that i had to crouch down to wiggle through, but the room itself was big enough to store a good size of wood to which i could turn to charcoal, while some shelves made into the walls could house some of my pottery to attempt baking it.

If i remember right charcoal only needs a low oxygen environment in which to burn, so when using the kiln to make charcoal I'll seal the door, and the exhaust port, but when making pottery I'll need to create some sort of walls to allow the heat to pass but not the smoke/ash, while being able to fan the flames to ensure the highest possible level of heat with which to bake with.

Since there was still light left in the day, i used the remaining time to scout out and collect larger pieces of wood to which i could create large amount of charcoal, my storage only has had branch and the like i could use for basic firewood, with a couple of larger pieces but not enough to make the quantities i'd most likely need.


Once again scouring the forest for materials, but this time rather than just collecting branches and twigs i instead was set with the goal of felling the very tree's themselves, armed with only stone axes to complete this task.

Thankfully the trees around here are likewise of a low level, since i can manage to fell about three in total before my axe's durability is shot and crumbles to pieces.

After felling the sixth tree, i got to work cutting them down further into logs, and then again into quarter pieces before storing them away in my storage.

with this my work for the day is done, but with how low the sun is in the sky it'll be dark before i make it back to the city and following the logic of this game that means the city gates will be shut so i'll be staying outside for the night... good thing i have a sort of makeshift shelter to which i can huddle down in for the night that should also keep me safe from the ravages and monsters of this world.

That's right my Kiln/Underground fort.

After having crawled through the entrance way and sealing it up gently with some collected dirt, the only sign of light within was from the small hole in the roof which acted as an exhaust port, not monsters ive come across should be able to get through there and well i'd like to think game world or no that i'd awaken if something tried to dig me out.

laying down on a bed of leaves, with a simple pillow made just by balling up a handful of Bareep wool i closed my eyes to end the 4th day of the game.


Remaining Players: 2,243

Woah i know we lost like 3,000 on the very first day, but even still to have more than half of us leave the beta before the first day (irl) to pass but again with such heavy combat focus it's not unlikely so few games run a one life concept anymore that plenty of people wouldn't be used to the idea of caution within a game.

As for my own status, as one of those who survived till now;


Name: Alre Race: Shadow Elf Age: 28

Class: Crafter Level: 12 Title/s: None Fame/Infamy: 6

Health: 92/92 Mana: 50/50

Strength: 19 Dexterity: 12 Vitality: 16 Intelligence: 12 Wisdom: 11 Charisma: 7

Skills: <Inventory-2(+1)> <Crafting-3> <Collection-5(+1)> <Innovation> <Stone Age><Cooking-2(+1)><One-Handed Axe-3(+2)><Dagger Arts-2(+1)><Mining-2(+1)><Logging-3(NEW +3)>

Abilities: <Auto-Collection>