
Chapter 6

Name:The Godly Player of Online Games

This is a broad arena, the venue is hard bluestone brick, there is a circle of barriers around.

Qin Yu looked a few times, and a cold voice sounded from the void: "the novice trial still has a minute to start. Under the rules of the trial, they voluntarily admit defeat and can't fight. If they can't stand for more than 10 seconds, they can't touch the barrier. All of the above rules are lost. If you defeat a real person or let a real person touch the barrier, you win."

As soon as the rules were explained, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. This was a man of similar stature, with a lv10 grade on his head. Qin Yu knew that this should be the simulation man.

Imitation real person appeared, looked at Qin Yu, quite disdainful hummed: "this time the new man is so weak, let me not mention the desire to start."

Seeing this, Qin Yu is not angry but not angry. In his heart, he exclaimed at the power of the game of killing God. If he had not known the background of the other party, he would have thought that he was a real person.

"If you say I'm weak, you're not as strong as I am. A sparerib figure is not as good as mine. You dare to boast about myself." Qin Yuxiang disdains the way back.

Being ridiculed by the weak chicken in his own eyes, the imitated real person immediately became angry and said in a angry voice: "who do you think is weak? I'm a level 10 imitative real person. My body strength is at least dozens of times that of you. Do you believe me to crush you to death?"

Looking up and down, Qin Yu's mouth appears a faint smile.

Imitation of a real person is very strong. His physique of 50 times is not funny. He can take a minute to make a second of him. Unfortunately, he is a real person. His emotions in his brain are simulated by data. When human beings should have any emotions, he will have any emotions, such as arrogance, anger and arrogance. As long as he makes good use of this, it is not impossible for Qin Yu to win.

A bunch of rigid data, can you understand human beings better than him?

"Oh, yo, you're so angry when I say it?"

Qin Yu continued to ridicule: "I said, you are a weak chicken, a look is the failure of the system manufacturing, quickly apply to the system to re build it, don't be shameful here, I'm ashamed of your figure!"

"Ah, ah, ah The imitated real person was very mad and roared, "boy, there are still ten seconds for the trial battle to start. I must tear your mouth open!"


in the center of the town, four people of bimonthly are staying here, gazing at the virtual screen in the air. What the screen casts is the situation of Qin Yu in the novice test.

For each new person who has been tested, their combat situation will be released for all to see, which can be regarded as an increase in their trial experience.

They thought that Qin Yu was just so confident. What's the trick? Before the trial began, he jumped up and down the simulation popularity. What's this called? Did he abstain?

Who doesn't know that the imitative real person is angry. He can instantaneously catch Qin Yu at level 10, which makes him angry and has no chance to pass the customs.

"Bimonthly, this new man is not a fool, is he? Otherwise, who would be so stupid to piss off a real person. "

"Don't he mean it, boss? If he annoys the real person, he will be killed by seconds. At most, it is a C-level evaluation. Even if we win, we won't get any good equipment! "

"It's OK, even if it's a C-level evaluation, it's not worth it anyway."

Gals was speechless. He didn't come to the game of God killing for a long time, but he met a lot of new people. Some of them took part in the novice trial, some flattered, some fought seriously, and some admitted defeat directly. However, it was the first time that he saw them.

The rookie is the best. It's estimated that the most C rating is.

However, it's better to save better equipment than bimonthly.


in the trial arena.

Qin Yu turned his eyes and looked at the imitated real man on the opposite side. He disdained to say, "you are very strong. Can you kill me easily? Don't brag. I guess you don't dare to face me. You dare to boast that you are strong. It's really funny

"It's just a move to pick you up. I'll show you! You are a level one bloodless new scrap material. You can't even break my defense The simulation man roared.

"Well, let's make a deal. It's a coward if we don't dare to take it head-on!"

Qin Yu sneers in his heart. The emotion of the simulation data is too simple. A few words make him so angry. If he is a human, he can't fight. He can only admit defeat obediently.

At this time, the cold prompt sound sounded again.

"A minute has passed and the novice trial has officially begun."

Both of them heard the sound of the system. Qin Yu set up his posture and looked at Qin Yu with a serious face. He stood there unprepared and looked at Qin Yu with disdain.

It seems to be revenge for Qin Yu's ridicule of him, he said scornfully.

"I'll stand here and let you take a move to see you, a new man with no blood relationship, how to break my defense. When you do, I'll throw you down and see how arrogant you are!"Qin Yu sneered and didn't answer. He held his hands together and his palms radiated white light, which was a symbol of weapons.

A few seconds later, the white light dissipated, and Qin Yu opened his hands. In his left hand, there appeared a large glass bottle filled with light green liquid. If people on earth were familiar with this liquid, they would surely be familiar with it. This is the "essential balm" which is popular at home and abroad.

After seeing that Qin Yu's weapon was a glass bottle, the disdain on his face became stronger. For him, it was just a glass bottle. What threat could it have? Even if there is poison in it, he can easily kill the new man before it is poisoned.

Qin Yu smiles faintly. He doesn't care about the disdainful eyes of the imitative real person. He takes up the essential balm in his right hand, aims at the head of the imitation real person, and throws it in the past.

The essential balm spins in mid air and comes to the top of the dummy head. The light green liquid is bubbling in it.

Seeing the essential balm, he snorted coldly, raised his right hand and punched it with a fist. In an instant, he made a burst of breath, and then hit the glass bottle hard.

"See, I can destroy the weapon you have in one blow. You have no chance to! What the hell is this? Why is it so hot? "

Half of what the real man said, he screamed like a pig. He kept jumping up and down to relieve the "pleasure" from his body. ..