
Kai lied to Britney for the first time.

After Amelia found out the reason why Kai stopped playing Jinx. They didn't talk about it anymore on the road. After all, she, like no one else, understood how painful it was to lose loved ones. And also how hard it is to remember things that are connected with this incident that happened a year ago.

On the train to Kyoto.

"It's so beautiful. It's been so long since I've been out of Tokyo that I forgot how beautiful the world can be."

The Goddess of Fortune was looking out the window and excitedly rejoiced at what she saw outside the territory of Tokyo. New landscapes made her heart tremble with happiness. It had been so long since she had gone anywhere that she had forgotten these incredibly pleasant sensations. Only the city and ordinary everyday life passed before her eyes and nothing more.

"Amelia. Why were you stuck in Tokyo all the time? You had enough money to travel."

Seil was curious to know. Why having so much money and earning so well from his ability. She didn't go anywhere. Yes, I wasted my precious time. He did not understand this. Life is one and every second is precious. Must be used in the right way. So at least he thought so.

"I worked all the time in the card room and didn't have time for fun and travel."

The problem was her uncle. Jacker used her and deceived her. Therefore, the girl could not afford other entertainment. Except how to dive into predicting card fights. She believed that she needed to pay off her late parents' debts and pay back all the money they owed. But it was all a lie to cash in on.

"It's cruel, of course. Making a child work so much for free."

Terrible. Gunger had a tear drop from his eye to the floor. He did not understand how bad and vile an adult could be to use a child like that. It's just inhuman. This villain had no humanity. It's good that she decided to leave her uncle. Otherwise, she continued to spend her life on others, and not on herself.

"I'll go away for a minute."

Kai stood up during the conversation of his friends and decided to leave for a while. He looked thoughtful. From his appearance, it is immediately clear that he did not even listen to what his friends were talking about. He was on his own wave and did not pay any attention to the environment. He was very worried about one very important detail, which he could not get out of his head.

"Where are you? Kai."

Both of them asked with one voice. Perplexed. Where is he going? There are not many places to visit on the train. But there are still a few. There just is not this terrible rumble for the whole train and you can easily call a relative. What the guy is actually going to do at the moment.

"Your sister needs to be called."

Finding a quiet and peaceful place where he will not be disturbed by unnecessary noise. Nait took out his phone and started looking for the number he needed. I found my sister and pressed the call button. In less than 3 seconds, Britney picked up the phone and answered. Pretty fast. As if she was sitting next to her and waiting for her beloved brother to call her.

"Hi Britney. Seil and Amelia and I are going to visit you. We'll be back in a couple of hours. Can you meet us at the train station?"

The brother first of all notified his sister that he would not be alone, but would come with a company. Not only with the girl, but also with his friend. Therefore, she will have to meet several guests at once in her house. And just in case, he clarified the meeting place so that they would not split up along the way and not find themselves in an absurd position later.

"Of course. Darling. I'm waiting for you. I miss you so much. Also, I haven't seen Sale for a long time. And I'm interested in seeing your girlfriend. You just have no idea."

Britney, let's bombard Nait with a lot of different questions. She could not wait for their meeting and she wanted to talk about everything with him. Missed you. The sister greatly missed her brother all this time while they were separated. It's been a long time since they haven't seen each other.

"She's not my girlfriend. We don't date."

Kai was embarrassed at the words he heard. He began to deny and refute the fact that he and Amelia are in a relationship. Well, they weren't. These two are just good friends who are ready to help each other in trouble and nothing more. Although, judging by his reaction, he would not mind having an affair with such a cutie.

"I can already see through the phone how you blushed."

According to his exciting statement, Britney understood the reaction of his brother through the phone. She directly accurately told about his feelings being at a distance. Here they are family ties. Such incredible power is more powerful than any prediction. And you do not need to have a gift, like the Goddess of Fortune, in order to predict the future.

"It is not true."

At the station. In Kyoto. Two hours later, our heroes finally reached their destination. True, the faces of the guys were not very happy. The trip was very exhausting for everyone except Amelia. The girl was in the prime of her life. Seil, on the other hand, was nauseous because he couldn't stand the road well. Kai, too, was all on his nerves.

"Hello. My dear brother. I miss you so much."

Seeing her brother Britney jumped on him with a joyful hug. Showing all your love and tenderness. And also how much she missed him all this time. It feels like they have been separated by many years of separation. In fact, it's only been a little over a year. Not such a long time.

"Don't. You're embarrassing me. We're in public."

The guy was a little ashamed and not pleased in front of his friends. He's not small anymore. It was possible not to show all this affection in public, but in private. Yes, and not much he likes such foreplay. So I tried to contain my feelings. But inside, there was a great desire to pounce with exactly the same hugs on my sister.

"Oh, how mischievous we are. Seil, you've grown so much since our last meeting."

The girl released her relative and switched to a conversation with Seil. And she did it instantly and was very surprised at how he grew up from elementary school. She remembers him when he was very young. When they ran around the yards and all played together. Yes, happy times. In those days, they had everything they could only dream of.

"You've grown up too. Britney."

But that time has long passed and they are already all adults. Everyone has their own life and their own path. Although Gunger is pleasantly surprised by this meeting. The guy's got $5 eyes after seeing that cute face and those bouncy curves. Chest and ass, as well as the appearance of Kai's sister, became hundreds of times better than before.

"What a beauty. And my brother has good taste. I'm Britney."

But it's time for Britney to meet the main star. Beautiful and unique Goddess of Fortune. How Miss Nait looks after her appearance and how neat she looks, that few can compare with her. But this girl was not inferior to her at all. On the contrary, even in some ways it was better than her.

"Very nice. I'm Amelia."

Amelia bowed properly and, in response, introduced herself to Kai's sister, who agreed to shelter her. With all his appearance, showing his gratitude for the kindness shown. She was sincere. A pure and innocent soul that makes you pleasing to the eye and overshadows everything around you.

"Enough. I told you we're not dating."

And Kai himself, in turn, in an embarrassed tone, refutes his sister's words about their relationship. For they are only friends with the Goddess of Fortune and they have no romantic feelings for each other. Although it is not. The guy certainly has, and judging by how displeased at that moment Amelia looked at him. She is also indifferent to him.

"Okay. Okay. And yes. I wanted to ask you. You didn't break our promise in Tokyo, did you? You didn't play Jinx?"

Anyway. This is their business. Britney should not continue to continue to climb into her brother's personal life. But here's what interests her the most. So this is the promise he made to her. Regarding the game Jinx. He didn't break it and play the card game all this time, did he? Because if she finds out the truth, it will be very bad for him.

"No sister. I didn't play Jinx."

Of course, Nait lied and didn't say anything about the fight with Jacker. For the first time in his life, he hid something from his sister. And this lie will give rise to a great conflict to be seen ahead. Sooner or later, the truth will come out anyway. No matter how well-intentioned the guy is. This was his big mistake.