
The God of White Angel

DaoistsLWnnQ · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 11 : Going outside.

————————— 14 Months Later ————————

After training so much in the cave, I saw some stones around the cave and the stones were pretty rare, so I took them all for myself.

I have been able to survive this long because I have seen some herb's under some boulders and started to eat them to survive.

I stopped absorbing the Yin, Yang, and Mana and stood up 'This should be enough training! I should go out now

I just teleported outside and the scene was beautiful.

The lush forest was full of birds, that twit and the fresh air were wonderful and the light illuminated my vision.

I took a deep breath. "The air is quite good"

I turned around and I saw a city. The city was on fire, and in response, I quickly flew there. After 1 minute I was there and I looked around.

'It seems the fire started 2 days ago.' The fire was being extinguished slowly, and battle marks were all over the place.

'Let's check if there are people still alive' I transformed my body into the paper to try and find if there are any survivors.

After a few minutes, I quickly found some people, and they were kids. I transformed my body into my angel form. Half of my body was still searching for survivors.

I flew to them and surprisingly there was a cultivator who looked at them and felt a little deja vu.

'Where have I seen them?' I searched for the memory and found it.

The kids were young celebrities who I saw on a poster, and the cultivator was their stepfather The 4 of them were not biologically related, but their father still gave them his last name and treated them like his own children.

"Hello! what happened to this place?" I asked and they did not even protect themselves as they lost all hope of them surviving.

"You don't know? Well, how could you know? You have been missing for 2 years. Miss angel" The cultivator said in a sad tone.

'I guess I will have the same title as before.'

"It all started a few years ago..." He then started to explain what happened.

Manny cultivator's already warned the mayor, that monster's started to gather at a mountain, but cultivators are not that famous like hunters and so the cultivators were quickly dismissed.

As time flew by the other cultivators started to leave from the impending doom and the mayor's abuse.

The mayor was using his subjects like slave's and the people made a petition and made a rally, but they were either purged or assassinated, by the hunters.

The cultivators could have fought back and won, but the monster tide was too strong and if they fought now half of the cultivator's force would be gone and the hunters would be gone from the city.

But the monsters would see this as an opportunity to attack the city, so most of the cultivators left, some was feeling like a hero and stayed, but they were all assassinated by the hunters.

The monster tide suddenly attacked the city and the hunters defended as much as they could, but eventually, they all died. They did not even take any hostage and just ate every one.

Some rich hunters started to run away from the battle, by riding their flying-type familiars, but they were still caught by the monsters and were all eaten alive.

They were only able to hide using some hiding scrolls.

After the monster tide finished attacking the city he was the only one left and was going to leave, but the other village's around the city were all destroyed and if he fly using his sword to the nearest city, it would still take 7 day's at least, including avoiding the forces of the monster tide.

"Then why don't you just leave?"

"It's not that easy, the monsters have started to swarm around this area, there are almost no exits," He said as his face was in despair.

"I have already run out of life force, to begin with, please take care of my son.' His children started to cry.

"Of course" He smiled at my reply.

"Thank you" He closed his eyes to sleep forever.

I picked the three kid's in my arm. "What's your name?" I wiped their tear and they still cried.

"M-My.... name .....is Tom * Hiccup * Tom... Summerfield * Hiccup * and...I am 6 years old, miss angel" He talked between his tears.

He was a blond kid with eye's that look's emerald and has a petite body and an innocent face.

"My.... name is Yoichi Summerfield I'm 6 years old" He was acting a little tough and stopped his tears.

He had purple hair and his hair was formed like an ear of a wolf and a scar on his left cheek and purple eyes. He had a muscular body and is probably be a manly type of person.

"My... name is * Hiccup * Taiga Summer * Hiccup * field..... I'm 6 * Hiccup * ye.... years.... old.... miss * Hiccup * angel" He was crying a lot and just covered his face.

He had red hair with yellow hair on the front part and yellow hair on the side of his head. He looked normal as a kid, not like the two of them who had characteristics, by their muscle.

"M...My name is Natsumi. 6 years old... miss angel" He was a formal child who always had a happy face.

He had blue eyes and blue hair. His face was kind-looking face and his hair and eyes looked like the ocean, beautiful, but dangerous at the same time.

"I'm sleepy..... miss angel" Tom rubbed his eyes and wanted to sleep.

I put some papers on his back, feet, and leg's to not make him fall. "Just sleep," I said and he lay down and fell asleep.

"Me.... * Hiccup * two" Taiga rubbed his eye's and I made them sleep too.

"You two should sleep too" I floated their body and the two of them fell asleep.

I made an egg made out of paper around their body to cover up noise and the sun, then used wind release, so they could breathe.

"This should be fine" I protected them more, by putting more protective barriers.

The four of them were sleeping soundly and there was no one left in the city. I then controlled some papers and buried some bodies, but there was only one body, as the other bodies were either eaten or burned by the fire.

'I'll try to avenge them, but let's estimate their strength first'