
The God of White Angel

DaoistsLWnnQ · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 10 : Making a new place to train.

[ Antarctic Ice Reindeer – Antarctic Ice – A supernova ( Star ) ice attack that can freeze a planet in place, ( A meteorite will fall from the sky to use this skill. )

Calamity Ice – An ice-based attack that can freeze anything, depending on the chakra output, ( This skill does not need a meteorite )

Ice Age – Can change the entire area into an ice dome, the size depends on the chakra output,

Ice Drain – Drain all the cold temperature around the area, the size depends on the chakra output ]

'Is this all of it?' I looked at it more and nothing was left.

'Let's just continue'

[ Greate Planner – Helps with planning fights, politics, etc,

Sub skills: Infinite Possibility – A simulator that can be changed or rewritten by the user,

Helper – Help's with processing information,

Map – Is a skill that lets you see all the surrounding area and its details ]

'This will help.'

Making my body paper is not that easy and sometimes I even collapse, because of the stress on my brain cells, but now I don't have that weakness.

Before I also did not have enough chakra and was only borrowing chakra from Nagato, but now that I have the tailed beasts and a skill that help's with calculation, then almost all my weaknesses are gone.

'I already know what my rinnegan does so I will skip that.'

'What's a class skill?' I pressed the class skill and information about it just went inside my head as if I was a master of this class.

'The class does not have attack-based skills but has a lot of support-based skills' I scanned the information more and saw that the skill was mostly a support skill.

'But this does not fit me at all. I am a solo ninja though' I still felt a little weird about my class, but still decided that it's still something that is completely nothing.

'Let's begin my training with tailed beasts.'

I went muck much deeper inside the cave and blew up the entrance, but still hid the cave.

'This should be a good space'

I looked at the huge pillars that were holding the ceiling and the glowing pond beside the lava. The place was large enough for me to transform into the tailed beast.

'I just need to support the entire place then it should work out

I put some paper on the wall to strengthen the walls from the possible tailed beast bombs. The entire wall, ground, etc was covered with paper and even a herd of monsters would still not be able to enter, but if it's an S-rank monster then it could easily enter.

"Hey Sorrowful Water Saintess come out," I said pulling out the umbrella.

"What is it?♡ Did you call me to make love?♡" She said getting near me for a kiss.

I covered her with paper bombs and produced some vapor to contain the explosion. The paper bomb's exploded and the force of the explosion was still contained by the vapor.

"Ahh♡" She licked her lip as she drolled a little.

"I want to train your skill"

"A-Ahh O~K♡"

———————— Ten Months Later ————————

After training for a while and I learned some pretty good method's for using my skills. First I learned that the Cultivation method used by the cultivators was to absorb yin and/or yang energy and contain them in the body, since I know how to make a tailed beast bomb, then absorbing yin and yang was so easy.

I just absorbed it and my physical strength increased tenfold. I don't know how the rankings of the cultivator world work, but I am quite strong.

I was also converting yin and yang, chakra, and mana to the Elemental Wasp Queen and its strength just kept on increasing.

I don't know how to tame a monster and I can't open the skill description of my class it says that I need a subordinate first before I can open the skill description, but I don't know how to do that.

I also learned how to use the tailed beast's power with my paper and came up with multiple ideas.

Right now the Elemental Wasp Queen is about to hatch and I am currently putting all my chakra into the Elemental Wasp Queen.

* Crack * * Crack * * Crack *

The cacoon suddenly opened and a small wasp came out of the cacoon wearing a crown and its size was a little small.

"Hello, there little one." I patted its head and it accepted happily.

[ You have gained the first loyal follower ]

The system suddenly said and I was shocked as I did not even do anything.

I came up with one possibility. It was that only the follower can activate the [ Cardinal Loyalty ] and not the user.

'I can feel her loyalty to me.' I could suddenly feel a strong vibe that she was loyal.

"So where do you want to live?"

Normally wasps make their colonies, but I don't have a home for it to create its base, but it still can pick its own home though.

'I don't know where to put its colony, but I'll just think about it.'

"Hello, master where make a colony?" She used [ Telepathy ] to communicate with me using the [ Cardinal Loyalty ] as a connection.

'Where? where?' I was in deep thought but still did not know where.

"You can pick anywhere you want"

"....." She did not know where to go either.

I held a piece of paper with black writing on it. "How about inside one of my papers," I said and she was even more dumbfounded.

"May I ask? Where shall my people find food?" She asked looking at me confused.

"Don't worry I have multiple papers around the world that you can use to go out" I answered and she nodded.

"All right then I shall go inside it then" She bowed and went near the paper.

"But where are you going to find a mate?" I asked and she stopped.

"I can still give birth to a normal bee"

"Oh ok then" She then went inside the paper and I put the paper under my right hand. ( Her hand is made out of paper )

'Is that it?' I felt a little disappointed.

It was finished instantly and I did not do anything that much.

I decided to go back to training and leave the matter alone as it is.

————— Elemental Wasp Queen P.O.V. —————

I looked around and there was nothing inside, literally a void. There was no wall's floor nothing at all.

'What do I do now?'

The doors suddenly came out of nowhere with black marking's written on them and the light was filling the room.

'That's better.' I looked around the room more and there was nothing.

'This is perfect!! I don't need to make a hole to build a house!' I rushed to the middle of the place and started to make my first soldier.