
The God Of Universe

'Sheikh Pahlavi' was such a family, whose every member was respected by the people. Rich, powerful and attitude were all in this family.There was no such person in the world who does not know this family. But no one knew their one secret.Their family's boss is 'Master' , who is the most richest person in the world. Other hand,Luna get pregnant at the age of just 12 without making physical relation? No boy has ever touched her till now, so how is this possible? What will Luna do now? Will she take the child or have an abortion?One top of that, who is the father of her children? Will Luna ever know the answers to all the questions?

Oyzgee · Fantasie
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37 Chs

Power beyond limits

Faraz's car was traveling on a peaceful road a little away from Dubai. It was a long distance from Dubai. And looking at this road, no one can tell that this is a road of Dubai city. Because this road was quite small. And there is only greenery all around.

Tamarix dioicia were planted around here. Due to which the beauty of the road was coming out even more enhanced. Two vehicles were moving on that road. While going through that road, sometimes a river was visible and sometimes a huge sky and a combination of greenery was visible.

Luna already liked this road a lot. If seen, she is very fond of living at a normal place. She doesn't like very rich and luxurious things. There was still some light in the dark sky outside. This place was 20 minutes away from main Dubai city.

Where Luna is sitting quietly. Whereas, Faraz was looking outside. Throughout the journey, Faraz has not said anything to Luna, nor has he asked about her pregnancy.

Luna felt that her father was perhaps angry or angry with her. Although he has said that he trusts Luna completely. But Luna was still worried.

A big house was visible in front. On whose nameplate it was written 'Bird of Paradise'. This was the name of Luna's house. Which starts from a small gate. A small black colored scarecrow was there.There were three bodyguards standing around the same house.

The car came and stopped straight inside the gate. The car stopped away from a small garden. Luna herself came out of the car nicely. And then Faraz also came out. The driver started parking the car. Whereas Faraz went to talk to the bodyguards.

Luna was slowly moving inside. Luna went inside. So she saw her mother Zoya sitting in the living room busy to talking to her grandmother Leah.

Luna came inside and stood in front of both of them and she said in a softer tone,

--"Assalamu Alaikum, mà, grandmà."

Zoya's gaze and Leah's gaze went to Luna. Luna didn't even get a chance for two seconds. Just then Zoya got up from the sofa and came towards her.

And gathering all her strength as much as she could, she slapped Luna on her cheek. Luna simultaneously felt her cheek as like a fire fist.

She started having a lot of pain. Because Zoya had been slapped hardly. She had also lost her hearing for a moment. Then Zoya came across to Luna's appearance.

--"Shameless girl! Did we give birth to you just to see this day? How did you do all this? How? Didn't you think even once about your family, the honor of your family? Have you forgotten? That we belong to a respectable family. And how did you come here with this child? Whose father, you don't even know."

Luna's cheeks are always red. Today she had become even more red due to slap and shame. Due to shyness, Luna was not even able to see ahead.

It is a distant matter to answer. But she did not think that Faraz had already told Zoya about her pregnancy. Or Luna had not even thought that she would have to face this situation as soon as she arrived.

She had understood that Zoya was angry and even more sad. Because Zoya loves her very much. And love more than her own life!

Zoya didn't think that she would ever get all this in return for taking care of her and loving her daughter.Being a daughter, Luna had given so much pain to her mother, perhaps no one in the whole world has given so much pain to her mother, what she gave.

Zoya's words seemed to make Luna feel that she is a worst girl.Because she was equally sad at the time of hearing the news of this pregnancy. 

But she couldn't do anything right now and she didn't have any words to make understand Zoya. However, Luna had expected such behavior from Zoya.

Because which mother can remain silent after seeing her own daughter getting pregnant at the age of 12? Although Zoya herself was from a rich family and her in-laws i.e. Ashfaq are also rich. 

Therefore, Zoya was only concerned about her position, money, status and respect but Luna didn't understand that, her mother is worried about her honor not Luna's pregnancy.

Seeing Luna standing silently, Zoya's blood rose. Zoya made Luna stand straight and slapped her again on her left cheek. Her shouting voice was echoing in the entire 'Bird of Paradise' house. 

She had probably never seen Zoya so angry.Or even Zoya has never been so angry.

--"Why are you silent? Tell me something, Luna. Don't stand silent. Don't test my calmness. Why aren't you saying anything? This, this child...."

Pointing towards Luna's stomach she said in intensity,

--"Whose illegitimate child is this? Luna, whose child is this?"

After hearing the word 'Illegitimate', Luna raised her wet eyelids. Zoya looked at Luna with heavy eyes and also red anger face. Luna had no courage, desire or expectation to hear this word. Zoya had been pointing fingers at her character for so long but now?

--"Such bullshit, your character is a unholy and you have come and stood in my house. Shameless, crazy girl!"

Luna's cheeks had turned red. Her red cheeks alone are enough to show how harsh the slap was. Suddenly Luna felt her body becoming heavy. Just then Faraz came in from outside. And as soon as he came, he said to Zoya very seriously,

--"Zoya, come with me.Just come."

As soon as he finished saying this, Faraz held Zoya's hand and went towards his room. Luna started biting her pink lips. Tears were coming out from her eyes and falling on the floor. Suddenly Luna started feeling that her whole world had been shaken.

Why won't it work? How will you act with courage when your mother is not by your side? And the biggest thing is that apart from mother, there is no one else in this world who is more loving. But then Luna felt someone standing in front of her.

She looked up and saw her grandmà Leah standing there. Leah hugged Luna and then while caressing her back, say softly but very lovingly,

--"Lu! Lu honey! Why are you crying so much? My child, doesn't cry. You know how much mother loves you. That's why she shouted at you. Look, the situation is not good. That's why : you are feeling so much pain and sadness. But you will see, everything will be fine. Lu, shut up. Don't cry! You are my sweet granddaughter. And yes, congratulations!"

Luna left Leah as soon as she heard the last line. Then she started looking at Leah with questioning eyes. Leah very slowly placed her hands on Luna's reddened cheeks. Then she spoke very lovingly.

--"Luna, you are going to be a mother. And the happy news is that congratulations are in order. After all, I am going to see my next generation."

Luna was still confused after listening to Leah. Luna asked very softly,

--"But Grandma, for what?"

Leah made Luna sit next to her on the sofa and then she said to Luna,

--"Lu, no matter how much anyone taunts you, tells you bad things. But you should never feel old. And yes, this child is yours. This child has come from Allah. Therefore, bringing her into this world is for all of us like a responsibility . It is our duty, Lu. You are intelligent. I hope you have understood everything else. And one more thing, your grandmà is very happy with this news."

Leah hugged Luna again and then she said to Luna,

--"Freshen up. You must be very tired and learn to take care of yourself. By the way, your child is also with you now. You are not alone, Lu."

Luna gave a smile. This was probably the first time she smiled in 24 hours. Otherwise, she had forgotten that smiling is also a thing in this world. She got up slowly from the sofa. And then she went towards her room.

Coming to her room, Luna sat straight on the bed. Today she was feeling something strange. Because from today onwards there will be two people in the room where she used to live. 

One is herself and the other is the child in her womb. Luna started feeling by placing her hand on her womb.

She didn't know the responsibility of a mother. But according to her, by now she had already developed a beautiful relationship with her child. Luna closed her eyes. And just then a drop of tear slipped from her eyes and fell on the gray bedsheet.

Next morning,

The sun in the sky was giving its sweet rays on the earth. In which only light was visible all around. The same sun ray had come and remained on the top of the 'Bird of Paradise' nameplate. 

Due to which that writing started shining a lot. From the bodyguard to the gardener, everyone was busy with their work.

No one was able to sleep yesterday. Or said anything by Zoya for Luna isn't happened . Luna also did not come out of her room. 

Nor she hasn't eaten anything and hasn't drunk anything. She had spent the whole night awake. But she was not awake alone, along with her, her feelings and her questions were also awake.

Now such a puzzle had come into her life. That she doesn't see any date or way to resolve it. As if all hope had suddenly left her. Luna slowly opened her door and then came out.

By telling, this house was small. 4 rooms, a store room, bathroom, kitchen and living area. When Luna looked into the living room, Zoya was sitting there as usual, reading a book. As soon as she looked at Luna, Luna's heart suddenly panicked.

But Zoya did not tell her anything. Luna went towards the kitchen. The servant gave her breakfast. Luna started eating silently. She was eating when suddenly Leah arrived there.Leah said,

--"Luna, why didn't you eat at night? You can't sleep without eating like this. Take care from now on, okay?"

Luna just nodded. Then she remembered something. She asked hesitantly,

--"Grandma, that mà...Mà means, is she okay? And where is Baba?"

Leah replied pulling a chair from the dining table.

--"I said, your mother's anger will calm down. Just give her some time. And your father has gone to Dubai company today. There was some important work."

Luna started eating. So Leah looked at her and asked casually,

--"Lu, are you alright, daughter? Don't worry. Everything will be fine."

Luna finished eating without saying anything. She had now accepted life like this. Because Luna had nothing in her hands.

Whatever is happening is not her fault. She remained sitting sadly. And anyway, Zoya will not get better like this, she will have to give her some time. So that she can control herself and start loving Luna again.

Luna also knew how difficult times were. No, there was nothing in her hands nor could she do anything, hence she would have to accept all this. Whether she wanted to see all this or not. Who knows about time?

But she did not think that Zoya would never talk to her. Today 8 months of her pregnancy had been completed. Luna had left her studies in the meantime. If seen, she had taken a gap of one year from her education.

So that she can live in peace. At this time only Faraz and Leah were there to support her.And Zoya didn't even talk to her. So much so that she didn't even look at Luna. Time passed and today it has been 8 months.

Faraz being a powerful person, the news of Luna's pregnancy did not go out for why.What's more, now Faraz had also increased the security of the house. So that Luna does not face any problem. But the entire "Ashfaq Family" was very angry after hearing about her pregnancy.

She had gone through so much in these 8 months that Luna would probably get tired even while speaking. Luna had seen so much drama, fighting and family problems. 

Maybe she didn't even think that much. There came a time when she felt that ; she had made a mistake by being born in such a rich family!

Forget about thinking about her, any member of her family was taunting her.What everyone was worried about was only about their status and their respect, their name, fame.Being the daughter of a powerful family is not that easy.

At the age of only 12, Luna had seen all the ups and downs of life, big and small. That's why she hasn't talked to anyone for so long and has never responded to anyone's taunts. She would eat, come out for a bit, lie down, talk to Leah for a bit and then go to sleep.

Luna had the same routine every day. Due to which Luna's pregnancy had completed 8 months. Luna, who used to look thin, now had a completely chubby face. Luna's body, which had a fat belly and weighed 50 kg, had now become round and shapeless.

Her cheeks and nose were becoming even redder. Luna was walking around with a very heavy body. During this period she did not go out even once. Right now,Luna was sitting on a bench among the daisies in her garden.

Amidst the sky and white daisies, Luna looked like a fairy. Her innocent eyes and her beauty were the same today as before. Then Leah came and sat beside her. Seeing Leah, Luna smiled and said,

--"Grandma, you are very good. You have been with me even in my difficult times."

--"I am your grandmother, Lu. Don't forget. And yes, she is my granddaughter, I love her very much."

Leah spoke looking at Luna in front of her. Leah was smiling. But then she heard a deep breath from Luna. Holding Luna's hands she said,


Looking ahead with a painful smile, Luna began to speak in her heavy voice.

--"It's sad when someone you know becomes someone you knew! The worst kind of sad is not being able to explain why."

Luna looked at the daisy flower after saying the last words. Magnificence, beauty, decency, everything is inside this flower. That is why these flowers are Luna's fountain favourite.Leah also looked at the same flower and said,

--"When you feel sad, it's okay. Never feel regret for your own decisions. If, you will not respect your own decisions, who else will? Lu, don't think wrong about your daughter and nothing about Zoya."

--"I am not thinking about my daughter. I am thinking about my mà, Grandma. What... Have I made such a big mistake? That she has not even talked to me. If only memories could be wiped as easily as tears. How nice it would be!"

Holding Luna's shoulders, Leah said,

 --"The sun doesn't always shine, so it's okay to fall apart sometimes."

Even before Luna could say anything, Luna started having pain in her stomach. She groaned and hold Leah's hands with strength. Even Leah was surprised to see Luna suddenly having pain in her stomach. She quickly called a bodyguard. And then ordered for the car to come out.

Leah was worried after seeing Luna in pain. That's when Zoya heard Leah screaming outside.So she also came out. But she could not proceed further. The reason is her ego! She stopped. Her heart wanted to go and catch Luna by her arms. But she could not do it.

The bodyguard made Luna sit in the car. And Leah started calling Faraz. Luna was having so much stomach pain that she was just screaming. Their car left the house and headed towards Dubai City.

As soon as Faraz received the call, she told him everything. Faraz gave her the address of a hospital. And said,

 --"I'm getting there, ma."

That's when Luna started feeling even more pain. Luna's pain was now becoming beyond limits. Tears were dripping from her eyes. No strength and no courage, there was nothing left inside Luna.

Then the car came to the hospital. There was no one in the hospital. Perhaps Faraz had made these arrangements. Luna was carried on a stretcher to the operation room and taken to a professional doctor.

The same, Leah was sitting on the waiting chair. Then Faraz also reached there alone. As soon as Faraz arrived, he asked Leah,

--"Mom, how is Luna?"

--"Doctor has just taken her for operation. Don't worry."

Faraz also sat nearby Leah. Lines of worried were clearly visible on the foreheads of Leah and Faraz. Where Faraz was worried about Luna's child. Leah was worried about some other things. Then Leah said to Faraz,

--"Faraz, haven't you still been able to find out who is the father of Luna's child?"

Faraz took a deep breath. Then just replied,

--"Maybe that..... man is ver..very powerful, mà! Maybe we don't even have the power to touch him. So how do we find him?"

Leah was seeing Faraz giving up for the first time today. Is the father of Luna's child so powerful? That even the members of "Ashfaq Family" are not able to find him?Eventually,"Ashfaq Family" is a rich and luxurious family,then?

 --"Is the father of Luna's child powerful beyond limits?That we can't even find him?"

Faraz sigh out. He commented in a heavy tone.

--"I check the CCTV camera of the hotel in Italy. But unexpectedly, everything were seem to be normal. In the end, I do everything what I can. But nothing seems like a mysterious. I think, that man is wise, as wise as we never seen anyone like him. This 8 month, I try my best way to find out himself. Hence, I can't."