
The God Of Undead

I seem to have done evil and was sent to hell... oh? the ruler of hell likes me? I get to be reborn? sure, Hell seems boring, so maybe the living world would be fun. Warning, MC is a sadist, and would do Anything

Itachi102 · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

The Shadow

Hana wanted Sora to be the king, but seeing as Sora had no interest in touching the throne, she sighed helplessly and stepped forward. So, Hana shall become the king while Sora supported her. their grandma's smile grew seeing this before she allowed them to run off to hide, she was only a clone her real body was fighting the king's army.

Hana and Sora came to their underground basement, where they waited a few days, there was food down there, and they spent their time cultivating or on their devices. 3 days later, they heard the basement door shaking before opening.

Sora and Hana instantly jumped up, but they saw their mother walking in with some blood dripping from her face. the two froze slightly seeing their mother, who still had that same kind smile,

"It's like looking at two scared mice." She said with a slight laugh while looking at the two, enraging Hana, but she was more worried about her father.

"well, everything is done. since you would be king, there are things you two should know." She said with a smile as she turned around and left, leaving the two looking at each other before they followed. they headed towards where the king's castle once stood, and along the way, they saw the destruction which happened to the kingdom,

the mountains were destroyed, some were cut in half, lava was flowing out of creatures within the ground, and dead bodies could be seen all over the place.

"Are you just going to ignore all of this?" Hana asked in horror at the sight around her, it was like the aftermath of the end of the world,

"We tried to minimize the mother of deaths, only a few thousand dead, which is only a small amount compared to the millions of people within the city... its cruel, but this is a step the human race must take. softness only wastes important time," Diana said as she calmly looked at the two of them, no longer having her smile.

"... where dad," Hana asked in a low voice, avoiding eye contact

"He is a diamond rank expert, too important to kill. so he along with the others is currently locked up. of course, you can't see him. he needs some time to himself." Diana said with a smile, making Hana speechless, but she was happy to hear her dad was alive.

they arrived at the castle where the king once ruled, but currently, two old people stood next to the throne, looking at Sora and Hana with smiles. these were the future of the human race, Hana had a nervous look while looking around her, the throne room was filled with many powerful experts which were looking at him, everyone there was covered in injuries from that battle,

Some were missing an eye, others were missing body parts, and others had scars, they all gave off a natural pressure that made it hard for Hana to breathe slightly,

Hana was pushed to go over to sit on the throne, while Sora simply stood by his mother's side, once Hana sat on the throne, everyone kneeled, welcoming the hope of the human race...

With the battle that took place, of course, the connection to the outside world was blocked. the damage down to the kingdom could be restored easily, and the building could also be rebuilt, in fact, Hana's grandmother took this chance to make sure that the kingdom is rebuilt better than ever.

the former ruler bend the usage of robots within the kingdom, but their grandma used their personally created robots to rebuild the kingdom to spend things up. the citizens could only live in tents for the time being, but they were repaid with better jobs and more benefits to them, most of them of course were happy, but others were scared of the changes

So, protesters did gather, but they were forced to shut their mouths once Hana made a speech about her goals and promises of being the ruler, and even revealed to all of them the true history of the human race, which made all of them scared as she did show proof of humans within the Milky Way, how powerful the human race was, but how far they had fallen

the kingdom had this information hidden away, but she revealed it to them, leaving them all quiet for some time. of course, some people were still against this. there was a reason the human race failed, is raising not asking for trouble? but they were shot down once more as across the universe, there would be humans who would do the same thing, it's either they make the first step to ensure they live or just let things go on as before, leaving their fate in others' hands.

For a time, Hana was forced to sit and listen to a bunch of old people talk about the future of the king, and in the end, she had to pick a side and her reason for it all. She was not the smartest, but through this, she slowly began to build the mindset of a king.

of course, she also entered dungeons, but to her annoyance, although guards could enter the dungeon with her, she had to pay them based on the amount of work they did within the dungeon. she found out that this came from her grandparents, not wanting to raise a spoiled brat with a silver spoon,

even so, within a few months, her cultivation raised greatly, with many resources to help her increase her cultivation, such as pills, items that boost cultivation speed, and much other stuff, she reached level 4 Silver rank just a few months after taking the throne,

by then, the kingdom was rebuilt better than ever. everything was running smoothly, although the citizens were having a hard time adapting to the changes.

"I hate this... I'm pretty much a Slave." Hana yelled while laying on her huge bed. Sora sighed softly while looking at his sister, this was her story, so all he could do was do his best to help her.

"I will be leaving, tomorrow is when you would open up the connection to the outside world, I will be leaving for the Moon Light kingdom, as they would most likely do something," Sora said calmly, stunning Hana slightly, in the past few months the moonlight kingdom has been trying to enter their kingdom, but they were all caught, so when the connection between this kingdom and the outside world is reconnected than indeed, they might take this chance to kill.

"Just because You're stronger than me, doesn't mean I will let you put your life in danger," Hana said seriously as she got off the bed. Sora seeing this walked up to her and hugged her slightly,

"You are the tall tree which baths within the light... I will be the roots which supper the tree from underground." Sora said softly, stunning Hana slightly who couldn't help but laugh,

"so a shadow hokage?" She asked with a smile, stunning Sora who looked at her, Hana seeing his look shook her head slightly.

"It's nothing... I don't want to let you go. I can't let you go" Hana said softly, as she tightened her hug around Sora, Sora smiled slightly at this before sighing softly.

"I will be taking dad with me. with him, I will be okay." Sora said softly, stunning Hana, their father was the strongest knight, but above that, he had the strongest A-grade ability, which allowed him to take the seat as the strongest person not only within the kingdom, but the whole planet, yet, he hid who he was and simply wanted to live a normal life, where he meant their mother.

"alright," Hana said softly, she felt bad for having a dad he was not allowed to see in the past few months, and she knew her mother was angry with him. maybe the only reason he was alive was because of them, he was pretty much placed in time-out,

So, the next day came. Sora and Hana stood before a glass cell that held Levi, who was rolled up into a battle. he was skinny, he hasn't been feeding much. Hana's heart almost shattered seeing her father like this,

Opening the cell, she slowly entered and instantly held her breath. for months, he wasn't allowed to take shows, only go to the bathroom.

Levi heard the cell open, so he looked up and was stunned seeing his children, his eyes watered slightly seeing them, he wanted to huge Hana, but Hana subconsciously dodged, meanwhile, Sora just stood there and was hit by a bad smell, which made him frown slightly.

"Thank goodness you two are alright." He said as he cried, for the past month he knew nothing of the outside world, all he saw was Diana he bought him food while asking him to submit to the rule of her new kingdom. but of course, he refused, so each time she left, leaving him there to eat the trashy food,

"Father, you smell. go take a bath while I catch you up on the happening." Sora said softly, not wanting him to hug him anymore, he felt dirty. but his father ignored him, and simply hugged him, leaving Sora speechless, as he began pushing him off him, but his father wouldn't let go. it was only after a few minutes that he let go and went to get himself cleaned,

Sora burned his clothing, and also got himself cleaned, before speaking with his father. he went on to tell him everything that happened in the past few months, leaving Levi stunned for some time, before he looked deeply at Hana, making Hana nervous slightly.

"sigh... I will of course support my daughter. Where Diana? I only want to talk, I promise." Levi said gently, but who would believe that? the two would most likely fight the moment they met,

"I got you out of prison to take you with me to the Moon Light Kingdom, the mission is to destroy the kingdom from the inside out before they could do anything major like lunch war against us," Sora said softly, stunning Levi for a moment

"what can you do against a whole kingdom," Levi asked his face darkening, now he really wanted to talk to Diana, he promised, but it was only to chat.

Sora sighed softly as an undead suddenly appeared at his side, the undead being at the gold rank, Levi instantly froze seeing the undead birdman. he looked at it for a moment, before looking back at Sora, as if trying to make sure that his son summoned this.

"I'm at level 3 silver rank and have thousands of undead under my control, I'm a walking army," Sora said softly, leaving Levi stunned for a long time before he laughed, this was indeed his son, blood type didn't matter, he turned and looked towards Hana, wanting to know her improvement.

Hana sighed softly before she reached forward, her hand phasing through Sora. Levi was stunned and confused seeing this, was this her [Gravity control]?

"I can control the density of things, so can become intangible, and so on," Hana said softly, making Levi speechless, since when did that have to do with gravity? then again, there seems to be a connection... but still, this was too broken.

"She is overpowered, one day her gravity might be able to affect light, allowing her to twist it into whatever she wants," Sora said softly while looking at Hana, she was indeed overpowered, even though he would have trouble facing her. don't look down upon her just because she was at level 4 Silver rank, her combat strength was at the Gold rank, she could skip 7 whole levels,

"a walking black hole..." Levi was stunned for a moment, didn't black holes twist the fabric of space-time? was this daughter of his not too overpowered? as expected of the child carrying his blood,

Hana snorted slightly hearing Sora's words, Sora was more of a freak, heaving hundreds of undead at the Gold rank, he would have more if he didn't devour them. Sora's cultivation would be higher than hers, but Sora chose to Devour all types of undead, leading to his mental strength, physical body, soul, and overall power to increase based on the undead he devours. this made it harder for Sora to break through, which is why he was a step below her.

even so, Sora was stronger than her. with so many undead at the gold rank, plus the fact each undead pretty much acted like Sora's main body and could summon more undead, she was helpless before them.

With a sigh, Levi got ready to set off with SOra, but first, he needed to eat, it had been months since he eat real food. Sora didn't mind and simply followed him, before checking his stats,

[Name: Sora

Age: 10/undead

Cultivation Rank: Level 3 Silver rank

Combat Power: level 10 Silver rank


Ability slots-

[1/6: The God OF Undead (C grade: growth type)]

[2/6: Undead Storage (C Grade: Growth-type)]

[3/6: The Gods Eye {S grade)]

[4/6: {None}

[5/6: {None}

[6/6: {None}]


Undead Ability Slots-

[1/15: The Lizard Dragon Physique {C grade)]

[2/15: Slime King Physique {D Grade}]

[3/15: Super Senses {C grade)]

[4/15: Doppelganger {C grade)]

[5/15: Weapon Master {D Grade}]

[6/15: Monkey See, Monkey Do {C grade)]

[7/15; [Super Adaptor {C grade)]