
The God Of Undead

I seem to have done evil and was sent to hell... oh? the ruler of hell likes me? I get to be reborn? sure, Hell seems boring, so maybe the living world would be fun. Warning, MC is a sadist, and would do Anything

Itachi102 · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs


well, things went as Levi planned... although he made the plan at the moment, the woman did end up talking them to the Mood light kingdom, to turn Sora and Hana into superstars, Hana's eyes were bright as this was a drink come true, and Sora simply wanted to do it because Hana wanted to do it.

in this world, one is considered a full-grown adult at the age of 15, but Sora and Hana were simply 10 years old. So, Levi needed to be there for signing everything for them, once everything was signed, they were given a place to sign while the woman, named Candy got to work to put her plans to work.

"Sigh, acting is a pain," Hana said as she fell on her bed, too tired to stand up, Levi who was going through the internet eyebrow raised as he looked at Hana,

"I thought you wanted to be a superstar," Levi said softly, to which Sora shook his head slightly.

"She did it because it would help us enter the kingdom and earn a footing for ourselves. I thought Sister was dumb, but I stand corrected." Sora said softly, only to get a death glare from Hana,

"We can spend a few weeks or months making a name for ourselves, while secretly skying on the happening. We can leave dad up to that last part, we would draw all of the attention from you." Hana said seriously, making Levi seamless, since when did these two grow up?

"No sister, I have sent flies to cover the kingdom, they would slowly look for weaknesses within the defense and enter, and soon we would be able to listen in on the king, also, Candy seems to have no bad will towards us... we could use. she seems to have a connection in high places." Sora said softly, Levi wasn't built for stealth, but that doesn't mean his stealth capability was trash. so it was best they leave those most capable to do this.

"you're right... let's do this. this is a map of the kingdom, here are the major powers within the kingdom." Hana said softly as she tapped her watch, making a hologram appear in the sky, she moved the hologram around and had it stay fixed on the spot before she went to draw on the hologram map,

"from our information and spies grandma placed there, there are 5 diamond rank experts within the kingdom. the strongest is at level 6 diamond rank, equal with father... information on them dad?" Hana asked softly, Levi sighed while looking at the map before speaking.

"We fought a few times, he is a long-range fighter. keep your flies away from her, she is a skilled sensor. although her senses are sharp, if the flies are too weak, then they would not be sensed, her passive senses would ignore them unless the flies act abnormally," Levi said softly, to which Sora nodded as he took note of this.

Levi gave a few more pieces of information about the remaining 4 Diamon rank experts, although Levi was shocked to find that there was an extra diamond rank expert within the king. Diana and her family had the powerful information-gathering capability

so, for that night, Sora went through the information while Hana and Levi went to sleep. Sora went through the information for hours, and after seeing everything she needed to know, Sora smiled slightly while looking at the full moon and 1 new moon.

'I should cause some trouble.' Sora thought as he went to bed, and went on to take over a fly. many many miles away, on the west side of the Moon Light City, a fly landed on a tree and face a huge mansion the size of a school. this was known as the death god mansion, one of the powers under gold rank expert.

with a flash, Troll appeared, slamming heavily onto the ground, the troll was a level 1 gold rank Troll. the troll shot forward towards the buildings in front of the school filled with many living people, it jumped and slammed the wooden club in its hands onto the ground, and the ground rumbled as the shock wave spread out, destroying everything in its path.

the damage would be more, but the resources used to build houses were far stronger than that on earth. a nuke was to be dropped here, the damage it would do would at most destroy the buildings closest to where the explosion happened, the nearby houses on the other hand might be burnt and damaged, but they would be to withstand it.

If this troll were to appear on earth and attacked like that, the damage would have traveled more than 1,000 km, an island would be destroyed within 2 or so attacks. but this was simply because the buildings and man-made objects here had absorbed the attack,

the Troll roared and held out its palm, starting from the nearest building, a dead body slowly crawled out, and started from there, as if it was an illness, everyone within 30 feet of the undead because to raise, moaning from the pain. slowly, their injuries began to heal only enough for them to be of some use, and with a roar, they rushed out, ready to cause chaos.

Within a room, a young kid about 5 years old, was getting ready to go to bed. it was super late, but since tomorrow was no school, he was staying up late doing as he wishes, and that was playing games. but the sound of an explosion sounded, and a few seconds later, a powerful wind hit the window.

stunned, the young kid looked outside and saw smoke raising into the sky, with some buildings, and trees knocked over. due to some buildings blocking his way, he could see everything, but it did take longer for him to see something running in the street... it was a god. the dog was at first running straight, but it turned and ran towards him,

but the kid didn't think it was running towards his window, he was on the second floor, plus the fly wasn't looking up into the sky. the dog soon got out of his straight, forcing him to get closer to the window and try and see what the dog was doing.

but when he looked down, he saw sharp teeth shooting toward him. the next moment, something shattered the window, followed by the kid's horrified scream, followed by his pain cries, followed by his door being slammed open as his parents, only for their horrified screams to follow.

back to Sora. Sora had a smile that was filled with joy, he held onto Hana as if she was a teddy bear, and went to sleep. Hana woke up slightly, and upon seeing Sora's smile which was filled with life, Hana smiled slightly and went to sleep...

That night, Sora fell asleep... and with sleep, it came dreams. in Sora's case, it was a nightmare. a nightmare of the worst mistake of his life.

It was a night, and it was currently snowing. a teen who was covered in bruises was walking on the sidewalk, shaking slightly from the cold, after walking for some time, the teen sighed and simply sat down and hugged his legs. he had on shorts, and a normal t-shirt, if he remains within the cold, he was sure to freeze to death. seemly knowing this, closed his eyes and awaited death to take him.

"Mark?" a car that was driving by suddenly came to a stop, followed by a team around the same age stepping out, and walking towards him in shock. Mark looked up at the person who called him, before simply looking away and ignoring him.

"..." the female teen was stunned while looking at Sora and the scars on his body, they seemed known. she froze slightly, as she remembered the rumors she heard about Mark, about how his father abused him.

she then thought back to just this morning when Sora walked up to her in school, asking for her help with his schoolwork. she of course said no when the biggest bully in the school was talking to her. she was scared of him, that was even more so when she saw the fights Mark have been in,

"... young man, are you alright?" a man got out of the car and walked up to Mark. he was the one who stopped seeing Mark, but he was shocked to see how his daughter knew Mark, so he guessed they went to the same school,

"I'm alright, I just need some time to think... thanks for the concern," Mark said softly, not bothering to look up. He was too cold to look up. but before Mark knew it, a coat was placed over him, looking up, he saw the female teen looking at him.

"It's cold," She said softly, Mark's body was shaking from the cold, snow was already coving his body, showing just how long he has been in the snow.

"... this morning, were you trying to ask for help?" She asked softly, the look in Sora's eyes, she knew it. it was the look of someone who wants to end it all. unwilling to keep going with life.

"Just leave me alone," Mark said softly, making her frown slightly as she took Mark's arm, Mark was caught guard, but the girl's actions allowed her to see Mark's arms, which were filled with bruises, either Mark just came to form a fight, or his father just finished beating him.

Mark pulled his hands back, and before he could do anything, he froze seeing the look in her eyes, she forced smile as she removed her groves, Mark watched in confusion, until his eyes widened when she removed another layer of gloves which looked like a layer of flesh. there, Mark her real flesh was badly damaged and had fake body parts which replaced the old ones.

"I too was abused by my mother, it sucks and it hurts... but don't mean taking your life, I'm sorry I turned you down when you asked for help. if you want to learn, then I will help you. so don't give up... please." She said softly while hiding her hands. her fingers were crushed one by one, the pain she went through was something she could never forget, but through it all, she ever gave up, so how could she allow Mark to give up?

Mark looked at her for some time, as she put her gloves back on and reached out to help him stand up. he hesitated, he didn't know what to say for some time, before he took her arm. in a few months, the anniversary of his mother's death was coming up, and when going through his mother's old stuff, he found old pictures of her and him. which made him rethink everything that had happened in the past 14 years.

He was now 17 years old, and he was about to soon become an adult. but what did he do with his life? did his mother die for nothing? So, he reached out for help. the past few days he tried to his to be better... but he failed. so tonight he planned to just end it, he gave up on everything. so slowly freezing to death seemed like the best way for him to go.

So, now this woman reached her hand out... and he took her head, not knowing that just sitting there and dying would have been the better choice...

"one day I wonder if I should just have the two of you get married," Levi said lazily while breathing his teeth, and watching Hana who had just wakened up. Hana hearing Levi's words had a look of disgust, they were siblings.

Sora laughed slightly seeing Hana's looks, he too felt the same way. Hana was not someone he saw as a lover or anything like that. he saw her as his sister... more like a twin. but his laugh stunned Levi and Hana who looked at Sora, when was the last time they heard Sora laugh?

they all looked at Sora and saw his living smile. no longer was his face so dead, he seemed... normal, this left them all frozen for some time. before Hana made sure to record this.

"What?" Sora asked with a confused look seeing all of them looking at him,

"you are showing emotions," Hana said softly, stunning Sora who went to look im the mirror, and indeed, he was showing emotions. he was stunned for some time, was he now alive? no, upon sensing he found he was slowly dying.

'It seemed going to sleep with the screams of people in the background of my head restored me to life... amazing. I should have more people scream from this moment onwards,' Sora said with bright eyes before he frowned at the thought of that dreams

'that dream... it been so long since I dreamed... it should be because of this. why didn't I dream of anything good? or do deep down, the alive part of me look at that moment as a happy moment? I mean I was at rock bottom, and my future wife pulled me out from the darkness,.. just to throw me below rock bottom and kill me.' Sora thought with a confused look, why didn't he feel hatred towards her?

'oh, that's right... I forgave her a few months ago...' Sora thought after remembering his father and mother's arguments, shaking his head, he went to his sister, they should enjoy this moment he was alive.