
The God Of Undead

I seem to have done evil and was sent to hell... oh? the ruler of hell likes me? I get to be reborn? sure, Hell seems boring, so maybe the living world would be fun. Warning, MC is a sadist, and would do Anything

Itachi102 · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs


Upon returning home, Diana was shocked upon seeing the condition Sora was in, Levi quickly explained everything to Diana, to which Diana nodded for some time before she went to go cook something for Sora, she need to fatten Sora up,

So, like that days passed. from that die on, Sora got to find out more about himself and his abilities, as well as getting stronger as he got more undead under him. Sora found that although he could eat as much as he want, he would only get slightly fat, at which point he saw no longer grow fatter.

the extra food energy from the food he eats is used to heal his undead, if they are already healed then it's pointless. anyways, Sora began saving up money to buy a skill that would strengthen his body, there were many abilities he could buy, and Sora was planning on buying a C rank ability which boosts both defense and physical body

3 days after Sora, Levi, and Hana entered the dungeon, Sora managed to become a level 1 copper rank expert. at that point, he gained a new ability called [We Are One].

E Grade: [We Are One]- with this ability, you are one with the undead. you and your undead would have almost no difference, you can sense through your undead, become your undead, and so on.

the side of his pocket space also increased, Sora was now like a small house, allowing Sora to store up to 20 Undead. Sora was happy about this pocket space,

Sora also found out that his mental strength would depend on how strong the undead would be, his cultivation didn't affect this by much. Because of this, Sora had been going out of his way to get hundreds of undead under him, allowing the undead he gets to be as strong as they could be upon being reborn as undead.

of course, So many undead couldn't be kept within his storage, so he had some of his undead enter a forest, where they dug a place where they stored themselves. this way, Sora keeps the stronger undead, and the less important undead are stored there.

years went by, and in a blink of an eye Sora was 10 years old, by now it was time for them to enter middle school, but to enter middle school one needed to do a few tests. the first simple text was simply a written exam, and the second was their capability,

By then, Sora was at nearing a breakthrough to level 1 Iron rank, meanwhile, Hana had already broken through to level 1 Iron rank as she had a head start ahead of Sora.

in the middle of the night, a fly flew through the night sky before it landed on top of Sora's palm who was standing on top of a roof. taking a deep breath, Sora sent the undead fly back into his storage space.

Sora tapped his watch, and a hologram appeared in front of Sora, allowing Sora to see a few things until he stood up upon finding an address. Sora's body shook slightly before placing his palm over his face,

"I shouldn't do this... Hana would hate me, but I want to know how it feels to kill a human." Hana said softly, for the longest he has been holding himself back. ever since he killed the goblin, he had been wanting to kill, and take the life of others. it's best when they scream as the fear and horrors only brought life back into his dead soul.

"If I do this there is no coming back. but it would happen sooner or later, so why not him?" Sora got up and bag walking back and forth while stretching his head. He didn't want to hurt Hana, but he couldn't hold himself anymore, he just needed to hide this form, Hana,

"yes, I need to hide this from Hana, I can't hurt her if she never knows." Sora seemed to relax slightly at this thought, and with a sigh, he looked towards the mansion in front of him. he was standing on top of the store roof, and in front of him belonged the home of one of the richest people within his school.

but the student within that school was a dick, to try and go out of with Hana he began messing with Sora, which enraged Hana leading to Hana beating him up and the two getting suspended, he had a rare D grade ability called [Dragon Body]

[Lesser Dragon Body (D grade)- strength the body to powerful, allowing one physical defense and body to be like that of a dragon. this ability increases the body's defense and attack capability to be like that of a lesser dragon. you shall have the capability to recover from injuries at high speed, such as regrowing lost body parts within a few months.

Sora has been eyeing that ability ever since he saw this guy get suspended, although if he kills him he would get a lesser version of the ability, it was more than worth it. just think about how his physical body would become stronger, he would be able to heal his undead without making himself skinny by much

Sora held his palm out, and a bird suddenly appeared within his palms. throwing the palm out, the birth flew towards the mansion. Sora's eyes closed his eyes, and become the bird, so the bird went on to land at a window and went on to hit the window.

within the car, a young boy around 10 years old could be seen playing video games, but he paused upon seeing what was outside. in shock, the body stepped to the window and went on to open the window and looked at the bird which was looking at him.

but while looking at the bird, he suddenly felt something was off. outside, he heard the painful cries of the guards who were rushing towards his room. the young boy blinked, and the next moment, a human size goblin appeared before him and stabbed a sword into the young body's neck,

the next moment, the young body slowly twitched as he slowly went on to pull the sword out of his neck, and with a flash, all of them disappeared, just as the door was opened a bunch of guards entered, but their young master had disappeared.

alarms went off, and Sora watched this for some time before he jumped to the ground, and entered the store. the next moment, guards from the mansion ran over a black-haired woman entering the store while looking around, Sora calmly bought a bag of chips along with a few things his mother asked for, before looking at her, and at the same time, she looked at him.

{Name- Linda

Age- 49

Cultivation- level 1 Silver Rank

Combat Power- Level 2 Silver Rank


Abilities Slots-

[1/6: Woman Sixth Sense (D Grade)]

[2/6: Heighten Senses (E Grade)]

[3/6: 3rd Eye {D Grade}]

[4/6: concealment {D Grade}]

[5/6: Hidden [E Gade}]

[6/6: Hawk Eyes {F grade}]



[Shadow Gun technique]

[twin Star Gun Technique]

[Heavy Nuclear Gun Technique]

[Moon Snapping Rifle Technique]

'I might be in trouble.' Sora thought as he calmly opened the bag of chips, and eat them while looking at the woman. she was quite beautiful, looking to be in her teens, judging by her skill sets, she built her skill set around her sharp senses, and her main form of combat is with guns.

'This kid has something to do with the matter.' the woman thought while looking at Sora, her eyes narrowed while looking at Sora. Sora thought for some time before ignoring her, she couldn't take him in for no reason, and that was even more so with his father having a high status within the army.

'I should kill her, her senses are troublesome.' Sora thought as he walked past her and headed home, he was not that far from home, this was the only store that was open which is why he was so close to it, so nothing looked off.

the woman on the other hand followed Sora, and upon seeing the house he entered, she made sure to report this, and soon, information about all of this was given to her. now it was time for them to do a deep search on Sora,

"took your time, just because there is no school tomorrow doesn't mean you can stay outside for as long as you want." Diana who opened the door said as she took the stuff Sora bought, Sora offered to go to the store to buy her the stuff she wanted, which moved her. but to think Sora would stay outside for so long, she was getting worried.

"Sorry mother, I got distracted, a pretty lady who looks like a spy was following me," Sora said softly, Diana was stunned for a moment before looking out, but she saw no one, Sora looked outside and the woman who was following him had disappeared, stunning him slightly.

"get take a bath, and brush your teeth before going to bed," Diana said as she closed the door and went upstairs, Sora was confused for a moment before he went to his room where Hana was playing video games on her and personally caught a handheld console.

"did you bring it?" She asked as she jumped and sat up, Sora nodded slightly as he pulled out a bag of candy from his storage. Hana's eyes brightened, but she froze for a moment before she laid her body and went to bed. sweat covered Sora's forehead as she slowly turned around to find his mother looking at him with a smile,

"oh my, is that candy you were planning on eating before bed?" She asked with a sweet Sora, Sora shook his head slightly. the was only one person Sora feared, and that was his mother, she was not even a cultivator, she when to enrage she can draw upon the power of being a mother to easily put someone like his father in his place.

Holding her palm out, Sora gave her the candy with a slight heart ace, he wanted to eat that candy. it was his favorite, but his mother was too... much at times, how did she even know she had them, sighing softly he went on to sit on the bed. falling back on the bed, Sora closed his eyes as he thought of the moment he took that boy's life.

He was in such a rush he didn't get time to enjoy it, but even though it was quick and he didn't get to do it with his own body, it saw far better than when he did it to a human. letting out a deep breath, disappointment filled Sora's eyes. how would it have felt if he took him and had him slowly die. he was sure it would have been far different, he had to do it again, and he had to take time to enjoy their death.

"sigh, I'm going to take a bath," Sora said softly after calming, Hana who had returned to her video games jumped, jumped up, and also followed him to take a bath, as brother and sisters, and was not weird that they normally took baths together,

"you seem off, did you want that candy so much?" Hana asked softly as Sora washed her back, Sora was quiet for a moment before sighing.

"I'm becoming something I don't like... i'm a bit scared." Sora said softly, stunning Hana for a moment, she looked back toward Sora, and Sora suddenly hugged her.

"but when i'm around you, all my fears go away. you my light in this darkness." Sora said softly, Hana was stunned for a moment before she smiled slightly, and hugged Sora back, When around Hana, Sora was able to control himself, but when far away, all he could do was try and use the thought of her to control himself.

"What are you afraid of?" Hana asked, Sora was scared of a few things. this one time she was scared when she saw a spider in her room, although Sora was creeped out by the spider, he acted quickly and grabbed the spider and threw it away.

even if Sora was creeped out or uneasy about something, he didn't care if he saw it made her sad. the same thing was for Hana, who instantly got into a fight with someone upon seeing they were messing with Sora.

"it doesn't matter... what are you planning on doing for the upcoming exam?" Sora asked softly, changing the subject, which worked as it made Hana sigh softly, she had been stressed off about this matter for the past few days,

going into middle school id when they would enter classes based on their abilities and grades, but before they could even take the exam, they had to write a 2,000-word essay about their dreams and goals, but Hana had no dreams or something like that. she simply wanted to get rich and do what she wants with Sora.

"I'm completely lost, what about you?" Hana asked softly, Sora went quiet for a moment before speaking,

"I want to travel the universes, we can already see what's happening on other planets and know that there is life on other planets. so we are not alone in the universe, I want to be strong to be able to hold my own against the unknown within the universe and protect you." Sora said softly, stunning Hana said, with a smile, Hana deepened her huge,

"well, that's a good place to start for my Essay, how could I the elder sister allow my little brother to outshine me?" She said with a smile, which made Sora sigh softly as Hana was overpowered. they sparred against each other, but the fact Sora can just make his summons lighter was something that left Sora helpless.

without his summons, Sora was even more helpless as he was fighting against gravity, and gravity was boosting Hana's strength.

Hana smiled slightly hearing the helplessness within Sora sigh, Sora's ability had no attack power, but there was a simple way to counter her. have so many undead that it was too heavy for Hana to do anything about it, but Sora couldn't do this as he didn't have all of his undead.

'I wonder if she is the MC the King OF Hell told me about.' Sora thought as she slowly broke the huge, and returned to washing Hana back. When the king of hell was telling him about this world he was going to, he explain that there were little words where other beings didn't send other people to be reincarnated within,

Of course, they would create a copy of the world. The King Of hell couldn't create anything as his power was limited within hell, leading him to send Sora to this world. after being reborn, Sora had been wondering who the MC could be, it couldn't be Hana as she didn't have the mindset of those MCs, then if not her, then who could it be?

The King of hell also gave him that there were an infinite number of worlds, if Sora managed to break out of this world, he could enter a new world, such as those anime worlds he watched back in his past life, or marvel, and so on,

Spra wanted to go to those worlds where he can ask for wishes, since the king of hell couldn't do it, then something out there must be able to bring him back to life. that was Sora's main goal, and he was still seeking what his heart desires.