
The God of Slaughter

DrMaxPaleo · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Songs of Praise

It's been about a week since I informed that boy of the insects. Levin, was it? Whatever his name is, I haven't seen him or the chief since, though plenty of other individuals have come to leave their offerings and pray.

I can't say it's particularly entertaining here, but what I can say is that my interest is piqued. This group of humans. They continue to surprise me... After lounging in my temple for a little longer, a group of three humans entered, I recognized each of them, there is Levin, on the left, in the middle is an old man, his name is Richard if I remember correctly, he's the chief, and on his right is his granddaughter, Selena.

Levin knelt in front of the altar. "Lord of the temple, please allow us to be in your presence." Levin said.

"Rise." I said to Levin once again. "I have already said there is no need for that as I am not the god for which this temple was made." I also once again explained to Levin that I am not the one for which they were hoping.

"As I have already said we knew they wouldn't come." Levin smile as he said that, he seems to really not mind that I took the temple as opposed to a god of the harvest. "O'mighty one, we are thankful for the information that you have given us, if not for that, we would not have been able to take countermeasures." Levin said before I could retort. Of course, I was still thinking of something to say...

"Countermeasures?" I inquired. I suppose there may be something they could have done... I didn't think much on the issue I suppose.

"We were lucky enough for merchants to be in town, we bought some hollender grass and turned it into a pesticide." Levin responded, clearly acknowledging my confusion. Admittedly, as a god, I probably shouldn't show my confusion, but these individuals seem to know that I am still rather new to this gig.

"I see, give me one moment." I said this as I left the temple and went to the crops. I checked their roots and ensured that my fear was unfounded. The insects, for the most part at least, were gone, and any that remained were either dead or dying.

It would seem that this hollender grass is quite deadly for these creatures. Intriguing. I swiftly returned to the temple, where Levin and his group remained. "It seems this hollender grass is working quite well. The few insects that remain at the roots are swiftly attempting to leave, or just dead." I said after I got comfortable on the altar.

I suppose that was unnecessary though since I can float... Nevermind that. "I see, thank you for your insight, O'mighty god of this temple." Levin said. He then stood and relayed the information I gave to him to the other members of his group, they seemed to be relieved after they had heard what I had said.

I suppose they were unable to hear me... I wonder why. As I began pondering, both the woman, around fifteen years of age and the old man began to pray, giving praise and offerings, the most interesting of everything I was given were promises of songs.

Levin knelt once more and asked a question I myself have pondered for a long time. "What is your name, master of the temple?" Levin asked. Do those nicknames keep changing? Ignoring that, I have yet to come up with one, so I suppose I could tell him something to stall for time...

"I will tell you my name once I believe you are ready, for even I may not yet utter it." I stated this confidently. I suppose this sounds mysterious enough for now.

"I see, then I shall continue to pray and give offerings in hopes of becoming worthy." Levin said with a light smile. What a kind and naive boy. Believing everything I say just because I'm a god... Now I just feel guilty...


It has been a few months and the harvest has come and gone. It seems they had quite a good one this year since they had a festival and feast. Even the offerings I got were larger.

I guess I should retract my statement from before. This small village is rather entertaining. I just never saw it. Even the promises I was given were kept. I heard them singing songs of the prayers I "answered". Admittedly, all I did was tell them their crops were being eaten, they could've easily figured it out on their own.

"And the nameless being that sat on a throne of stone gave us all we would ever need." That was one of the lines. Rather exaggerated, but an enjoyable song nonetheless. Though, I suppose I am quite biased since it is about me.

Now, onto the important thing. What am I the god of? I've heard that blessing individuals can help determine your "godly abilities", however, I am unsure of the power requirements for such an act.

Though I have gained a good amount of power from the offerings give by the citizens of this town, I am still quite weak. Any blessing I give will likely be quite similar.

I should test it despite that though. Next time Levin approaches to give an offering, I shall bless him and tell him my name. Which I have chosen and will definitely not come up with on the spot.

It's been a few hours and Levin finally appeared, he has with him a small bucket of milk along with twice his usual offerings. Quite the big spender today, I see. After he set down the bucket, knelt and gave a prayer while giving his offering I spoke.

"Levin." I said. Once again, he immediately responded by looking up at the altar, though he didn't stand. "My name, do you think you have earned it." I asked.

"I do not believe I am the judge of that." He responded quickly. He's not wrong, though I was curious as to what his answer would be.

"It is good to understand such things. My name is Krothar." I said. Levin smile once more. I stood up as I got off the altar and put my hand on Levin's shoulder. He seems to have noticed since he flinched slightly.

I focused my power into my right hand which is on Levin's left should and poured a small amount of energy into Levin. "Though it is not much, I give you my blessing, until further notice, it is just the blessing of Krothar." I stated. Although I said a small amount of power, I meant that comparatively to other gods, I spent about half of my energy doing this.

"I thank you, Krothar, god of this temple." Levin said. His blue eyes lit up with excitement. Or power, I can't tell which, since his hair also turned from brown to a radiant gold color.

His face, previously quite thin, filled out with a healthy amount of fat and his body became a bit more toned and defined, it seemed as if my blessing made him healthier in general. Though, I could tell that's not all it did... I'm not quite sure what else it did, but it was something, so this naturally makes me doubt that I am the god of health and nutrition.


It's been a few days and I've been observing Levin. I've noticed a few things, such as the fact that his body seems to require less nutrition and he seems to be pulling in a type of energy that I previously hadn't even noticed. No, more like didn't exist until after the blessing I had given him. He both radiates it and absorbs it. His home is filled with it and he is constantly filtering through it.

I have to wonder, did my blessing create this? If so, what is it? I've been pondering this for days, but couldn't find an answer. I did notice, however, that some of the plants seem to respond to the energy and their genetic structure is being slowly morphed, not in a bad way, they are just slowly becoming more dependant on this strange energy, which in turn makes them more nutritious.

It's strange, the energy appears to feed these organisms to a certain extent... Perhaps I should test this on an orchard, though I haven't the slightest clue as to where I would find one, or how to get Levin near any.

Though the feeding effect only works on a few of these crops, not all of them, it's like they're selective, I'm wondering if they have a specific gene that allows them to do so. I guess right now I should look for a way to improve the yields of this land to increase the offerings I receive. Also, that milk was great if anyone was asking.

After a few minutes of pondering, a realization hit me. If I can bless Levin and such wondrous things happen, what would happen if I bless the land? Of course, the amount of power I would need is quite large, but it should increase the nutritional output of the soil and allow for higher quality crops, theoretically at least.

Well, I suppose I could bless the land now, though the effect will likely be much weaker than if I were to wait. But it would also lessen the amount of time I would need to wait before I can bless more land... I pondered further before deciding to bless a portion of the field's soil. The part closest to the homes of the villagers.

I placed my hand on the dirt and slowly funneled my energy into the land, allowing it to encompass a square area. The area I blessed is only twelve feet by fifteen feet, but it should encompass a decent amount of crops. I also used half my energy again.

I immediately noticed the crops in that portion of the field seemed to be radiating similar energy to the one coming from Levin, though about half as strong and over a larger area.

The crops in that land seemed to begin absorbing the energy, becoming a healthier version of itself.


It's been about a month, and there's suddenly a huge commotion outside. I've been in here to see if anyone comes to pray or anything of that sort, but now I am getting bored. I thought for a moment, then quickly decided that I would leave to see what the commotion was about.

After a few seconds of wandering around, I finally found where the commotion was coming from. The village has gathered around a group of crops that have matured early. They look to be in the area which I blessed, and are incredibly healthy. If they grow this fast, then the village shouldn't have to worry about food or trade. Also, I should begin to get more offerings.

After a few minutes, Levin came to see what was going on, and after gazing at the field for a moment, he came to a conclusion. "It would appear that Krothar has blessed this part of the field. The crops are healthy and bountiful, they are ready for an early harvest and we will be able to plant more, remember to send your thanks and gratitude to the god of our temple." He explained to the crowd. He's not wrong and came to that conclusion rather quickly. He is much smarter than I initially thought.

After satisfying my curiosity, I quickly went back to the temple and began lounging once more. I suppose there really isn't much to do as a god with so little power. Though, my small amounts of power have given stronger benefits than the blessings of harvest gods hundreds of times more powerful than me.

And that confuses me. Shouldn't more power equal better bonuses? Perhaps that human phrase 'quality over quantity' applies here. Whatever it is that I am doing to make everything so great, it's working, and I guess that's all that matters. I'm sure the answer will eventually reveal itself.

Whew, been a while since I wrote for this book... Sorry about that, I was on my main account *And still not writing often* and focusing on the books over there! If you are interested in those, there is Ancient Cultivation and Elizabeth's Misfortune which I am currently working on.

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