
The God of Jesters

Come here folks, let me tell you a wondrous story about a bizarre world. A world with two moons and three suns. A world where death is never the end and birth is just the beginning of misery. A world filled with stories of love, war, and betrayal. A world where the gods are bored of the mundane as much as you. And then there is I, the maestro of this bizarre world that exists solely to entertain you. So follow me and enjoy the misery as much as I do. ***** A mentally ill man who only finds the meaning of life in twisted entertainment stumbles upon the supernatural world. A world full of chaos, and entities that can cause one to go mad. But what if you are mad to begin with. Let’s watch our Jester as he crafts entire plays to entertain an audience that only exists in his head. #delusional-protag #evil-protag #mischivious-protag #tragedy #multiple-povs #curses #horror #lovecraftian #hidden-world #narrator #magic #infinity-novel

GoGo · Horror
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514 Chs

3.10.4 Cellar time.

Death was on every step of the path I had chosen to walk. And it turned out to hold some truth, as according to Captain, my head was crushed not too long ago. 

"It's recovering," I said, looking at my bulbous face, which started to look human as time went by. With the only exception being the lack of hair. "Can't say the same for my hair though." I made a comment before putting on the mask as well as the cap on my head.

It was time to head out as the Captain had asked me to, too much time had been wasted due to the attack of those assassins, which included my head as well. 

As for the hair, it hadn't grown since I became like this. A sentient ghoul who was capable of thought. The previous jungle on my head was something that got carried over from my old life. As the current me was incapable of growth of that nature.

At least on the head. Because my nails still grow as normal, even a bit faster than before.