
The God of Creation and Destruction

Out of thin air a child was born. After some time alone on the wilderness he got captured and work for a slave for years until he got a chance to escape. Follow Aiden adventures and uncover the mystery of his birth.

mrgianouska · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Slave camp Raid 1/2

At the foothill of mountain is located a slave camp that is owned by the Holy nation.

Inside a certain cage in a run-down building can be seen a young 190cm male figure wearing old rags and sitting cross-legged.


Suddenly the door opens and two male figures arm to the feet enter the building, they open the cages and said.

" Follow us for your daily routine" the guards leads the slaves outside and asides from that young man the others were middle aged men, and you could tell they had longer this status of life from the lifeless look on their eyes, the whips marks on their whole body and their malnourished close to skeleton bodies.

When they got out of the building they got hit by the feeling of sun rays on their skin and the loud shouting of the guards, and the slaves cry's of help and mercy. When they got into the dig site the guards gave them pickaxes, and they told them to get to work.

After some hours of work it was time for feeding and also some little time for resting. Everything was as it should be but,

" Hello fellow slave my name is Karn what yours!" said a middle aged man to the young man and by some reason it was the only young man in that certain camp.

" I'm Aiden... you're odd!" said the young man and thought that from all these people here that he's being too happy for he's situation.

" Hmmm, well you can't be mad and getting depressed for what happen, what you should do is finding a way to undo it!" said the man and the whispers " Also why I should I be unhappy for my situation when tonight this whole camp will be burn to ashes!"

"hehe are you perhaps planning to take the camp by yourself one man army!" chuckle Aiden. The man smiling and whispers " Not exactly alone but tonight a raid will take place on this place!".

In the begging Aiden thought this man was delusional but now was a little interesting and wanted to see if the man was serious about the raid. Although this camp belonged to the Holy nation it was the farther away from the Citadel so perhaps if a group organization was hostile to the Holy nation they could perhaps aim for this camp so they can damage their supplies.

" Well if what you said is true and to be honest I hope it is I can help you with your shackles I have been here along time ago and I have learn some skills!" whisper Aiden. The man was brimming with joy "Well that's perfect, when you hear a loud commotion at night come to the gate you can join us there!" whisper the man and got up to continue work. The guards came back and everybody started doing their job or else they would get beat up or worse used as animal food for bonedogs, of course the weren't from bones it was just a name which they got from the wild cause when they would found survivors they wouldn't leave a bone.

Night came and Aiden went back to the building he got locked inside the cage by the guards and when they left Aiden murmur " Status!"

[ Name: Aiden

Level : 4

Exp : 100/250

True Form: ???

Body Type : Human


Strength : 15

Toughness : 13

Health : 11

Mana : 12

Magic : 14

Intelligence : 9

Agility : 13

[ Skills : Creations eyes, Destruction eyes

[ Level up to 5 to unlock shop and system helper]

Hmm Aiden thought that maybe tomorrow I might get to level 5 with the whole raid and maybe I can learn something more with the system helper. Also I really need to learn what is mana and magic and how exactly health works. I hope I get a lot exp from humans Aiden thought.

"Sign...we will see!" murmur and lay down to get a rest for the upcoming battle. He start thinking how he came to this situation, how he woke up in the middle of the forest in the body of a child close to 8 years old he didn't know everything no memory's from before no knowledge, after some days he begged for help. Suddenly a flash could be seen coming out from he's right eye and he heard a voice.

[ System creations ]

[ Progress 26% ]

[ Progress 69% ]

[ Progress 86% ]

[ Creations Complete, Host low on energy ]

And he black out. Next thing he knew he wake up in a group of Slave traders he were being taken to sold for slave work.

In the start he got beaten up a lot cause he didn't like how they treat people to do their work while being used as objects but with time he accept it, also even if he didn't he couldn't so nothing.

" I am weak and even if I had double my strength I would still be weak cause they more and have armour!" Aiden murmur.

After some hours.


"It started!" he got up open the cage which he had lockpicked earlier went to the door but before he open it he look back to the slaves that were looking up to him with confused eyes they were broke, perhaps not even by the time they were here but maybe before who knows how they got captured and who they lost in the process.

" Well what can you do!" said and open the door but before leaving he turn around and with a smile said " By the way I open your locks along time ago have fun on your new fun!" said and left the building.

When he got outside he saw a slaves making a run for the gate some unknown soldiers fighting against the guards, the guards chop down every slave they could get and in the gate a small battlefield took place with more than 200 people in it the unknown soldiers were wearing lighter armour but they were more skilled with their weapons they were more on numbers.

While observing the battlefield a guard saw Aiden and attack him with a upward swing, Aiden dodge sidestep and threw a punch with all he's strength to the head the guard took some step back and hearing a small buzzing in he's ears, Aiden found a opportunity he took he sword push he down and hack he to death, the weapon he took from the guard it was a combat cleaver but a bigger two-handed version.

The man face was disfigured the cleaver was dripping blood Aiden turn around but,

[ +50 Exp ]

"That's awesome !" I could probably gain some levels from this battle Aiden thought and went towards the gate.

This is my first time writing I have zero experience on this so tips and suggestions would be really helpful

mrgianouskacreators' thoughts