
The God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

In Harry Potter, he defeated Voldemort, supported the Minister of Magic, and became the leader of a new generation of white wizards. In A Song of Ice and Fire, he founded the Church of the Dragon God and unified Westeros in the name of the god. In Xingyue, he ended the Age of Gods as the Emperor of Qin and took charge of Alaya. In World of Warcraft, he is the God of War of the Alliance, the nemesis of the orcs, and the guide for the new leader of the Drai. This is a time traveler coming to another world... Just remember that this is a translated novel. Original title 万界法神从哈利波特开始

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61 Chs

Chapter 59 Victory and pectoral muscles  

In this Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin match, Jack seemed very hardworking.


In order to deal with the highly skilled Jack, Flint chose to use the tactics of fouling and hitting people. Every Slytherin player waited for an opportunity to knock Jack off his broomstick.


But he did not show weakness at all, but confronted the Slytherin players time and time again.


Whenever an opponent maliciously bumped into him, Jack would never dodge. He did not use his flying skills at all, as if he was venting, choosing to physically confront his opponent every time.


Chang Cho in the arena and Hermione in the stands could see that Jack was deliberately taking revenge. For a long time, the pure-bloods of

Slytherin had not dealt with the Muggle-born geniuses Jack and Hermione, and the likes of Malfoy were even more openly embarrassing them.


For a long time, Jack has always dealt with them in a joking manner, but Malfoy's actions before the game completely ignited his dissatisfaction, so Jack let go of his hands and feet in this game, intending to give the little snakes a lesson.


Therefore, the result of each confrontation was that either the Slytherin players were cowardly and turned ahead of time to make way for Jack; or the two collided, and then Jack used his strong physical fitness and flying skills to stabilize the broom, His opponent was either knocked flying or lost control of his broom.


Even Flint Marcus, who was tall and thought to be of troll blood, couldn't do anything about him. Whenever he wanted to hit Jack from the side, Jack would immediately counterattack him firmly.


Every time he collided with Jack, Flint felt as if he had bumped into a flying fire dragon. When the other side shook the other side, he was knocked out all the way.


After three consecutive attempts, he was so sore he could barely hold his broom.


Ultimately, the Slytherins paid the price for their tactics - two players were knocked off their broomsticks and the others were dazed.


Such a Slytherin was no match for Ravenclaw, who had a tacit understanding of cooperation and sharp tactics. Ravenclaw was 240 to zero with a score of zero - they didn't even get a point.


And Ravenclaw Seeker Chang Cho also caught the Golden Snitch for the first time on the field.


This is of course because her skills have greatly improved under Jack's training, but another reason is that Slytherin's Seeker Higgins was hit by Ye

Ting and couldn't hold his broom and could not compete with her, otherwise she would It takes twice as long to find and catch the Golden Snitch.


However, the most unfortunate thing is that in every foul incident, the Slytherin players took the initiative to shoot, and Jack just passively fought back, so the Slytherins were completely speechless and could only suffer from this dumb loss - if it wasn't for Huo Huo Mrs. Qi considered that Slytherin was the disadvantaged side in the collision, so there was no additional free throw, and Ravenclaw's score could add another hundred points.


After the game, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff all cheered.


They've always hated Slytherin's unscrupulous game tactics, but they've always had no choice. Now Jack can face them and punish them, which makes him a hero in the eyes of the little wizards of the three academies.


As for the little snakes in Slytherin, their reaction was very funny - first, the academy was divided into two factions, the boys sighed and cursed Jack, while the girls started to support Jack - Slater The Lin people have a side of worshipping power; then, the little snakes lost and lost in the debate with other academies, because all the fouls were initiated by them, and they were the unlucky ones, neither taking advantage nor taking advantage of it. It is simply that he lost his wife and lost his army.


Their dean, Professor Snape's face was terrifyingly black. Everyone saw that he left the audience angrily in the middle of the game.


After the game, the most frequent discussion among the little wizards was Jack's exaggerated performance of knocking all the Slytherin players down when facing Slytherin's foul tactics.


"I can't believe it, even that Flint was knocked out by him. At that time I thought it was Hagrid on the broom." Ron babbled to Harry on the way back to the lounge from the arena. "That guy is two laps older than him! How did you feel the last time you got hit by Flint?"

"Flint was really strong like a troll," Harry frowned, and it wasn't a pleasant memory. "I felt like a weak bunny? Or a squirrel? Anything."

"So, how did he do it?" Ron asked curiously: "What mysterious magic did he cast on himself? Or did he drink a potion made from the blood of a troll? You know, he was subdued on Halloween. A troll, at that time he definitely had a chance to take something from the troll."


In fact, other people also had this question about Jack, while Penelope excitedly blocked him at the door of the Ravenclaw lounge after the game and asked him this question.


"100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, 10-kilometer long-distance running, just keep doing it every day." This was Jack's answer.


"Aren't you kidding me?" Penelope folded her arms - which made her graceful curves stand out even more - and cast a suspicious look at him: "Just like this, can you be better than Flint? But you don't look half as heavy as him."


"In fact, Flint's weight is 170 pounds, and my current weight is 100 pounds, which is more than half of his weight." Jack retorted casually: "And it's not just about being strong or not. People are different when it comes to weight, and so are muscles and muscles."


Jack's answer surprised Penelope: "What... what? How did you know his weight?"


"Of course it was calculated. Combining his flight speed at the time, my own flight speed, my weight, and the force I felt when impacted, we can find his weight. This is Muggle knowledge, very simple physical calculation. "Jack explained lightly, looking relaxed.


"Of course I have Muggle knowledge. My father is a Muggle. I went to primary school in the Muggle world, so don't think I don't know what physics is." Called: "I've never seen a Muggle get an answer like you did without any measuring equipment."

It took a long while for her to realize that she was being led off topic by the other party, so she resisted and asked, "I want to know, why did you hit a 170-pound Flint Marcus with a 90-pound weight? Don't put his weight on me, Flint is famously strong at Hogwarts, almost all the senior Quidditch players have suffered from him, only you taught him a lesson. Everyone says you cast a mysterious spell on yourself or drink some strange potion."


"No, I didn't do anything." Jack shook his head helplessly and emphasized, "I've already said that people are different, and so are muscles."


Saying that, he patted his chest.


Seeing that the other party never revealed the real reason, Penelope was also a little angry: "Okay, let me see what's different about your muscles."


Saying that, she stretched out her hand and pinched Jack's chest muscles.


It was a very special feeling, soft but very resilient, exuding vigorous strength and exuberant vitality.


Of course, there is also a strong masculinity. Penelope was stunned on the spot, as was Jack.

He had no idea that the always intellectual and elegant senior would actually make such a move.


In fact, when she reached out her hand, Penelope regretted it. She felt very self-blame for her imprudence, but out of curiosity about Jack, she still finished the action.


The atmosphere immediately became strange.


In the end, it was Penelope who broke the embarrassment first.


"That...your chest muscles are pretty strong...hehe what am I talking about." Of course, Jack didn't hear the latter sentence in a very low voice.

However, Jack also replied subconsciously.


"Senior sister's chest muscles are also quite developed."






The atmosphere was even more awkward.