
The God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

In Harry Potter, he defeated Voldemort, supported the Minister of Magic, and became the leader of a new generation of white wizards. In A Song of Ice and Fire, he founded the Church of the Dragon God and unified Westeros in the name of the god. In Xingyue, he ended the Age of Gods as the Emperor of Qin and took charge of Alaya. In World of Warcraft, he is the God of War of the Alliance, the nemesis of the orcs, and the guide for the new leader of the Drai. This is a time traveler coming to another world... Just remember that this is a translated novel. Original title 万界法神从哈利波特开始

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Chapter 57 Gringotts, Purchasing and Back to School  

On the last day of the Christmas holiday, Jack came to Gringotts alone in Diagon Alley early in the morning. He wanted to exchange a large sum of US dollars for gold Galleons.


In Gringotts, the exchange ratio of gold Galleons and British pounds is 1:5, and Jack took out half a million dollars to exchange for Galleons, which means that he can exchange for almost 80,000 gold Galleons.


Faced with such a large transaction, the young goblin in front of the counter was obviously not in control. He hurriedly called out a very old goblin. His face was wrinkled like an orange peel that had been put on for a long time, and his voice was sharp and astringent.


"I haven't seen such a big deal since I worked at Gringotts when I was young." Facing the check for half a million dollars, the old goblin burst out with an age-defying vitality, with money in his eyes. Ray: "Are you sure you want to replace all of them with Jin Galleon?"


"Of course." Jack handed over the check impatiently.

When he took the check, the old goblin's hand trembled uncontrollably, and at that moment, he even had the idea of apparating and leaving immediately after getting the check.


Of course, he couldn't really do that, because before he could get rid of the tracking and exchange the check, Jack could void the check with just one phone call.


Sometimes, Jack wonders about the financial system in the wizarding world.


Although half a million dollars is a lot of money in the Muggle world, it is only a drop in the bucket for the real rich, but for wizards, these half a million dollars—that is, 80,000 Galleons is equivalent to a lot of money. of a fortune.


The most that Harry Potter's parents left to Harry is tens of thousands of gold Galleons, but this also includes the property owned by James Potter as the heir to the pure blood family in the wizarding world, and the Potter family is in The pure blood family is quite rich.


That is to say, even the biggest richest man in the wizarding world is at the level of ordinary rich people in the Muggle world, and the population of the wizarding world is much lower than that of the Muggle world, so for so many years, why has the economy of the wizarding world been Did it crash?


As long as any child of a rich Muggle becomes a wizard, and then converts one or two hundred million pounds into gold Galleons, and then spends all of it, there will be serious inflation in the entire wizarding world - he even suspects that Gringotts can't even get it out. So many golden Galleons.


Of course, £1.2 billion in 1991 was worth a lot more than £1.2 billion 20 or 30 years later.


However, as Muggle productivity continues to increase, Muggle wealth continues to grow at a rate far outpacing the wizarding world, even as Muggle currencies continue to depreciate.

In another ten or two years, the Muggle world will be able to exchange one or two hundred million Galleons in one go, and there will be far more rich people than now, and the possibility of a financial crisis in the wizarding world at that time is also much greater.


Today, the finance of the wizarding world is normal, and the biggest reason is just concealment and closedness - this is just like China, which had a relatively closed financial system at that time, because the funds of China can freely enter and leave foreign markets, but foreign funds cannot freely enter China. China, so the international financial crisis has little impact on China.


After cherishing the check, the old goblin began to greet Jack.


Selling Gringotts' treasury: "Dear sir, you have a lot of wealth, but you can't really carry all 80,000 gold Galleons with you. I sincerely recommend Gringotts' treasury to you. , Gringotts can provide you with the safest and highest quality savings service, no one can take a nut out of the vault except yourself, and our interest is higher than Muggle banks. Cheapest The treasury is only five hundred Galleons, and if you are willing to pay ten thousand Galleons, your treasury will be protected by our highest standards - including a Sphinx or Fire Dragon as a burglar..."


The old goblin chattered a lot, and it was hard to imagine that he was still old and about to die just now.


Jack really couldn't stand his constant promotion. He doubted that if he didn't shut up this guy again, the old man might even say something about financial services, fund fixed investment, etc. In addition, he did have savings needs. , So he immediately agreed to spend 10,000 Galleons to buy the most expensive vault, and now his money is lying in the deepest part of Gringotts with the oldest families in the wizarding world.


When leaving Gringotts, Jack got a dragon skin pocket containing five thousand gold Galleons, a key to the vault, a personal seal, a Gringotts checkbook and a badge.


Chequebooks and stamps are used for large purchases, while the badge is a symbol of Gringotts' status as a valued customer.

After arriving at Diagon Alley, Jack was finally able to make a large purchase as he wished - he had been waiting for this day after the purchase before school - he bought a piece of platinum and fairy silverware (similar to a ring) Mithril of the King, the material for the Gryffindor sword) collapsible and self-stirring cauldrons, a platinum balance and telescope, sets of crystal test tubes, a set of marble wizard chess sets, large quantities of various precious magic materials, and Lots of expensive cat food.


Even with the Shrinking Charm, his backpack was still full. Of course, he didn't buy any more books.

As a result, Hogwarts must have a lot more books than the "Beautiful Bookstore".


Second, Jack felt that most of the books he could buy would have the opportunity to be given to him by his fan group as a gift - as far as he knew, his fan group had a public book list, which all members of the fan group would give to him. His books will be included in the book list to avoid repeated gifts.


Thirdly, most of the books written by wizards seem fancy and random and lack system and logic. Jack is currently doing a job after studying, that is, through the thesis method of Muggle academics, systematically make a wizard's knowledge into a Summarize. The final result is probably a big book like the Oxford Encyclopedia or the Magic Academic Edition "Yongle Encyclopedia" and "Siku Quanshu". With such works, he didn't need to collect so many wizards' academic books.


Finally, he went to Mrs. Mokin and ordered seven or eight sets of clothing according to the styles of Chaldean uniforms, Atlas uniforms, polar Chaldean uniforms, etc. in FGO, and then ended the purchase.


Sure enough, shopping for consumption is not the privilege of girls. In fact, as long as they have the opportunity, boys will also enjoy the process.


Immediately afterwards, he rushed to King's Cross Station non-stop and stepped on the train to Hogwarts.

Of course, on the train, he had to coax the three girls who were angry because of the missed communication. Fortunately, the "local specialties" he sent were more powerful-he gave Hermione an amber necklace wrapped in a beetle. Chang Cho was given a pair of enamel earrings, and Sister Penelope was given a gorgeous Faberge egg.


Girls are indeed like giant dragons, creatures who have a natural affection for sparkling things, such a gift easily won their affection - the three girls' family background is not bad, otherwise they would not dare to accept such a gift - Coupled with Jack's tactful shift of the topic to the Russian landscape and the experience of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, which successfully aroused their interest, this was the only way to get past this issue.


After a pleasant train journey, they returned to Hogwarts.