
The God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

In Harry Potter, he defeated Voldemort, supported the Minister of Magic, and became the leader of a new generation of white wizards. In A Song of Ice and Fire, he founded the Church of the Dragon God and unified Westeros in the name of the god. In Xingyue, he ended the Age of Gods as the Emperor of Qin and took charge of Alaya. In World of Warcraft, he is the God of War of the Alliance, the nemesis of the orcs, and the guide for the new leader of the Drai. This is a time traveler coming to another world... Just remember that this is a translated novel. Original title 万界法神从哈利波特开始

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Chapter 51 Defensive Counterattack and Victory  

Facing Jack's quick defense, Hufflepuff's result can be imagined.


Hufflepuff's Chaser tried to break through the defense quickly, but it didn't work.


In the face of Jack who had already attacked him at high speed, he had to force his shot across the distance in a panic, trying to force a score through long shots.

But not everyone has the same long-range shooting ability as Jack.


The Hufflepuff Chaser obviously lacked arm strength, and the speed of the Quaffle was not enough, and it was easily confiscated by the goalkeeper before entering the goal.


Seeing this, Jack immediately gestured to the goalkeeper, then turned around and accelerated towards Hufflepuff's goal.


The goalie was signaled to throw the Quaffle with all his might into Hufflepuff's half.


Because Hufflepuff's Chasers were far from their own half, they had been entangled in front of Ravenclaw's scoring area, and as a result, they could not return in time for such a quick counterattack.


Jack, on the other hand, accurately volleyed the Quaffle on its way to catch it, and then flew straight towards Hufflepuff's goal, forming a single- handed approach.


Hufflepuff's goalkeeper tried his best to defend, but because the gap with his opponent was too big, Jack easily scored another ten.


"Eighty to zero—" Lee Jordan shouted. There was an uproar in the audience.

Even the three-man marking failed to stop Jack's attack. Who else can stop him?

After scoring the goal, Jack adjusted the team's tactics.


Although he can deal with three-man marking, this tactic really disgusts him.

Therefore, in the next game, the Ravenclaw team seemed to have changed people, and the tactical style changed greatly.


In the face of Hufflepuff's attack, Ravenclaw's chasers mainly blocked and slowed down the opponent's speed, and only started to fight for the opponent in their own half.


In addition, the Ravenclaw Chasers always kept a Chaser behind the Hufflepuffs while fighting.


It is worth mentioning that this time Jack did not act alone, hoping to use his personal ability to find flaws in the opponent's passing and steal, but stayed with his teammates to maintain the formation and prevent him from being hit by Hufflepuff again. Split surround.


On Hufflepuff's side, Diggory tried to instruct his teammates to surround Jack several times, but each time it ended because of the interception by other Ravenclaw players.


Faced with such a tactic, Hufflepuff's offense was completely contained, the players couldn't get up to speed, the scene was chaotic, and the Quaffle changed hands several times.


Finally, the Quaffle was caught in Jack's hand, and without thinking, he threw the Quaffle into Hufflepuff's half court.


At this time, Roger, who was closest to Hufflepuff's half, also reacted. He turned 180 degrees according to the tactics and flew towards Hufflepuff's goal.


Because Jack controlled the force just right, the Quaffle flew right in front of him, he caught the ball accurately, and faced the Hufflepuff goalkeeper with a single shot.


On the other hand, Ravenclaw's batsmen also came out to entangle the Hufflepuff batsmen so that they could not interfere with the duel between Roger and the goalkeeper.

At this point, Hufflepuff's Chasers are back on the defensive, so Roger has only one chance to attack.


Three goals, two out of three goals. Roger pitched the ball calmly.

The score, ninety to zero.


Roger successfully won the ball.


This is one of Jack's tactics, defensive counterattack. The battle that followed was one-sided.

In the face of Ravenclaw's counter-attack tactics, Hufflepuff seemed timid and did not dare to attack with all his strength, so Ravenclaw formed a three- on-two situation on the offensive end.


In this case, Ravenclaw again put on the traditional Quidditch tactics - the eagle head attack formation - the three Chasers formed a tight triangle formation to attack the opponent's formation, successfully knocking Hufflepuff's The two Chasers separated, preventing them from passing the ball to each other, and then surrounded the ball carrier for a smooth steal.






In the face of Ravenclaw's endless tactics, Hufflepuff was completely overwhelmed.


Soon, the score broke through to one hundred and seventy to zero.


In desperation, they had to play Hufflepuff's best tactic - delaying Dafa - delaying the game until the Ravenclaw players were exhausted, and then fighting back with physical advantage.


In the past games, they can beat Ravenclaw, relying on this trick.

However, this was also what Jack expected.


After opening the 150-plus point difference, Ravenclaw began to reduce flying and increase passing - the three Chasers kept passing and pulling each other in the midfield, but instead let the Hufflepuff players They were exhausted, and the Ravenclaw players managed to save energy.


In the end, even if Diggory was superior and caught the Golden Snitch ahead of Chang Cho, he still couldn't save Hufflepuff's defeat.


In the end, Ravenclaw defeated Hufflepuff by a huge score of 270-160.


It was Ravenclaw's long-awaited victory, and the entire team was immersed in a sea of joy.


As the biggest hero, Jack was literally carried by the players and walked around the Quidditch pitch. You must know that most of Ravenclaw's players are girls. There is also physical strength to do such a thing, and their excitement is evident.


After this battle, the entire Hogwarts saw Jack's powerful personal ability and tactical command ability. Top priority.


And Jack's female fans fanatically regard him as a Quidditch superstar, believing that he will dominate the Quidditch World Cup in the future.