
The God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

In Harry Potter, he defeated Voldemort, supported the Minister of Magic, and became the leader of a new generation of white wizards. In A Song of Ice and Fire, he founded the Church of the Dragon God and unified Westeros in the name of the god. In Xingyue, he ended the Age of Gods as the Emperor of Qin and took charge of Alaya. In World of Warcraft, he is the God of War of the Alliance, the nemesis of the orcs, and the guide for the new leader of the Drai. This is a time traveler coming to another world... Just remember that this is a translated novel. Original title 万界法神从哈利波特开始

Trag115 · Bücher und Literatur
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61 Chs

Chapter 27 Hospitalization and Penelope  

Jack and Hermione fell into the woods together, Madam Hooch and the little wizards surrounded them one after another, and the scene was chaotic.


Hermione was helped up first, her long curly hair was in a mess, her body was covered in wood scum, her face was pale, but she was not injured - Jack, who was taller than her, held her in his arms , well protected her.


Her roommates Lisa Dupin and Padma Patil rushed forward and hugged her, comforting her softly.


However, compared to Hermione, Jack was much worse.


In order to protect Hermione, he took most of the damage, whether hitting the canopy or falling to the ground.


Today's Jack can no longer be simply described as embarrassed.


Blood flowed through his messy black hair to his face. All his bare skin was covered with wounds and scratches. His hands were completely useless. As for the skin under his clothes, it was already a patch bruised.


In fact, Jack still hasn't broken bones and hemorrhages, which is completely an accident.


In order to thank him for his design draft, Mrs. Malkin made him a cloak and school uniform with the best materials, which were of high quality and enchanted. In the accident, this cloak and school uniform protected him very well, plus his superhuman physique, which prevented him from twisting his neck.


Seeing Jack's tragic state, before Terry Butt and other roommates could make a move, the girls around were already nervous. Regardless of whether

they were familiar with Jack or not, they all looked distraught, and weepingly helped Jack up, supported him and walked to the infirmary.


"I'm so envious." Michael Corner looked at the distant crowd and was really suspicious of life.


Why don't there be so many heterosexual relationships with him?


Anthony Goldstein nodded in agreement: "It turns out that being handsome can really do whatever you want..."


Hermione next to her finally woke up. She struggled to run in Jack's direction, and finally squeezed into Jack's side.


Seeing his tragic state, Hermione cried out with a "wow—".


"It's all your fault! He made him like this!" A Hufflepuff girl next to him accused.


"It's the culprit!" another Ravenclaw girl echoed.


Hermione became the target of public criticism in an instant. The girls turned their sadness for Jack's injury into anger towards Hermione, and they took turns accusing her.


Of course there is an element of anger in this,


But more, because Hermione was saved by their male god, and they felt jealous about it.


But the strong Hermione didn't fight back this time. She staggered along with the team that escorted Jack, with a very guilty attitude.


And what about the boys? They had to stay put, you look at me and I look at you.


The deep envy in everyone's heart is simply gushing out. Jack's first flying lesson ended just like that.



After class, a major news soon swept through Hogwarts.


Ravenclaw's new male god, Jack, the "heavy-hearted", actually fell and was injured in flying class!


The news caused an uproar at Hogwarts.


The last person to be injured in a flying lesson was Neville Longbottom of Gryffindor, and although it happened a day earlier, it didn't cause the sensation it is today.


The door of the infirmary was quickly filled with girls who came to visit Jack.


Madam Pomfrey took the trouble to drive them away, but the girls were inexhaustible, and there was always a steady stream of girls coming over to meet him.


The boys were caught in the whirlpool of envy and self-denial. This injury incident made the true charm of the "heartbeat" show - no one expected Jack to be so popular among girls, and because he sacrificed himself The act of saving people, his popularity is still further rising.


The other boys were unattractive in comparison, and it hurt their hearts.


From this point of view, Jack would definitely become the public enemy of the boys immediately after he was discharged from the hospital.




When Jack woke up, it was already the next morning.

He looked up, and the first thing he saw was Hermione lying on the head of the bed.


The little girl hadn't woken up yet, her red and swollen eye sockets were full of tears, and at first glance she knew that she had cried for a long time last night, and her breathing was a little heavier than usual.


Next to her is the huddled Himari, while Orianna is in a dancing pose, standing motionless on the bedside table, disguised as a real toy.


Hearing the movement of him getting up, an elegant girl appeared in front of him soon.


She is Ravenclaw's Prefect Penelope.


She came to the bed with a basket in her hand, and calmly took out a jug of milk, a sandwich, a French fries, a stack of fried eggs, and a stack of fried fish from the basket.


"It's all the ones you used to eat for breakfast before. I have an impression, so I chose these for you. You can see if it suits your appetite." Facing Jack's surprised eyes, she responded, "You've been in a coma all night. I didn't eat anything, I'm afraid you'll be hungry. Besides, the fish is for your kitten."


Not only did she remember his eating habits, but she also remembered helping him feed the cat.


Even in the last life, Jack had never met a girl who cared about him and knew him so well.


At that moment, Jack was really moved by her gentle smile.


Completely different from the usual intellectual, generous and glamorous image, at this time Penelope brought him the feeling of a sister.

"I must be crazy to treat a little girl as a sister."