
The God Era

The era of the gods has returned to bring nothing but destruction to mankind. Only the descendant of the god slayer that stopped the god era in the past can stand a chance of ending it now.

Hinoki_03 · Fantasie
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5 Chs

The New Generation

The tournament was announced to begin in a few weeks in universe 3 so everyone that was interested in participating went to universe 3 to get their powers tested. The tests lasted 2 weeks, and out of the 500 people that signed up there were only 20 people who were qualified to enter the tournament as capable fighters. The ones hosting the tournament announced that the tournament will begin tomorrow and that all of humanity will be watching.

All the participants were then put in one room to see what they will be up against, one of the participants standing in the corner of the room with 2 blue glowing swords says "I don't understand why they would put us all in this room, we'd obviously try to kill each other in here", then an odd participant who always has a smile on his face replies by saying "The 5 shadows are the ones hosing this tournament so I wouldn't do anything stupid if I were you... my name is Athol just incase you didn't know", the guy with the two swords released a little bit of killing intent and his eyes started glowing just like his swords, he then replied "I didn't ask for your name but I'll give you mine because you'll die by my hands, it is Fugard and what in the world are the 5 shadows?". Athol sighed and said "I thought you were just an idiot with a death wish but it seems that you are also ignorant or uneducated... the 5 shadows are the current protectors of our realm their not capable of doing the things that the God slayer was able to do but they are still powerful. One of them was able to turn a person into a fictional character, he took a blade out of fiction and was able to do the impossible with it, he cut through the concepts of time and death with the blade, he then turned his opponents powers and the laws that govern reality into fiction which made them vanish".

"how are you aware of this and which one of the 5 shadows was it?" - Fugard

"I was there when it happened and it was Anthony" - Athol

One of the hosts walks into the room to inform the fighters about the first match but as soon as he stepped foot inside the room one of the participants named Jason used an axe to try to chop the host's arm off but instead of the host's arm getting chopped off Jason was the one that just lost his arm, he screamed "aaahhhh!... my arm, how is this even possible I was too fast for you to even notice?" everyone panicked in the room except for five people which included Athol and Fugard. The host with no slightest change of emotion and facial expression says "My name is Anthony... I came here to inform you about the first match of the tournament, Fugard will be fighting Josh in the first round and the fights in this tournament are to the death so show no mercy. Any questions?" Fugard gets exited and asks "When I win this tournament will I be the next hero and what happened to Jason just now?". Anthony then replies by saying "You not only have to win the tournament but also have to be chosen by the sword left behind by Mr.Zero, if winning tournaments was all that's needed to become the next great hero then our realm would have five great heroes instead of the five shadows and I was born with an ability that reverses effects that threaten my life, Jason tried to slice off my arm so he lost his arm instead".

Anthony was born with a power that reverses effects that threaten his life and effects that can put him at a disadvantage so if someone tries to kill him the effect which would be death will be reversed so the culprit will die. If someone was to drug him in order to win a race or a game the effect of the drugs would be reversed because it would put him at a disadvantage. Anthony's power activated the moment he was born, he has no control over this power and the power cannot be deactivated, it is always at work.

Anthony leaves the room taking Fugard and Josh with him to the arena where they got greeted by thousands of people in the arena and millions of people around the realm. The commentator shouted "ARE YOU READY?!!" and the audience responded by shouting "YEAHH!!!", the commentator then started with the introductions saying "on the left side of the arena we have a beast, monster, merciless killer that ended countless galaxies... his name is FUGARD!!" the crowd started cheering "YEAHHH!" and the commentator continued with the introductions "on the right side of the arena we have a mysterious fighter that seems to always be calm, his accomplishments are unknown but he still qualified for the tournament, his name is Josh!!!". The crowd got even more exited and the commentator shouted the rules out saying " this is a death match so don't hesitate to kill your opponent, that's the only rule, NOW LET'S GET STARTED!!!".

The match started and as soon as Fugard drew his swords his opponent started laughing. Fugard got annoyed and asked "why are you laughing trash?" Josh then started getting closer to Fugard and said "use your swords to cut me but you wont get a satisfying result" Fugard got even more agitated and sliced Josh's head off but the head instantly grew back.

"see... I told you that you wouldn't get a satisfying result, physical attacks cannot kill me I will instantly regenerate from them no matter how deadly the attack is, now it's my turn to attack" - Josh


Josh then took out a glove and wore it. With this glove Josh is able to control the odds of the fight by lowering the chances of his opponent wining and increasing his own chances of wining. He then said "This is the end for you... I will kill you with one strike, you were just too arrogant". Fugard took a step back and said "people always get the wrong idea about my abilities... I don't rely on my swords for physical combat. I was just testing your abilities, the sword on my left hand can destroy any kind of power including your regeneration and the sword on my right can destroy your soul so you're the one that's arrogant here".