
Character Image

- The God-Emperor of Mankind

-Malcador the Sigillite

-Constantin Valdor

-Arik Taranis

- The Angel

- Uriah Olathaire

- Erda

-Amar Astarte

-Liona El'Jonson

-Aleixia Garvin



-Jaghata Khan

-Lemana Russ

-Rogala Dorn

-Konrada Curze


-Ferrusa Manus

-Kaliba Kraad


-Robouta Guilliman


-Magnusa the Red

-Horusa Lupercal



-Corvusa Corax

-Alpharia Omegia

-Other pictures of the Primarch

- The Shoggoth

- Aurora - MC and Erda's daughter - born in Interlude IV.

- Jenetia Krole


- Belisarius Cawl

- Ezekiel Sedayne

- Mag'ladroth aka Void Dragon

- Adept Seymon

- Leetu

- Fabius Bile


- Khorne



- Basilio Fo -dead, killed by Fabius Bile on MC's order in Chapter 19: Interlude (Small R-18)

- Durant Gerg - Chief astropath on Bucephalus

-Odin-1- Virtual intelligence which means it is not truly self-aware nor does it possess a personality in any way. Its sole purpose is to maintain human life in the cave cities or to serve its master.

-Ingethel- also known as Ingethel Ascended is the first demon enslaved by the MC during the attempted abduction of the Primarch on Luna. Since then, she has served as the Emperor's guinea pig to study the effect of order on the creatures of Chaos.

-Abaddon the Redeemer

-Korban the Eversacrifice

-Veris - An artificial intelligence captured during the fall of Ethnarchy. Now upgraded and protected from the Warp, she serves as the manager of the Imperial laboratory.

-Argel Tal - Captured and later executed during an attempted abduction of the young primarchs. His soul is bound to the Emperor's realm in the Warp. Maybe he'll get a chance to redeem himself in the future.

-The Plague Maiden - Versions of Isha corrupted by her captivity by Nurgle. Obtained via Jumpchain and Isha is currently busy trying to heal them and restore them to their old state. There are two versions due to double purchase.

-Archangel Diniel - One of the main angelic commanders. Led the cleaning of Colchis.

- Psychneuein queen - in MC's captivity. Captured by Amon on MC's instructions.

- Erlking

- Alesia - The main Aiccon as well as one of MC's main concubines.