
The Goblin King [By Storyteller]

This is the story of a woman named Liza Merrisu who die and reincarnated as a nameless baby male goblin. Through trial and hardship, slowly but surely Liza becomes stronger and fights her way becoming the Goblin King. This is a story I wrote on Wattpad, if you want read more or you want to see more art Goblin Liza than my Wattpad name is: StorytellerAnime2021

Sora_Gemini · Fantasie
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35 Chs

Chapter 27: Travel

"Master! Stop! That's enough!" Scarlett yelled.

Liza gazes at Scarlett with the eye of blood thirsty animal. Liza clenched her bow tightly with her hand while she held the head of a bear in the other.

"Master...? You're change behavior is very intimidating," Red mutters as he hid behind Scarlett.

Liza continued to gaze before she slowly walked up to Scarlett and Red while she dragged the bear behind her. Red tugged onto Scarlett's leg while Scarlett stood straight and tried to avoid eye contact.

"Do you really think so?" Liza said with a gentle voice.

"Yes!" yelled Red and Scarlett, cause Liza to lightly chuckle.

"I'm sorry, I guess I did get a bit carried away," Liza laughed, while Scarlett and Red sigh with relief.

After Liza calmed down from her laughter, she announce something important. "Now, since we stockpiled a ton of food. Let's actually begin our journey,"

"Yay!" Red cheered.

"Where are we heading to first, Master?" Scarlett asked, as her eye sparks with excitement.

"A near by town would be a good start, however, it would be difficult with Sally following along since her gigantic size," Liza exclaimed while she fed the bear to Sally.

"You're right, Sally would brings us too much attention if she came along," Scarlett said with a worried expression.

"But I don't want to leave Sally behind, she'll get lonely without us!" Red croaked.

"I know. We can't leave her here the woods, when she could most possibly burn something," Liza said before she got licked by Sally's lava like tongue.

'Lucky I'm in Salamander Mode right, or else I would be burned alive right now,' Liza thought.

"Master, I have a suggestion," Scarlett said as she raised up her hand.

Liza raised a brow. "What is it?"

"What if Red stays with Sally, while you and I can search around the town. Afterwards we can return to Red and Sally. Will that work?" Scarlett said.

"That... is actually a great idea," Liza replied.

"Truly?" Scarlett stuttered.

"I agree! I'll wait with Sally!" Red croaked happily.

After gathering their things, they went and searched for a the nearest town they could find.