
The Gladiator System

Hello this my second ever book so please dont be to harsh on the grammar errors and If you have recommendations please comment them

Nocorah · Fantasie
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10 Chs

The System

Kura eyes flickered as his body slowly came back to life. Kura opened his eyes to see a blinding light. Kura squinted his eyes though soon something else clouted his vision. A light blue screen appeared Infront of his view.

Kura reached out his hand trying to touch it though before he could even try alarms started blaring in the room. Kura then heard a voice slightly muffled coming from the corner of the room. Looking in that direction he saw a camera and speaker looking at him.

"Number 798 welcome back to the world of the living do not move until a guard is there to escort you out of the medical care field."

The voice continued to loop. Kura looked around in bewilderment before a splitting headache assaulted him. Clutching his head a quick metal door slammed down locking the door. The speaker played again a new recording.

"Number 798 I repeat do not move until a guard is there or else emergency action will be forced to be taken."

The message once again played on repeat. A flood of memories of his show flashed through his mind; mixed with a loud siren and a message playing on loop Kura felt like his head would explode any second. Kura thought about his situation before a smile crept on his face as a realization hit him.

He had survived the event. Kura sat and waited, and after about 10 minutes the sirens cut off and the door lifted to show guard though this one looked different. It was a much skinnier man. The man wore a simple suit and a mask that covered the upper half of his face. The mask was shaped in the form of a phoenixes face.

The man looked at Kura and opened his mouth before he heard a calm, collected, precise voice mixed with a tinge of disdain as if the task of escorting Kura was far below him. "Number 798 you passed the event. Though more importantly you showed a legacy ability. What is your background, or are you the first in your bloodline, and what is your last name."

Kura looked stunned a legacy ability? Kura had never had one he had tried multiple times to send out his mana in order to see if he had such abilities. Kura opened his mouth and said in a raspy voice. "I'm the first... I think, and I don't know my last name" The man frowned before looking down at a ring he had it was a demon holding a red orb.

After looking back at Kura he said "We will get back to that. You need to be caught up on a few things. First of all you are now a forgotten legacy congrats. You will therefor participate in legacy shows. Secondly you will stay with the forgotten legacies. You will get a few upgrades compared to your old life style such as health center visits, because nobody wants to see their favorite little jester die because of blood loss and not due to the hands of some beast."

Kura blinked then nodded along while walking down hallways he hadn't seen before. The hallways were much brighter, and cleaner. The wave of desperation wasn't there. If Kura didn't know better he would think he had made it out.

The man continued "Thirdly forgotten legacies can pick a partner to team up and do shows with. Afterall why settle with 1 on 1 matches when you could have 2 on 2. Finally you now have a much better chance to be chosen by legacy families so you might one day leave this place but you will forever be our jester no matter how hard you try."

The man continued walking as if nothing had been said. Kura's smile faded after the last sentence. 'I will always be the Ashen family's jester.' Kura subconsciously clenched his fist.

They continued to walk before stopping in front of a pair of golden doors that looked like a liquid but Kura could tell he had no chance of breaking it. The man put a hand on the door, and as if on cue the doors slid open.

Kura saw many people inside. These people looked much more nourished and healthy. The room was well lit and much more talkative than the warriors resting area. Kura notice many different people though they all seemed split up into obvious groups except for one man. His hair was blonde and a wicked smile was on his face as he stared at Kura.

The man then said with a sadistic smile "Good luck in your next show Berserker." Kura felt a chill run down his spine as he was shoved into the room.

As Kura looked around he noticed practically all eyes were on him as if trying to pierce through his body and stare at his soul. Kura shuttered but didn't say a word as he walked to a corner and sat down.

Kura tried to focus and recollect everything as he remembered the light blue screen. He had no idea what it was or if he had simply imagined it. Though as if on command the light blue screen appeared in front of him again with a multitude of words written all over it.

Kura had a prehensive smile as a thought entered his mind 'I must have gone insane. I probably died in the arena and now I'm hallucinating.' Kura examined the screen more carfuly.

[System booting 95%]

[System syncing 84%]

[System scanning 100%]

Kura stared at this trying to pick head from tails of this. Kura waited a while as the numbers slowly rose up to 100%. The screen suddenly changed drastically. The screen became about two times bigger popping up with a lot more information.

[System stats]

Owner: Kura ???

Level: 1

Age: 14

Height: 5'5

Titles: 798 affects N/A, Berserker affects N/A

Abilities: Rage

Strength: 5

Agility: 4

Defense: 6

Mana: 10

Malice: 10

Stat points: 0

EXP: 0/1000

Kura squinted his eyes as he looked at abilities focusing on Rage. As if on command the screen changed

[Ability Rage]

Rage is a power in which the user nullifies all pain felt until rage is over. Rage adds malice to damage for as long as the user has Mana. Mana equals 10 seconds.



Kura blinked a couple times before trying to activate it. Kura felt as if a deep power was welling up until suddenly a new screen appeared.

[Activation failed]

Kura blinked before thinking to himself 'Why give me the option to activate it if its just going to fail.'

Kura annoyed looked away with from the screen to his right just to be horrified. In front of him was the blonde man staring at him.

Kura shouted "What the hell! Who are you and why are you staring at me like a creep?"

The man only smiled before saying "sorry I was simply curious as to what could have you in such a trance."

Kura still mad huffed saying "you forgot to tell me who the hell you are."

The man still smiled saying "I'm Calot Jurdel, but the crowd calls me the invisible strike"

Authors note: Thank you to all who collect my book and to Radai_Valenciana for gifting four power stones it truly means a lot to me.