
The Girl Who Ran

A girl that didn't know what to do so she ran away from her problems, literally.

Raven_Lynn · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

I'm walking in the forest.

My favorite place acctually.

It's peaceful here and, it's the only place I feel sain.

I hum and pick flowers. "So pretty" I tell


Then I hear a rustle in the leaves.

"Who's there?" I ask.


"I have knife!" I scream.

I pull out my knife.

Then it falls outta my hand as I feel someone put there hand over my mouth.

"Someones jumpy" Chester chuckles.

"Ugh" I say and push him off of me.

He laughs at me "that was funny" he says.

"No it wasn't you need to stop sneaking up on people." I tell him.

He chuckles "okay okay I'm sorry" he says hugging me.

I roll my eyes at him.

"You are forgiven." I tell him.

He chuckles and kisses my cheek.

I smile at him.

Chester is my best friend

He's been with me ever sence I was little.

He's always watched out for me.

He's never left my side.

Yet I don't see how I can love someone so childish.

"So what do you wanna do today" he says.

"What? oh. Well I gotta go back home Ches

and I'm late. Dammit I'm gonna be in trouble."

I say getting everything together.

I run back home and walk in.

"Where have you been Alice?!" My father screams at me.

"I was just out for a walk father." I tell him.

"You aren't suppose to go anywhere with the condition you have. Your a abomination.

Do you not understand that?" he says in a harsh tone.

I nod and go to my room.

"You're not an abomination" Chester says appering on bed.

I just shake my head.

He hugs me "let's run away.Just you me and the wind. It'll be better and we won't have to worry-" I interupt Ches.

"No I can't and he's right Chester. I am an abomination." I tell and let my anger take over as my eyes turn white.

"That would mean I'm an abomination." he says.

He turns invisible were I can't see him.

"Your not though." I tell him.

He appears again behind me and hugs me.

"Exactly and your not either we're just not normal and they don't like that" he says and I nod and start to pack.