
The Girl Who Makes Mistakes

Keya is a classy but clumsy girl who makes a lot of mistakes. Her life changes when a person enters her life.Who is he? Will Keya be able to figure out what she wants in life and how can she overcome her mess? Through love,heartbreaks,failures and success,let's go on a twisted ride with Keya...

Plabin_Bisi · Teenager
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14 Chs

Chapter 13 [Kiaan and Melissa]

Kiaan and Melissa are sitting by the lake with Melissa laying her head on Kiaan's shoulders.

Kiaan was staring deep into the lakes. Breeze was very light that day.

Melissa was gently relaxing playing with a twig.

Melissa's gorgeous hairs emitted a captivating scent and the flowers nearby were making the scene more fragrant.

The laziness of the atmosphere made both of them numb.

If someone spotted them from afar, one would definitely think that a romantic couple is enjoying each other's company.

Melissa looked towards Kiaan and saw the sadness in his eyes.

There was a certain melancholy in his eyes, he looked hollow deep inside.

Trying to break the silence, Melissa inquired, "What happened?"

Kiaan came out of his thoughts and looked towards Melissa dumfounded.

Melissa- "Is anything going up in your mind? You can share if you like."

Kiaan became silent once again.

Seeing him silent, Melissa easily guessed the reason of his silence 'Keya'.

Melissa- "Is it about Keya?"

Kiaan- "She has been busy lately and I am not able to get in touch with her. Maybe I should visit her sometime later."

Melissa- "If she is not concerned about you, why are you worrying about her?"

Kiaan- "Because she is my friend, Melissa"

Melissa was very hurt and upset.

She tried lightening Kiaan's mood. She held his face with her delicate hands and said, "Do you not care for me?"

Kiaan fell short of words.

Melissa- "You know I love you, right?"

Kiaan- "Hey, we are just friends. I was joking around and I don't think you should take this serious."

Melissa felt disheartened. "Do you consider me as a substitute, Kiaan?"

Kiaan- "I never have. You can never be her substitute at least."

Melissa- "She does not deserve you."

Kiaan- "And do you deserve me?"

This was like a tight slap on Melissa's face. She stared at Kiaan with her watery eyes.

In the mean-time Kiaan's cell phone started ringing.

It was Keya. Light sparkled through Kiaan's eyes. He immediately picked up the call and did not care to look at Melissa who felt avoided.

Kiaan- "Hey, long time, no see."

Keya- "Yeah, I was caught up in some work. How have you been?"

Kiaan- "I am good. Just was missing you."

There was an awkward silence over the call.

Kiaan- "Do you think we can meet today?"

Keya- "Yeah, I was just about to say this."

Kiaan- "Then at 6 PM, at the café?"

Keya- "Sure, shall be waiting."

Kiaan smiled and left without even saying good bye to Melissa.

Melissa stared at Kiaan's back dejectedly.

She looked down at the grass below. Everything became blurry. Tears filled her eyes.

She sat down on the grass crying her heart out. Her weeps were not listened to.

She screamed loudly then looked towards the way Kiaan left and sweared angrily, "I will make you repent for this."

Hatred filled her heart and soul. She clutched her palms and shaked in anger.

Kiaan excitedly left but was anxious at the same time.

He was concerned about Keya and why she has been dodging him for so long days. He got tensed thinking if Keya is fine.

He got to the cafe early. It was still 5 o'clock. He was becoming more and more anxious.

Finally at 6 Keya arrived with Trayi and Ranya.

Kiaan wore a huge smile which soon disappeared looking at Trayi and Ranya.

Trayi and Ranya greeted Kiaan with a warm smile. Kiaan gave a constipated smile and looked at Keya.

Kiaan- "Where were you these days?"

Trayi and Ranya- "Yes we tried contacting you."

Seeing their confused expression, Keya explained them everything.

After listening to everything, everyone felt sad for Neysa but Kiaan also felt jealous because of Divit and his role in protecting the sisters.

Kiaan inexplicably looked at his coffee mug.

"You never mentioned anything about this Divit guy before."

Keya was caught off-guard. Her face became red on mentioning Divit.

"Yeah, he is just a friend I met some days ago."

"You met him some days ago and he knows everything about Neysa, her boyfriend and you."

Keya felt as if she has been caught red-handed. Trayi and Ranya knew about Divit but they did not want to interfere so they kept quiet.

Judging by their behaviour, Kiaan was sure that Trayi and Ranya also knew about Divit except for him.

"Wow, you both also knew about Divit except for me!"

"We just knew that Divit is Keya's friend."

Trayi explained," I have no idea how does he know about Neysa and her boyfriend."

Ranya blabbered," Man, is he a stalker or something? He always saves you when you are in danger."

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't he save you from Conrad at school."

Kiaan was confused.

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, you don't know?"

"Conrad tried kissing Keya the other day and locked them alone in the class. Thankfully Divit came just in time."

Kiaan was shocked. So many things have happened and no one cared to inform him anything.

He was furious at Conrad. He regretted not being able to punch him hard on the face.

Keya knew it was not right for her to keep things from Kiaan.

"These days were really messed up and I totally forgot about informing you."

"But you did not forget to inform Divit, did you?"

"He was present at that moment."

"Yeah, I am sorry I overreacted."

Kiaan felt bad about his behaviour and hugged Keya.

"Next time when you face any sort of problem, first come to me. I do not know who is safe for you anymore."

"Yes, I will definitely." Keya smiled and hugged him back.