
How It All Started

There used to be a girl that was just 15 years old she had long beautiful brunette hair and clear skin with shiny Grey eyes she used to be skinny but kind of chubby on the outside she was confident and beautiful and nice but on the inside she used to be insecure she thought she looked gat she at lest so she wouldn't gain weight and she hated hereself most of the time (Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover) she had a great family that loved her too until she started to feel tired,sick,and even like not being able to breath.....

so the next time she went for her doctor's check up and she told them the symptoms and what has been going on they took a blood test just to check if there is something going on in her body system and it turns out she had stage three lung cancer that's why she felt tired and couldn't breath and after a few months she started to lose her long beautiful brunette hair that she grew and loved very much started to fall out she would cry herself to sleep a lot of nights the other nights that she didn't cry herself to sleep was when she started thinking of ways to live life to the fullest she had great ideas about what she was gonna do and what she was gonna try new things like new food, new clothes, new things and so much more....

After her beautiful brunette hair started to fall out she had to cute her hair shorter and shorter everytime so when almost all her beautiful hair fell out she went to a wig store she saw a brunette hair wig but than she told herself "I wanna try something different from before" so than she went and picked a blond hair wig and she liked it even more than her old brunette hair that she loved very much so she paid for the wig went and bought a beautiful sunflower dress that went well with her blonde hair she went to a theme park with her friends Elizabeth and Mckenzie they were best friends since they were in kindergarten they supported her when she lost her hair and when she was sick and tired they were always there for her so was her family her mom and her brother Mike.....


BOBApolarbearcreators' thoughts