
Chapter 2 "Unexpectedly"

The next day I woke up rather pretty early, after a few seconds of staring blankly at the ceiling trying to decide whether I would just stay in bed or get up, ultimatelyI decided to just get my butt off the bed.

I sat up at my bed, grabbed my phone to check the time. As I opened my phone it blinded me for a short while, my eyes finally adjusted to the bright light. I saw that it was still 3:40 in the morning.

I had the idea of going back to sleep but the problem was that I wasn't sleepy anymore. Next thing I did is that I went downstairs and into the kitchen to drink some water and came to a decision to kill a bit of time by watching television as I did just that I watched a few episodes of my favorite show, after I finished the 10th episode I glanced at the clock to see the time, the clock hand strikes at 4:30 then I decided to kill the TV and got myself ready.

Usually at this time mom and dad are up and about and making noise downstairs. I guess working overtime really burned them up, after realizing that they won't be up till later I decided to make breakfast on my own.

While I was still eating my mind came up with an amazing idea that I should go to school this early since there aren't a lot of people walking in the streets at 5:00 in the morning, as I finished my breakfast I immediately stood up and took my bag with me, Opened the door as quietly as I can to avoid disturbing them.

And a cool breeze welcomed me that sent shivers down my spine, I departed towards the gate and made a sharp screeching sound as I opened it. but when I tried to close it, it didn't make a single sound, I then began my descent towards the streets, towards the school since school buses are not yet active at this time of the day and I'm just glad that our home is close to school so walking wouldn't take much of my time and I will still arrive at school without that much students walking about....

A few minutes later I arrived at school and I was right. There weren't a lot of students walking and it was really peaceful. After admiring the tranquility of the school I went inside the building and proceeded to my locker to stash my things inside, after I finished putting all of my unnecessary load onto my locker I went straight to the classroom.

As I opened the door I was surprised that someone was there. At first I thought it was just the Janitor but as I entered the room I could see that it was not the janitor at all. But instead it was Katherine sitting at her desk reading a book.

I was confused to see her this early in the morning she seemed so engrossed at her book because she didn't notice me entering the room she only noticed me when I stumbled at the nearby table "crap" I muttered and Katherine was looking at me with a bewildered expression. And as if she already found the answer she smiled and said "Good morning Tom" and I replied "yeah morning.....", I sat at my table which was located near hers an awkward silence filled the air between us when Katherine finally slammed the book closed and asked me" by the way Tom why are you here this early in the morning?" she looked at me with those beautiful green eyes of hers which was kind of hard to maintain eye contact with. I said while pulling my bangs out of my forehead "maybe I should be the one asking that?" Katherine sighed and said "Well I just want to be the first one to arrive at the classroom "she said sarcastically and then her smile faded.

" Actually....I just want some time to myself I mean the attention doesn't bother me but sometimes it just annoys me"

I was shocked when she said those words because I always thought she was like all the other girls who crave attention like Jessica. But I can see that she just wants to be an ordinary girl, not to be one of the popular ones.

"So how 'bout you Tom why are you here so early in the morning hmm? "

that cute smile of hers returned and I just couldn't help myself but blush. When I spoke I kind of stammered on my words "Uhh... ummm... I ...uh" she then laughed at me and it made me blush even more and I was sure that I kind of look like a tomato right now i'm just glad that there's no one else, then Katherine said "you know what Tom your cute despite being a loner you can be sometimes funny" she smiled and then I wasn't able to say a word I just tore my gaze away from her and pulled up my hoodie up to my face so that she wouldn't see how red I am from that comment of hers I mean me? cute? That's the first time anyone said that to me and then Katherine just laughed it off and continued reading her book...…

After a few minutes class will start students are now occupying the halls and going in and out into their first period of classes. As soon as Mr. Garrison arrived class immediately started...… After an hour I was done with English and I was glad that English was done because I kept thinking about the words that Katherine said to me.

But every time I think about it I always get flustered and I lose focus on my studies; so my second period is science and was taught by Ms. Chen, in her class I kind of like don't participate often even though I know the answer cause I don't want to attract attention by looking smart. I already know what's gonna happen if my classmates knew I was this smart at science they would approach me and say "Hey Tom can you help us with our assignments etc. "something like that and it's really annoying so yeah better if I lay low rather than do favors for others.....

It's now finally lunchtime. Usually students hang out in the cafeteria with their friends forming a group between tables talking and laughing and making noises but for me I take my lunch behind the school building.

Where it's really quiet and no one usually hangs out there. So without wasting any precious time I dashed towards my sanctuary which is at the back of the school. Once I arrived someone was already there. I was reluctant to approach the mysterious figure but as I got closer I can see that it was a girl and that she was crying. When I moved closer I can see that it was Katherine crying all alone without anyone to comfort her. I obliged myself to just leave her but it seems kind of wrong to leave a girl crying.

I got frustrated and annoyed by my decision. I approached Katherine slowly and sat right next to her, she was surprised to see me and immediately Katherine wiped away her tears. then I said

"uhh hey what's wrong? wha- what happened?" then Katherine replied with her head still looking down the pavement without making eye contact

" oh its nothing Tom, really it's nothing sorry to bother you" she looked at me with a smile but that smile of hers was different from the ones she showed me, this smile....was full of agony and pain

"Are you sure that it's nothing? Because from the looks of it you don't look okay I mean what are you doing her all alone and crying?"

Then Katherine said "how bout' you Tom? what are you doing here?"

" Well Katherine you see...uhh this is kind of like my hideout to escape from people I guess from your question I think you still don't know that I'm the social reject in our class.....so this place is somewhat my Sanctuary"

"Oh uhh I'm sorry that I bothered you, I think I'll just leave..."

Katherine stood up after uttering her words and when she started to leave I acted out on impulse and grabbed her arm, Katherine looked at me with confusion and I said

"Hey....you can stay her if you want I- I don't really mind and if you want to vent out your frustrations and anger I'm here to listen"

Katherine stood there in a daze and in a short while she began to cry again she fell onto her knees and I helped her get up and placed her near the bench. Then Katherine started talking

"its*sobs*it's just that its really hard I mean moving from place to place was a norm for me but this year I can finally be a normal student finish my school year without moving and I can finally have best friends I can count on and lean on and to hangout with, just when I thought that I finally have friends I managed to hear them talking about me, talking how they're just being "friends" with me because of my social status and..... I- I just stood there in shock and found myself running to this place and then..."

Katherine began to tear up even more and I was like 'is it my job to comfort her? Why am I in this position? What did I do to receive this kind of punishment? All I want to to do is EAT MY LUNCH IN PEACE'

But of course I couldn't say that out loud or I'll just make things even worse, I then gave Katherine a few words of advice since....I've also been in a similar situation as this…

"so Katherine umm maybe next time you shouldn't trust people that easily.....I mean yeah you can have lots of friends but what I mean is that you should choose them carefully since people are just....greedy and selfish it's our nature. There are only a handful of people out there who don't have any ulterior motives. And think about other people rather than themselves, those people are the ones you can truly trust but even though they are like that you cannot hide the fact that maybe it was just a mask to cover their true hideous faces....."

Katherine finally calmed down and stopped crying she then looked at me and said

"Tom...thank you for being here with me"

she smiled at me although that smile wasn't full of hurt but rather full of relief, relief that she had found a friend who she can trust

"You shouldn't be thanking me it was just a coincidence that both of us bumped into each other in this place so there is no need to thank me"

After I finished talking, Katherine suddenly put her head on my shoulder and I guess that was also the first time I truly saw the true Katherine, a fragile girl who hides all her pain behind that smile of hers I was glad that I was here to help her , I was glad that we bumped into each other and I hate to say this but... I'm truly glad that I met her..