
The girl of my dreams

great_mbara · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Ep1: the beginning

What is love ? Love is a strong feeling you have for someone or something, then how do you fall in love and how do you even know that what you're feeling is really love. I have asked a million people and have gotten a million different answers, does anyone even know what love is or does love have a different meaning for everyone. this is a story about a boy who is in love with a girl that doesn't even know he exist but is willing to do the impossible to make her his.

Africa the homeland of the black man, this is a continent filled with different tribes and cultures but they all have one thing in common ?....being black.

This story takes us to the land of Nigeria in a city called Lagos. Lagos the city that never sleeps, everyone in Nigeria knows if you want to have fun or have a good time

You go to Lagos. In this city there you will find little old me (Great) the boy who sleeps in the city that never sleeps, you could say I was kind of a loser if you want to use that word but to be honest it wasn't really my fault I turned out this way if you were raised in my family.

You could say my family was (unique) if you understand what I mean, we weren't rich but we weren't also poor and I wish I could say we were happy but we weren't that too. You might be confused by what I mean by unique so let me explain: you have my father who is self-centered then my mother is who is a crazy Christian and when I say crazy I mean crazy in the lord then you have my sisters who are like cat and dog, they are always fighting even when what they're fighting about doesn't make sense

Then you have me the dreamer who want's more from life but in reality he is kind of a loser but still has big dreams, so that's my family guys the family I love and despise.

Having a family like mine in reality you try to escape from the real world and how i do that is through day dreaming about the car of my dreams, house of my dreams and most of all @jodiewoods  the girl of my dreams.

Jodiewoods the most beautiful girl on earth, it's like God just created an angel in human form, I am so in love with this girl that I could die just by being near her but the problem was that she's in America and am in Africa but I refuse to let distance stop me from meeting the girl I love so that was when I decided to go to America but question now is HOW.